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What are the causes of poor quality of research in Pakistan?
Here are the detailed points highlighting the causes of poor quality in research in Pakistan:

Discouraging Environment for Critical Thinking:

 Lack of encouragement for critical thinking and innovative ideas in the

educational system.

 Absence of a culture that fosters independent and critical thinking among

researchers and scholars.

 N.A. Jafarey highlighted Pakistan's low scientific research level due to

discouragement of critical thinking.

Inadequate Funding:

 Statistical analysis reveals that 90% of Pakistani universities lack environments

conducive to quality research.

 Research labs are not well-equipped, hindering scholars from conducting

meaningful research.

 Insufficient research funding leads to scholars leaving the country for better
opportunities and facilities elsewhere.

Lack of Originality in Research:

 Institutions struggle to generate original and authentic research, relying instead on

ineffective practices like paraphrasing and copying others' work.

 Dishonest practices such as paid thesis write-ups contribute to a lack of creativity

and authenticity in research output.

 These practices ultimately undermine the competence of researchers on a global


Promotion Criteria and Pressure:

 Promotion criteria in higher education prioritize quantity over quality, focusing
more on the number of publications rather than the impact or originality of

 This creates a stressful environment where scholars are pressured to publish

numerous papers without necessarily contributing significantly to their field.

 The emphasis on quantity over quality diminishes the practical applications and
real-world impact of research efforts.

Low %GDP in Research and Development:

 Pakistan allocates a significantly lower percentage of its GDP to research and

development compared to other countries in Asia.

 Limited investment in research institutions and initiatives hinders the

development of robust research capabilities.

 Insufficient funding at the national level restricts the growth and quality of
research across various sectors.

Focus on Quantity Over Quality for Promotion:

 The Higher Education Commission (HEC) has not set clear criteria for the quality
and impact of publications produced during PhD studies.

 Universities prioritize quantity of publications over their quality, leading to a

culture of publishing in low-quality journals and conferences.

 Promotion criteria often emphasize the number of publications rather than their
impact, resulting in scholars prioritizing quantity to meet promotion requirements.

Insecurity and Lack of Support from Department Heads:

 Many Heads of Departments (HoDs) are not actively engaged in research and
may feel threatened by the success of younger colleagues.
 Insecure HoDs may hinder research efforts by withholding resources, creating
extra workload, and discouraging critical acclaim or recognition for younger

Poor Communication and Collaboration:

 Universities in Pakistan lack effective communication and dissemination

strategies for research findings.

 Indolence, poor networking, and jealousy among faculty members contribute to a

culture of mediocrity and lack of collaboration.

 Without proper communication and collaboration, research outcomes remain

poorly disseminated and fail to impact society effectively.

Challenges in Acquiring Funding:

 Original and groundbreaking research requires adequate funding, which is often

lacking in Pakistani universities.

 Lengthy processes for acquiring funding and travel grants create hurdles for
researchers, leading to missed opportunities for collaboration and knowledge

 Limited funding inhibits the training and development of academics, impacting

the quality and scope of research projects.

Gap Between Academia and Industry:

 The disconnect between academia and industry in Pakistan results in research that
may not address real-world problems or industry concerns.

 Lack of collaboration and knowledge transfer between academia and industry

leads to graduates being ill-equipped for professional roles.

Lack of Focus on Local Issues:

Many PhD and MPhil theses focus on global or geopolitical issues like relations among Pakistan,
US, Afghanistan, India, and China, terrorism, and counterterrorism. However, there's a lack of
emphasis on addressing local societal problems and challenges specific to Pakistan.

Research efforts often fail to contribute significantly to improving the quality of education or
resolving social dilemmas faced by Pakistani society.

Plagiarism and Ineffective Research:

There are complaints about plagiarism in research papers and theses, indicating a lack of
academic integrity and quality control.

The Higher Education Commission (HEC) and universities have not effectively addressed the
issue of plagiarism, leading to the production of ineffective and substandard research material.

Lack of Academic Standards and Methodological Rigor:

PhD research is criticized for not meeting established academic standards, particularly in terms
of filling gaps in existing literature and using rigorous research methodologies.

The quality of research output, including data collection, scientific analysis, and research
methodologies, is often questioned, leading to ineffective or biased research outcomes.

Neglect of Social Sciences:

Social sciences have historically been ignored or marginalized in Pakistan, both during
democratic and autocratic regimes.

While there has been increased research work in social sciences in recent years, there is a call for
enhanced governmental support, patronage, and funding to address societal issues effectively.

Inadequate Networking and Collaboration:

There is a need for better networking and collaboration among social scientists from diverse
backgrounds to exchange ideas, share perceptions, and establish local theories and solutions.

The lack of effective networking and collaboration hinders the development of focused research
that addresses local societal issues in Pakistan.

Historical Challenges and Educational Influences:

Historical influences, such as attempts to rewrite history and national culture in school textbooks
during the 1980s, have had a negative impact on the study of social sciences in Pakistan.

The educational system's focus on certain narratives or ideologies may have led to biases and
limitations in research approaches and outcomes.

How To Overcome it ?

To address these issues and improve the research culture in Pakistan, recommendations include:

 Implementing clear and stringent criteria for publication quality in promotion and
selection processes.

 Encouraging active participation in research among senior academics and facilitating

regular communication and networking among faculty members.

 Streamlining funding processes and promoting easier access to travel grants for
researchers attending conferences or seminars.

 Fostering collaboration between academia and industry through research-based projects

involving students and providing incentives for industry involvement.

 Introducing research-focused initiatives at undergraduate and postgraduate levels to

cultivate a culture of quality research from early academic stages.

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