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Nguyễn Quốc Khánh


One way to make comparisons is to compare yourself with your own past performance. Discuss a time
you did this. Could this example be described as an “upward” or “downward” comparison? How did this
type of comparison affect you?

Once a day each month, I will go outside, let the sunlight shine on my skin, let the wind go through all of
my body, let my eyes see but not watch and empty my mind. After that, pick a good coffee shop, not too
loud but still have people around to let me know that I'm still on earth. I choose my favourite coffee, a
White, and take a cigarette. When all the things are alright, I start to think and I talk to myself. Most of
the time, the first question I will ask myself is “Are you better than last month”. Doesn’t matter what the
answer is, the next question is “Why do you think so”. So, I know it is kind of hard to let my audience
understand what I'm trying to express. Therefore, I will explain it by an example. On 1st August 2023, like
usual, I asked myself “Are you better than last month” and the answer I gave to myself was “ No”. I
explained that. It has been 3 months since I became a dissolute guy. I don’t care about university, my
future, or my life. Everyday, I started with a Heniken, ate breakfast and went to the billiard club. I was
absent almost every day that I had to perform in class. I Had just woken up by my girlfriend, she said that
I change, I change so much that now she is not sure if I am the one she used to love. I think, the time i let
myself or someone are my close-knits compare me with my own past help me not to lost the right way.

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