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College of Health Sciences

Department of Public Health


Course name: Organizational Behavior

Course number: HCM102

Answer the following question-

1. How do culture and cultural diversity / variation

affect work behavior and job performance?
Provide examples to show why a knowledge of
Assignment title or task: such differences is important for managers.

Student Name:

Students ID:
Submission date:

Instructor name:

Grade: …..out of 10
Due Date: Saturday, 9-3-2024 (11:59 pm)

Instructions for submission:

 Assignment must be submitted with properly filled cover sheet (Name, ID, CRN,
Submission date) in word document, Pdf is not accepted.
 Text size 12-Times New Roman with 1.5-line spacing.
 Heading should be Bold
 The text color should be Black
 Do proper paraphrasing to avoid plagiarism with proper references/sources.
 References must be in APA format
How do culture and cultural diversity / variation affect work behavior and job
performance? Provide examples to show why a knowledge of such differences is important
for managers.

Culture and cultural diversity have a significant impact on work behavior and job
performance. Multiculturalism and cultural diversity positively influence innovative work
behavior by mediating cultural intelligence. Work team diversity, including gender, national, and
mother tongue diversity, also affects team performance. Additionally, work culture and job
satisfaction have a direct influence on employee performance, with work motivation acting as an
intervening variable. Furthermore, the performance of headmasters in schools is influenced by
organizational culture, work environment, personality, and motivation. These findings highlight
the importance of understanding and embracing cultural diversity in the workplace, as it can
enhance work behavior, team performance, and employee job performance.

Culture and cultural diversity significantly influence work behavior and job performance
within organizations. Understanding these dynamics is crucial for effective management.

The cultural differences manifest and their implications:

1. Communication Styles:
- Culture shapes communication norms. For instance:
- In some cultures, direct communication prevails, while others favor indirect or implicit
- Managers must recognize these variations to facilitate effective communication among
diverse teams (Taras et al., 2021¹).
- Example: A Japanese team may prioritize consensus, while a German team values efficiency
and individual accountability.

2. Decision-Making Processes:
- Cultural norms impact decision-making:
- Some cultures emphasize group consensus, leading to slower decisions.
- Others prioritize individual authority and swift decision-making.
- Managers need cultural awareness to adapt decision-making approaches (Taras et al., 2021).
- Example: A multicultural team working on a joint project must balance contrasting decision-
making styles.

3. Conflict Resolution Strategies:

- Cultural variations affect conflict management:
- High-context cultures (e.g., Japan) avoid confrontation for harmony.
- Low-context cultures (e.g., the United States) address conflicts directly.
- Managers should tailor conflict resolution strategies accordingly (Taras et al., 2021).
- Example: A manager must navigate cultural nuances when resolving disputes within a
diverse team.

4. Work Ethic and Punctuality:

- Cultural norms influence work habits:
- Some cultures prioritize work-life balance, while others emphasize long hours.
- Expectations regarding punctuality vary globally.
- Managers must consider these differences to maintain productivity (Thomas, 2023).
- Example: A manager overseeing a multicultural team should accommodate diverse work

5. Team Dynamics and Inclusion:

- Cultural diversity impacts team cohesion:
- Diverse teams bring varied perspectives but may face challenges due to different work
- Managers play a vital role in fostering an inclusive environment where everyone feels
valued (PossibleWorks, 2023).
- Example: A leader encourages cross-cultural collaboration by celebrating diverse

6. Leadership Styles:
- Cultural backgrounds shape leadership approaches:
- Authoritarian leadership may be accepted in some cultures but rejected in others.
- Managers adapt their leadership style based on cultural expectations (Medium, 2023).
- Example: A manager leading a global team adjusts leadership practices to align with cultural

Cultural awareness enables managers to navigate complexities, enhance team

performance, and drive organizational success. By embracing cultural diversity, organizations
can tap into a wealth of talent, creativity, and innovation.

1. Taras, V., Baack, D., Caprar, D., Jiménez, A., & Froese, F. (2021). Research: How Cultural
Differences Can Impact Global Teams. Harvard Business Review.
2. Thomas. (2023). The Importance of Cultural Diversity in the Workplace.
3. PossibleWorks. (2023). How Organizational Culture Impacts Employee Engagement and
Performance. PossibleWorks Blog.
4. Medium. (2023). The Impact of Cultural Diversity in the Workplace. The Looking Glass.

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