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Supreme Elementary Learner Government: Why it Matters in Our

Changing Educational Landscape


The implementation of Supreme Elementary Learner Government

is a proactive measure undertaken by DepEd schools to foster the
development of governance skills within their student body.

The Supreme Elementary Learner Government provides students

with insights and experiences related to the functioning of governance
on a large scale. This experience fosters a heightened sense among
individuals of the significance and potency of their political
entitlements. For example, students who opt to assume leadership
roles may gain firsthand experience in upholding peace and
maintaining order within the school environment, a crucial attribute of
effective leadership. It facilitates the cultivation of a moral
consciousness, fostering a sense of personal and communal
responsibility. Furthermore, it is beneficial for young individuals to
recognize that they possess both the ability and entitlement to express
themselves and have their voices acknowledged. Students have the
opportunity to acquire skills in assessing the requirements of their
peers, thereby facilitating the development of strategies and initiatives
for the school. Therefore, it is imperative for schools to afford student
leaders significant involvement in school planning and projects, since
this can cultivate their potential to assume leadership roles in the

Moreover, Supreme Elementary Learner Government provides an

opportunity for non-student leaders to gain valuable insights into the
field of governance. Learner governments play a crucial role in
fostering a genuine appreciation for the principles of law and order
among students, as they recognize its significance in the advancement
of their school. Additionally, it can enhance their discernment in
selecting leaders that possess greater legitimacy and integrity. In our
nation, a significant portion of the populace encounters challenges in
selecting competent leaders due to a lack of requisite information and
discernment in identifying suitable candidates. Through the
implementation of effective student governments, it is probable that
young individuals will cultivate the capacity to discern and select
more suitable candidates.

The establishment of the Supreme Elementary Learner

Government as a student group is essential due to the necessity for
students to have a tighter and more harmonious relationship with the
school administration. The primary function of the Supreme
Elementary Learner Government is to represent the voices of the
student body to the school administration, thereby assuming the
important duties of advocating for the well-being of all students. The
school, as an institution dedicated to the dissemination of knowledge,
is structured to offer students the necessary resources for their
comprehensive growth and development.

It is a common perception among students that student

governments hold little significance. However, via the implementation
of effective support systems and educational practices inside schools,
there is a strong likelihood that Supreme Elementary Learner
Government will effectively fulfill their intended purpose, particularly
in the present era characterized by a significant increase in the
number of young voters.

The author is Teacher III at Narra Pilot School, Narra Del Norte District,
Schools Division of Palawan, MIMAROPA Region

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