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Name: Pratiksha Mishra Class: F.

Branch: ECS Batch: B2
Roll no: 23 Subject: P.C.E.I
Assignment: 4 Date:

Discuss in detail about Barriers to communication by explaining different barriers with

suitable example and flowchart.

Communication is defined as the act of expressing our view to others through the use of
signs, expression, symbols, spoken words or any activity to reach a common understanding.
But barriers can affect the message quality reaching the receiver. Sometimes the message sent
may not be interpreted correctly by the receiver.
To communicate successfully in a team or with others in community, we have to understand
the communication environment and the barriers which prevents messages being sent and
received successfully. Some common types of barriers in communication are as follows
which is shown here using a flow chart which includes major and minor types of barriers
which unable us to understand while communicating.

Communication Barriers

Anxiety and stress Insecurity

Physiological Barriers

Lack of confidence

vocabulary Expressions

Language Barriers


Prejudice resistance

Attitudinal Barriers

Ambiguity Assumptions

Semantic Barriers

stereotypes Jargon

Fatigue Vision defect

Psychological Barriers

Illness Hearing impairment

The following flowchart shows represents the major and minor barriers to communication
they are as follows:-
Physiological Barriers:- This type of difficulties arise due to physical limitations or
conditions that can create a difficulty for an individual to communicate effectively. These
barriers include-
(a) Fatigue: Sweating frequently may cause difficulties
(b) Illness: Illness unable a person to communicate
(c) Hearing or Vision problem: a person may face difficulties in hearing and

Psychological Barriers:- This type of communication barrier refers to an individual’s mental

health or emotional state that prevent them from effective communication. This includes:-
(a) Anxiety and stress
(b) Fear
(c) Insecurity
(d) Lack of confidence
Language Barriers:- This barriers refers to difficulties that arises when individuals or group
do not share a common language while communicating. This is due to fluency varying from
person to person.
(a) Vocabulary
(b) Grammar
(c) Idioms
(d) Expression
Attitudinal barriers:- this type barrier arise due to negative attitudes or perceptions that can
create a difficulty for an individual to communicate effectively. This includes:-
(a) Prejudice
(b) Assumptions
(c) Resistance
Semantic barriers :- This type of barriers arise due to interpretation of words and symbols
used in communication. These barriers can occur when the sender and receiver message both
have different understanding. This include:-
(a) Ambiguity
(b) Assumptions
(c) Jargon
(d) Stereotypes
There are many ways to improve the barriers during communication. Some of them are:-
(a) Active listening
(b) Clarity
(c) Non verbal communication
(d) Feedback
It is important to note that improving communication barriers is ongoing process that requires
patience, understanding and willingness to adapt.

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