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Feasibility Report: Encouraging Healthy Habits

Your company is considering ways to promote employee fitness and morale.

Your Task. Select a fitness/teambuilding program that seems reasonable for your company. Consider a
softball league, bowling teams, a basketball league, lunchtime walks, lunchtime fitness speakers and
demos, company-sponsored health club memberships, a workout room, a fitness center, or a fitness
director. Assume that your boss has tentatively agreed to the program you select and has asked you to
write a memo report investigating its feasibility.


To: [Boss's Name]

From: [Your Name]

Date: [Date]

Subject: Feasibility Report - Encouraging Healthy Habits

Dear [Boss's Name],

I am writing this memo to present a feasibility report on implementing a fitness and morale promotion
program within our company. After considering various options, I believe that establishing a company-
sponsored health club membership would be the most suitable choice for our organization. The following
report provides an overview of the program and its feasibility.

Program Description: A company-sponsored health club membership program would involve partnering
with local fitness facilities to provide discounted or subsidized memberships to our employees. The
program would allow employees to access a range of fitness activities and facilities, including gym
equipment, group classes, swimming pools, and other amenities. By offering these memberships, we aim
to promote employee fitness, well-being, and overall morale.

Feasibility Assessment:

1. Employee Interest: Before implementing the program, it would be prudent to gauge employee
interest in participating. Conducting an anonymous survey or organizing focus groups can help us
determine the level of enthusiasm for a company-sponsored health club membership. This
information will be crucial in estimating the potential participation rate and overall success of the
2. Financial Considerations: Partnering with fitness facilities will involve some financial
commitments. We would need to negotiate membership discounts or subsidies, which could
require an upfront investment or ongoing monthly expenses. Additionally, there may be
administrative costs associated with managing the program. Conducting a cost-benefit analysis
will allow us to assess the financial feasibility and long-term sustainability of this initiative.
3. Facility Selection: Careful consideration should be given to selecting appropriate health club
partners. Factors such as proximity to our office, availability of diverse fitness activities, quality
of facilities, and reputation within the community should be taken into account. Conducting site
visits and reviewing feedback from existing members will assist us in making informed decisions.
4. Program Promotion: Effective communication and promotion will be essential to encourage
employee participation. Developing a comprehensive marketing strategy, including internal
newsletters, posters, email campaigns, and announcements during company meetings, will help
raise awareness and generate interest in the program.
5. Tracking and Evaluation: To ensure the success of the program, we should establish a system to
track participation and evaluate its impact on employee fitness and morale. Regular surveys,
feedback sessions, and performance indicators, such as reduced sick leave or improved overall
productivity, can help us measure the effectiveness of the program and make necessary
adjustments if needed.


Based on the assessment conducted, a company-sponsored health club membership program appears to be
a feasible and promising initiative for our organization. By providing employees with access to fitness
facilities, we can enhance their well-being, promote team bonding, and foster a healthier workplace

I recommend further exploring the specifics of implementing this program, including financial
considerations, facility partnerships, and employee interest surveys. With careful planning and execution,
we can establish a successful fitness and morale promotion program that aligns with our company's goals
and values.

Thank you for considering this proposal. Please let me know if you require any additional information or
clarification. I look forward to your guidance on how to proceed with this initiative.

Yours sincerely,

[Your Name] [Your Position]

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