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Out to Sea Magic Items Belt of the Cursed Crew [Blood Hunter]

This bundle contains one magic item designed for Wondrous item. Rare (requires attunement).
each of the 5e classes. Give these items to your sea The splintered wood from this forlorn shipwreck has
faring PCs as extra loot from ship sailing adventures. been fashioned into a buckle. As an action, you can
Deployable Hook [Artificer] call forth the damned spirits of this shipwreck. You
Wondrous item. Rare (requires attunement).
lose a number of hit points equal to one roll of your
This trusty hook helps any artificer navigate the masts Hemocraft die and a spectral ship appears 60ft above
of a ship. This hook has 4 charges and you regain all you for 1 minute. When the ship first appears it fires
expended charges at dawn. As a bonus action, you can a cannon, choose a point within 30ft. Each creature in
expend a charge of this hook to perform one of the a 10ft radius sphere centered on that point takes the
following maneuvers: effects of your Blood Curse of Bloated Agony. For the
• Choose an unoccupied space of solid vertical ship’s duration, you can use a bonus action to choose
terrain (mast, wall, etc) within 30ft. Your hook a point within 30ft. Each creature within 5ft of that
latches onto that surface, pulls you within 5ft, and point must make a Dexterity saving throw or take
then detaches. This movement does not provoke damage equal to your active Crimson Rite.
opportunity attacks. In addition, you learn the Blood Curse of Bloated
• Target a willing ally that is wearing an Infused Agony and it does not count against your total
Item within 30ft. You pull the target within 5ft of learned blood curses.
you. This movement does not provoke opportunity Bones of the Wayfarer [Cleric]
attacks. Wondrous item. Rare.
Boarding Breeches [Barbarian] A cleric that channels their energies into these
Wondrous item. Rare.
weather divining dice are always right. When you cast
These pants were sewn from tattered sails of past the Augury spell, you can instead receive an omen
boarded ships. These pants have 2 charges. You can about the future weather within the next 8 hours
expend a charge to triple your jump distance or and receive a short vision of what is to come rather
quadruple your jump distance if you are jumping from than weal or woe. In addition, you gain an additional
a water vehicle until the end of your next turn. You Channel Divinity effect: Eye of the Storm.
regain all expended charges when you finish a short or Channel Divinity: Eye of the Storm. As an action, you
long rest. clear any magical or nonmagical weather within 1 mile
In addition, when more enemies than allies of you (fog cloud, call lightning, etc.). The weather is
(including you) are within 10ft of you, Reckless Attack dispersed to reveal a sunny, clear day for 1 hour. If you are
no longer lets enemies have advantage on attack rolls on a water vehicle, this mile radius travels with you and
against you. you can double the speed of this vehicle for 1 minute.
Shanty’s Call [Bard] Captain’s Fine Plumage [Druid]
Wondrous item. Rare (requires attunement). Wondrous item. Rare.
This fiddle can brighten the spirits of any seafarer. This exquisite feathered cloak was made from lost
As a bonus action, you can play a discordant sea feathers of noble sea birds. You can use Wild Shape
shanty for 1 minute or until you stop playing. Each to assume the shape of a colorful parrot using the
creature of your choice within 30ft must succeed on statistics of a raven (MM 335) even if you would
a Wisdom saving throw against your spell save DC or normally be unable to because of level limitations.
be frightened until the start of your next turn. You While a parrot, you can still communicate with
can use a bonus action to continue the shanty. If a Common speech or your other known languages.
creature’s saving throw is successful, it is immune to In addition, when on a water vehicle you own or are
this song for the next 24 hours. If you end your turn familiar with its owner, you can use Wild Companion
without playing the song, you cannot play the song without using Wild Shape. You can only summon a
again until the next dawn. parrot.
In addition, creatures that benefit from your Song
of Rest on a water vehicle are inspired. An inspired
creature has advantage on the next ability check it
makes within 1 hour.
Art by
Flail Snail’s Mail
Ambitious First Mate’s Rapier [Fighter] Citrus Basket of Recovery [Paladin]
Weapon (rapier). Rare (requires attunement). Wondrous item. Rare (requires attunement).
A first mate will often use this +1 rapier to create an Diseases are frequent on the high seas, a paladin
opening for their captain. When you make an attack with this basket can help. This basket produces three
with this rapier, you can have the attack be dueling limes each day at dawn. At the start of your turn if
challenge. If you hit with that attack and the target you are subjected to an effect that allows you to make
has more hit points than you, you regain a use of your a saving throw at the end of each of your turns, you
Action Surge. When challenged, the target can make a can retrieve a lime from this basket and take a bite of
weapon attack against you after you make your attack it. You can bite a lime even if you would normally be
without using its reaction. Once you use this feature unable to act on your turn such as being incapacitated
you cannot do so again until you finish a short or long or stunned. Once you bite into a lime it loses its magic
rest. and you can immediately make another saving throw
against that effect.
Deckhand’s Bandanna [Monk]
In addition, when you finish a long rest, you can
Wondrous item. Rare (requires attunement). give an orange from this basket to a number of
This bandanna shows off your loyalty to the crew. This creature equal to your Charisma modifier. Target
bandanna has 3 charges. When you make an attack creatures gain the benefits of your Divine Health.
roll, you can expend a charge to replace the attack
with an unarmed strike that has a reach of 30ft. On a Scout’s Tricorn [Ranger]
hit, the target takes the damage and must succeed on Wondrous item. Rare.
a Strength saving throw against your Ki save DC or be While wearing this tricorn you can spot troubled
pushed 15ft away. You regain all expended charges at waters miles away. You can discern details, as if
dawn. looking at something about 100ft away, up to 1 mile
In addition, when you hit a creature with a Ki- away with no difficulty. If you are in the crow’s nest
Fueled Attack, you can attempt to make a special of a water vehicle, you can see up to 3 miles away
melee attack to shove that creature as part of the instead. When you are not in combat, you can use an
attack. If you push the target off a water vehicle, you action to mark a creature more than 60ft away with
regain the spent ki point. Favored Foe without expending a use. A creature
is marked in this way for 1 hour or until you are in
combat with it (then it will be marked for 1 minute).
Once you use this feature you cannot do so again until
you finish a short or long rest.
In addition, as long as you have not taken damage
in the last 10 minutes, you have Deft Explorer: Canny
in Perception.
Concealed Negotiator [Rogue]
Wondrous item. Rare.
When parlaying with the enemy captain, this hidden
flintlock helps ensure an easy surrender. Immediately
after you use Cunning Action, you can fire a shot from
this flintlock. Make a ranged weapon attack against a
creature within 30ft. On a hit, the target takes 1d10
All-Seeing Eyepatch piercing damage. You are proficient in this attack and
if this flintlock was hidden from your target you have
advantage on the attack. Once you use this flintlock
you cannot do so again until you finish a short or long

Art by
Flail Snail’s Mail
Extra-Spiced Spiced Rum [Sorcerer] Miniature Ammunition Bag [Wizard]
Consumable. Rare. Wondrous item. Rare (requires attunement).
Drinking from this flask of rum makes you feel like This bag brings the wonder of naval combat to your
putting your foot on a barrel. You can drink from the fingertips. When you make a ranged spell attack with
flask as a bonus action to gain the following benefits: a wizard cantrip, you can activate the bag to modify
• You are filled with bravado, gaining temporary hit the attack choosing from options on the Munitions
points equal to your sorcerer level. table. If you are firing a cannon, you can activate the
• You regain 1 spent sorcery point. bag to magically modify the cannon to fire one of
• Before the end of your next turn, if you cast a these options. Once you activate the bag, you cannot
spell that has a casting time of 1 action you can use choose the same option again until you finish a long
Metamagic: Quickened Spell on that spell without rest or use Arcane Recovery.
spending sorcery points. Munitions Table
• You have disadvantage on Acrobatic (Dexterity)
checks for 1 minute. Rounded ball If the attack hits, the target takes
double damage.
All-Seeing Eyepatch [Warlock]
Grapeshot When you make the attack roll, you
Wondrous item. Rare. can target two additional creatures
This eyepatch grants sight in style. As an action, within 15ft of the original target.
an arcane eyeball appears on this eyepatch. For 10
minutes, you gain an Eldritch Invocation of your Carcass If the attack hits, the target and all
choice that you meet the prerequisite for from the creatures within 5ft of the target
following list: must succeed on a Constitution
• Devil’s Sight saving throw against your spell save
• Eldritch Sight DC or be poisoned until the end of
• Eyes of the Rune Keeper its next turn.
• Ghostly Gaze
• Visions of Distant Realms
• Witch Sight
Once you use this feature you cannot do so again until
the next dawn or your finish a short rest on a water
vehicle you own or are familiar with its owner.

Special thanks to our patrons!

Anon joseph Petersen
Aaron Garth Kita Gonzalez
Adam Barnes Lasse Ruby
Alex Mckell Mateusz Rogoza
Archi212 mattrmcl
Belle culligan Micheal K Mellott
Breanna Kurth Prince Daylight Morning
Craft Nicks SI
Full Mettle Smacky the Frog
Greg Lyon Tuck Williamson
Jordan Muckle
Art by
Flail Snail’s Mail

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