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User = wttipleney — A multiplexer js a _(Combinasional. Circuit wd has 2 input Liner onl a Single output Lines, Simply, the_oultiplexes isa multi - jnput O%d gingle ub Combinational civcit.— i Ten the binary i formation is recover fom the input a inecled fo the Output Line om the basis of the Velue_of the Selechon ines one of these data 1D puts will _be Connected to fh output + Tl is vorious type of MuthiPleser Cir asit 2 lx! Nultplexey Tn &x] multiplexer, there are-only two jnpub i-e Ao Qoyel_Ay 1 Select Gine j-4 £0 “ane Gingle owlpet on tu b SIS f Ae. pr hiv HOO. 1x uf t Are Dy ane bwesent cf fhe Select Line 5°. ane of these 2 input wil/ "be Connected -fo the Output COMBLE Truth Fe Ao LX) joputs | output Mux Oufput So y ATS] ey o. | Ae | an Similar ly ux Maltipleees Ye STi Ae + SOSA FT S0STAd + SoS) 42 1 8XxI Mutt plexes | Enpudt Owfput j So |St| So % | o |olo Aq | wwe Fy oe jolly Ag | a o |t lo Ac . ° V\y AY t J) Jo jo AS t pf 4 Lie |! 4 | Lo a \ Sy sy S8 1 | ) Aa fF Siar + GG Soaet Rsk Ay +H SSM S28, SAB + S25) So ADt $51 TAL + S550 Aa Bx! Nultiplever ucing RTO) ape A—— a. — 45 ——> Ay —3- Sv Az ——> AL AL — | MUX ST OUD Pah arene Ao aera Ar AB Ay AG Aq | Sr s\ So = S523 Ao. + 328180 A) 4+ 3D S| So Az S2S\Soazt s2 Si fo ny + $2 Tiss AS 0 AG + S$25150 A1 #60 Sle $2 Si se LL * + fe Ag 3 — “hy ! + mice Ke = ———a fa [tL Stuctural Medel foe 8x) Muttiplexey Library Leee + CeE=! USe STp~Lomie — \1645 ALLS Enity HYX— 8X1 is_ _ Port (St in @IT— VeetroR (O43) 5 CNMLES AS [A BIt- VecToR(otw7); _ yee ee Obras (gitelee ee end Hux- SX) 5 “Axchitechive MUX= StRucTueCAL of Hux 8x1 is Component AND | _ Pork | LgM.N,O 3 fn-6hT 5 Ps out BIT): en of Component Hod | 5 Component OR Port (| Q : in eit VecToR (0 te 1) 5 ct our BIT). enol Cosnpo nent Oreia, bestin Ao? gwps Portmap ( AO, S24 Si,S0 , vase, DIG Als gpl Portmap ( pi, 3, 7 So, Evrgue, € )5 A2: peop) Portmap |p, GF ys1, Se, eronme, F) 5 AR: poop 1 Port map |G si, 50, AZ ennare, tn) 5 By: peop, Postmap ( SO AY, EARLE HDS AS 2 ODI Portmap (52, 75 So, Ar, Ewnge, TE) 3 Ae: HNO) Portmapi (S24 515 AT: FMO) “Porterap | S2s1; 59 47, Came, KI > So, Ag, Grane ,S) 5 Ol: O81 Port MP | Dee wy TR nL nd fae 3 Ler Re cTURAL, Data flow Noel for Bx} Mux. fant brary Tee eee UCC Tece + STD Lome — 116 Ys ALES meni ty Hu x- Bx is a - Port (_S: in @ir_Yector (o toa) 2 = As fn wit —VEecTR (0 to1,) 5 CyaBle to ert 3 J out B)T) 3 Ane] MUX 8X] Orchifeture Mux. DATAFIOW of Mux-3%) fe ( i a Pro, B41, Ad) AZ AY Signal (So Bay, st ear , $2 Rar : AT AG AT)» bein 4 2 So Bar <= Not Oo 7 S\ Boas X= ot S12 52 Bay X= Mok §2 5 © X= _Se Bag nd Sitar and Sas and AO 5 ie Al A= So ands) Bar and S Bar and Als AX X= §0 Bay ands! and S2 Bar ABs Ag <= So and <1 and © Rar and AQ s AY X= Soar and si Bar cind f2 and AY AL X= So: and S$ ane $3 Bar andar 5 AL X= SoBas and si AA SX Ans AL 5 Ar] = So _aind s1 and $2 anq AT 3 Sno NYY - DATA Foo - { T Behaviour model for 3x1 aux = | 7 ——_ ib» ry ITCEE 5 - _ Use Cece «STp= Louie ~ 1164+ ALL 3 | entity myx— Bx | is [erae Pye Cs iin aslinevecnok. (rolxo.5) _ . ' A! jn ire vecrok (° #7) 5 io Cvngwe: in eit 3 | y_“ out gir): E wend Mux- 8X) 5 Orchitecture Behavioura] of -Mox-8xl js begin Process (S.A, EPABLE *) bey1O if _( €wnere= |’) then ='0’>: z else Cause Ss j6 Dereon sei w ACO when (oel’ => gX= pr) SC when (01°? => y= bl) when (etl. => Yk Als When ‘400 => YX= ACY)! when lel” => yK<= AB) , Wh “''?” => y<= AW? when TN S> ¥<= al; end Cerye 3 y Fi ene Poveess 4 ‘end BEHAVIOUR 5 ‘ at Comparator fe 2 A Mtegnj tacle_ef pel al Comparedor i = Oy cuit thar _( Compares hwo aligital © —19_ order -fo_fiad out wheal one binary 200 bey ___ts —ejual Jess than or ae than the bthes ince, Dumber = ig hnae Uae, is Bex) "Wwe lesically _clesign oy Circuit fos hich me wil) have -fuse inputs one_for_A_and_ other for Bb Oacl_ have cfhace Otuput _ferminals. One fr A>@ Condifion. -ont_tor_f-= & Condition Omel one for AX8 Condition J wie 8 See Ve) I= Bit magnituele Comparcdor. Yo) yy yoy cy yy oyoy -—A_Comporector Used to Compare uso bits’ js Called a —Single bit Comparator. ct Consist of tuio 19 pus each fox hoo Single bit numbers ane three ouput — ~_ +e gente less -than Sue] and grater than between — » hwo" binary numbers. ! a 2 aa }& jax] Aze | Are]. L 0 _ ai! ° | I [- ° [0 =o _f o |} Papo AEB dt Bt Hegoi fad e Cosi poraios eo © A -lomparatpr ltsel fr Compare two binary. momber cach cif two bits ie Called a 2= et b Mognitade (ompo: toe TE (oisgct of fous Zopubt and Tc oubufs fo_oenrafe (ecg than, 25tea) toy gecates” than beeen —fur0 binaay mum ber 7 2 O} Input yn uF oboe gO) Ag be + ol oo _pafl Ae Al BI + Ay Aro EX Nok Bol/ Ao RcGor qep be Bz AK<8B = _ A>& = Aobo + Ag Aon + p| food A= B= (Ao © 8s)( A, O6,) DLR = “Ayko + Ay A) B) + ATG KR] 7 }-

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