Crisis Communication

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Crisis Communication

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Sports organizations, like any other, require strong crisis communication plans.

Scandals, natural disasters, accidents, and other unforeseen events with the potential to harm

the organization's reputation, operations, or stakeholders all qualify as crises. During a crisis,

it is important to communicate with both internal and external stakeholders as part of a well-

thought-out plan. The fundamental goal of crisis communication is to lessen the impact of the

crisis by open and honest dialogue with affected parties, the dissemination of timely and

accurate information, and the demonstration of the organization's dedication to fixing the

problem. Restoring trust and confidence among stakeholders and halting the spread of

misleading information or rumors are all possible outcomes of effective crisis


Crisis communication is especially important in the sports industry since the success

of an organization, its athletes, and its stakeholders can all be at stake. Any unpleasant

incident involving a sports organization will likely make national and even international

headlines due to the continual scrutiny they receive from the media.

In addition, crisis communication in sports organizations also involves addressing the

emotional reactions of fans and the wider public, who often have a deep attachment and

investment in their favorite teams or athletes. This requires sensitivity, empathy, and clear

messaging that demonstrates the organization's commitment to transparency and

accountability. Hence, it is crucial for sports organizations to have a thorough crisis

communication plan in place, including techniques for recognizing and responding to

potential crises, communicating with stakeholders, and managing the organization's

reputation throughout and after the crisis. Malecki et al, to keep the crisis communication

strategy up-to-date and useful in the face of shifting conditions, it should be evaluated and

updated on a regular basis.

Case One

An unprecedented doping scandal struck the Russian national track & field squad in

2015. The team was banned from competing internationally after significant doping

allegations surfaced, notably during the 2016 Summer Olympics in Rio de Janeiro. The sport,

the athletes, and the credibility of the country's sports organizations were all severely

damaged by this catastrophe. (Ohl et al, 2021)

The International Olympic Committee and the International Association of Athletics

Federations responded to the problem by using a variety of crisis communication strategies.

They kept the media, the athletes, and the fans updated often on the investigation, the

sanctions, and the measures being taken to avoid future doping. The IAAF also launched an

impartial commission to look into the claims, and the results of that investigation were made

public. (Ohl et al, 2021)

Despite these efforts, however, there were still others who felt the IAAF and IOC

weren't doing enough to successfully handle the situation. They were accused of being too

soft on the Russian team and of not acting on evidence of doping sooner. Also, some

individuals believed that the organizations did not do enough to safeguard the honor of clean

athletes who were negatively harmed by the scandal. (Ohl et al, 2021)

The crisis communication strategy used by the IAAF and the IOC during the Russian

doping controversy looks to have been moderately effective upon further evaluation. Their

dedication to fixing the problem was clear from the consistent updates they provided and the

openness with which they disclosed the findings of the independent commission. Yet, there

was room for development. The situation could have been mitigated if the organizations had

taken greater measures to safeguard clean athletes. Another factor contributing to the

impression of a lack of responsibility was the disparate approaches taken by various groups to

the crisis. (Jefri et al, 2021)

Ultimately, the crisis communication strategy implemented by the IAAF and IOC

provided a foundation for handling the situation, notwithstanding its imperfections. While

progress has been made, more may be done to ensure that the requirements of all parties,

including clean athletes and the general public, are taken into account in future crisis

communication plans. The situation with the Russian track and field team demonstrates the

value of well-thought-out crisis communication plans and the implementation of preventative

and responsive actions. Several components of crisis communication were used by the IAAF

and IOC, but their reaction was nonetheless criticized. So, this crisis shows the importance of

being prepared to respond to crises swiftly and effectively while being mindful of the effect

on stakeholders. (Ohl et al, 2021)

Case Two

The COVID-19 pandemic had a tremendous effect on the world of sports, and crisis

communication was an essential component in the response of several sports organizations to

the epidemic. The conclusion that it would be best to delay the Olympics in Tokyo in 2020

was one example of a crisis that involved COVID-19. The Olympics are one of the most

important athletic events that take place anywhere in the globe, and the decision to postpone

them caused a substantial amount of chaos in the sporting calendar. Because of this, the crisis

was significant. The postponement had significant repercussions for both the athletes and the

fans, as well as for the entire sports industry. (Jefri et al, 2021)

As a means of dealing with the problem, the International Olympic Committee (IOC)

implemented a number of different crisis communication strategies. They kept all parties

involved, including as the athletes, the fans, and the media, informed by maintaining

continuous communication with them to provide updates on the situation, the decision-

making process, and the efforts that were being taken to reduce the negative effects of the

postponement. In addition, the International Olympic Committee (IOC) established a task

team with the mission of keeping an eye on the situation and providing suggestions in order

to ensure the safe and effective staging of the rescheduled Olympics. (Chowdhury, 2021)

The International Olympic Committee (IOC) responded to the problem of the

postponing of the 2020 Tokyo Olympics due to COVID-19 by deploying numerous

components of crisis communication. The following is a list of some of the elements utilized

in crisis communication:

1. Communication in a timely manner: In order to offer stakeholders, such as athletes,

spectators, and the media, regular information on the situation and the decision-

making process, the IOC maintained frequent touch with these groups.

2. Transparency: The International Olympic Committee (IOC) communicated in a

transparent and straightforward manner regarding the decision-making process and

the steps that were being taken to reduce the impact of the postponement.

3. Empathy: The International Olympic Committee (IOC) demonstrated empathy and

understanding when it recognized the disappointment and impact that the

postponement had on athletes, supporters, and the wider sports business.

4. Coordination: In order to ensure the safe and successful staging of the rescheduled

Olympics, the International Olympic Committee (IOC) organized a task team that will

monitor the situation and provide suggestions.


5. Crisis Management Plan: The IOC had a crisis management plan in place, which

enabled them to respond rapidly and efficiently in reaction to the issue.

The International Olympic Committee was able to effectively handle the crisis and

keep the trust of stakeholders by utilizing these components of crisis communication during a

moment that was fraught with uncertainty and difficulty. When viewed as a whole, the crisis

communication plan that the International Olympic Committee (IOC) implemented in

response to the postponing of the Tokyo Olympics was successful in its management of the

issue. They helped to keep stakeholders' trust by demonstrating a commitment to

transparency and accountability, which contributed to the maintenance of that trust. In spite

of this, there are others who believe that the International Olympic Committee (IOC) ought to

have been more proactive in its decision to postpone the Olympics in light of the rapidly

developing crisis. (Chowdhury, 2021)

In a nutshell, the pandemic of COVID-19 presented a significant crisis for the sports

industry, and crisis communication played an essential role in the response of sports

organizations. The International Olympic Committee's response to the postponement of the

Tokyo Olympics serves as an instructive illustration of how effective crisis communication

should be carried out in practice. Yet, the situation has brought to light the significance of

being proactive in responding to prospective crises and the requirement that sports

organizations have solid crisis communication protocols in place. (Chowdhury, 2021)


In conclusion, crisis communication is a critical component of managing crises in the

sports industry. Both the Russian doping scandal in athletics and the COVID-19 pandemic

and the postponement of the Tokyo Olympics highlight the importance of effective crisis

communication in the management of crises in sports organizations. The cases that were

examined can be found here and here. In order to effectively handle the situation involving

the Russian doping scandal, the International Association of Athletics Federations (IAAF)

and the International Olympic Committee (IOC) implemented several different crisis

communication strategies. These strategies included maintaining transparency and providing

regular updates. Even though their reaction was not flawless, their communication strategy

offered a framework for dealing with the crisis. This exemplifies how essential it is to have a

crisis communication plan in place. (Chowdhury, 2021)

The International Olympic Committee (IOC) utilized several components of crisis

communication in the case of the postponement of the Tokyo Olympics due to the COVID-19

virus. These components included timely communication, transparency, empathy,

coordination, and having a crisis management plan in place. These strategies helped the IOC

manage the crisis effectively and maintain trust among stakeholders. Both incidents bring to

light how essential it is for businesses in the sports industry to have a solid crisis

communication plan in place in order to effectively manage and respond to crises. An

organization's ability to maintain the trust of its stakeholders, mitigate the impact of crises,

and emerge stronger as a result of challenging situations is greatly aided by effective crisis

communication. (Chowdhury, 2021)



Malecki, K. M., Keating, J. A., & Safdar, N. (2021). Crisis communication and public

perception of COVID-19 risk in the era of social media. Clinical Infectious Diseases,

72(4), 697-702.

Ohl, F., Fincoeur, B., & Schoch, L. (2021). Fight against doping as a social performance: the

case of the 2015–2016 Russian anti-doping crisis. Cultural sociology, 15(3), 386-408.

Jafri, F., & Yahya, A. H. (2021). An overview of crisis management, decision-making, and

sports media concept. e-Journal of Media and Society (e-JOMS), 6, 1-12.

Chowdhury, T., Chowdhury, H., Bontempi, E., Coccia, M., Masrur, H., Sait, S. M., &

Senjyu, T. (2023). Are mega-events super spreaders of infectious diseases similar to

COVID-19? A look into Tokyo 2020 Olympics and Paralympics to improve

preparedness of next international events. Environmental Science and Pollution

Research, 30(4), 10099-10109.

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