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The Sheep and the Pig

There was a man . He had many Sheep . He took care of them . He gave

them food and water . He also had a dog . The dog watched the

Sheep . One day, the man saw a Pig . The Pig was big and fat . It was in
his field . The Sheep were in the field too . They were eating grass .

The Pig was not his, but he wanted to have it for himself .

He ran to the Pig . He grabbed it by its legs . The Pig was very scared

and angry . It made a lot of noise with its mouth . The Pig tried to

get away . The man was stronger . He lifted the Pig . He put it

under his arm . He wanted to sell it . He wanted to sell it to the

butcher .

The Sheep saw the man and the Pig . They thought it was funny

and silly . They followed the man and the Pig . They went to the gate

of the field . They asked the Pig . They said, “Why are you so loud ?

The man often takes us too. But we are quiet and calm .”

The Pig answered, “You are silly and stupid . The man wants your

wool . He cuts it off , then he lets you live . But he wants my meat . He

will kill me ! Do you understand now! ”

The Sheep understood the Pig . They learned it’s not easy to see things from

someone else’s eyes . They also learned that it is easy to be brave when
there is no danger .
Choose the correct answer.
1. Who took care of the Sheep?
a) The Pig b) The Dog c) The man d) The Sheep themselves

2. What were the sheep doing in the field?

a) Eating grass b) Running c) Playing with the Sheep d) Sleeping

3. Why did the Pig make a lot of noise?

a) Because it was happy. b) Because it was scared and angry.
c) Because it wanted attention. d) Because it was playing with the Sheep.

4. Where did the man want to sell the Pig?

a) In the market b) To the farmer c) To the butcher d) To his neighbor

5. What did the Sheep say to the Pig at the gate of the field?
a) Why are you quiet? b) Why are you so loud?
c) Do you want to play? d) Can we be friends?

6. Why did the Pig say the sheep were stupid?

a) Because they were loud. b) Because they followed the man.
c) Because they didn't understand. d) Because they were quiet.

7. Why did the man lift the Pig?

a) To play with it b) To scare it c) To sell it d) To give it food

8. Where did the Sheep go with the man and the Pig?
a) To the market b) To the river
c) To the gate of the field d) To the butcher's shop

9. Who said, “Why are you so loud?”

a) The Dog b) The Sheep c) The man d) The Pig

10. What did the Pig say to the Sheep?

a) You understand everything. b) You are silly and stupid.
c) You are clever. d) You are brave.
Answer these Questions:
Did the man take care of the sheep?

How did the man take care of the sheep?


Why did the man run to the pig?


Did the pig try to get away from the man?


Why did the man put the pig under his arm?

Why did the pig call the sheep silly and stupid?

What did the sheep learn?


Write the Kurdish meaning of these words:

pig noise sell quiet

care loud butcher calm

gate stronger silly meat

saw lift gate kill

ran under his arm often understand

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