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Plant, Cell and Environment (2009) 32, 336–348 doi: 10.1111/j.1365-3040.2009.01925.

Ice recrystallization inhibition proteins (IRIPs) and freeze

tolerance in the cryophilic Antarctic hair grass
Deschampsia antarctica E. Desv.

Department of Primary Industries, Biosciences Research Division, 2Australian Centre for Plant Functional Genomics,
Victorian Centre for Plant Functional Genomics, Victorian AgriBiosciences Centre, 1 Park Drive, Bundoora, Vic. 3086,
Australia, 4Victorian Partnership for Advanced Computing, Carlton Sth, Vic. 3053, Australia and 5Facultad de Agronomia,
Universidad de Buenos Aires, Buenos Aires, Argentina

ABSTRACT freezing, ice crystal formation initially takes place extracel-

lularly, in the apoplasm. This leads to an elevation of intra-
Antarctic hair grass (Deschampsia antarctica E. Desv.), cellular solute concentration as water is lost by osmosis to
the only grass indigenous to Antarctica, has well-developed the extracellular ice, resulting in severe dehydration. Des-
freezing tolerance, strongly induced by cold acclimation. iccation, in which as much as 90% of intracellular water
Here, we show that in response to low temperatures, D. may be lost at -10 °C, induces multiple forms of membrane
antarctica expresses potent recrystallization inhibition (RI) damage (Thomashow 1999). Furthermore, extracellular ice
activity that, inhibits the growth of small ice crystals into formation obstructs gas and solute exchange, and growing
potentially damaging large ones, is proteinaceous and ice crystals cause cell lysis.
localized to the apoplasm. A gene family from D. antarc- Plants, and other organisms that are exposed to sub-zero
tica encoding putative homologs of an ice recrystallization temperatures, have evolved varied mechanisms to confer
inhibition protein (IRIP) has been isolated and character- tolerance to freezing stress, including deployment of variant
ized. IRIPs are apoplastically targeted proteins with two isozymes (McCown et al. 1969), synthesis of osmopro-
potential ice-binding motifs: 1–9 leucine-rich repeats tectants and compatible solutes (Anchordoguy et al. 1987)
(LRRs) and c. 16 ‘IRIP’ repeats. IRIP genes appear to be and modification of membrane lipid composition (Uemura,
confined to the grass subfamily Pooideae and their prod- Joseph & Steponkus 1995). A particular characteristic of
ucts, exhibit sequence similarity to phytosulphokine recep- tolerance to freezing, and to temperature stresses in
tors and are predicted to adopt conformations with two general, is the phenomenon of acquired tolerance. For
ice-binding surfaces. D. antarctica IRIP (DaIRIP) tran- freezing stress, this is termed cold acclimation, whereby
script levels are greatly enhanced in leaf tissue following transition to low, non-freezing temperature can confer tol-
cold acclimation. Transgenic Arabidopsis thaliana express- erance of subsequent exposure to otherwise lethal sub-zero
ing a DaIRIP has novel RI activity, and purified DaIRIP, temperatures.
when added back to extracts of leaves from non-acclimated A common response of cold- and freezing-tolerant
D. antarctica, can reconstitute the activity found in accli- organisms to reduced temperature is the production of anti-
mated plants. We propose that IRIP-mediated RI activity freeze proteins (AFPs). AFPs have an affinity for ice, by
may contribute to the cryotolerance of D. antarctica, and virtue of structural complementarity, thereby inhibiting its
thus to its unique ability to have colonized Antarctica. growth. Adsorption of AFPs onto ice surfaces has two dis-
tinct effects: thermal hysteresis (TH) and recrystallization
Key-words: abiotic stress; Antarctica; cold acclimation; inhibition (RI). TH results from a non-colligative freezing
IRIP. point depression as ice-front growth becomes restricted to
sterically unfavourable spaces between AFPs (Raymond &
INTRODUCTION DeVries 1977). This broadens the gap between the melting
and freezing points of ice, this range being the measure of
As a consequence of exothermy, many plant species are TH. AFPs mediate the effect of RI by interfering with the
vulnerable to extremes of temperature. These include expo- migration of ice boundaries that normally thermodynami-
sure to sub-zero temperatures that have multiple deleteri- cally favour the creation of large, ice crystals at the expense
ous impacts on plant cells. As temperatures drop below of smaller ones (Knight, DeVries & Oolman 1984). AFPs
Correspondence: U. P. John. Fax: +61 3 9479 3618; e-mail: have been isolated from a number of freeze-tolerant plant species, including bittersweet nightshade (Solanum
© 2009 Department of Primary Industries
336 Journal compilation © 2009 Blackwell Publishing Ltd
IRIPs and cryotolerance in Antarctic hair grass D. antarctica 337

dulcamara), winter rye (Secale cereale), carrot (Daucus 58°40′W). A vegetatively propagated single isolate (Da2)
carota) and perennial ryegrass (Lolium perenne L.) was used for all investigations. Perennial ryegrass (L.
(Urrutia, Duman & Knight 1992; Antikainen & Griffith perenne L.) plants were of cultivar Impact. Doubled haploid
1997; Worrall et al. 1998; Sidebottom et al. 2000). The AFP L. perenne plants, isolate DH297 of cultivar Verna, were
from L. perenne functions as an ice recrystallization inhibi- obtained from S.J. Dalton (Institute of Grassland and Envi-
tion protein (IRIP) and, like the products of many cold- ronmental Research, Aberystwyth, UK). Plants were grown
inducible genes from plants (Lin et al. 1990; Thomashow in soil in 16/8 h light/dark, 250 mmol m-2 s-1 photosynthetic
1999), remains soluble following boiling (Sidebottom et al. photon flux intensity and cold acclimated by transfer from
2000). 22 to 5 °C for 2 weeks. Aerial and subterranean parts were
Antarctic hair grass (Deschampsia antarctica E. Desv.) is collected and snap frozen in liquid N2.
one of only two angiosperm species to have overcome the
geographical and environmental impediments to coloniza-
tion of the Antarctic continent. It grows in favourable loca- Extraction of total cellular and apoplastic
tions along the western coast of the Antarctic Peninsula. D. fluids, DNA and RNA
antarctica is an overwintering species with a short growing Total cellular (Doucet et al. 2000) and apoplastic (Hon et al.
season, which, at Palmer Station (64°47′S), is typically from 1994) extracts in freshly prepared extraction buffer [50 mm
November to March (Day et al. 1999). In respect of low Tris pH 7.4, 20 mm ascorbate, 10 mm ethylenediaminetet-
temperature stress, on Léonie Island in northern Marguer- raacetic acid (EDTA)] were frozen in liquid N2 and stored
ite Bay (67°36′S) towards the southern limit of distribution at -80 °C. To avoid non-specific effects in RI assays (below)
of D. antarctica (Smith & Poncet 1987), air temperatures no protease inhibitors were added, but extracts were
below -30 °C have been recorded during the austral winter. handled on ice. This approach was validated by comparing
During the growing season, when plants are most vulner- the banding profile of extracts on Coomassie-stained
able to freezing stress, episodes of temperatures down to sodium dodecyl sulphate–polyacrylamide gel electrophore-
-15 °C can occur early in the growing season (see Montiel, sis (SDS–PAGE) gels in the presence and absence of 2 mm
Smith & Keiller 1999). Laboratory studies have demon- phenylmethanesulphonylfluoride (PMSF) (Sigma, St Louis,
strated that D. antarctica has a well-developed, cold- MO, USA) in ethanol and 1/100 dilution of protease inhibi-
acclimation response, and that significant cellular damage tor cocktail (Sigma). All extracts were aliquoted, frozen in
only occurs in plants exposed to temperatures substantially liquid N2 and stored at -80 °C. RNA and DNA were
below those at which they freeze (Bravo et al. 2001). extracted using RNeasy and DNeasy Plant Mini Kits
Despite its well-developed freezing tolerance, no bio- (Qiagen, Hilden, Germany), respectively.
chemical or physiological mechanisms have so far been
identified in D. antarctica that can coherently account for
this capacity. We show here that cold acclimation in D. Ice RI assays
antarctica induces potent protein-based RI activity, particu-
larly in the apoplasm. We have isolated and characterized a Soluble protein content was quantified using the Bio-Rad
gene family in D. antarctica encoding putative homologs of protein assay (Bio-Rad, Mississauga, Canada).The capillary
the IRIP from L. perenne. IRIP gene transcript levels are method for RI assays (Tomczak et al. 2003) was employed,
greatly elaborated in response to cold acclimation. The pro- except that capillaries were snap frozen in an ethanol/dry ice
teins they encode have a distinctive domain organization, bath. Samples were scored after 16–20 h incubation at -3 °C.
and homology modelling predicts that they adopt structures End point of RI activity was defined as the lowest protein
with two ice-binding surfaces. Furthermore, when expressed concentration (mg mL-1) at which ice crystal size remained
in heterologous systems, D. antartica IRIPs (DaIRIPs) unchanged. For apoplastic extracts, end point of RI activity
exhibit RI activity, and purified DaIRIP is sufficient to was expressed as the equivalent wet weight of starting plant
restore activity, present in cold-acclimated D. antarctica material per volume of extract. For proteinase K treatment,
leaves. We propose that enhancement of the expression, total leaf extracts from cold-acclimated D. antarctica plants
copy number, structure and RI activity of DaIRIP genes at 1 mg mL-1 were incubated at 56 °C for 1 h with freshly
and their products, by comparison to homologs in L. dissolved proteinase K (Sigma) at a final concentration of
perenne and other Poaceae species, may have contributed to 4 mg mL-1, either active or inactivated at 95 °C for 10 min.
the cryotolerance of D. antarctica and thus its unique ability Assays were replicated at least three times, and images from
to colonize Antarctica. representative assays are shown. Digital images were cap-
tured with a Leica DFC 300 F camera mounted on an MZFL
III stereoscopic zoom microscope using FireCam software
MATERIALS AND METHODS (Leica, Heerbrugg, Switzerland).

Plant propagation and growth conditions

Molecular cloning and DNA sequence analysis
Antarctic hair grass (D. antarctica E. Desv.) plants were
germinated from seeds obtained from the soil seed bank in cDNA libraries were prepared, and clones were identified
the vicinity of Jubany station, King George Island (62°14′S, by Expressed Sequence Tag (EST) sequencing (Sawbridge
© 2009 Department of Primary Industries
Journal compilation © 2009 Blackwell Publishing Ltd, Plant, Cell and Environment, 32, 336–348
338 U. P. John et al.

et al. 2003). 3′- and 5′-Rapid amplification of cDNA ends (Sonnhammer, von
(RACE) was used to uncover further gene sequences. Heijne & Krogh 1998) and PSORT (
cDNA was synthesized from leaf RNA and RACE per- (Nakai & Horton 1999).
formed with the BD SMART RACE cDNA Amplification Multiple sequence alignment was performed using
Kit (BD Biosciences, Palo Alto, CA, USA), according to CLUSTAL X v.1.81, with different gap opening (15.0) and
the manufacturer’s instructions, with the primers DaIRIP2 gap extension (0.3) values, followed by manual editing, and
and DaIRIP7: 5′ TATGGCTCCCAGGTACGGTATTA a phylogenetic tree constructed using distance method
TGG and 5′ ATGGCAAAATGCTGGCTGCTGCAGC; and PAUP v.4.0.b2a (Sinauer Associates, Sunderland, MA,
DaIRIP3: 5′ ATGGCGCCGAAATGCTGGCTGCTA; USA) with the putative D. antarctica orthologue of Histone
and DaIRIP5: 5′ AGTGTTGTGGTTCCCGGTTACGG 3.2 (DaH3.2) (R.M. Polotnianka, unpublished results) as
CA and 5′ ATGGCGAAATGCTTGTTGCTGCTGCT. out-group. Robustness of branches was estimated using
cDNAs spanning the entire Open Reading Frame (ORF) 100 bootstrapped replicates with neighbour-joining
were amplified using the primers DaIRIP2: 5′ ATGGC Unweighted Pair Group Method with Arithmetic mean
AAAATGCTGGCTGC and 5′ GATGGAAACAATCCA (UPMGA) search option. Plant leucine-rich repeat (LRR)
CTAAAG; and DaIRIP5 and DaIRIP6: 5′ ATGGCGA protein sequences (and accession numbers) are PvPGIP2,
AATGCTTGTTGCT and 5′ TTAACCTCCCGTCACG PGIP2 of Phaseolus vulgaris (P58822); DcLRR-AFP,
ACT. Genomic sequences were isolated using Genom- LRR-containing AFP from D. carota (AF055480); AtRLK
eWalker (BD Biosciences), and the nested gene specific receptor-like kinase (RLK) from Arabidopsis thaliana
primers DaIRIP3: 5′ GACATCGCGATTGGTCCCACC (AB007644); DcPSKR, phytosulphokine receptor (PSKR)
DaIRIP4: 5′ GTTACATAAGACGATTGGCCCCACCA from Oryza sativa (AY730046); SbRLK, RLK from
AG and 5′ CAATCCACTCACTGATCATTAACCACC; Sorghum bicolor (AF466199); CaLRR-P, LLR-protein
DaIRIP7: 5′ GCTGAGTTTGTGTATACATATATAGCA from chickpea (Cicer arietinum) (AJ609275); HvPRK, puta-
TACCACACCTG and 5′ AATGCTGGCTGCTGCTGC tive receptor kinase from H. vulgare (AY268139);TaLRR-P,
TCTTCTCGGTGC; and LpIRIP1: 5′ GATGCTATATCC LRR-P from T. aestivum (AY736123); ZmRLK/MARK,
ACGAAGTTACAT and 5′ ATTGGCCCCACCAAGT RLK/Maize Atypical Receptor Kinase from Zea mays
GA. PCR products were purified using QIAquick gel (AY188755).
extraction kit (Qiagen) and molecularly cloned into
pGEM-T Easy (Promega, Madison, WI, USA). Templates
for sequencing of individual plasmid-borne cDNA and
Structural modelling
genomic clones were purified using a QIAprep spin mini-
prep kit (Qiagen), and sequencing reactions were primed Homology modelling was performed using Macromodel
with modified SMART: 5′ AAGCAGTGGTAACAACG- v.8.6 molecular modelling software (Schrödinger, Portland,
CAGAGTGGG, M13F or M13R primers. OR, USA), and the prime homology modelling module
Sequence files were used as queries for Basic Local using the crystal structure of P. vulgaris polygalacturonase-
Alignment Search Tool X (BLASTX) and Basic Local inhibiting protein (PGIP) (Di Matteo et al. 2003) (pdb
Alignment Search Tool N (BLASTN) (Altschul et al. 1997) entry: 1OGQ), and the structure (Kuiper, Davies & Walker
searches of the Swiss-Prot and GenBank Main databases. 2001) (pdb entry: 1I3B) and Fourier transform infrared
IRIP-related sequences were identified by Translation spectroscopy data (Pudney et al. 2003) for L. perenne IRIP.
Basic Local Alignment Search Tool N (TBLASTN) The model was geometrically optimized with distance con-
searches of the National Center for Biotechnology Infor- straints holding optimal hydrogen bond distances between
mation (NCBI) database of GenBank + European Mole- b-sheet regions for 10 000 iterations using an OPLS2001
cular Biology Laboratory (EMBL) + DNA Data Bank force field and Generalized Born (GB) solvation, followed
of Japan (DDBJ) sequences from EST divisions, and by an additional 5000 iterations minimization without con-
assembled (from accession numbers) to derive representa- straints. Images were generated using the Swiss-PdbViewer
tive IRIP homologs, LmIRIP from Italian ryegrass (Lolium (Guex & Peitsch 1997) and Pov-Ray v.3.5 (http://www.
multiflorum) (AU250873, AU251218), TaIRIP from wheat
(Triticum aestivum) (BE490254, BJ224369, BE490074,
BF474043, CK197682, BI479842, BF200590, BQ166227)
and HvIRIP from barley (Hordeum vulgare) (CA002308,
Southern and northern analysis
CB882630, CA018380, CA018335, BJ454063, CA003891,
CA003578, BM376553, BJ461598, BG416480, BU988802, Southern and northern hybridizations were performed
BJ461841, BJ454308, CA000759, CA016565, CA016493, and washed under high stringency conditions [0.1 ¥ saline-
AJ461161). Sequence assembly was performed using sodium citrate (SSC) buffer, 65 °C] (Sambrook, Fritsch &
Sequencher v.4.1.4 (Gene Codes, Ann Arbor, MI, USA). Maniatis 1989). Hybridization patterns were visualized and
Signal sequences were predicted by analysis with SignalP quantified with background subtraction using a Typhoon
( (Bendtsen et al. 8600 Variable Mode Imager and associated software
2004) and subcellular localization with TMHMM (http:// (Amersham Biosciences, Amersham, UK).
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Journal compilation © 2009 Blackwell Publishing Ltd, Plant, Cell and Environment, 32, 336–348
IRIPs and cryotolerance in Antarctic hair grass D. antarctica 339

RT-PCR analysis molecularly cloned into BamHI and HindIII restricted

pQE-30, transformed into Escherichia coli M15 [pREP4]
First-strand cDNA was synthesized from 1 mg double and expressed as described (Qiagen). The 6xHis-tagged
DNase-treated total RNA using SuperScript III Reverse product of the thioredoxin 1 gene of H. vulgare (courtesy of
Transcriptase and oligo dT(12–18) (Invitrogen, Carlsbad, CA, J. Juttner, University of Adelaide, Australia) was included
USA). Amplifications were performed on cDNA using as a control. 6xHis-tagged protein was purified using BD
DyNAzyme DNA Polymerase (FinnZyme, Espoo, Finland), Talon (BD Biosciences), and elution buffer was replaced
at 94 °C for 5 min and 30–40 cycles of 94 °C for 1 min, by extraction buffer using a Nanosep 10K device (Pall Life
55–61 °C for 1 min and 72 °C for 30 s. Putative D. antarctica Sciences, East Hills, NY, USA). Purified protein was resolved
and L. perenne orthologues of Histone 3.2 (Da and LpH3.2) by SDS–PAGE and visualized with Coomassie staining.
(R.M. Polotnianka, unpublished results) and actin-2 from
A. thaliana (At3g18780) (AtAct2) were employed as con-
stitutively expressed controls. The primer pairs used were, Accession numbers
Sequence data from this article can be found in the
EMBL/GenBank data libraries under accession numbers
DaIRIP1 (FJ663038); DaIRIP2 (FJ663039); DaIRIP3
(FJ663040); DaIRIP4 (FJ663041); DaIRIP5 (FJ663042);
DaIRIP6 (FJ663043); DaIRIP7 (FJ663044); and LpIRIP1
TCCAAG and 5′ GAGCTTCTCCTTGATGTCTCTTAC. RI activity in D. antarctica and L. perenne is
The products of cDNA synthesis reactions without reverse induced by cold acclimation, mediated by
transcriptase were included as controls, and reactions were protein and present in the apoplasm
replicated three times. Ice RI assays reveal that D. antarctica exhibits cold
acclimation-induced RI activity, that interferes with the
Generation and analysis of migration of ice boundaries that normally thermodynami-
transgenic Arabidopsis cally favour the creation of large ice crystals at the expense
of smaller ones (Knight et al. 1984). Extracts of leaf fluids
The ORFs of DaIRIP4 and LpIRIP1 were PCR adapted from plants grown at 5 °C for 2 weeks manifest RI activity,
using the primers 5′ GGGGACAAGTTTGTACAAAA unaffected by incubation at 95 °C for 5 min, at concentra-
AAGCAGGCTGCAGGCGTAACACAGCTTGAGTCC tions of protein down to 15.6 mg mL-1 (Fig. 1a & Table 1).
ATGGCGAA and 5′ GGGGACCACTTTGTACAAGA By contrast, extracts from plants grown at 22 °C containing
AAGCTGGGTCTGCAGAAGCTTCGATTCAATCCA 1000 mg mL-1 of protein possess no RI activity. Similarly, in
CTCACTGATCATTAAC; and 5′ GGGGACAAGTTTG roots of D. antarctica, RI activity is undetectable in extracts
TACAAAAAAGCAGGCTGCAGAAAATCTTACATA from non-acclimated plants at 800 mg mL-1 of protein but
GCTGAACCAATGGAG and 5′ GGGGACCACTTTGT present in extracts in response to cold acclimation
CAATTCTCTATAGATTGTTAACC, respectively, and In L. perenne, a grass that inhabits more temperate
cloned in the Gateway enabled pPZP221 (Hajdukiewicz, regions, RI activity is below the threshold of detection in
Svab & Maliga 1994), under the control of the 2x35S concentrated extracts of leaves and roots from non-
promoter. Vectors were transformed into Agrobacterium acclimated plants but is induced, at more modest levels
tumefaciens Agl-1 by electroporation, and A. thaliana Col-0 compared with D. antarctica, following cold acclimation
transformed as described (Ye et al. 1999) with selection by (Table 1).
75 mg L-1 gentamicin and 50 mg L-1 timetin. The leaves of The sensitivity of leaf extracts of cold-acclimated D. ant-
gentamicin-resistant T2 plants from lines segregating 3:1 for arctica to the action of the non-specific endolytic protease
resistance were analysed by RT-PCR and RI assay. proteinase K provides evidence that RI activity is proteina-
ceous in origin. Compared with untreated samples, extracts
incubated at 56 °C for 1 h in the presence or absence of
Expression and purification of
heat-inactivated proteinase K retain significant RI activity,
recombinant protein
but incubation with active proteinase K ablates activity
The sequence encoding the N-terminally 6xHis-tagged (Fig. 1b).
DaIRIP4 LRR and IRIP domains was PCR adapted with To determine whether RI activity was present in the
the primers 5′ CGCGTCGGATCCATGTTGCTCCCCA extracellular spaces of D. antarctica and L. perenne, RI
GGCGCGGCCTC and 5′ ACTCACAAGCTTAACCTCC assays were conducted on apoplastic extracts of leaves.
TGTCACGACTTTGT using Platinum Pfx (Invitrogen), While undiluted apoplastic fluids from plants of both
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Journal compilation © 2009 Blackwell Publishing Ltd, Plant, Cell and Environment, 32, 336–348
340 U. P. John et al.

22 °C 5 °C
Untreated 95 °C, 5 min Untreated 95 °C, 5 min

E B 1 2 3 E B 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

(b) Figure 1. Recrystallization inhibition (RI) assays

4 °C, 1 h 56 °C, 1 h on cellular extracts from leaves of Deschampsia
Pro K: – – Heat inactiv. Active antarctica. (a) From non-acclimated (grown at
22 °C) and cold-acclimated (5 °C) plants. Upper
panel: initial ice crystal structure following snap
E + 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 freezing. Lower panel: after 16 h incubation at
-3 °C. Extracts were either untreated or incubated
at 95 °C for 5 min. Capillary E, extraction buffer;
B, 1000 mg mL-1 bovine serum albumin; 1–7, 1000,
250, 62.5, 15.6, 3.91, 0.977 and 0.244 mg mL-1,
respectively, of leaf soluble protein. (b) Response to
proteinase K treatment. Capillaries as above except
‘+’: positive control. Extracts incubated for 1 h on
ice, or at 56 °C in absence (-) or presence of
heat-inactivated (heat inactiv.) or active
proteinase K.

species (at 6550 and 6590 mg mL-1 wet weight of leaf mate- a significantly lesser extent in L. perenne. Moreover, RI
rial per volume of extract) grown at 22 °C possess none, RI activity in D. antarctica is conferred by the action of pro-
activity is detectable down to 155.9 ⫾ 176.8 mg mL-1 (n = 3) teins, and a substantial proportion of this activity is local-
and 3830 ⫾ 1915 mg mL-1 (n = 3) in cold-acclimated plants, ized to the apoplasm.
respectively. These corresponded in one instance to protein
concentrations in the apoplastic fluids of 0.31 and IRIP homologs from D. antarctica are predicted
14 mg mL-1, respectively, to be secreted proteins with two repeat
Therefore, the activity to inhibit the consolidation of ice
motif domains
crystals by recrystallization is induced in response to cold
acclimation in both leaves and roots of D. antarctica, and to Full-length clones of putative homologs of the incomplete
IRIP coding sequence from L. perenne (Sidebottom et al.
2000), DaIRIP1, 2, 5 and 6 (cDNA) and DaIRIP3, 4 and 7
Table 1. Recrystallization inhibition (RI) activitya in leaves and (genomic clones) were obtained from D. antarctica. A
roots of non-acclimated (grown at 22 °C) and cold-acclimated genomic clone encoding the putative IRIP paralogous
(5 °C) Deschampsia antarctica and Lolium perenne sequence, LpIRIP1 was also obtained from L. perenne. The
predicted IRIP homologs in D. antarctica and L. perenne
Leaves Roots
are proteins of molecular weight (MW) 21 881–29 161 Da,
22 °C 5 °C 22 °C 5 °C isoelectric points in the range of 8.75–10.2 and rich in
glycine, asparagine, leucine, valine and serine residues.
D. antarctica ND b
46.9 ⫾ 27.0 ND b
133.3 ⫾ 57.7
In addition, many IRIP-related sequences have been
L. perenne NDb 125.0 ⫾ 108.3 NDb 266.7 ⫾ 115.5
identified in EST collections from other species of the
Expressed as the lowest concentration of total protein extract
Poaceae (grass family) subfamily Pooideae, and have been
(mg mL-1) at which activity retained (n = 3). assembled to derive consensus amino acid sequences of
No activity detectable at 1000 and 800 mg mL-1 for leaves and representative forms. The intramolecular repeat structures
roots, respectively. of the longest IRIP homolog, HvIRIP from barley (H.
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Journal compilation © 2009 Blackwell Publishing Ltd, Plant, Cell and Environment, 32, 336–348
IRIPs and cryotolerance in Antarctic hair grass D. antarctica 341

(a) Figure 2. Structural and phylogenetic analysis of ice

recrystallization inhibition proteins (IRIPs). (a) Intramolecular
repeat structure of IRIP of Hordeum vulgare (HvIRIP).
Arrowhead: predicted signal peptide cleavage site. Four cysteine
residues conserved in leucine-rich repeat (LRR) proteins and
predicted to form two disulphide bridges in bold, connected by
lines to show the predicted disulphide bridges. Highly conserved
10 amino acid motif including three of these cysteine residues are
underlined. Consensus sequences for plant LRRs (Kobe &
Kajava 2001) and IRIP repeat in bold with identical residues
shaded. (b) Intramolecular repeat structure of DaIRIP3.
(c) Schematic of domain organization in IRIP homologs and
phytosulphokine receptor from Oryza sativa (OsPSKR). TaIRIP
from wheat (Triticum aestivum). Boxes labelled SP, signal
peptide; 2 ¥ S-S, domain predicted to form two disulphide
bridges; with numbers, LRRs; Is., island domain; unlabelled, IRIP
repeats; TM, transmembrane domain. (d) Phenogram of IRIP
(b) homologs and selected plant LRR proteins. Bootstrap values (%)
at nodes.

14th IRIP repeat, but has an additional degenerate repeat

immediately proximal to the usual start position of the IRIP
domain (Fig. 2c & Supporting Information Fig. S1).
The region proximal to the IRIP domain has affinities to
proteins with LRR motifs. LRRs in IRIPs range in number
from 9 (Fig. 2c & Supporting Information Fig. S1) to as few
as 1 in D. antarctica forms (Supporting Information Fig. S1),
and for DaIRIP3 to only 17 of the usual complement of
24–25 residues (Fig. 2b). Sequence similarity searches indi-
cate that IRIPs are most closely related to a putative rice (O.
sativa) orthologue of a phytohormone receptor, the PSKR
(NP_911036).Regions of significant sequence similarity with
PvPGIP2 PSKR extend in a discontinuous fashion through the first 17
AtRLK LRRs and approximately 22 residues into a 36 amino acid
DcPSKR residue ‘island’ domain (Li & Chory 1997), where similarity
ceases with the advent of the IRIP domain (Fig. 2c & Sup-
TaIRIP porting Information Fig. S1). With reference to the organi-
DaIRIP1 zation of LRRs in the O. sativa PSKR orthologue, IRIPs lack
HvIRIP between 8 and 16 of the first 17 LRRs (Fig. 2c).
LpIRIP2 Phylogenetic analysis of the sequences of representative
LmIRIP IRIP homologs outside of the IRIP domain, together with
OsPSKR representative LRR-containing proteins reveal that IRIPs
SbRLK fall into a robust and distinct clade, with PSKR from O.
CaLRR-P sativa comprising the immediate sister group (Fig. 2d). IRIP
TaLRR-P homologs from L. perenne and Italian ryegrass (L. multiflo-
ZmRLK/MARK rum) form a sub-clade separate from the IRIPs of D. ant-
DaH3.2 arctica and the Triticeae. The IRIP-PSKR super-clade is
distinct from other LRR-RLKs of both monocotyledonous
and dicotyledonous origin, including a LRR-containing
vulgare), and the shortest, DaIRIP3 (Fig. 2a,b), and the AFP from D. carota (Worrall et al. 1998; Meyer, Keil &
domain organization of putative IRIP homologs from selec- Naldrett 1999) (Fig. 2d).
tive representative Pooideae species (Fig. 2c) are shown. In Immediately proximal to the LRRs in the predicted
all predicted IRIP homologs (Fig. 2), the c. 120 residues at IRIPs is a highly conserved 10 amino acid residue motif
the C-terminus consist of c. 16 tandem repeats of a degener- (CCXWEGVXCD) containing three invariant cysteine
ate 7–8 amino acid residue motif (here designated the ‘IRIP residues (Fig. 2a,b & Supporting Information Fig. S1). An
repeat’). The consensus sequence for the IRIP repeat is additional invariant cysteine residue occurs a further 31–32
SNNTVVSG, with the glycine residue being most conserved residues towards the N-terminus (Fig. 2a,b & Supporting
(91.9% identity) across all types. Relative to IRIP forms in Information Fig. S1). Cysteine residues are located at the
other species, LpIRIP1 from L. perenne appears to lack the corresponding four positions in the majority of LRR-RLKs
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Journal compilation © 2009 Blackwell Publishing Ltd, Plant, Cell and Environment, 32, 336–348
342 U. P. John et al.

(U.P. John, unpublished results), and have been shown to (a) N-terminal
form two conformationally critical disulphide bridges in domain
the structural determination of the LRR-RLK PGIP ortho- IRIP domain
logue of kidney bean (P. vulgaris) (Di Matteo et al. 2003). It
is surmised, based on their conservation in all IRIP forms,
that the orthologous residues also participate in structurally C
important disulphide bonds.
At the N-terminus of all IRIP homologs is a 20 or 21
amino acid residue region predicted to function as a signal
peptide (Fig. 2c), with a cleavage site between conserved Disulphide bonds
alanine and either threonine or valine residues (Fig. 2a,b &
Supporting Information Fig. S1). Consistent with this, the Ice
4.5 Å
mature versions of all full-length IRIP forms are predicted
to be extracellularly localized. Consequently, it is likely that (b) LRR IRIP domain
IRIPs are apoplastic proteins.

IRIPs are predicted to adopt conformations

with two lattice-matched ice-binding surfaces
Three-dimensional structures of the predicted mature Ice
forms of DaIRIP3 and LpIRIP1 were constructed by 4.5 Å
Disulphide bonds
knowledge-based comparative homology modelling
(Fig. 3). The structural model of DaIRIP3 has three main
regions: the double disulphide-bonded N-terminal domain, N
one abbreviated LRR loop and the IRIP domain (Fig. 3a).
LpIRIP1 is similar to the DaIRIP3 in overall structure
except for its three LRRs and an additional predicted dis-
ulphide bond (Fig. 3a). Side ‘A’ Side ‘B’
The extended b-roll structure of the IRIP domain is pre- T105 T107 V113 S115
dicted to form two surfaces complementary to the prism V120 S122 V128 S130
4.5 Å
face of ice, on alternate sides of the domain. Adjacent par- I135 S137 V143 T145
allel b-loops are spaced approximately 4.5 Å apart T150 T152 V157 S159
(Fig. 3a,b), while threonine and other solvent-accessible I164 T166 A171 T173
residues are arrayed in two ranks on the b-strand faces, N178 S180 T185 S187
spaced two residues, or approximately 7.4 Å apart (Fig. 3c). T192 S194 T199 S201
This almost exactly matches the prism ice surface that has V206 S208 V213 T215
repeating structures 4.5 Å parallel to the a-axis and 7.35 Å C
7.5 Å
parallel to the c-axis of ice. The putative ice-binding sur-
faces are stabilized by valine residues that allow tight Figure 3. Ribbon backbone diagrams of structural models of
regular hydrophobic packing of the central core of the ice recrystallization inhibition proteins (IRIPs). (a) DaIRIP3
b-roll region, and by asparagine residues that participate in aligned along the prism face of ice (parallel to the a-axis)
hydrogen bonds between adjacent b-strands. The highly showing b-strands (yellow), a-helices (red) and disulphide bonds.
conserved glycine residues in the IRIP repeat are structur- (b) LpIRIP1 aligned along the prism face of ice. (c) DaIRIP3
orientated to view one of two putative ice-binding surfaces.
ally important, as they form the turns between the upper
Predicted ice-binding amino acid residues at positions two
and lower b-strand faces of the ice-binding b-roll. residues apart on visible ice-binding surface (side ‘A’), and
Although the conformation of the three LRRs of the obverse surface (side ‘B’), are shown. LRR, leucine-rich repeat.
LpIRIPa model recapitulates the right-handed b-roll of the
IRIP repeat, they do not engender a flat b-sheet roll as does
the incomplete LRR in DaIRIP3 (Fig. 3b). On one side of
The genome of D. antarctica harbours a family
the b-roll, adjacent parallel b-loops are spaced approxi-
of IRIP-related sequences
mately 4.5 Å apart, but on the other, adjacently a-helical
strands cannot pack as closely (Fig. 3b). Therefore, with Consistent with the multiple IRIP gene variants isolated
each iteration of the LRR, the b-roll structure becomes from them, the genomes of D. antarctica and L. perenne
increasingly displaced, forming a curved b-sheet region. As appear to harbour multiple IRIP-related sequences. Up to
a consequence, relative to DaIRIP3, the predicted LpIRIPa six hybridizing bands are detected by probing of a Southern
structure with three LRRs appears to display a suboptimal blot of D. antarctica genomic DNA with DaIRIP4 (Fig. 4a).
surface lattice match to the ice prism face (Fig. 3b). The occurrence of as few as two or three hybridizing
© 2009 Department of Primary Industries
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IRIPs and cryotolerance in Antarctic hair grass D. antarctica 343

(a) (b) (c) (d)

1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 1 2 3
12.0 kb
12.0 kb
5.0 5.0
4.0 4.0
3.0 Figure 4. Southern analysis with ice
2.0 recrystallization inhibition protein (IRIP) gene
1.65 probes. Lanes 1, undigested; 2, SphI; 3, KpnI; 4,
2.0 HindIII; 5, BamHI; 6, AatII. (a,b) Deschampsia
1.65 1.0 antarctica probed with DaIRIP4. (c) Multiply
heterozygous Lolium perenne probed with
LpIRIP1. (d) Doubled haploid L. perenne probed
1.0 with LpIRIP1.

bands (Fig. 4a, lanes 3 and 5) is evidence that IRIP- Heterologously expressed DaIRIP is sufficient
related sequences may be physically linked on genomic to reconstitute the RI activity present in
fragments totalling to 20 kb. Additional Southern analysis cold-acclimated leaves
of D. antarctica employing restriction endonucleases
without predicted recognition sites in any of the known To demonstrate that the RI activity was directly attribut-
DaIRIP sequences detected up to 15 hybridizing bands able to IRIPs, their coding sequences were engineered for
(Fig. 4b). expression in two heterologous systems. Extracts from the
At least four LpIRIP1 sequence-related restriction leaves of independent transgenic A. thaliana lines constitu-
fragments are detected in a sample genome from a tively expressing full-length DaIRIP4 (Fig. 6a) or LpIRIP1
heterogeneous breeding population of L. perenne (Fig. 4c). were assayed for RI activity. Three independent lines
The genomic DNA from a doubled haploid plant, however, transgenic for DaIRIP4 exhibited activity down to a
exhibits only one strongly hybridizing band, with a back-
ground of less intense bands (Fig. 4d). (a) (c)
Leaf Root Leaf Root
22 5 22 5 °C 22 5 22 5 °C
DaIRIP transcript levels are greatly elevated in 1.1 kb 1.2 kb
response to cold acclimation
The modulation of steady-state levels of IRIP gene tran-
scripts in response to temperature in D. antarctica and L. rRNA
perenne was investigated. Northern analysis on roots and
leaves of D. antarctica plants grown at 22 °C, and 5 °C
hybridized with a DaIRIP4 probe detects 40- to 50-fold
elevated levels of transcript in leaves in response to cold (b) (d)
22 °C 5 °C 22 °C 5 °C
acclimation (Fig. 5a). Similarly, RT-PCR analysis shows
DaIRIP4 and DaIRIP3 mRNA is specific to cold-
acclimated leaves, while DaIRIP1 specific transcripts are
detectable in both leaves and roots of cold-acclimated DaIRIP3 LpH3.2
plants (Fig. 5b). DaIRIP4
By contrast, LpIRIP1 transcript levels in L. perenne are DaH3.2
below the threshold level of detection in northern analysis
of leaves grown at 5 or 22 °C, but are elevated approxi- Figure 5. Analysis of ice recrystallization inhibition protein
mately fourfold in the roots of cold-acclimated plants (IRIP) transcript levels in response to temperature. (a) Northern
relative to those grown at 22 °C (Fig. 5c). RT-PCR analysis analysis of Deschampsia antarctica leaves and roots grown at 22
detects low levels of LpIRIP1 transcript in roots of plants and 5 °C probed with DaIRIP4. Ribosomal RNAs (rRNA)
functioned as loading controls. (b) RT-PCR of D. antarctica
grown at 22 °C, and a modest elevation of levels upon
leaves (L) and roots (R) for DaIRIP1, DaIRIP3, DaIRIP4 and
transfer to 5 °C (Fig. 5d). Thus, steady-state levels of IRIP DaH3.2 as constitutively expressed control. (c) Northern analysis
transcripts are greatly enhanced in leaves of D. antarctica in of Lolium perenne probed with LpIRIP1. (d) RT-PCR of L.
response to cold acclimation but only moderately so in the perenne for LpIRIP1 and LpH3.2 as constitutively expressed
roots of L. perenne. control.
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344 U. P. John et al.

(a) (b) #1725 #1738 #1743

E + wt 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4

wt #1725 #1738 #1743



(c) (d) HvT1 DaIRIP4 22 °C leaf +

- HvT1 DaIRIP4

E + 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8





Figure 6. Heterologously expressed DaIRIP4 confers recrystallization inhibition (RI) activity. (a,b) Three independent Arabidopsis
thaliana lines transgenic for 35S:DaIRIP4. (a) RT-PCR of leaves for DaIRIP4 and AtAct2. wt, Col-0. (b) RI assay on cellular extracts
from leaves. Capillary E, extraction buffer; ‘+’, positive control; wt, Col-0 at 400 mg mL-1 leaf soluble protein; 1–4, transgenic lines at 400,
100, 25 and 6.25 mg mL-1. (c,d) N-terminally 6xHis-tagged DaIRIP4 expressed in Escherichia coli. (c) Coomassie-stained sodium dodecyl
sulphate–polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS–PAGE) of purified HvT1 and DaIRIP4. (d) RI assay on ‘add-backs’ of purified protein
to cellular extracts from leaves of non-acclimated Deschampsia antarctica. Capillaries as above except 1: 2.5 mg mL-1 purified HvT1, 2–3:
purified DaIRIP4 at 2.5 and 1.25 mg mL-1, 4–8: non-acclimated (22 °C) extract at 250 mg mL-1 leaf soluble protein with addition of
extraction buffer, 2.5 mg mL-1 final concentration purified HvT1 or 2.5, 1.25 and 0.625 mg mL-1 DaIRIP4.

concentration of 100 mg mL-1 of protein, while no activity DISCUSSION

was detectable in non-transgenic plants at a concentration
A gene family encoding IRIPs has been identified and char-
of 400 mg mL-1 (Fig. 6b). By comparison, analogous lines
acterized, the expression of which can account for D. antarc-
transgenic for constitutive LpIRIP1 expression manifested
tica’s cold-induced RI activity, and thus contribute to its
no detectable RI activity (Supporting Information Fig. S2).
tolerance of freezing. D. antarctica has protein-based activity
Thus, expression of the monocot-derived protein DaIRIP4
induced by cold acclimation, and present in the apoplasm,
in the dicot plant A. thaliana engenders a novel phenotype,
to inhibit ice recrystallization, thereby minimizing the
RI activity.
lytic consequences of uncontrolled ice crystal growth. This
A 6xHis-tagged version of DaIRIP4, expressed in E.
capacity is correlated with the expression of IRIP genes and
coli and purified by Co-affinity chromatography (Fig. 6c),
the primary structure, conformation, predicted localization
conferred RI activity at a concentration of 2.5 mg mL-1 of
and, most significantly, the activity of their products.
purified protein (Fig. 6d, lane 2). Furthermore, when ‘added
back’ to extracts from the leaves of non-acclimated plants
at 250 mg mL-1 of soluble protein, purified DaIRIP4 D. antarctica has protein-mediated,
reconstitutes RI activity at final concentrations down to
apoplastically localized activity to inhibit
1.25 mg mL-1, or 0.5% of total protein (Fig. 6d, lane 7), reca-
recrystallization of ice
pitulating the activity observed in plants that have been
cold acclimated by exposure to 5 °C for 2 weeks. This Consistent with its tolerance of freezing, soluble homoge-
threshold of RI activity is lower than that observed for nates of D. antarctica exhibit potent cold acclimation-
DaIRIP4 in isolation (Fig. 6d, lane 2), suggesting that IRIPs induced, heat-resistant ice crystallization inhibition activity.
function more efficiently in the context of endogenous In leaves grown in temperate conditions, RI activity is
cellular components. Therefore, the activity of DaIRIP4 absent in extracts containing 1 mg mL-1 of protein, but
is sufficient to account for RI activity in leaf extracts of present in cold-acclimated plants at 64-fold less levels of
cold-acclimated D. antarctica. protein. Furthermore, this activity is obliterated by the
© 2009 Department of Primary Industries
Journal compilation © 2009 Blackwell Publishing Ltd, Plant, Cell and Environment, 32, 336–348
IRIPs and cryotolerance in Antarctic hair grass D. antarctica 345

action of protease, and a significant proportion resides in PSKR, a receptor for the hormone phytosulphokine. PSKR
apoplastic fluids, the first and usually only part of the plant first isolated and characterized in D. carota consists of an
in which ice crystals form. By contrast, in the temperate extracellular domain containing 21 LRRs, a single-pass
grass, L. perenne RI activity manifests at more modest transmembrane domain (Fig. 2c), and a cytoplasmic serine–
levels. Comparable results were found in D. antarctica using threonine kinase domain (Matsubayashi et al. 2002). Like
a sucrose sandwich assay for RI activity (Doucet et al. the IRIPs, the majority of known plant AFPs are derived
2000). RI activity was exhibited down to 50 mg mL-1 of from secreted proteins, many being homologs of
protein in crude homogenates of aerial parts grown in a pathogenesis-related proteins (Griffith & Yaish 2004), and
diurnal range of 2–8 °C, virtually identical to that for plants one, the AFP from D. carota (Worrall et al. 1998; Meyer
grown at 5 °C in this study. However, in contrast to the et al. 1999) also being related to LRR-RLKs.
findings presented here, this RI activity was heat labile and Although they exhibit plasticity in their number and
only partially sensitive to protease. Using an entirely dif- arrangement (Fig. 2c), all LRRs in extant IRIPs have high
ferent type of assay, ice crystal shaping activity has been levels of identity and conservation with LRRs in PSKR
detected in apoplastic extracts from D. antarctica (Bravo & (Fig. 2c & Supporting Information Fig. S1), with no evi-
Griffith 2005). The activity reported is proteinaceous but, dence for the addition of any other sequences, LRR or
unlike the findings presented here, is sensitive to boiling otherwise. Therefore, consistent with the principle of
and present in non-acclimated plants. It remains, however, maximum parsimony, it is most likely that the evolution
unclear what the mechanistic relationship is between ice of IRIPs has resulted from the progressive loss of LRRs,
crystal-shaping activity and ice recrystallization activity. rather than their acquisition or rearrangement. A possible
evolutionary scenario is that a PSKR-related protein was
co-opted as an AFP, either because of intrinsic structural
IRIP genes encode proteins with two potential complementarity to ice crystals, and/or as a vector to target
ice-binding domains the ‘hitch-hiking’ IRIP domain to the cellular compartment
where RI activity is critical, the apoplast. The origin of
We have isolated and characterized full-length IRIP genes
the sequence encoding the IRIP repeat, however, remains
from both D. antarctica and L. perenne. The form reported
obscure, as it exhibits no sequence similarity to any
previously from L. perenne (Sidebottom et al. 2000), isolated
reported nucleotide or derived amino acid sequence.
as a protein associated with RI activity, lacked an N-terminal
Genes encoding IRIP homologs appear to be monophyl-
methionine and was comprised solely of 16 IRIP repeats.The
etic in origin and confined to the Pooideae. We are not yet
IRIP forms reported here, unlike other known AFPs, include
aware of any species of the Pooideae without IRIP-related
two potential ice-binding domains: the IRIP and LRR
sequences. In addition to the D. antarctica, L. perenne, L.
domains. Ten LRRs are also the predominant feature of an
multiflorum, H. vulgare and T. aestivum sequences reported
unrelated ice recrystallization inhibiting AFP from D. carota
here, sequence similarity searches of the NCBI EST data-
(Worrall et al. 1998; Meyer et al. 1999).
base have also revealed IRIP-related sequences in Leymus
Although the LRR domain has the potential to function
chinensis, Puccinellia tenuiflora, winter rye (S. cereale), tall
in ice binding, in the various IRIP forms described here,
fescue (Festuca arundinacae) and diploid, and tetraploid
there is a wide range of variation in its relative contribution
forms of wheat (Triticum monococcum and Triticum turgi-
to the overall primary structure. Thus, while IRIPs invari-
dum), frequently associated with cDNA libraries derived
ably contain 16 IRIP repeats, LRRs are present from as
from cold-stressed or vernalized material. We have also
many as nine iterations in the H. vulgare form HvIRIP to
identified in in-house EST data putatively orthologous
less than one in the D. antarctica form, DaIRIP3, where the
sequences in colonial bent grass (Agrostis capillaris). Fur-
residues with similarity to the LRR consensus number only
thermore, sequence similarity searches of the draft genome
17 of the usual complement of 24 or 25 residues (Fig. 2b,c).
of the model temperate grass Brachypodium distachyon
Despite the apparent plasticity in the number of LRRs,
( identify eight IRIP homolo-
and even their dispensability, other features commonly
gous sequences, one apparently incomplete, clustered in two
found in LRR proteins, including the region predicted to
distinct genomic regions of 21 and 29 kb. Incongruously,
participate in two disulphide bridges, and the probable
IRIP homologous sequences are also present in EST
signal sequence are invariant in IRIPs, suggesting that they
resources of the yellow fever mosquito (Aedes aegypti),
are essential for structure/function and/or localization.
possibly the result of contamination. By contrast, no
sequences related to the IRIP domain have been found in
sequence similarity searches of any dicots, including A.
What is the evolutionary origin of IRIP genes?
thaliana, nor in sequences from the warm season grasses O.
Like all plant (and animal) AFPs characterized to date sativa, maize (Zea mays) or S. bicolor. Furthermore, the IRIP
(Logsdon & Doolittle 1997), IRIPs appear to have arisen clade (Fig. 2d) is distinct and well supported, consistent with
relatively recently in evolutionary terms, through co-option the notion that IRIPs arose once early in the evolutionary
of existing protein structures. Outside the IRIP domain history of the Pooideae and have subsequently diverged in
itself, IRIPs are structurally related to LRR-RLKs, having both copy number and structure. On this basis, IRIP genes
the greatest affinity with putative monocot orthologues of are predicted to have arisen sometime after the divergence
© 2009 Department of Primary Industries
Journal compilation © 2009 Blackwell Publishing Ltd, Plant, Cell and Environment, 32, 336–348
346 U. P. John et al.

of the Pooideae and Panicoideae subfamilies 60 mya, but have been minimized in DaIRIP3, with an abbreviated
before that of the Triticodae and Poodae super-tribes 35 mya LRR, predicted to recapitulate and extend the flat ice-
(Huang et al. 2002). binding surface conferred by the IRIP repeats (Fig. 3a).

Structural modelling predicts that the IRIP IRIPs confer RI activity

repeat has greater affinity for ice than the LRR
In order to attribute the RI activity observed in accli-
We have used knowledge-based protein modelling to devise mated D. antarctica to the activity of IRIPs, we have
a theoretical 3-D structure for full-length IRIPs. A trun- unequivocally demonstrated RI activity conferred by het-
cated version of LpIRIP modelled previously (Kuiper et al. erologously expressed DaIRIP. Both when expressed in
2001) did not include the LRR domain, nor the twin disul- the dicotyledonous plant A. thaliana and by the addition
phide bond-forming N-terminal domain. The structural of purified protein to extracts from non-acclimated D. ant-
model demonstrates that both the IRIP and LRR domains arctica plants, DaIRIP4 is sufficient to functionally account
can contribute to a common, structurally complementary for cold acclimation-induced RI activity in D. antarctica. A
ice-binding domain. heterologously expressed putative IRIP homolog from T.
The predominant ice-binding region is predicted to be aestivum has also been shown to inhibit ice crystal growth
the IRIP domain, which presents two ice-binding faces, on (Tremblay et al. 2005).
either side of the b-roll domain. However, the putative ice-
binding surfaces are not as regular as the stereotypical
threonine-X-threonine motifs in b-roll configurations A molecular mechanism for freezing tolerance
observed in two unrelated insect AFPs with high TH activ- in D. antarctica
ity (Graether et al. 2000; Liou et al. 2000). The D. antarctica Deschampsia antarctica is believed to have colonized
and L. perenne IRIPs exhibit only 30–40% threonine at the Antarctica around 5000 ya (Smith 1984), when glaciers
analogous positions. This may be because of the differences retreated from the Antarctic Peninsula following the end of
in the primary function of the proteins. Insect AFPs must the last ice age. Recent expansion of populations of D.
provide appreciable TH activity, as most insects are not antarctica has been linked to climate change (Smith 1994).
freezing tolerant. The regularity of the threonine residues In addition to overcoming the geographical impediments to
on the presenting ice-binding surfaces has been implicated colonizing the Antarctic continent, D. antarctica must have
in their high TH activity, TH activity having been shown to been predisposed to contend with such an extreme environ-
rapidly decrease with increasing mutational substitution of ment. We propose that well-developed IRIP-mediated RI
residues in the ice-binding surface (Marshall et al. 2002). By activity, in combination with other cryotolerance mecha-
contrast, as D. antarctica is freezing tolerant, the primary nisms, may have facilitated the establishment and propaga-
purpose of AFPs in this organism would be to provide RI tion of D. antarctica in Antarctica. We believe the findings
activity, to avoid the plasmolytic consequences of continued reported here illustrate the utility of functional genomic
ice crystal growth in an already frozen tissue. studies beyond model and crop species, particularly in the
In fact, IRIPs may have evolved to have low TH activity, flora of extreme environments, and identify a potential
as high activity may prove detrimental during the inevitable resource for conferring freezing tolerance in sensitive
seasonal freezing of these plants. If a plant was to deploy an plants.
IRIP with a relatively high TH activity, the apoplastic fluid
of the plant would remain liquid until the temperature
dropped below the lower end of the TH gap. Freezing would ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
then occur much more rapidly than if initiated close to the We thank Jessica White and Suzanne Lelean for propaga-
freezing equilibrium point, and would do so with the spicu- tion and collection of plant material, Jutta Nagel for tech-
lar dendritic growth observed with other AFPs (Davies & nical assistance,Tim Sawbridge for advice on bioinformatics
Sykes 1997), potentially doing much mechanical damage to and Michael Emmerling for assistance with figure prepara-
cells. tion. This work was supported by the Australian Research
The LRR domains of IRIPs are also predicted to contrib- Council, the Grains Research and Development Corpora-
ute to ice-binding surfaces but not with the inherent struc- tion, the Victorian Department of Innovation, Industry and
tural complementary to the prism face of ice of the IRIP Regional Development and the Victorian Department of
domain. While solved crystal structures of LRRs in proteins Primary Industries.
form parallel b-sheets on one side of a b-roll, the obverse
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Matteo et al. 2003). As the a-helical regions cannot pack REFERENCES
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Figure S1. Sequence alignment of ice recrystallization material) should be directed to the corresponding author
inhibition protein (IRIP) homologs and phytosulphokine for the article.

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