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; — Unit -2 1 Domeshc_wakey is used for household Purpose Such as. | « Dsinkio 9 - v | . Food Preparation }__+ Mathing _ : + Sanitahon pa woshing Clothes and dishes | © Brushing feeth ete the (harden 2 washing the_dog: « Domestic mates Sewage alco fnew At Sanitary Sew) 7s Used water from fhe houses and apasiments Te goe tp OG waitewater freatment plant Where fr is Cleaned and velased beck jot’ tly winters | Shomwates i rcunott fom precipitation, Cuch G main sy Snow stam. Eb Hows bver Streeb, Posking lets, Gnd roofs intn oO Wwaler_bedy or Sthom u drain “ Lepmn wade x Can _(gutein pollutants ham ferti livers per cod yard waste dromuater Pollution Cop ___fmpact Zito ty bem heel thay « _ ¥*_h von H fy nf ewes 2 = mee pT Nt Neel pel ed el oO Necces ity of Quonbity of ewoene [ue necessity of seteymining the Quantity of Sowose i¢ “most tmpostant “and vitual fr the Allowing Purpose . (D =Tis design of Leucrose Scheme and Jewage disposal works axe based on |i- ® iw Ghape Size gradient and depth of Sewers Ond Aryainage [ines are fixed 69 ‘this Quantity (3) =the. Sire of pusping Zostalletion yaits depend 09 this g anti G) wl Sires of fis Various Untb jn the fewase Clisposal work Gre dixcdly Gependent upon the quently of Seurne (2) Classification of Leusone f= Based on ik Source Sewage [s of foe tyPes: = t. Sanifary Gewage 1 Sanjbary Sevwsase includes __ @ mes £ sidenti f LOS (&) Industrial Louie from induste' es. oO: Storm Sewere 6r_ Storm Wort includes yun=otf fom roofs , Pavements Streets Courtyard Qnd open Spaces. -_ TA Source of Sanj tary Sewer e DO Domestic Source — @ tndusteial Source Q Public Sousce —@_ Private wells and other _fources Cake and Canal Gnd Well Sources ~@_Crtound wastes in tiltreton Sources @_ Strom waster Source. _AL_Voriaton in Sewose flow he Tle per Capita] clemand of water (yz) and the Corvespondin er Capit: Lewose produchon 4) Ore based 80! Onnva/ flows land ane therfore dafine Gs On va] Gsavese daily flow Pex Peri00» ae fis Overase value js Mor Aulficient, olthrougt, Ver usefull |, for the design of Various ComponenO O59 € chem! because heme Qre wide Varjeton! tn thr actual flows through fhe hewert OF Piven fime. 3. The [low in th Aanifary Sewers ,fhrough fluctuatd Seasnaally , monthly desl , 05 well ‘as hovel poith The yioter Concuph Y yer they ary Somefiides celeste and_less pronounced u . U. Thus Veoh Hows will be Mm ch Greater is G 5; “i der {1 Yn|he fotera) Sewers C4 Coumparte ty thote laegee desk Cusenre SS. fhe Minjnum How essing _fhrouh Q. Sewer is Oko an iepoxtant fachy fhe Axilyh of g Sewer: because Gt Jow Gm Various Sechons wil) reach the | GU ging Poink Gfter Various pimer of f bf flow. fla _vVariasion jo the Kewe3r Flow Mey be due tr te followin fachrs 2. | / : O_~Tyfes_of jAtdustyiec —@ _Hotrb of feople @__Climatic Cond thon ® Timin ys of waher Pepply Ft factors” Affecting anitory Gewese Cor Dwt) —fl4 Geto Lanifary Lewoge or ary water Flow lupends pon the fallowid four -fachr 2 opulaion @_ Rate of waser Supply G TyPes of fneor ferved brsound clades jn Ei]fretioo. - O Population. Ie “Je Cfuen Hy ot Aanitery Jusese ax DWE depeno| poo. the Population fotved ct! the end of flee period “The Fanti ol 4 of Seveye fr be remo from any (alt te Jepend poo the popwahon Conti wee of efewage Per Cap fre. (@ Bale of water Supply — fle Rusatity of Used wates_ discharge faby 4 Sewer fs Jes than fhe Omoaunt_of wafer to “fre Community . ids js because of fosset Cue Feakase fom pipes | Jawo sprinkling and manutactasiog process ete pence orate of (Consupto both public os col] Ou private Peep p lees Most _bt faken inte acwuat, in Ls imation of Sucat ty of _ vege flue | Gnticipure rate of qwoorey Cancup tor at the eng | __of “flee laifh Peaied mutt alto be ffadizd. ~@ Ty feof Brea Server + Tle Quan bity of this 2 alepend_0n the tye of prea fuch Os wsiddntial, Gndustrial an Commericial . » Dn wWsidencial areas -tho Vuon ki ty of euseg« pradced lee ae on the duc bity "of water Vupp ly 4a that Orved “This _tyPe Gt Pewese_s generally repressed a {rters per Capito "Dew Claw, : Th, Fnoluc|ia| doer the dluas tte ot Jewes ¢ poaduced depends 64 thely: (/acious Podushiall. process 2s Gud ft tc _cliffememt. fry _clifferert= SAcluspiet. © flu oar of. tle al Gewens pn Such anes Ps _ompwess ed pg [ih fer ext mie of Date: 77 oe aL Dedesmination of fanilary Seoaye How = e fl Quontiby of fevase is Cufeulated by Some Qddition and Subtyactibn fo pu quantity of water Supplied « «ls _additon is Mainly doe te fle Privade woky Supply je) fom tube wall Pond [ake eta Sub strachon ts done que to fos of woter due to leakoge Gnd Water (ausumed. from Aaiahing Cooking nd Sprinklfo 4, —phise Subtyrachones ganerally Varied fom 207. or. Of water Supplied a Quantihy cf Lacitory (esene = hte] hy: of watery Supply + addition duc to pvt Prae Wwaser Supply — Subtraction _fenerally Quantity of Joti bony fewase i 788. Tt tn G97 of tote} (pester Supply. AP Shapes of Sewers $— Tre Cross- Section of Sewers Gefrend Upon * @. cdoeuct Uva] of de jent of ow. Case of Meaiataianrel and © pen eddy WY Pasidante to fatynal ano eterna | Purposes © Cost _ | (evar any) 3 | [Papers Base] 60 these fachrs, Gower Cvoss- Fecha fies bt Classified ad t= A Ej xcujar Sechon ») Non Ciscar Sechon . “Q_Geelar GecHon i= Comers Ow etonomical uph a Gamer Used fas Separote —. Civeular of 250mm And Ort Commen ; Sewers - Jes effect fer Combined: Sewers betaus 6 4 art “Plow of velouity Coadthons during dry Genter flow + + Ojruday Cechons gives the leas Pawo m efor for a given Ove this phe Mowimum hydraulic mean depth for xunnins foll_ ond i bolf full Godihon. J “® Non- “Gyealay Seefon_!— Alon Crear Gecton js Juiteble for %e for Olfameter Above 2Toomm Gnd because fey Ciccommodiete large Variation In Aisthoye by. MNasalvinjas fhe wired Leff Cleaning! velseity at the fame ime! _Non= Cirtllay Sections Cossveonly used re O94 shape cemj = 2ffip Heal Re Ctan pu lar _ 3 Maintenance of Yusenae By cfem [- ‘+ Naintonance of Sewers (onsists Mainly of The memova] py prevention of stoppages, Cleaning of Sowers Ondl_othey Sewer Gpp Urte nantes and repedy Loorks. _* WNainlenance of becomes Sewer Cetlely yshen Prey Gre _latd on Hat Qradienb Ona free nvot Had easy ndrance 19 Kewsans prrrul defective fotrt. © tle maximum LxPenditure jn Meinfunance fome¢ on the Cleaning of Sewers. { Te following Works aye fnvdilued Pn fle uainknare Ond wepaiirs “of Yews 5 hy Vhem Kept mn malas e _ cot other Sewet apPpur benances _ nstrucHon of Jew Manhole Se Thlen manhol< 1 herybt of Manheles wot th eating Th e Sed vels _@—Kepait of bynken Sewer [Taes ania f of Sewers Drevenhon of Clogging @ Checkin y fox_leakes Snel repels, Awankity of Shom uiarey $= (henervelly thene Gr fwo mMethode b which the sunlit of Shom weatey ps Caléuteted y [ur yehonal ethos, 0) Empirical Laymulac methed Tn _beth the. cbow methods , the Yuan h'ty of : Xtc the -Lunchon of ‘the area Cin hechires J > the 30 bensity of rainfall aod Ce-ath crenf of runoff. la” (n- efficient of gun off or Tle Maximum rete of run off Mein ly depends of fhe Jaurfaw Alope Gnd the Lstinkted Condition of Th? _dyain. Qneg_ with] onference tothe Pesten—ot the “ain fo) Hof voil) yun. Dp) avers anushinyesmane anal “Tous Method js wave thy Used tn z3himating He Guantihy ot Ym me fede Sto i when Qe yale ,f run-off in. m3/y A= Oua of walerBhed being drained jn Hectares B= Imp, sujous face Rae Lobenict by of Raiotal) fra_mm/py. this fosmula ipies buttery yesults for gmal] oneas dur bo the belinit< joformehon ObkGnable of Th fachr faviyrrd. lu value of R Can be Calealaked by thing Qsihsh Ministry of Health formula R= dio mm/hy for 5-20 minube Storm t +20 K = Tot? nm py fry 20- Jeo Minukes th ee _ Sham, | eee (ims 2 2 (Pane Ne } am Empirical “farmul4 Metho ~ Ficis_metod Is usefa] fox large reas Al] T. £ eonpirice | fosroular Ove Applicable only : i oa 7d ynder_Certain specific Condihors pe uliar to ies) awea fo be Olreine} , clope pe veg on ot Lane 4m pesvioucness OF Gueface, rete of Oo} rein fall_a19._so these fhould be user auhioutly. koe gf < ea] be he gun- olf 79 Cu- m/sec 2 2 yun-olf Coffrtiente R- jatonsiFy of roo fal) jo om/hy Ae draineyt ava tn bectorrs C= S)ope of fe ants 719 meer pez thousand ,

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