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AFI700 T1 MCQS 2023

____________are rules of thumb that may solve a given problem, but do not guarantee a solution.

A) Strong methods

B) Weak methods

C) Heuristic

D) Probabilistic


___________is called the father of AI.

A) James C Gosling

B) Dennis Ritchie

C) Alan Turing

D) Isaac Newton


An expert system differs from a database program in that only an expert system____________

A) contains declarative knowledge

B) contains procedural knowledge

C) features the retrieval of stored information

D) expects users to draw their own conclusions


Artificial Intelligence is concerned with designing intelligent computer systems that exhibit intelligent
characteristics expressed by________

A) Functional behavior

B) Human behavior

C) Human brain

D) Statistical analysis


Computers normally solve problem by breaking them down into a series of yes-or-no decisions
represented by 1s and 0s. What is the name of the logic that allows computers to assign numerical
values that fail somewhere between 0 and 1?

A) Human logic

B) Fuzzy logic

C) Boolean logic

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