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Anti-Biofilm Activity of Ethanol Extract of

Citrus hystrix Dc. Against Opportunistic
Pathogenic Microbes In-Vitro
Lia Yulia Budiarti1, Husnul Khatimah2, Muhammad Zaki Ridhoni3, Ghina
Hafizhah3, Muhammad Fachriyad3, George Arietama3
Department of Microbiology and Parasitology, Faculty of Medicine and Health Science, Universitas
Lambung Mangkurat, Banjarmasin, Indonesia
Department Biomedic, Faculty of Medicine and Health Science, Universitas Lambung Mangkurat,
Banjarmasin, Banjarmasin, Indonesia
Medical Study Program, Faculty of Medicine and Health Science, Universitas Lambung Mangkurat,
Banjarmasin, Banjarmasin, Indonesia
Coresspondence Author:

Opportunistic pathogenic microbes are often a problem in the treatment of infections because of their
ability to form biofilms. The structure of the irreversible components of the glycocalyx or microbial
capsule plays a role in protecting it from antimicrobial exposure and disinfection. The effectiveness
of antibiofilms needs to be evaluated, including those from natural preparations. Citrus hystrix DC.
(C.hystrix) contains antimicrobial compounds and its activity as an antibiofilm needs to be known.
This experimental research aims to test the anti-biofilm effect of C.hystrix extract against standard
microbial isolates. The dilution method with tube-test was used to analyze the antibiofilm effect of
a combination of C. hystrix leaf and peel extracts (6.25%, 12.5%, 25%, 50%, 75%, and 100%) with
70% ethanol control. Antibiofilm observations are qualitatively based on the Minimum Biofilm
Inhibitory Concentration (MBIC) and quantitatively based on the Mean Gray Value (MGV) of
biofilm intensity. The results of observations in 3 experiments showed that the MBIC of C.hystix
extract was 6.25% for gram-positive bacteria and 12.5% for gram-negative bacteria and Candida.
The average MGV of C.hystrix extract was 75%, equivalent to 70% ethanol for all test microbes
(p.0.05). The highest average MGV was produced by 100% combination extracts for S.epidermidis
(138,09±0,36), S.aureus (135,69±2,01), E.coli (134,75±0,89), P.aeruginosa (130,76±0,24), and
C.albicans (130,41±0,41). In conclusion, hystrix orange leaf and peel extracts produce anti-biofilm
activity against test microbes in-vitro.

Keywords: anti-biofilm, Citrus hystrix; in-vitro; mean gray value; minimum biofilm inhibitory

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infection that often occurs is through

touching the skin of the hands and using
Microbes that act as commensals do not
equipment that has been contaminated with
cause disease in healthy hosts with a good
immune system, but when the host's body
Prevention of infections due to
condition declines they can cause more
biofilms means that the use of disinfectants
serious disorders. Infections by opportunistic,
(EDTA, formalin, hydrogen peroxide and
biofilm-forming microbes are increasingly
ethanol) which are routinely used in clinics
being reported.1
needs to be evaluated. The commonly used
Infections caused by microbes with
ethanol is bactericidal. The mechanism of
biofilms are a problem that is difficult to
action is to denature proteins, damage cell
overcome, because microorganisms in
membranes, and also inhibit enzyme
biofilms are more resistant to treatment and
synthesis and microbial cell metabolism.13
more difficult to reach by antimicrobial
Ethanol at high concentrations is not
agents.2-3 Biofilms are very important for
recommended for open wound infections and
public health because of their role in
risk of burns.7 The impact of biofilm resistance
infectious diseases and the transmission of
on disinfection is a great opportunity to find
infections through the use of medical
alternative anti-biofilm compounds made
equipment.4 Römling and Balsalobre (2012),
from natural ingredients.
stated that human infections related to
Citrus hystrix D.C (C.hystrix) has been
biofilm formation are estimated to reach
used for a long time as a food product and
80%.5 Microbial biofilms in persistent tissue
alternative medicine. The phytochemical
that are resistant to antimicrobial agents
content in leaves was found to be greater than
cause an increase in cases of nosocomial
in fruit and fruit skin.14 Bioactive
antimicrobials in C. hystrix include the
Biofilm has the property of adhering
flavonoids, phenols, tannins, alkaloids,
irreversibly and thickening to the surface and
saponins, terpenoids, glycosides and
being embedded in the matrix. Biofilms are
steroids.15-16 The activity of C. hystrix ethanol
composed of an extracellular polymeric
extract has been proven to be effective
substance (EPS) matrix, namely a layer of
against S. aureus, S. epidermidis, E. coli, and P.
extracellular polymeric substance glycocalyx
aeruginosa.15 Compounds that play a role in
and capsular material in the form of
fungi are phenols, flavonoids, and
polysaccharides, proteins and nucleic acids,
as well as glycopolysaccharides secreted by
Phytochemical compounds are known
the microbes themselves. Its role is to protect
to produce antimicrobial and antibiofilm
microbes against exposure to antimicrobial
effects.17 Several solvents, namely, water,
substances and disinfectant action.6-7
methanol, ethanol, chloroform, ether,
Resistant penetration of antimicrobial agents
dichloromethanol, and acetone, are used for
through the three-dimensional matrix of the
extraction of natural compounds from various
biofilm, with very slow diffusion and difficulty
sources for anti-biofilm activity.
in achieving effective concentrations. The
Phytocompounds having fewer side effects
most common biofilm-producing pathogens
may be better therapeutic agents for biofilm-
are Staphylococcus aureus (S.aureus),
related infections.18 The inhibitory effect of
Streptococcus epidermidis (S.epidermidis),
C.hystrix alcohol extract against C.albicans is
Pseudomonas aeruginosa (P.aeruginosa),
greater than that of water extract.19 Several
Escherichia coli (E.coli), serta Candida
bioactive compounds can have an anti-biofilm
albicans (C.albicans).8-11 Pathogens with
effect, for example phenolics, glycolics,
biofilms can survive in the environment in the
tannins and flavonoid saponins, alkoloids,
air and damp surfaces.12 Transmission of
tannins, saponins and steroids. 20-21 Narigen is

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a class of polyphenolic compounds in orange were composed of S.aureus ATCC 25923,
peel that also has an anti-biofilm effect. S.epidermidis ATCC 35984, E.coli ATCC 25922,
Antibiofilm from C.hystrix oil spray is known to P.aeruginosa ATCC 27333, and C. albicans
inhibit the formation of S.mutans bacterial ATCC 10231. These microbial were obtained
biofilms.22 The use of combined drugs for from Faculty of Medicine, Lambung
infections caused by biofilms is recommended Mangkurat University, Indonesia. The bacteria
rather than single preparations.18 The were cultivated on blood agar at 37°C for 18-
antibiofilm (anti-adhesion) activity of a 24 hrs and C.albicans on Sabaraud dextrose
combination of herbs with different targets agar at 37°C for 24 hrs. The positive control
can produce a synergistic effect.23 test was 96% ethanol.
The aim of the research was to test the
anti-biofilm effect of C.hystrix leaf and peel
Inokulum Preparation.
extracts against microbial isolates that are
The ATCC standard type bacterial and
often pathogenic. A simple in-vitro method for
Candida test isolates are from the collection of
observing biofilms is a qualitative test using a
the Microbiology Laboratory of the ULM
tube-test (liquid dilution) and Congo Red Agar
Banjarbaru Faculty of Medicine. The microbial
(CRA).3,24 Analysis of Minimum Biofilm
inoculum suspension was made according to
Inhibitory (MBIC) produced by a treatment,
standard procedures, namely inserting a full
characterized by ring thinning and a bluish
circle of inoculant into liquid medium TSB +
purple layer on the walls. bottom of the
10% glycerol (5ml) then incubating at 370C for
tube.25 The quantity of biofilm formed on the
24 hours. Next, the level of turbidity was
tube is calculated based on the Mean Gray
homogenized according to the Mac Farland
Value (MGV).26-27 This study has passed the
0.5 standard solution (1x108 CFU/ml) and
ethical test based on the letter statement of
each microbial isolate was used in the test.28
approval of the ethics committee of the
Preparation of Simplicia and C.hystrix Extract
C.hystrix leaves are cleaned of dirt,
Research Method
washed with running water, and air-dried until
This study was approved by Health
dry; Next, powder is made with a size of 40
Research Ethics Commissions Faculty of
mesh. Prepare the peel of the fruit which has
Medicine, University of Lambung Mangkurat
been separated, wash it with running water,
(FMULM) with letter 146/KEPK-FK
peel it, slice it thinly, and make it into powder
ULM/EC/VII/2023. A true experimental model
with a size of 40 mesh. All simplicia were
was schemed for this study with post test only
macerated with the addition of 96% ethanol
and control group design that was conducted
for 4x24 hours. The extract was then
at Pharmacology and Microbiology Laboratory
thickened with a rotary evaporator at 50°C. 37
of FM ULM.
Extracts of leaves and fruit peel in a
combination preparation (ratio 1:1) 100%
were made into serial dilutions of 75%, 50%,
The plants kaffir lime used have been
25%, 12.5% and 6.25% ( V/V).
identified and determined based on a letter
from the MIPA Biology Laboratory of Lambung
Phytochemical Analysis
Mangkurat University. The fresh leaves and
Phytochemical analysis was carried out
fruits of Citrus hystrix D.C were collected from
on concentrated extracts of leaves and fruit
Banjarbaru City, located in South Kalimantan
peel of C.hystrix. Quantitative phytochemical
Province, in Agust 2023.
tests were carried out using standard
The microbial organisms determined in
procedures according to Harborne (1998).29
this study contained 6 American Type Culture
Results of phytochemical screening. The
Collection (ATCC) bacterial and Candida
contents of the ethanol extract of leaves and
albicans isolates. The ATCC bacterial strains
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fruit peels are alkaloids, phenolics, flavonoids, Confirm MBIC on CRA media by pouring
tannins, saponins, steroids and terpenoids. CRA media (55℃) into the cup and adding the
microbial suspension and test extract (+1),
Antibiofilm Detection Method then the cup is incubated (37℃, 24 hours).
The microbial colony that grows the least or
Tube-test and MBIC observation does not grow on the plate is MBIC (Minimum
The suspension of each test microbe Biofilm Inhibitory Concentration).31
(1x108 CFU/ml) was put into a tube containing
TSB medium + 10% glycerol. Tubes 1-6 Pengukuran Mean Gray Value (MGV)
contained 2 ml of microbial suspension in TSB After completing the determination of
+ 10% glycerol, 2 other tubes (control) were MBIC through a test tube, the MGV
filled with 4 ml and 2 other tubes contained measurement is then carried out. Each tube
TSB + 10% glycerol and tubes containing the was washed 3 times with 0.2ml phosphate
test microbial suspension without treatment. buffer saline (PBS) pH 7.3 and dried. The dried
A total of 2 ml of C. hystrix extract was mixed tube was treated with 0.5 ml of crystal violet
into tubes 1-6 to obtain a solution of 4 ml with (0.1%) then the excess color was removed and
the following concentration in each tube: the tube was washed with sterile distilled
Tube 1: 0% (control), Tube 2: 100%, Tube 3: water (deionized water) and dried.1,11
75%, Tube 4 : 50%, Tube 5: 25%, Tube 6: The results of biofilm formation on the
12.5%, and Tube 7: 6.25%. The other tube tube were then photographed using a digital
contains the test microbial suspension with camera. The photo of the tube with purple
positive control (96% ethanol), suspension film was observed using the Adobe Photoshop
with 10% DMSO control, TSB+glycerol 10% CS6 program and the MGV intensity was
medium without treatment, and the test measured using the measurement tool. The
microbial suspension without treatment. All selected photo file is entered on the Window
tubes were incubated at 37°C, 24 hours.1,11 tab and select Measurement Log, block the
Anti-biofilm assessment is based on the area where the color intensity will be seen
level of clarity in the tube using value using the Rectangular Marquee Tool then click
categories: 0 = Clear, no biofilm formation, +1 Record Measurements, then you will get the
= Slightly clear, starting to have weak barriers MGV value (scale 0 – 255). A high MGV value
to biofilm formation, +2 = Slightly cloudy, indicates a thinner color intensity.26,32,33
moderate barriers to biofilm formation, +3 = Treatments that produce an inhibitory effect
Turbid, there is strong biofilm formation, and on biofilm formation will show a higher MGV
+4 = Very turbid, very strong and lots of compared to negative controls.
biofilm is formed.30 The MBIC value is the
smallest concentration that indicates biofilm Data analysis
formation in the +1 category (starting to The research design used a true
clear/slightly clear). experimental posttest only control group
design. Data obtained from 3 repetitions.
Test Congo Red, a biofilm-producing microbe MBIC values were analyzed descriptively.
Congo Red Agar (CRA) media was MGV data was statistically analyzed using
prepared as a concentrated aqueous solution SPSS version 26.0 for Windows. Data
and autoclaved at 121°C for 15 minutes. distribution analysis used the Shapiro-Wilk
Congo Red Agar plates are inoculated with test and Levene's test. Parametric data
test microbes and incubated aerobically (37℃ analysis used the One-way ANOVA test and
and 24 hours).11 Positive results on biofilm- Duncan's Post-hoc test at a confidence level of
forming microbes show black colonies and red 95%.
colonies on non-biofilm ones.31 The colonies
of each microbe tested on CRA media before
extract treatment were black. Results
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All microbes tested were biofilm The antibiofilm effect produced by L+PCH
formers. The results of observing the level of extract and control is shown in Figure 1.
clarity in the Tube-test showed that the MBIC Comparison of the mean and standard
of C.hystric leaf and rind extract (L+PCH) in deviation of L+PCH extract in inhibiting biofilm
S.aureus and S.epidermidis was 6.25% while in is shown in Table 1.
E.coli, P.aeruginosa, and C. albicans by 12.5%.



Average MGV

S. aureus
80.000 S.epidermidis
C. albicans
40.000 P.aeruginosa


L+P CH6,25%L+P CH12,5% L+P CH25% L+P CH50% L+P CH75% L+P CH 100% Ethanol

Figure 1. Average Mean Gray Value (MGV) Anti-biofilm of the combination extract of leaves and peel of
Citrus hystrix fruit (L+P CH) and control on the formation of test microbial biofilms

Table 1 Standard Deviation Average MGV Anti-biofilm of the combination extract of leaves and
peel of Citrus hystrix fruit (L+P CH) and control
Treatment Average MGV Anti-biofilm
S.aureus S.epidermidis E.coli P.aeruginosa C.albicans
DMSO1% 96,44 ±0,94g 97,32 ±0,62 g 96,28±0,62 g 95,99± 0,873 g 97,41 ±0,46 g
L+P CH 6,25% 105,70±0,64f 107,50 ±1,29 f 104,65 ±0,47 f 103,50 ±1,00 f 103,14±0,97 f
L+P CH 12,5% 112,69±0,41e 115,19±0,62 e
111,49±0,53 e
107,19 ±0,61 e 109,33±0,52 e
L+P CH 25% 118,20±1,11d 119,30 ±0,59 d 117,19±0,16 d 114,97±0,23 d 115,97±0,35 d
L+P CH 50% 125,39±1,11c 126,07±0,33 c
124,27±0,74 c
120,40±0,58 c 121,09±1,20 c
L+P CH 75% 130,55±1,24 b 132,78±0,02 b
129,96±0,09 b
125,18±0,52 b 125,50±1,11 b
L+P CH 100% 135,69±2,01a 138,09±0,36 a
134,75±0,89 a
130,76±0,24 a 130,41±0,41 a
Ethanol 131,50±1,05 b 133,22±1,08 b
128,61±0,43 b
126,22±0,45 b 125,19± 0,32 b
a, b, c, d, e, f, g superscript in the same column shows no significant difference (P>0.05)

Figure 1 shows that MGV biofilm produced the highest MGV value. The
increased when using increasing concentration of the extract affects the
concentrations of L+P CH extract. DMSO antibiofilm effect, so that increasing the
treatment produced the lowest MGV. This concentration can increase the barrier to a
means that DMSO does not affect the biofilm higher level. The antibiofilm activity of C.hystix
formed by the test microbes, the thick biofilm extract against gram-positive bacteria is
blocks the light intensity. L+P CH 100% extract

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greater than against gram-negative bacteria of the bioactive compounds contained in the
and Candida. extract. The groups of compounds identified
Table 1 shows the results of statistical in the extract are alkaloids, phenolics,
analysis of the average MGV antibiofilm flavonoids, tannins, saponins, steroids and
produced by LP+P CH extract at a terpenoids. Phytochemical compounds have
concentration of 75% which is not significantly antibiofilm effects. Essential oils from the
different from the positive control for all test leaves and fruit skin of C.hystrix produce
microbes. Citrus hystrix 75% extract has synergistic effects as antibacterial and
antibiofilm in vitro.37 In-vitro, polyphenol
effectiveness as an antibiofilm equivalent to
content produces anti-biofilm activity in
96% ethanol (p.005). The antibiofilm activity
biofilms formed by S. aureus, S. pyogenes, P.
produced is due to the role of bioactive aeruginosa and C. albicans.38 Tannin
compounds contained in the C.hysrix extract. compounds have been proven to inhibit
The groups of compounds identified in the biofilm formation formed by E. coli, S. aureus,
extract are alkaloids, phenolics, flavonoids, P. aeruginosa, and C. albicans.37
tannins, saponins, steroids and terpenoids. Complete inhibition of biofilm could not
be achieved with any one phytochemical.
Discussion Phytochemicals show the potential to act as
Biofilm is a major virulence factor that an antibiofilm synergist.39 The synergistic
contributes to infectious diseases.6 The effect is influenced by their ability to disrupt
largest component of biofilms in bacteria is cell membrane formation, limit the diffusion
EPS which is composed of polysaccharide of hydrophobic compounds in the biofilm, and
intercellular adhesin (PIA).34 C. albicans restrain cell adhesion in the biofilm.5,40 This
biofilms are composed of crossed hyphal study shows the effect of a combination of
structures. The antibiofilm response during extracts from the leaves and fruit peel of C.
adhesion, namely ergosterol as a component hystrix produces antibiofilm formed by S.
of yeast cell membranes, is downregulated aureus, S. epidermidis, E. coli, P. aeuginosa,
due to the obstruction of carbon flow to and C. albicans.
ergosterol. The cycle of biofilm formation Increasing the extract concentration
begins with planktonic cell attachment, then allows more bioactive compounds to be
forms colonization and biofilm formation, dissolved in the extract and work
then undergoes a maturity process and finally synergistically to produce a more optimum
a dispersion process (detachment of cells effect. In this study, the antibiofilm effect of a
from the biofilm). 34 As a result, it inhibits the combination of C. hystrix leaf and rind extract
growth of hyphae and inhibits the formation was 75%, equivalent to 96% ethanol, so that
of biofilm. The subsequent process of C. hystrix extract has the potential to be
adhesion failure causes the release of the developed as an alternative disinfection
biofilm from the abiotic substrate.35 agent.
The effect of ethanol on biofilms is that The phytochemical content prevents the
it causes the release of eDNA. The role of ability of biofilm formation in Gram-positive,
eDNA is to be involved in microbial survival Gram-negative bacteria and C. albicans.41
and as a matrix component in the biofilm Phytochemical mechanisms for inhibiting
structure. The release of eDNA from biofilm biofilm formation include inhibition of
components which is a mixture of eDNA that quorum sensing (QS), anti-initial adhesion,
has been accumulated with that accumulated maturation and inhibiting microbial
during biofilm growth.36 colonization. Quorum- sensing which is a
The antibiofilm activity produced by C. communication system between cells with
hystrix extract in this study was due to the role various cellular bacteria such as pathogenesis,

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nutrient acquisition, conjugation, motility, concentration. Sustainability that can be

and secondary metabolite production from developed from this extract is the stability and
bacteria. The biofilm inhibition process begins organoleptic tests according to SNI standards.
with the initial adhesion stage, maturation
and formation of the biofilm form.16,41 Acknowledgements
The flavonoids that act as antibiofilms are Thank you to the staff in the Microbiology
the flavanones narirutin, hesperidin, the laboratory of the Faculty of Medicine,
flavonol quercetin, and the flavones Lambung Mangkurat University for their help
sinensetin, nobiletin, and tangeretin. Phenolic and support on this research. We hope this
compounds and flavonoids interfere with the research can be used as a basis for making
quorum-sensing mechanism of bacterial alternative disinfectans or antiseptics
biofilms.8,16,41 The mechanism of phenolic and preparations.
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