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The key to becoming an effective students is learning how to

study smarter, not harder. This because more and more true as you
advance in your education. Hour or two of studying a day is usually
sufficient to make through high school with satisfactory grades, but when
college arrives there are not enough hours in a day to get all your study if
you don’t know how to study smarter.

Good study habits can help students to achieve, maintain

good grades or passing grades. Study is activity or a process of learning
about something by Reading, Memorizing Facts or Attending school. The
major tasks of the Professor is to motivate and encourage the student to
study smarter. Students encounters many different problems during their
school years. Irregular students are those who have enrolled subjects that
are different from regular students. It is not easy for irregular students to
have a busy class or a very complicated class schedule just to enroll
subjects that they need and to be with different type of people in every
class they attend. Study habits can be a bad ones or a good ones. Study
habits is the practices one uses to help them to study and learn.
Somehow some students have a bad study habits or a poor study habits.
A students a good study habits was always studying their own activities.
This are the ways to help your study mindset: Aim to think positively when
studying and remind yourself of your skills and abilities. Avoid catastrophic
thinking: “I’m a mess, I’ll never have enough time to study for this exam.”
Look at it like. “ I may be a little late to study as much as i=I’d like, but
since I’m doing it now, I’ll get most of it done. Avoid absolute thinking.
Instead of thinking. “ I always mess thing up,” the more objective view is, “
I didn’t do so well that time, what can i do to improve.” Avoid comparing
yourself with others, because you usually end up feeling bad about your

Students grapple with many issues in their lives, and

because of all the competing things for your attention, it’s hard to
concentrate on studying, And yet if you’re in school, you have to do at
least a little studying in order to progress from year to year. The key to
effective studying isn’t cramming or studying longer, but studying smarter.
Study area is important. A lot of people make the mistake of studying in a

place that really isn’t a conductive to concentrating. A place with a lot of
distraction makes for a poor study area. I you try and study in your room
or dorm room, for instance you may find computer, T.V, or a room mate
interesting than the reading material you’re trying to digest. The library, a
looking a student lounge or study hall, or a quiet coffee house are good
places to check-out. Make sure to choose the quiet areas in these places,
not loud, central gathering area. Investigate multiple places on-campus
and off-campus, don’t just pick a the first one you find as “good enough”
for your needs and habits. Finding an ideal study place is important,
because it’s one you can reliably count on for the next few years. It is not
about the lesson that we can get in schools or in textbooks. It’s also about
the lesson of life. It built the character of a person. The learners a can’t
learn easily by being told what to do or by watching others, they have to
pursue. If you want to become a successful students then you need to
learn to be a consistent and responsible in your studies and to have a
regular yet shorter study periods. When you study at the same time each
day or each week, your studying will become a regular part of your life.
Absenteeism is a habitual pattern of absence from a duty or obligation.
Traditionally, absenteeism has been viewed as an indicator of poor
individual performance, as well as a breach of an implicit contract between
employee and employer; it was seen as a management problem, and
framed in economic or quasi-economic terms. More recent scholarship
seeks to understand absenteeism as an indicator of psychological,
medical, or social adjustment to work. Medical-based understanding of
absenteeism find support in research that links absenteeism with smoking,
problem drinking, low back pain, and migraines.[4] Absence ascribed to
medical causes is often still, at least in part, voluntary. Research shows
that over one trillion dollars is lost annually due to productivity shortages
as a result of medical-related absenteeism, and that increased focus on
preventative wellness could reduce these costs.[5] The line between
psychological and medical causation is blurry, given that there are positive
links between both work stress and depression and absenteeism.[4]
Depressive tendencies may lie behind some of the absence ascribed to
poor physical health, as with adoption of a "culturally approved sick role".
This places the adjective "sickness" before the word "absence", and
carries a burden of more proof than is usually offered.

Evidence indicates that absence is generally viewed as "mildly deviant

workplace behavior". For example, people tend to hold negative
stereotypes of absentees, under report their own absenteeism, and
believe their own attendance record is better than that of their peers.

Negative attributions about absence then bring about three outcomes: the
behavior is open to social control, sensitive to social context, and is a
potential source of workplace conflict in the United States, some
employers use Absence Control Policies to manage chronic absenteeism.

Good study habits include being organized, keeping good notes, reading
your textbook, listening in class, and working every day. Bad study habits
include skipping class, not doing your work, watching TV or playing video
games instead of studying, and losing your work. The definition of study
habits is the habitual practices one uses to help them study and learn.
Good study habits can help students achieve and/or maintain good
grades. Taking notes is one skill that seems old-school but engages the
memory. Whether the student is writing the notes by hand or typing them
into a laptop, the inputting process gives the brain a spatial connection
between the student and information. The process of identifying which
information is more important helps the brain prioritize the information.
Flash cards and other memory builders force the brain to interact with the
information over and over. While recall does not on its own lead to higher-
order thinking skills, it gives the student the information he needs to
perform higher-order tasks with the information at a later time. It's
impossible to think at a high level about information one does not know.
Planning study time in an intentional way is much more effective than
simply sitting down to browse through a textbook or some old notes.
Rewriting notes in one's own words requires contextual understanding in
order to represent the information in a different way. Poor academic
performance can be caused by a variety of factors, very few of which have
to do with a moral or intellectual failing on the part of the student. Often, a
combination of internal and external factors influence a student's
academic performance. Getting to the root of these causes can increase
academic performance dramatically. Some external factors that can affect
academic performance include the class in which the student is doing
poorly and stressful situations that have nothing to do with the class. If the
student is preoccupied by troubles at home or with friends, she may not be
able to devote the necessary time and effort to the class.

On the other hand, if the student is not feeling challenged in the class or
does not have the necessary background knowledge, she may suffer
academically. Students who do not have the necessary knowledge may
need to go back to study the subject at an earlier level, while students who
are not feeling challenged may do better if they are moved forward to a
more advanced level. Finally, very bright students who naturally excel in

school without having to study may perform poorly in classes that demand
more from them because they do not have the necessary study skills to
get ahead.


Last April 11, 2016 is the day that the summer classes S.Y 2015-
2016 started. That same day I’ve meet some new friends and classmates.
SUMMER CLASSES S.Y. 2015-2016. Honestly i don’t want this topic, but
i don’t have a choice because my teacher gave this topic to us. She said if
we’re going to conduct a study we should always choose a topic that we
have a great interest. And don’t choose a topic that you don’t have a great
interest. Unfortunately, we don’t have a chance to choose the topic that
we have a great interest.

One day my Older Sister asked me what is the main reason why i
failed my Research Subject? My answer is “ Our leader did not pass our
research paper on time. Then she said “You already try to call your leader
or text?” i said “ We tried to contact our leader thru text, calls an chat but
he didn’t answer one of our texts, calls and chats.” Then she said “You
should tell your Professor about in your situation. Tell him that your leader
did not pass your Research Paper. Then try to convince him if he can give
a special project.” “ I already did, but he said as much i want you to give
an special project. But, i already encode your final grade. You should
better luck next time.” Then my sister said “ Sorry to hear that bunso. But,
your Professor is right. Better Luck next time. Then next time don’t trust to
much to your leader. Okay?” Then i said “ I will and thank you for

Next time we should learn to pass our Research paper on time.,

write down every assignment, remember to bring our home to school, try
to communicate with our Professor, prepare our self for test days, know
our dominant learning style, take fabulous notes, establish a study zone at
home and the last but not the least take care of our self.

Academic achievement can be influenced by a variety of factors, from

simple demographic factors, such as age, gender and family
socioeconomic status to more variable factors like the quality of the
teaching faculty at a student's school and the way that students with
special needs are grouped together. For example, in some cases,
students of a certain gender or race may have a statistically better chance
of academic success than their peers of a different gender or race.

Additionally, home life, including parental financial status and the amount
of support and stability offered at home, can have a big impact on how
students perform in school. Academic honesty is important for students
because it helps them establish and maintain trust with instructors. It also
develops positive ethical habits for future employment. Students who
cheat or plagiarize risk negative consequences, such as grade
deductions, suspension or expulsion from a college. Social studies is a
wide-reaching subject, so there are many options for projects. There is a
lot of freedom to be creative when coming up with social studies projects,
and nearly all styles of arts have potential to be turned into a project.
Making small dioramas in shoeboxes, using creative writing skills to write
letters or diaries based in a historical time, writing and performing a skit,
and building an object, such as a shield or catapult, are all great artistic
ways of exploring social studies. Essays, reports and research papers are
traditional social studies projects and can cover nearly any topic within the
course that the student is interested in. These teach the student important
skills in researching a topic, interpreting information, inferring conclusions
and transcribing ideas and thoughts in an understandable way. Time lines
and posters are relatively simple projects that are good for students who
are not interested in writing or in involved arts, or for short-term projects
that last only a few days. These require some research and creativity, but
are generally less labor-intensive. Written tests and verbal quizzes offer
concrete evidence of a student's weaknesses or strengths in certain
subjects, such as math or science. However, test anxiety and
nervousness may taint the student's results and inaccurately identify
strengths and weaknesses. Written essays and assignments can identify
strengths and weaknesses that involve creativity, reading comprehension,
vocabulary and writing structure. Hands-on projects, presentations and
group activities also help identify a student's social and creative skills. For
example, an art project can identify a student's ability to sketch, draw or
coordinate colors, while a group activity puts a student's social skills on
display and identifies strengths or weaknesses with working as a team or
leading a group of students. One-on-one conferences with an educator or
adult can identify a student's abilities regarding auditory and speaking
skills and critical thinking expressions while offering in-depth reflections,
constructive feedback and oral advice. Daily quizzes are important
because they are a good indicator of student comprehension and
instructor effectiveness. As long as the quizzes are short, focused on
content and used for evaluative rather than grading purposes, they are
one of the most effective formative assessment tools. Daily quizzes lose
effectiveness when they are used simply for assigning points or grades to
students but are not evaluated as an assessment of learning. Instruction
improves when daily quizzes are used to drive teaching and learning.


The study was basically about the STUDY HABITS AMONG

perception will reflect or has an outcome to our future. And as a Student
they will be the one that will mold the minds and values of this generation.
The condition of the society changes so fast and it effects the Students in
the way they related theme selves which leads to the problems of the
Students loss identity. The appearance of more cultural alternatives and
culturally fixed moral and values.



Absenteeism, Poor Analyze and To avoid the

Academic Interpret at the students for
Performance, Don’t Study Habits. Taking
Passing Summer
Through the
Assignments, Don’t Classes.
survey, interview
passing Take down
notes, and Always
Late in Class.


The main inquiry of the study is to determine the status and

promotional strategy for the Students who Taking Summer Classes S.Y.
2015-2016. Particularly it will seek the answer to the following question.

1. What are the demographic profile of the respondents of the Study

in term of?

1.1 Gender

1.2 Age

1.3 Status

2. What are the present problem of the Students who Taking Summer
Classes S.Y. 2015-2016?

3. What is the proposed to improve the ability of the Students who

Taking Summer Classes S.Y. 2015-2016?

4. What is the most significant reason why the other Student Taking
Summer Classes?

5. What is Study Habits in your own opinion?

6. What is the important of Study Habits?

7. How can one identify strengths and weaknesses of students?


To provide direction flow in the discussion of the data, the following

hypothesis were stated:

1. There is no significant correlation between the students study habits

and their grade during the second semester of the school year.

2. There is no significant difference between the study habits of low and

high performance in Research.

3. There is no significant difference between the study habits of students

when group according to sex and age.


STUDY HABITS- can be good ones, or bad ones. Good study

habits include being organized, keeping good notes, reading your
textbook, listening in class, and working every day. Bad study habits
include skipping class, not doing your work, watching TV or playing video
games instead of studying, and losing your work.

ABSENTEEISM- a tendency to be away from work or school

without a good reason : the practice or habit of being absent from work or

RESEARCH- the systematic investigation into and study of

materials and sources in order to establish facts and reach new

MOTIVATION- it is the process that initiates, guide and maintains

goal-oriented behaviors.

KNOWLEDGE- it is the state of being aware of something.

HYPOTHESES- a supposition or proposed explanation made on

the basis of limited evidence as a starting point for further investigation.

INTRODUCTION- The action of introducing something.

ASSUMPTION- a thing that is accepted as true or as certain to

happen, without proof.


have very different meanings, and their definitions can vary depending on
the context in which they are used, but limitation can easily be understood
as the various aspects of something that can not be achieved and scope
is essentially the opposite, the things that are expected to be achieved.
Limitation and scope are two very important concepts to understand
because they can define the importance of a research study, designate
the purpose of a fundraising project or be used in numerous other

CONCEPTUAL FRAMEWORK- A conceptual framework is an

analytical tool with several variations and contexts. It is used to make
conceptual distinctions and organize ideas.

BEHAVIOR- the way in which one acts or conducts oneself,

especially toward others.
BACKGROUND OF THE STUDY- in the introduction, general
knowledge about the research problem is presented.

STATEMENT OF THE PROBLEM- this part of the chapter contains the

specific research to be answered.

STATISTICAL ANALYSIS- describe each of the statistical tools

used for particular sets of data.

EDUCATION- the process of receiving or giving systematic

instruction, especially at a school or university.

STRENGTHS- the quality or state of being strong, in particular.

WEAKNESSES- the state or condition of lacking strength.

STUDENT- a person who is studying at a school or college.

SIGNIFICANT OF THE STUDY- there should be evidence that

such contributions are significant and will make a difference.

PROFESSOR- a teacher of the highest rank in a college or



The study primarily concerned in Study Habits of HSU students in

University of Makati. The study seeks to determine the factors that effect
the study among selected irregular students. The researcher will give a
self-evaluation and questionnaire that is required to answer by the
Students who taking summer classes, regarding with their study skills. The
study is largely dependent on the honesty, sincerity and integrity of the


Student- The disadvantage for taking summer class is instead of

you are on a vacation with your friends or family you are just in school
doing some thesis and Assignment.

Professor- instead you are on a vacation with your family you are
in school teaching some student who taking summer classes.

Future Researcher- this will benefit other researcher who wish to

have similar studies as they can get background information from the
result of this study which will serve as template to modify their research.

Parents- The disadvantage for having a son or daughter who

taking summer classes is instead of you are not giving an allowance in
your son or daughter. But now because your daughter or son id taking
summer class your are now responsible for giving an allowance to your


Foreign Literature

This chapter presents the reviewed related literature, both from foreign
and local authors and related studies from local author to substantiate and
give a clearer view of this current research study relative problem cited

The process of effective study is the foundation of all progress in

education. It means command and mastery of the tools of knowledge may
due to effective study habits. Methods of effective study, since they are
learned, they must be taught consistently throughout the school year until
the learner leaves the community.

As Kahn (1993) put it,

If only all teachers taught properly. Of only they taught not just History,
Mathematics, Literature or Physics whatever, but also how to study
History, Mathematics, Literature and Physics....But they so often to take
that side of things for granted, as if it were simply a matter of common

Traditionally, educational methods operate on the premise that pupils or

the students will be molded to fit into the system. The self study approach
is an alternative to the traditional classroom style of learning. Learning is
beast accomplished through a regular and constant schedule of small
doses (Manley, 1980).

Mendez (1965) opined that many students do poor work in school not
because of low intelligence but mainly because of poor study habits and
many students who do very well in school do not have superior
intelligence, they just have good study habits.

Likewise, Tounsend and Burke (1989) gave reason for a student to study
his lessons well. First among these reasons is that the student usually
needs to have good grades to enter a school of his role. The grades a
students got in college is such more important than the most students
realize. Business employees pay particular attention to grades; most often
students with high scholastic performance are given preferences. Another
reason is that being successful because of studying well will give a
student many satisfactions. A good student is happy because he is relived

of worries that go along with poor performance. He also got a lot of
satisfactions out of knowing how to go about the job of studying and of
knowing he is doing his work well. Another reason is that once a student
gets in a subject deeply enough to have some mastery of it, he will
discover that it is fascinating in its own right. Then studying ceased to be
chore, it is something that the student would look forward to and enjoy
doing. He takes pleasure in knowing more and more about the subject.

Robinson suggested five ways by which good study habits can be formed.
These are: (1) develop study skills; (2) Plan time; (3) Improve the
conditions for work; (4) Analyze the reasons for pursuing the study; and
(5) Keep a progress chart. Local Literature

Because man is different from animals, he has the ability to think

symbolically. In fact, he can recognize qualities, form, concepts, recalls,
remember and memorize solutions until he forms habits (Kahayon and
Young, 1992).

If study habits are formed during the early years, some educational
problems could be solved such as those involving the difficulty of pupils in
solving mathematical problems and their reading difficulty. Aquino averred
that academic failure caused by reading difficulty gives rise to feelings of
inferiority and frustrations. Because of this, teachers and parents should
guide students in order to form good study habits.

One of the three main factors affect the success in study is the ability in
studying. This ability involves knowing what to study and how to study.

Likewise, Gregorio suggested some measures by which students can be

properly guided on how to study. These are follows: a) develop in the
students an active interest in effective study based on an understanding of
its importance; and b) help them become. Andres noted on his study

Santos, (1987) cited a number of reasons on why one should learn
to read well. These include: One reads to acquire meaning, effective
communication skills, for enjoyment and to socialize.

In addition to this, Kahayon and Young (1992) recommended that one

should read for ideas rather than words or use the eye and do away with

lip service and should read while seated upright in sufficiently illuminated
quiet room fixed for the purpose where other study aid materials are easily
accessible. They further suggested that relative to study habits, it is best
to read alone, thus the study room may need to be compartmentalized.

Moreover, they described the effectiveness of writing. Thus,

Effective Scheduling. This leaves us to the subject of scheduling your

studies. This periods, meals and leisure activities. Studies should be given
priority over your leisure or recreational activities. That is finishing your
assignment first rather than cram later on.

Foreign Study

Study skills are usually defined as students’ ability to manage time and
other resources to complete an academic task successfully. Study habit’ is
the amount and kinds of studying routines which the student is used
during a regular period of study occurred in a conducive environment.
Crede and Kuncel (2008) defines study habit as study routines, including,
but not restricted to, frequency of studying sessions, review of material,
self-testing, rehearsal of learned material, and studying in a conducive
environment. Lastly, students’ attitudes toward the act of studying are
referred as ‘study attitudes’. There are many factors affecting study
orientation expressive of study habits and attitudes of students. Individual
differences, effective usage of time, note-taking, study habits training,
teacher, family, proper study environment, homework, using library,
reading-listening and writing are outstanding common factors. However,
interest and will are very important for study habits and attitudes.
Individual differences can be analyzed in terms of control focus, gender,
success dimensions. When the study habits are analyzed in terms of
control focus it is revealed that students who have inner control do not
need to be controlled too often when they undertake an assignment but
students who are controlled with outer factors need guidance and
encouragement too often (Bacanli, 2002: 133). Prociuk and Breen (1974)
examined the relation between control focus (inner-outer), study habits
and attitudes, and academic performance; they stated that there is a
positive relation between them. When the differences are examined in
terms of gender, it is revealed that female students are more
Metacognition, study habits and attitudes / Ozsoy, Memis & Temur
successful academically than male students and they have better study
habits and attitudes (Arslantas, 2001; Brown & Holtzman, 1984; Grabill et
al., 2005; Gadzella & Fournet, 1976; Hong & Lee, 2000; Houtte, 2004;

Kucukahmet, 1987; Mullen, 1995; Tinklin, 2003). However, the result that
students who have proper study habits and attitudes are also successful
academically are evident according to many studies (Agnew et al., 1993;
Arslantas, 2001; Carter, 1999; Elliot et al., 1990; Gordon, 1997; Jones et
al.,1993; Kleijn et al., 1994; Lammers et al., 2001; ). Effective usage of
time means reaching objectives without losing time when a person started
to study (Telman, 1996: 40). Deficiency of skills in terms of effective time
management is one of the most important problems of study habits
(Glenn, 2003). Cusimano (1999) emphasizes that effective time
management is very important for success. The first step of effective time
management is making a plan and conforming to it (Ulug, 2000: 48). While
being planned is so important for study habits of students, according to a
study by Zeyrek et al. (1990) students between the ages of 16-21, only
18% have positive features in terms of organization and planning. Note
taking is an important dimension of study habits. Students who use proper
study habits containing note taking and studying that notes, can preserve
knowledge for longer time (Eliot et al., 2002). Oguz (1999), found a
significant difference between the students who received note-taking
training, taking notes at lessons and reviewing the notes and students who
attending lessons without receiving note-taking training. Studies point out
that effective note-taking increases students’ success at lessons (Austin,
Lee & Carr, 2003; Bretzing et al., 1987). However, many of the students
prefer to take the notes of their friends (Wolff, 2001: 11).

Local Literature

Saclao (1995) conducted a comparative analysis of the study habits and
learning environment of students in public and private secondary schools
in Cabanatuan City and their relationship to academic achievements. The
study was aimed to find out the study habits and learning environment of
selected high school students and the relationship to academic
achievement. It also sought to find the significant relationship between
study habits, learning environment, sex, grade point average and type of

The findings of the study were:1. Students from private school had
different study habits than those from public schools;

2. There is no significant difference between the study habits of male and

female students;

3. There is significant relationship between study habits and learning


4. There is a significant relationship between habits and the grade point


In the light of the above findings, the following conclusions drawn:

1. Students from both public and private high schools have some good
study habits;

2. Students gender do not affect their study habits;

3. Students from the private school have more favourable learning

environment compared to those who come from the public school;

4. Learning environment affects the students study habits.

Based on the foregoing findings and conclusions, the researcher was

prompted to suggest the following recommendations:

1. Teacher should encourage students to develop good study habits. The

students should be taught how to study properly in order to avoid learning
difficulties and low academic achievement. The study habit of students
from private schools should be sustained and enriched further;

2. The school should organize student’s workshops on how to study


3. The formation of study groups if recommended to encourage students
to always study everyday;

4. A study on factors that affect s the study habits is recommended.

In a study conducted by Valdez (1999) entitled “Common Study Habits

Practiced by the Fourth Year Students in Selected Public and Private High
Schools”. The study examined the significant difference between the self-
report of the students and the perceptions of their teachers on the extent
of practice of the study habits by the students. In her study she found out

1. The fourth year students common study habits in order of their ranks

a. Relies in oneself when studying;

b. Analyses the questions thoroughly before answering them;

c. Works with a will to produce results;

d. Talks over the problems with teachers if there are any;

e. Stops at a good breaking point after finishing a unit of work if possible;

f. Has a plan of work each day;

g. Reviews answers well before passing the answer sheets;

h. Tries to get work done on time.

i. Participate in class/group discussion

j. Makes a preliminary survey before reading the chapter in detail;

k. Keep notes in one subject altogether;

l. Sticks to the plan of works;

m. Does a review activity for a lesson the night before the examination;

n. Finds work interesting.

2. The Garde 11 students believed that they practiced the study habits to
a great extent while their teachers perceived that they did so to a little
3. The grade 11 students experience some problems in home, library and
classrooms in relation to their practice of study habits.

Garcia (19991) in the study she conducted about “Study habits of the
Grade Six Pupils in The District of San Rafael, Division of Bulacan:
Implications to Parents-Teachers Relationship, School Year 1990-1991”
arrived at the following conclusions:

1. That while the greater majority of the grade six pupils in San Rafael
District practiced the different study activities in the seven areas of
concern, here was still some of them showed that they never practiced
some of the study habits in the different areas concern.

2. That although these pupils claimed the various study activities, the
extent of their practice is not satisfactory. The results of the study reveal
that the different study habits only “often” performed by the respondents.

3. That a close relationship between the teachers and parents is very

much need in order to succeed in a cooperative endeavour for the
development of the pupils.

Odejar (1995) in her masteral thesis conducted which was entitled “The
Influences of classroom Management and Child-Rearing Practices in the
Study Habits of Secondary Students at Remedios High School, Lubao,
Pampanga”, conducted that:

1. The respondents often consider the time schedule to study regularly,

the place to study, the choice of the subjects, to study first and follow up a
part of formulating the study habits, whereas the preparations of materials
needed was occasionally considered.

2. The respondents agreed that child rearing practices such as parental

authority, guidance and support, expectations and values influence the
formulation of the study habits except for parental affection that was fairly

3. The exists no significant difference between parents child rearing

practices and the development of the study habits of the students.

Apulog (1986) study entitled “Study Habits in relation to Academic

Achievement of Grade Six Pupils in the District of Pala for School Year
1985-1986 concluded that the grade six pupils have poor study habits. He
revealed that the pupils’ low socio-economic background and education of
parents seem to go hand in hand with their poor study habits.

Understandings of proper study habits appear to be difficult to attain in an
adverse climate of study where in the prime concerns are of survival and

Carino (1986) conducted a study entitled “Study Habits of Grade Six

Children of Working and Non-working Mothers in Relation to Scholastic
Achievement of the District of Tiwi, School Year 1985-1986”. Her study
revealed that there is generally low correlation between the study habits of
children of working and non-working mothers and their scholastic
achievements both academic and non-academic. The study seemed to
show that the grade six pupils had not properly established the study

Present study

The purpose of this study is to investigate the most effective study habits

and attitudes of a fourth year student. Besides, this study is also dealing
with investigating how this study habits affects the grades of the students.


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