U2L5 Brain Inury and Prevention Jigsaw Activity

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Unit 2: Promoting Learning through Brain Maintenance

Lesson 5
Brain Injury and Prevention


Activity Instructions:

● The teacher will divide students into groups of four.

● There are four groups that include the following topics.

- Group 1 (page 2) – Brain Injury
- Group 2 (page 3) – Concussion signs and symptoms
- Group 3 (page 4) – Responding to a Concussion and Recovering from a
- Group 4 – page (5) - Brain Injury and Concussion Prevention

● Students
- Follow the instructions for your assigned group.
- This will include watching videos provided, reading any supporting documents
provided, and completing the table of information related to their topic.
- Your table completion requires three main ideas and supporting facts for each.

● The teacher will lead the class by asking each group to report out and/or exchange
their information to complete the full review on brain injury and prevention.

U2L5 – Brain Injury and Prevention Jigsaw Activity 1

Unit 2: Promoting Learning through Brain Maintenance
Lesson 5
Brain Injury and Prevention

● At the conclusion of the activity, each student will have a completed worksheet
(full jigsaw) with all four groups’ information saved for study purposes.

Group 1 - Brain Injury

Step 1: Watch the videos
● https://youtu.be/I3FoJqxwyS0 (1+ minute)

● https://youtu.be/fSRWF44wgn8 (1+ minute)

● https://youtu.be/Sno_0Jd8GuA (<1 minute)

Step 2: Read the information - https://www.cdc.gov/headsup/basics/severe_brain_injury.html
Step 3 – Browse the Brain Injury and Prevention Fact Book to find quick and helpful information
related to your topic.
Step 4: Complete the table below.

U2L5 – Brain Injury and Prevention Jigsaw Activity 2

Unit 2: Promoting Learning through Brain Maintenance
Lesson 5
Brain Injury and Prevention

Main Idea #1 with Main Idea #2 with Main Idea #3 with

Supporting Facts Supporting Facts Supporting Facts

Main Idea: Main Idea: Main Idea:

Brain injury

Supporting Facts: Supporting Facts: Supporting Facts:

1. 1. 1.

2. 2. 2.

3. 3. 3.

4. 4. 4.

5. 5. 5.

Group 2 - Concussion signs and symptoms

Step 1: Watch the videos
● https://youtu.be/aZybB8Tom7k (1+ minute)

● https://youtu.be/rYWIy-Td2Q4 (<1 minute)

Step 2: Read the information - https://www.cdc.gov/headsup/basics/concussion_symptoms.html
Step 3 – Browse the Brain Injury and Prevention Fact Book to find quick and helpful information
related to your topic.
Step 4: Complete the table below.

U2L5 – Brain Injury and Prevention Jigsaw Activity 3

Unit 2: Promoting Learning through Brain Maintenance
Lesson 5
Brain Injury and Prevention

Main Idea #1 with Main Idea #2 with Main Idea #3 with

Supporting Facts Supporting Facts Supporting Facts

Main Idea: Main Idea: Main Idea:

Supporting Facts: Supporting Facts: Supporting Facts:

1. 1. 1.

2. 2. 2.

3. 3. 3.

4. 4. 4.

5. 5. 5.

Group 3 - Responding to a Concussion and Recovering from a Concussion

Step 1: Watch the videos
● https://youtu.be/I3FoJqxwyS0 (1+ minute)

● https://youtu.be/PNXjCuXyYSg (1+ minute)

● https://youtu.be/0gnbcu9EQNM (1+ minute)

Step 2: Read the information- https://www.cdc.gov/headsup/basics/concussion_recovery.html

U2L5 – Brain Injury and Prevention Jigsaw Activity 4

Unit 2: Promoting Learning through Brain Maintenance
Lesson 5
Brain Injury and Prevention
Step 3 – Browse the Brain Injury and Prevention Fact Book to find quick and helpful information
related to your topic.
Step 4: Complete the table below.

Main Idea #1 with Main Idea #2 with Main Idea #3 with

Supporting Facts Supporting Facts Supporting Facts

Main Idea: Main Idea: Main Idea:

Supporting Facts: Supporting Facts: Supporting Facts:

1. 1. 1.

2. 2. 2.

3. 3. 3.

4. 4. 4.

5. 5. 5.

Group 4 - Brain Injury and Concussion Prevention

Step 1: Watch the videos
● https://youtu.be/I3FoJqxwyS0 (1+ minute)
Step 2: Read the information- https://www.cdc.gov/headsup/basics/concussion_prevention.html

U2L5 – Brain Injury and Prevention Jigsaw Activity 5

Unit 2: Promoting Learning through Brain Maintenance
Lesson 5
Brain Injury and Prevention
Read the “general prevention” section and then select two sports and provide specific information about
prevention related to them.
Step 3 – Browse the Brain Injury and Prevention Fact Book to find quick and helpful information
related to your topic.
Step 4: Complete the table below.

Main Idea #1 with Main Idea #2 with Main Idea #3 with

Supporting Facts Supporting Facts Supporting Facts

Main Idea: Main Idea: Main Idea:

Supporting Facts: Supporting Facts: Supporting Facts:

1. 1. 1.

2. 2. 2.

3. 3. 3.

4. 4. 4.

5. 5. 5.

U2L5 – Brain Injury and Prevention Jigsaw Activity 6

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