Astronomy UNIT FIVE Study Guide

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Astronomy Unit Five Study Guide

1. Explain the Nebular theory. Be specific in the steps believed to have occurred.
2. How old is our solar system believed to be?
3. What are the characteristics of Terrestrial planets and which planets are included in this
4. What are the characteristics of Jovian planets and which planets are included in this
5. What planets are closer to the Sun than 1.0 A.U.? Farther away?
6. Which planets are identified by the following characteristics?
a. Biggest k. biggest temperature difference
b. smallest l. Olympus Mons
c. most moons m. Maat Mons
d. great red spot n. fastest rotation
e. hottest o. fastest revolution
f. coldest p. slowest revolution
g. tilted rotation of 90 degrees q. “day” longer than a “year”
h. great dark spot r. could “float” in water
i. retrograde rotation s. no moon
j. have rings
7. Why is Venus called Earth’s “twin”?
8. What are the names of Mars’ moons?
9. What is polar flattening and how does it occur?
10. What are the major characteristics of each of the four Galilean satellites?
11. What are Saturn’s rings made of?
12. What is unique about Saturn’s moon Titan?
13. What is unique about how the planet Neptune was “discovered”? Explain how it was
14. What is unique about the revolution of Neptune’s moon Triton?
15. List and explain the criteria for an object to be considered a “planet”. Based on this list, why
isn’t Pluto considered a planet anymore?
16. What is unique about Pluto and it’s moon Charon?
17. Why do we study comets, asteroids, and meteoroids?
18. What are the parts of a comet?
19. Why do we see comets so rarely?
20. What are the differences between short period and long period comets?
21. What are the two most accepted theories for the creation of the asteroid belt?
22. Where are most asteroids located?
23. What is the name of the largest asteroid (technically a dwarf planet) in the solar system?
24. Why is it hard to find evidence of ancient asteroid impacts on Earth?
25. Why does the tail of a comet always point away from the Sun?
26. What is the difference between a meteoroid, meteor, and meteorite?
27. How is a meteor shower created?

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