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Corona virus (COVID-19) Guidance

Roles that cannot be completed remotely

There are some roles that cannot be completed without a person being present, either in the
field or office or at a customer’s site to maintain our critical systems. When making the decision
on what to do, questions 1 and 2 must be asked and answered:

1) Assess the role for criticality:

- Does the task need to be done to ensure continuity of critical networks?
- Can it be completed remotely?
- Can the times of the activity be altered to create distance (avoiding others)?

2) Risk assess the role from a COVID-19 perspective:

- What human to human contact does it require? Is it work in a public area or
work in a private property with limited access (look at the time of day when the
task will be done)?
- What is the transport method related to the task – personal or public transport
(personal transport will minimize contact)?

3) Remind everyone of the importance of basic hygiene and social distancing

- Good basic hygiene will prevent the spread of the virus and your contact with
the virus
- Wash your hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds,
- Cover your nose and mouth with a tissue when you cough or sneeze, then
throw the tissue in the trash.
- Avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth with unwashed hands
- Provide those that do not have access to fixed washing facilities with hand
- Advise all team members about social distancing – requires supervisors to
remind teams daily
- Do not share food or water and keep the social distancing process in place
even during breaks

4) Be rigorous in applying COVID-19 controls in teams:

- Anyone with symptoms stays at home
- Anyone who has been to an “affected area” (example: site that has had a
known COVID-19 case) must self-isolate for a period of 14 days

5) Apply the personal risk questions:

- Do you have any underlying health conditions that places you at higher risk?
- Do any of your close family members have any underlying health conditions
that place them at higher risk?
- Would it be a problem for you to be in self-isolation for 14 days?

6) Implement a non-punitive “refusal to work process” for those that believe they are at
high personal risk and therefore wish to suspend working for a period of time

There are roles that will can not be done remotely, implementation of the guidelines above
will reduce the risk and keep people safe.
Additional controls may be required to comply with country legislation, these should be
incorporated into the market / country guidance for roles that can not be done remotely

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