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Impact of the process of isolating humic acids from peat on their properties

Article in Canadian Journal of Civil Engineering · February 2009

DOI: 10.1139/S08-052


8 104

4 authors, including:

Janis Sire Maris Klavins

University of Latvia University of Latvia


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Impact of the process of isolating humic acids

from peat on their properties1

..., Janis Sire, Maris Klavins, Juris Kreismanis, and Santa Jansone

Abstract: Humic substances (HS) can be isolated in preparative quantities from low rank: coal, peat, and soil. Tradition­
ally, treatment with solutions of NaOH, KOH, or metal salts (~207) has been used for their isolation. The aim of this ar­
ticle is to study the effectiveness of different technologies in extracting HS from peat as well as the impact of the different
extractive technologies on the properties of the isolated HS. Yields of HS depend very much on the extraction process (ex­
tractant, temperature, pretreatment procedures, solvent, mixing intensity); however, the properties of the substances ob­
tained (molecular mass, number of functional groups, spectral characteristics) differ significantly. Yields of HS can be
associated with the degree of destruction of the peat fibres and intensive destruction technologies provide opportunities to
obtain HS from peat in higher yields than traditional extraction methods. However, during the extraction process, signifi­
cant degradation of the humic molecules takes place.
Key words: extraction, humic substances, peat, properties.
Resume : Les substances humiques peuvent etre isolees en quantites suffisantes pour les essais apartir de charbon de rang
bas, de tourbe et de sol. Habituellement, pour les isoler, elles sont traitees au moyen de solutions de NaOH, KOH ou de
sels metalliques (KiP207). Le but de cet article est d'etudier l'efficacite de differentes technologies pour l'extraction de
substances humiques de la tourbe ainsi que leur impact sur les proprietes des substances humiques isolees. Les quantites
obtenues de substances humiques dependent beaucoup du procede d'extraction (agent d'extraction, temperature, procedures
de pretraitement, solvant, intensite de mixage); toutefois, les proprietes des substances obtenues (masse moleculaire, nom­
bre de groupes fonctionnels, caracteristiques spectrales) different de maniere importante. Les quantites obtenues de subs­
tances humiques peuvent etre associees au niveau de destruction des fibres de tourbes; les technologies de destruction
intensive fournissent des occasions d'obtenir de plus grandes quantites de substances humiques de la tourbe que les metho­
des d'extraction conventionnelles. Les molecules humiques sont toutefois degradees de maniere significative durant Ie pro­
cessus d'extraction.
Mots-eMs : extraction, substances humiques, tourbe, proprietes.
[Traduit par la Redaction]

Introduction tion of HS from their potential sources requires intensive

treatment. Extraction with NaOH and KOH at elevated tem­
Humic substances (HS) are a general category of naturally peratures has been used most widely (Martin-Neto et a1.
occurring, biogenic, heterogeneous organic substances that 2001; Ran et a1. 2002; Ferreira et al. 2002), although other
can be characterized as being yellow to black in color, of extractants have also been used (Senesi and Sipos 1985). To
high molecular weight, and refractory (Iqavil}s 1998). HS increase yields, stirring and repeated treatment of the source
are an abundant ingredient in aquatic and soil organic matter material is employed (Moreda-Pifieiro et a1. 2004), including
as well as in sedimentary (sapropel, gyttja) and fossil depos­ chemical oxidation with potassium carbonate and maintain­
its (peat and brown coal). Sedimentary and fossil carbon­ ing a stable extraction temperature or changing the temper­
containing deposits are a significant source of HS. Extrac­ ature during the extraction process. One study investigated
Received 14 September 2007. Revision accepted 14 September
extractions using the same extractant, but different sources
2008. Published on the NRC Research Press Web site at of HS (Anaya-Olvera 2004). Optimization of the extraction on 13 February 2009. procedure of HS from peat is important, considering the
growing interest in industrial production.
J. Sire, M. Klavins,2.3 J. Kreismanis,4 and S. Jansone.4 Yields of HS often are low, with degradation occurring
Department of Environmental Sciences, University of Latvia, 19
Raina Blvd, LV 1586 Riga, Latvia.
during the extraction process and voluminous wastes being
formed. Usually the properties of isolated industrially pro­
Written discussion of this article is welcomed and will be duced materials have not been well described and analysed,
received by the Editor until 30 June 2009. especially in comparison with reference HS.
lA paper submitted to the Journal of Environmental Engineering
Recently several technologies have been developed that
and Science. suggest industrially-relevant approaches to increase the
2Corresponding author (e-mail: treatment intensity of the extraction process, but also add
3Present address: 10 Alberts Str., LV 1010, Riga, Latvia. chemical and physical impacts and support a continuous ex­
4Present address: Faculty of Chemistry, University of Latvia, 19 traction process (Lin and Yen 1993; Mason et al. 2004; Go­
Raina Blvd., LV 1586, Riga, Latvia. gate et al. 2006). Among prospective technologies for the

Can. J. Civ. Eng. 36: 345-355 (2009) doi: 10. 1139/S08-052 Published by NRC Research Press
346 Can. J. Civ. Eng. Vol. 36, 2009

Table 1. Extraction conditions of humic acids (HA) from peat samples.

Procedure number Extraction procedure Extractant TeC) Time (h)

PI Stirring 5% K2C03 20 24
P2 Stirring 1% NaOH 20 24
P3 Stirring with heating 1% NaOH 100 24
P4 Stirring with heating 1% NaOH 80 24
P5 Stirring with heating 1% K2P4D7 100 24
P6 Extraction in cavitation reactor 1% NaOH 60
P7 Extraction in cavitation reactor 1% KOH 60 1
P8 Treatment with ultrasound 0.07 kW 1% NaOH 30 6
P9 Treatment with ultrasound 0.27 kW 1% NaOH 40 6
PIO Extraction in electrical discharge reactor 1% NaOH 70 0.25
P12 Aldrich NA NA NA
P13 IHSS reference sample 1 M NaOH NA 4

Fig. 1. Change in the concentration of humic substances in the extraction mixture with time depending on the nature of the extraction pro­
cess (extractant 1% NaOH).
-.-P3 -A-P6 -.-P8 - ....-P9 -.-PIO

12 ~-

~ 10

j 6
8= 4

o 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120

Treatment time, min

extraction of HS from peat, treatment with ultrasound has sample consisted mostly of sphagnum moss (Sphagnum Jus­
been suggested, as well as plasma and electrical discharge, cum). The basic properties of the peat were detennined us­
and cavitation. Cavitation, electric pulse reactors, and sonifi­ ing soil characterization methods (Tan 2(05) and are as
cation with ultrasound have not been applied for extraction follows: decomposition degree after von Post - H4; age
on a preparative scale. However, similar approaches are ap­ (14(: dating) - 2950 years; elemental composition - 50.78%
plied in chemical synthesis (Kurets et al. 1999; He et a1. C, 5.18% H, 1.38 N, 0.69% S, 37.78% 0; ash content ­
2004; Gogate and Pandit 2005; Yasui et a1. 2005), even on 4.88%; cation exchange capacity - 0.36 mequiv. Nall00 g,
an industrial scale, for the extraction of biologically active 0.14 mequiv. Klloo g, 5.69 mequiv. Call00 g, 1.10 mequiv.
compounds from plant and living materials (Zayas 1985; Mgll00 g.
Luo et al. 2007; Proestos and Komaitis 2006) and for the de­ Analytical quality reagents (Merck Co., Sigma-Aldrich
contamination of polluted sites (Mason et al. 2004; Furu­ Co., Fluka Chemie AG RdH Laborchemikalien GmbH Co.)
kawa and Tokunaga 2005). were used without further purification. Industrially produced
The aim of this article is to study the impact of the ex­ humic acid (HA) (PI2), Aldrich (USA) and TEHUM (Czech
traction process from peat on the properties of the HS ob­ Republic) HA (Pll) and IHSS reference HA (P13) isolated
tained. from Pahokee (USA) peat were used for comparison.

Materials and methods Extraction procedures of OS from peat

The efficiencies of five extraction technologies of HS
Study materials from peat have been studied and compared:
In this study, industrially-produced peat from a high-type
Balozu peat bog near Olaine (Latvia) was used. The peat • Conventional extraction procedure: low temperature

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Sire et aI. 347

Fig. 2. Changes in the concentrations of humic substances in the extraction mixture depending on the nature of the extractants (extraction
performed with heating).
-+- NaOH (temp. 100°C) -A- NaOH (temp. 80 "C) - .... - KOH - e - KlP7

• • •
:= 6
~Iti. ,..---",,­
........ ..... III

~ ...................
U 4 /-l1li

­ .-.--.­
~-1111 e e


o 20 40 60 ~ ~ m ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Treatment time, min

Fig. 3. Change in the concentration of humic substances in the extraction mixture with time depending on the nature of the extractant and
intensity of the ultrasound treatment.
-+-1%KOHUSO.27W - +- 1%KOHUSO.07W
- .... -1 % NaOH US 0.27W - .... - 1% NaOH US 0.07W ,..
9 -e-l%KlP7USO.27W- e- 1%KlP7USO.07W /

,.. /-l1li
,../'" ,/"+
2 Y ..... ------ .... ----

.... --.... -- ........- - - - - - - ......... -----_ ......
- - -t: : : ='= : : ~=-=-=-'1::.::-:...-.
• ------.
o 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 so 90 100
Treatment time, min

treatment. Humic acids (HAs) were extracted and puri­ moved after appropriate time intervals and the
fied using procedures recommended by the International concentrations were determined using their transmittance
Humic Substances Society (IHSS) (Tan 2005). Briefly, at 410 nm (calibrated using IHSS reference HA).
20 g of air-dried and finely ground peat sample were • Conventional extraction procedure: extraction with heat­
treated under N2 with 1 L of extractant (PI and P2 in Ta­ ing (samples P3, P4, and P5). This method is based on
bles 1 and 2) for 24 h with stirring. The suspension was thermal treatment of the peat fibres using the same ex­
filtered and the filtrate was acidified with concentrated tractants as above (heating temperatures 80 and 100 °C).
HCI to pH < 2 to precipitate the HAs. The HAs obtained In this method, high hydroxide concentrations are used.
were further purified by repeatedly dissolving and preci­ • Intensive treatment extraction: extraction using cavita­
pitating them as well as dialyzing against Millipore water tion. Based on generation, subsequent growth, and col­
followed by drying. To study the kinetics of the extrac­ lapse of cavitation, this method results in very high
tion process, 10 mL of the reaction mixture were re- energy densities of the order of 1 to 1018 kW/m3• Cavita-

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348 Can. J. Civ. Eng. Vol. 36, 2009

Fig. 4. Peat fibres before 4 h treatment with 1% NaOH at elevated temperatures.

Fig. 5. Peat fibres after 4 h treatment with 1% NaOH at elevated temperatures.

tion can occur at millions of microlocations in a reactor the intensive hydrodynamic and local heat impacts that
simultaneously and generate microconditions of very arise during the generation and bursting of cavitation
high local temperatures and pressures (pressure of a few bubbles. The extraction was performed using 200 g of
thousand atmospheres and temperature of a few thousand peat and 3 L of extractant for 2 h and the extractants
degrees Kelvin) whereas the overall environment is that were varied (1 % NaOH or 1% KOH) (Tables 1 and 2).
of ambient conditions. Moreover, free radicals are gener­ • Intensive treatment extraction: extraction using electrical
ated in the process due to the dissociation of vapors discharge. The extraction of HS from peat is achieved in
trapped in the cavitation bubbles. Cavitation also results flow mode by processing the peat using extractant (KOH
in the generation of local turbulence and liquid microcir­ or NaOH) media with electrical discharge (18 kV). Dur­
culation in the reactor, enhancing the rates of transport ing discharge, a plasma field with high temperatures and
processes (Lin and Yen 1993; Gogate et al. 2006). The a shock wave is formed between the electrodes and this
extraction of HAs from peat using a hydrodynamic cavi­ performs the intensive mixing of the extraction media as
tation reactor (P6 and P7 in Tables land 2) designed as well as degradation of the peat fibres (Kurets et al. 1999;
described previously (Keil and Swany 1999; Gogate et Gogate et al. 2(06). The extraction of HAs from peat
al. 2006) allows treatment of peat in flow mode under using an electrical discharge reactor (PlO in Tables 1

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Sire et al. 349

Fig. 6. Peat fibres after 100 min treatment with ultrasound (0.27 kW power) using 1% NaOH as an extractant.

Fig. 7. Peat fibres after 20 min treatment with cavitation using 1% NaOH as an extractant.

and 2) designed as described (Boiko and Mizinenko • Intensive treatment extraction: extraction using ultra­
1970; Keil and Swany 1999; Kurets et al. 1999) also al­ sound. This method has been proposed to facilitate ex­
lows treatment of peat in flow mode and employs treat­ traction from plant material (Proestos and Komaitis
ment of a dispersion of peat in a solution of extractant 2006). In this case pressure variations in the liquid phase
under the impact of strong (18 kV) electrical discharge are effected using sound waves (0.07, 0.27 kW power).
conditions (Kurets et al. 1999). The extraction was per­ The ultrasound method (Mason et al. 2004; Yasui et al.
formed for 15 min using 5 kg of peat and 20 L of 1% 2005; Gogate et al. 2006) involves sonification of the ex­
NaOH as extractant (Table 1). The HS obtained at certain tractant-peat mixture in commercial ultrasound baths.
intervals were filtered off and the filtrate was acidified The extraction was performed for 2 h using differing ul­
with concentrated Hel to pH < 2 to precipitate the HAs. trasound energies (0.07 and 0.27 kW) (P8 and P9 in Ta­
The HAs obtained were further purified by dissolving and bles 1 and 2) and 200 g of peat and 3 L of 1% NaOH as
precipitating repeatedly as well as dialyzing against extractant (Table 1) or with a different extraction time
Millipore water followed by drying. and extractant.

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350 Can. J. Civ. Eng. Vol. 36, 2009

Table 2. Properties of humic substances isolated using different extraction technologies.

Elemental composition Element ratio -COOH

number C (%) H (%) N (%) 0(%) N/C HlC O/C 1WE6 (mequiv.lg) Mw (Da)
PI 53.25 4.27 1.76 40.72 0.03 0.95 0.57 8.00 4.95 4200
P2 50.74 4.24 1.59 43.44 0.03 1.00 0.64 6.43 5.68 3400
P3 53.96 4.52 1.23 40.29 0.02 1.00 0.56 4.93 6.79 1900
P4 52.89 4.32 1.25 41.54 0.02 0.97 0.59 4.93 7.00 1900
P5 51.31 3.50 1.65 43.54 0.03 0.81 0.64 5.89 5.68 2200
P6 39.98 4.00 1.43 54.59 0.03 1.19 1.03 5.82 4.96 1800
P7 42.13 3.68 1.45 52.75 0.03 1.04 0.94 6.09 4.84 3200
P8 47.93 4.21 1.34 46.52 0.02 1.05 0.73 6.00 6.42 3000
P9 45.36 4.90 1.55 48.20 0.03 1.29 0.80 4.76 5.93 1600
PlO 43.60 3.65 1.55 51.20 0.03 1.00 0.88 4.71 4.91 1500
Pl1 60.7 3.7 1.5 34.1 0.02 1.13 0.64 4.51 NA NA
P12 49.89 4.76 2.3 43.05 0.04 1.03 1.35 4 2.15 4100
P13 56.37 3.82 3.69 37.34 0.06 0.81 0.50 5.8 3.59 8500

Fig. 8. Relationships between the HlC and O/C element ratios for humic acids extracted by various extractants and (or) procedures from a
peat sample and for humic acids from several Latvian peat bogs and other sources extracted by the International Humic Sllbstances Society

1.4 <l
<l ~<l ~
1.2 <Q:]<l ...
1.0 ...ct ~ <)

0.8 •
0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 15
<l HA's from different peat bogs in Latvia isolated using procedure recommended by mss
iii HA's extracted with 5% K2CO] I!!!! HA's extracted with 1% NaOH
~ HA's extracted with 1% NaOH under heating
~ HA's extracted with 1% KlP7 <) HA's extracted with cavitation method (1% NaOH)
... HA's extracted with electrical discharge method (1 % NaOH)
• HA's extracted with ultrasound (O.07W, 1% NaOH)
... HA's extracted with ultrasound (O.27W, 1% NaOH)
t) Aldrich HA's () Tehllffi HA's • HA's extracted from Pahokee peat (IHSS)

Physicochemical analysis of HS EJE6 (Chen et aI. 1977), the ratio of absorbances at 465
Elemental analysis (C, H, N, S, and 0) was carried out and 665 nm, has been determined for a solution of 5 mg of
using an Elemental Analyzer Model EA-l108 (Carlo Erba humic or fulvic acid in 10 mL of 0.05 N NaHC0 3 . An auto­
Instruments). Ash content was measured after heating matic titrator TitroLine easy (Schott-Gerate GmbH) was
50 mg of each HA at 750°C for 8 h. Fourier transform in­ used to measure the total acidity of each HA. To estimate
frared (FTIR) spectra were collected using a Nicolet AVA­ total acidity (Tan 2005), the known amount of HA, about
TAR 330 (Thermoelectron Co) spectrophotometer and KBr 20 mg, was dispersed in 10 mL of 0.1 mollL Ba(OH)z solu­
pellets. Transmittance ratios T340012900 and T 340011600 (trans­ tion, which was then shaken overnight under N2, filtered,
mittance at 3400 characteristic for O-H stretching against and washed with water. The filtrates together with the wash­
transmittance at 2900 cm- 1 characteristic of aliphatic C-H ing solution were potentiometrically titrated with 0.1 mollL
stretching and transmittance at 3400 characteristic of aro­ HCI down to pH 8.4 under N2 flow.
matic C = C stretching against transmittance at 1600 charac­ To obtain IH nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectra
teristic of a strongly H-bonded C = 0 of a conjugated of the extracted HAs, 25 mg of dry HAs were weighed and
ketone) were used to characterize the major functional dissolved in 1 mL of 3% NaOD in D20. The experiments
groups of HS. Ultraviolet-visible (UV-vis) spectra were re­ were performed using an AM 360 MHz spectrometer. Spec­
corded on a Thermospectronic Helios y UV (Thermoelectron tra were obtained using a one-pulse experiment. The residual
Co) spectrophotometer in a 1 cm quartz cuvette. The ratio monodeuterated water (HOD) resonance was set to 4.5 ppm.

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Sire et al. 351

Fig. 9. Ultraviolet-visible spectra of humic substances isolated using different extraction methods (1 % NaOH, concentration HA = 0.1 gIL).

--P2 -"-"P6 --- P8 -'-'-PI0



1:1 2.5 I
aa 2.0 I

'" , ,
10 1\ ".
• I'.
... ,
, ... ...........

200 300 400 500 600 700 800

Wavelength, nm

Fig. 10. Fourier transform infrared spectra of humic substances isolated using different extraction methods.
---- P6 ...... P8 _._.- P9 - - PI0


~ 80
I •
! \

1:1 1\
~ 60 I \

e I
1:1 I I
...f ,

~ 1
40 \ 1
i:·· 1
i 1 1
i· l1li1
'•.". r i 'ioI1
'. -1; i'
l.~f i'
3400 2950 2850 172 1~20 1040
3500 3000 2500 2000 1500 1000 500
Wavenumber, em')

High pressure size exclusion chromatography (HPSEC) pump, a Waters 486 variable wavelength detector and a
was used to determine the weight averaged molecular Waters Protein-Pak 125 modified silica column. Phosphate
weight (Mw) of the HS, which was calculated as follows: buffer (0.028 mol/L, pH 6.8) was used as a mobile phase at
a flow rate of 1 mUmin. The size exclusion chromatogra­
phy (SEC) column was calibrated using polydextrans (kDa:
0.83, 4.4, 9.9, 21.4, 43.5) and sodium polystyrenesulfonates
[1] (kDa: 1.37, 3.8, 6.71, 8.0, 8.6, 13.4, 16.9). The standard kits
were purchased from Polymer Standard Service (Mainz,
Germany). The calibration curve was expanded into the low
molecular weight region by means of mono- and oligosac­
where hi and Mi are the respective peak height and molecu­ charides (180, 342, 504 Da) and glycerol. Blue dextran
lar weight at retention time i. High pressure size exclusion (2000 kDa) served as a void volume probe and methanol as
chromatography was performed using a Waters 510 solvent a permeation volume probe.

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352 Can. J. Civ. Eng. Vol. 36, 2009

Fig. 11. Fourier transform infrared spectra of industrially produced and humic substances isolated using different extraction methods.
- - P 2 - - - - P6 ...... Pll _._.- P12


,, \

':1\ ! "
" I

II \ ! i'
. :. ,

I '.1'
: ,,<I
! I
: I
20 , :r"
\, ;
3400 2950 2850 1720 1620

3500 3000 2500 2000 1500 1000 suo

Wavenumber, em·!

Fig. 12. lHydrogen nuclear magnetic resonance spectra of humic substances isolated from peat using different extraction methods.



J , ..


2 0 I'pm

After the extraction residues of the peat were washed with up to 500 Gt C of HAs of industrial value for production
distilled water and dried, they were placed in the scanning (Markov et al. 1998). Peat can be considered a significant
electron microscope sample holder and covered with the source of HAs, but technologically relevant approaches for
gold. Prepared samples were investigated using the JEOL the extraction of HAs have not been studied thoroughly and
ISM T-200 scanning electron microscope. most producers do not use peat as a raw material. The effi­
ciency of extraction of HAs depends on the extractant and
Results and discussion the intensity of the treatment. From a wide array of different
extractants recommended in several studies (Martin-Neto et
Extraction of HS from peat al. 2001; Olk et al. 1995; Kaschl et al. 2002; Mahieu et al.
It has been estimated that peat alone can be a source of 2002), hydroxides (NaOH, KOH) and metal salts (Na2C03,

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Sire et al. 353

K2C03, ~207) have been used. However, intensive treat­ used (Fig. 3). When different extractants are compared, so­
ment technologies suggested recently (Gogate et al. 2006) dium hydroxide is about 20% more effective than potassium
have not been used for the extraction of HS. Depending on hydroxide, but potassium pyrophosphate is ineffective be­
the intensity of treatment, the following five extraction ap­ cause the concentrations of HS obtained are at least 5 times
proaches have been studied: lower than when using NaOH or KOH.
• Low temperature peat treatment with NaOH or KOH To evaluate the impact of different extraction methods on
with mixing. Although these methods do not require spe­ the peat fibres, scanning electron microscopy was used
cial machinery or energy inputs, each extraction cycle (Figs. 4-6). In Fig. 4 the appearance of the peat fibres be­
takes a comparatively long time and requires high hydro­ fore treatment can be seen. The surface and stomatas of the
xide concentrations and, in addition, these extractions sphagnum moss leaf with no damage are clearly visible.
cannot be performed in flow mode. This method is well Treatment with 1% NaOH at elevated temperatures breaks
suited for laboratory experiments when small amounts of down the structure of the peat particles. In Fig. 5 a slightly
HS are needed. changed form and shape of the stomatas can be seen, and
the surface layer of peat fibres has been broken and partly
• Extraction with heating is based on thermal treatment of
ripped off. Processing peat with ultrasound promotes the
the peat fibres using the same extractants. As in tradi­
degradation of its structural elements as the treatment addi­
tional methods, this uses high hydroxide concentrations,
tionally destroys the plant and moss remains of the peat, in­
but the extraction time can be radically decreased (up to
creasing the yield of HS. After yet more intensive treatment
4 h). with cavitation (Fig. 7), a completely eroded surface layer as
• Extraction using cavitation is based on the generation, well as altered internal structures can be seen. It may be that
subsequent growth, and collapse of cavitation resulting intensive treatment technologies promote significantly
in very high energy densities and the generation of local higher yields of HS compared with traditional extraction
turbulence and increasing circulation in the reactor, thus methods and that the efficiency can be explained by the de­
enhancing the rates of transport processes. High doses of struction of the peat fibres during treatment.
kinetic and thermal energy that are released in a very
small area can cause complete destruction of the peat fi­
Properties of US depending on the extraction procedure
bres as well as mixing of the extraction medium. Cavita­
The impact of the isolation process on the properties of
tion increases the velocity of chemical reactions and can
HAs isolated from peat has been analyzed using elemental,
be performed in flow mode.
functional, molecular mass, and spectral (UV, IR, IH NMR)
• The electrical discharge method is based on extraction of analysis. The nature of the isolation process does have a ma­
HS from peat in flow mode by processing the peat-ex­ jor impact on the properties of the HAs as is evident from
tractant media with electrical discharge, generating a their elemental analysis (Table 2). Depending on the inten­
plasma field between the electrodes with high tempera­ sity of the treatment, the amount of carbon in the HS and
tures and a shock wave, which performs the intensive the molecular masses of the HAs are reduced, proportional
mixing of the extraction media as well as degradation of to the EJE6 ratio. The analysis of the impact of the isolation
the peat fibres. procedure has been performed using van Krevelen graphs,
• The ultrasound method involves sonification of an extrac­ which have been widely applied for the analysis of the basic
tant-peat mixture in commercial ultrasound baths. Ultra­ structures of HAs (Barancikova et al. 1997). The van Kreve­
sound not only shreds the peat fibres, but also provides len graph (Fig. 8) shows that the variability among HAs iso­
intensive mixing of the extraction environment. lated from different sources (peat from different bogs) is less
Changes in the isolation efficiency of HS (their concentra­ than the variability in the elemental composition of HAs iso­
tion in the extraction mixture) with time (Fig. 1) show that lated using different extraction (treatment) procedures. The
differences in the extraction efficiencies depend on the treat­ position in the van Krevelen graphs allows the identification
ment intensity. of major processes affecting the structure and properties of
The use of electrical discharge and cavitation allows us to organic matter - dehydration, dehydratation (reduction of
obtain comparatively high concentrations (11 and 13 gIL, re­ HlC ratio), decarboxylation (reduction of O/C ratio) and de­
spectively) of HS much faster and more efficiently than by methylation (Barancikova et al. 1997). From this perspec­
other methods. In addition, these methods are very effective; tive, the intensive isolation approaches resulted first in
concentrations of about 7 gIL can be obtained during the dehydratation and decarboxylation of HS. The same trend is
first few extraction minutes. The effectiveness of ultrasound evident in analyzing the functional characteristics and mo­
is proportional to its power, but in general this process is lecular mass differences among the isolated HAs; intensive
much slower and less effective than the two methods men­ treatment methods (ultrasound, electrical discharge, and cav­
tioned previously. Using ultrasound of 0.27 kW power, a itation as well as treatment with higher concentrations of hy­
concentration similar to that obtained with electrical dis­ droxides) yield humic material with a reduced number of
charge can be reached only after 120 min of treatment. carboxyl groups (Table 2).
The yields of HS depend on the properties of the extrac­ The molecular masses of HS isolated using intensive
tant and the intensity of treatment (Figs. 2, 3). Sodium hy­ treatment methods are significantly lower than those isolated
droxide appears to be the most effective extractant and the using a conventional extraction approach. The UV-vis spec­
effectiveness of ultrasound is closely related to its power; ul­ tra of HAs isolated by different methods differ significantly
trasound treatment with 0.27 kW power is 4 times more ef­ (Fig. 9). However, the EJE6 ratio (Table 2) used to estimate
fective than treatment with 0.07 kW power when NaOH is the molecular mass confirms the nature of the structural

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354 Can. J. Civ. Eng. Vol. 36, 2009

changes in the HAs depends on the intensity of the peat KOH and provides much better results than all other extrac­
treatment. tants, such as ~207.
The IR spectra (Figs. 10, 11) reveal that the nature of the In large-scale production it is very important to achieve
changes in the structures of the HAs depends on the isola­ the highest yields possible using the least amounts of raw
tion process. A comparison of IR spectra shows differences materials, time, and energy. For these criteria the best suited
in the relative amounts of -OH groups (absorption maximum technologies are the cavitation and electrical discharge
at 3400 cm-i ) with respect to -CH2 groups (maximum at methods.
2950 cm-i ). Similarly significant are the impacts of the iso­
lation process on the presence of aromatic C = C and conju­ Acknowledgements
gated carbonyl C = 0 groups (absorption maximum at The European Social Fund is gratefully acknowledged for
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