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108 學年度第二學期



June 23, 2020 (Tuesday)

19:00 ~ 21:00

姓名: 學號:


˙第 1 題至第 6 題為多選題,每題六分,多選或少選擇一個選項
˙第 7 題至第 22 題為單選題,每題四分。



R = 8.314 J/mol·K = 0.0821 L·atm/K·mol; Avogadro’s number = 6.022×1023
For Question 1~6, there may be more than one correct

1. Which of the following statements are true?
(A) For any spontaneous process, Suniv and S must be positive.
(B) As water is heated, its pH decreases. This means that: [H+] > [OH–].
(C) Value of the equilibrium constant, K, is dependent on: temperature of the system and
phases of the reactants and the products.
(D) For any galvanic cell to operate, ∆G° must be negative, and E° must be positive.
(E) For any operating concentration cell, E° must be zero, and E must be positive.
2. Krypton (Kr) consists of several radioactive isotopes, some of which are listed in the following
table, which of the statement are true?
Isotope Half-Life
Krypton-73 (73Kr) 27 s
Krypton-74 (74Kr) 11.5 min
Krypton-76 ( Kr) 14.8 h
Krypton-81 ( Kr) 2.1 105 yr
(A) 81Kr is the most stable isotope.
(B) 74Kr is the hottest isotope.
(C) It will take about 23 minutes for a Krypton-74 sample of 3 g to decompose to 0.75 g.
(D) 76Kr nucleus has a rate constant about 0.047 h–1.
(E) 76Br is formed by  emission from 76Kr.
3. Consider this gas phase equilibrium system:
PCl5(g) PCl3(g) + Cl2(g) Hº = +87.8 kJ mol1
Which of the following statements are true?
(A) Increasing the system volume shifts the equilibrium to the right.
(B) Increasing the temperature shifts the equilibrium to the right.
(C) A catalyst speeds up the approach to equilibrium and shifts the position of equilibrium to
the right.
(D) Decreasing the total pressure of the system shifts the equilibrium to the left.
(E) Increasing the temperature causes the equilibrium constant to increase.
4. Which of the following statements are true?
(A) Sulfuryl chloride, SO2Cl2(g), decomposes at high temperature to form SO2(g) and Cl2(g).
If the rate constant at a certain temperature is 4.68  105 s1, the order of the reaction is
(B) A catalyst lowers the activation energy but does not affect the mechanism of a reaction.
(C) All Lewis acids contain at least one proton.
(D) If a strong acid such as HCl is diluted sufficiently with water, the pH will be higher than 7.
(E) A buried iron pipe can be protected against corrosion by connecting it to a rod of
magnesium (Mg).

5. Consider the galvanic cell shown below (the contents of each half-cell are written beneath
each compartment), the cell reaction is:
2VO2+(aq) + 4H+(aq) + Zn(s)  2VO2+(aq) + H2O(l) + Zn2+(aq)

Pt Zn

0.01 M VO2+ 0.10 M Zn2+

2.0 M VO2+
0.5 M H+
The standard reduction potentials are as follows:
VO2+ + 2H+ + e → VO2+ + H2O Eo = 1.00 V
Zn2+ + 2e → Zn Eo = 0.76V
Which of the following statements are true?
(The Nernst Equation : E = Eo – (0.059/n) log(Q))
(A) The value of E° for this cell is 1.76 V.
(B) The value of E for this cell is 1.89 V at 25°C.
(C) The electrode in the VO2+/VO2+ compartment is an inert Pt conductor and functions as
the cathode.
(D) Reduction occurs at the Pt electrode.
(E) Electrons flow from the Pt electrode to the Zn electrode.
6. Which of the following yields an acidic solution when dissolved in water?
(A) NH4C2H3O2 (B) Na2O (C) P4O10 (D) NaCN (E) Al2(SO4)3
(Ka for NH4+ = 5.6 1010, Kb for C2H3O2 = 5.6 1010, Ka for Al(H2O)63+ = 1.4  105,
Kb for SO42 = 8.3 1013)

For Questions 7~22, each question has only one correct

7. The rate expression for a particular reaction is Rate = k[A][B]2. If the initial concentration of B
is increased from 0.1 M to 0.4 M, the initial rate will increase by which of the following factors
(A) 3 (B) 27 (C) 9 (D) 16 (E) none of these
8. The nuclide Pb-210 undergoes three successive decays (,  and , respectively) to form a stable
nuclide. What are the three nuclides which form from Pb-210 in this decay series?
(A) Tl-210, Au-206, Pt-206 (B) Bi-210, Tl-206, Pb-206 (C) Pb-209, Hg-205, Hg-204
(D) Bi-210, Pb-206, Bi-206 (E) none of these.
9. If one starts with pure NO2(g) at a pressure of 0.500 atm, the total pressure inside the reaction
vessel when 2NO2(g) 2NO(g) + O2(g) reaches equilibrium is 0.674 atm. Calculate the
equilibrium partial pressure (atm) of NO2.
(A) 0.152 (B) 0.174 (C) 0.200 (D) 0.326
(E) The pressure cannot be calculated because Kp is not given
10. Calculate the solubility (mol/L) of solid CaF2 (Ksp = 4.0  1011) in a 0.05 M NaF solution?
(A) 6.4  108 (B) 1.6  1010 (C) 1.6  108 (D) 1.6  106 (E) none of these

11. Identify the conjugate base of HCO3
(A) H2CO3 (B) CO32– (C) OH– (D) CO2 (E) none of these
12. Kw for the auto-ionization of water, H2O(l)  H+(aq) + OH–(aq), is 1.0  1014. What are the
signs (+/–) of S° and H° for the reaction at 25°C?
(A) S° = () and H° = () (B) S° = (–) and H° = (+) (C) S° = (+) and H° = (–)
(D) S° = (+) and H° = (+) (E) none of these
13. Calculate the pOH of a 12.7 M H3PO4 solution?
(Ka1 = 7.5 103, Ka2 = 6.2 108, Ka3 = 4.8  1013 for H3PO4)
(A) 10.7 (B) 11.9 (C) 12.4 (D) 13.5 (E) none of these
14. A voltaic cell is prepared using copper and silver. Its cell notation is shown below.
Cu(s) | Cu2+(aq) || Ag+(aq) | Ag(s)
Which of the following processes occurs at the cathode?
(A) Cu2+(aq) + 2e–  Cu(s) (B) Cu2+(aq) + 2e–  Cu(s) (C) Ag(s)  Ag+(aq) + e–
(D) Ag+(aq) + e–  Ag(s) (E) none of these
28 29 30 27
15. The isotopes 14 Si, 14 Si, and 14 Si are all stable, while 14 Si is radioactive. The mode of decay for

14 Si is most likely to be

(A) positron decay (B)  decay (C)  decay (D)  decay (E) electron capture.
16. The solubility of calcium chromate (CaCrO4) is 1.56  10–3 g/100 mL of solution. What is the
Ksp for CaCrO4? (Mw (CaCrO4) = 156 g/mol)
(A) 2.4  10–4 (B) 1.5  10–5 (C) 7.6  10–6 (D) 1.0  10–8 (E) none of these
17. Sulfuryl dichloride is formed when sulfur dioxide reacts with chlorine. The data refer to 298 K
SO2(g) + Cl2(g)  SO2Cl2(g)
Substance: SO2(g) Cl2(g) SO2Cl2(g)
H°f (kJ/mol): –296.8 0 –364.0
S° (J/Kmol): 248.2 223.0 311.9
What is the value of G° (kJ/mol) for this reaction at 298 K? ( G = H  T S )
(A) 10.7 (B) 19.7 (C) 12.4 (D) 13.5 (E) none of these
18. The decomposition of N2O5 in the gas phase was studied at constant temperature.
2N2O5(g) g+ O2(g)
When ln[N2O5] is plotted vs. time (t) , a straight line with slope of –0.42 min–1 results. What is
the rate law for the reaction?
(A) Rate = 0.42 min–1 [N2O5]2 (B) Rate = 0.42 min–1 [N2O5] (C) Rate = 0.84 min–1 [N2O5]2
(D) Rate = 0.42 min–1 [N2O5]0 (E) none of these
19. A voltaic cell has a standard cell potential equal to 0.86 V. If the standard electrode (reduction)
potential for the anode is –0.12 V, what is the standard electrode potential (V) for the cathode?
(A) 0.74 (B) 0.98 (C) 0.74 (D) 0.98 (E) none of these
20. Select the strongest acid from the following list.
(A) HBrO (B) HBrO2 (C) HBrO3 (D) HClO3 (E) HClO2
21. Given that the Ka for HIO is 2.3  10 , calculate the K value for the reaction of HIO with OH.

(Kw = 1.0  1014)

(A) 2.3  103 (B) 4.3  104 (C) 2.3  103 (D) 2.3  1025 (E) none of these
22. A solution is 1x10–4 M in NaF, Na2S, and Na3PO4. What would be the order of precipitation as a
source of Pb2+ is added gradually to the solution? I=PbF2(s); II=PbS(s); III=Pb3(PO4)2(s)
Ksp(PbF2) =4 x 108 Ksp(PbS)= 7×10–29 Ksp(Pb3(PO4)2) = 1 x1054
(A) I form first and II form last (B) I form first and III form last
(C) II form first and I form last (D) II form first and III form last (E) none of these

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