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Signs of the Zodiac

Imagine being able to see our solar system as whole. You would see the planets and
the Sun are all virtually in the same plane. When looking beyond the solar system, you
can see distant stars (constellations) that align with this plane and even look like they
are on the Sun’s path – the ecliptic.
Ancient astrologers chose constellations along the ecliptic to represent the signs of the zodiac. Signs are assigned to
birthdates according to when the sun appears to be “in” that constellation.

If the sun is “in” your constellation on your birthday, that means it won’t be out at night, so you will not see “your”
zodiac constellation on your birthday!
But, wait a minute!
Earth experiences “precession”
because the moon’s gravity is
pulling on it.

Unbeknownst to the ancient astrologers that decided upon the zodiac, the
Earth continually wobbles around its axis in a 25,800-year cycle.
Because of precession, not only has our “pole
star” changed, but also the Sun really isn’t in
“your” sign on your birthday.

The Sun is actually one sign behind – so when the calendar

says it’s Aries, the Sun is actually in Pisces, and so forth…
The “missing” constellation
There is actually another constellation that lies in the ecliptic!
We should have 13 signs!
So with precession, and including the “forgotten” 13 th sign…

So, now it’s correct, right? Wait, are all those zodiac constellations the same size???

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