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Induction of tetraploidity with antimicrotubule agents

in oriental melon (Cucumis melo var. Makuwa)
a a a a
Kang Wang , Linchi He , Honglang Yan & Xiaoyun Wei
Jiangsu Riverine Institute of Agricultural Sciences, Xueyao, Rugao, Jiangsu 226541, P.R.
Published online: 14 Aug 2015.

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To cite this article: Kang Wang, Linchi He, Honglang Yan & Xiaoyun Wei (2015): Induction of tetraploidity with
antimicrotubule agents in oriental melon (Cucumis melo var. Makuwa), Israel Journal of Plant Sciences, DOI:

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Israel Journal of Plant Sciences, 2015

Induction of tetraploidity with antimicrotubule agents in oriental melon

(Cucumis melo var. Makuwa)
Kang Wang, Linchi He*, Honglang Yan and Xiaoyun Wei
Jiangsu Riverine Institute of Agricultural Sciences, Xueyao, Rugao, Jiangsu 226541, P.R. China
(Received 8 June 2015; accepted 25 June 2015)

Polyploidy induction is an important method for the innovation of germplasm resources because polyploid plants have
superior characteristics to diploid ones. In this paper, oriental melon (Cucumis melo var. makuwa) tetraploids were induced
Downloaded by [Nanyang Technological University] at 10:53 20 August 2015

by treating the apical meristem of seedlings with oryzalin, amiprophos-methyl (APM) and colchicine. The results showed
that each of these three antimicrotubule agents could induce the formation of tetraploid oriental melon, but oryzalin and
APM showed higher efficiencies of tetraploid induction. The efficiencies of tetraploid induction were highest (14.44%)
when treated with 80 mmol¢L¡1 APM for 6 days. Stomata characteristics were used to screen the treated plants for changes
in ploid levels preliminarily. Subsequently, the changes in ploid levels were further confirmed by flow-cytometric analysis
and chromosome counts of root tip cells. The comparison between diploids and tetraploids in fruit characteristics,
reproductive characteristics, and postharvest storage qualities showed that the fruit of tetraploids had thicker flesh, higher
total soluble solid (TSS) content and lower fruit shape index than diploids. The pollen grains of tetraploids were larger but
showed lower vitality. In addition, a higher percentage of embryo-deficient seeds contributed to lower fertility. During
postharvest storage, the fruit of tetraploids softened faster, had higher TSS content and lower respiration rate.
Keywords: oryzalin; amiprophos-methyl (APM); colchicine; fruit quality; reproductive characteristics; postharvest storage

Introduction morphological, biochemical and physiological characters

Melon (Cucumis melo L.) contains eight cultivated (Liu et al. 2004a).
varieties, namely cantalupensis, chito, conomon, dudaim, Colchicine has traditionally been used to induce chro-
inodorus, flexuosus, reticulatus, and makuwa (Choi et al. mosome doubling in many species, such as citrus (Aleza
2012). Oriental melon (Cucumis melo var. makuwa) origi- et al. 2009), hypericum (Meyer et al. 2009), oncidium
nated from the Middle East and Asia, and is one of the (Cui et al. 2010) and rhododendron (Hebert et al. 2010).
most commercially important variants in the Chinese, However, colchicine is very toxic to humans because it
Korean and Japanese markets. The fruits of this variety binds specifically to animal tubulin dimers and inhibits
usually have thin rind, high sugar and juice contents and microtubule polymerization during mitosis and meiosis
little odor. However, the thin mesocarp, small fruit size (Petersen et al. 2003). Recent reports showed that some
and short postharvest shelf-life affect the commercial antimitotic agents, such as amiprophos-methyl (APM),
value of oriental melon. oryzalin and trifluralin, were less toxic and more efficient
Polyploidy induction is an important method for the in inducing chromosome doubling in plants than colchi-
innovation of germplasm resources. Generally, polyploid cine (Petersen et al. 2003; Thao et al. 2003; Zlesak et al.
plants show superior characteristics to the diploid progeni- 2005; Dunn and Lindstrom 2007).
tor in morphological changes, genetic adaptability and tol- In this study, oryzalin, APM and colchicine were
erance to environmental stresses (Xiong et al. 2006). In applied to oriental melon to assess the potential of these
addition, tetraploid plants of fruit crops are used as breed- three antimicrotubule herbicides for induction of tetra-
ing parents to produce triploid plants (Jaskani & Khan ploidy. The ploidy level of treated plants was determined
2000). Previous studies of tetraploid melons focused on by stomatal characteristics, flow-cytometric analysis and
the muskmelon or honeydew melon (Batra 1952; Fassu- chromosome counts in root tip cells. Because oriental
liotis & Nelson 1992; Zhang et al. 2010; Ren et al. 2013). melon is a fruit crop variety, fruit and reproductive
However, limited research has been conducted on C. melo characteristics, and postharvest storage quality of fruit
var. makuwa, which differs from other varieties in between tetraploid and diploid plants were also compared

*Corresponding author. Email:

Ó 2015 Jiangsu Riverine Institute of Agricultural Science

2 K. Wang et al.

to evaluate the potential value of tetraploids for commer- stained with a 1% w/v I2-KI solution, covered with a
cial production. Our overall objective was to improve the cover slip, and observed under a light microscope. The
commercial characteristics of oriental melon. stomata size, stomata density, and the number of chloro-
plasts in guard cells of 10 randomly selected putative pol-
yploids were measured under a Nikon microscope (E100,
Material and methods Tokyo, Japan), based on 20 cells from three different
Plant material leaves per individual.
Oriental melon “OM-1226” is an elite inbred line with
white flesh and a smooth rind surface, which has been Determination of ploidy levels by flow cytometry
inbred for more than 10 generations at the Jiangsu River-
The ploidy levels of putative polyploids were identified
ine Institute of Agricultural Sciences, Nantong, Jiangsu,
with a flow cytometer (BD Biosciences FACS Calibur,
America). Following procedures based on Urwin et al.
(2007) with modifications, tissue samples taken from
young leaves (1 g) were chopped with a razor blade and
Downloaded by [Nanyang Technological University] at 10:53 20 August 2015

Induction of tetraploid oriental melon with antimicrotu-

immersed in 500 mL Galbraith’s extraction buffer for
bule and antimitotic agents
1 2 min. After filtration through a 30-mm Cell-Trics
Dry seeds of oriental melon were immersed in tap water disposable filter to remove cell debris, 150 mL staining
for 6 h at room temperature. Then the seeds were placed solution containing the dye 3, 8-diamino-5-[3-(diethylme-
on filter paper moistened with distilled water and germi- thylammonio) propyl]-6-phenylphenanthridinium diio-
nated in darkness at 24  C for 36 48 h. The germinated dide (PI) was added. The samples were then analyzed
seeds were transferred to 50-cell plug trays containing a with the flow cytometer. Ten leaves were collected from
mixture of peat and perlite medium (3:1, v/v). The trays diploid plants to determine the standard peak of diploid
were covered with transparent plastic film and incubated cells.
under greenhouse conditions. Different concentration gra-
dients of colchicine (5000, 10,000 and 15,000 mmol¢L¡1),
oryzalin (20, 40, 80 and 120 mmol¢L¡1) and APM (20, 40, Determination of ploidy levels by chromosome counts
80 and 120 mmol¢L¡1) were applied to the apical meri- The ploidy level of each plantlet was ultimately confirmed
stem of oriental melon seedlings with expanded cotyle- by chromosome counts of root tip cells from germinated
dons. The treatments were carried out under greenhouse seeds, which were obtained by self-pollination of each
conditions with different shading durations (70% shading putative tetraploid and control plants. According to the
rate for 4, 6 and 8 days). Control seedlings were similarly method described by Tang et al. (2010) with minor modi-
treated with cotton balls saturated with distilled water. fications, root tips of 2 3 mm length were excised and
Each treatment was applied to 30 seedlings and this was immersed in 2 £ 10¡3 mol¢L¡1 8-hydroxyquinoline for
replicated three times. After treatment, the shade facilities 3 h at room temperature following seed germination.
were removed and the plants were thoroughly washed Subsequently, the root tips were rinsed in water and then
with water. fixed in fresh Carnoy’s fluid (alcohol:acetic acid, 3:1, v/v)
at room temperature for 24 h. The fixed root tips were
stored in 70% ethanol at 4 C until examination. The root
Preliminary screening for putative tetraploids by evalua- tips were rinsed with water 3 times, then immersed in 1 M
tion of leaf stomatal characteristics HCl for 10 min at 60 C, and rinsed with water an addi-
Because a large population of seedlings was generated tional three times. The root tips were cut transversely,
from the apical tip application method, it was necessary to stained using modified carbolfuchsin (Kao 1975), covered
isolate a smaller population of putative tetraploids. Stoma- with a slide and warmed slightly over a flame. Samples
tal characteristics, consisting of stomata size, stomata den- were observed under a Nikon microscope (E100, Tokyo,
sity, and the number of chloroplasts in guard cells, have Japan) and photographed with a Zeiss camera.
proved to be reliable indicators of ploidy in many varieties
(Gu et al. 2005; Stanys et al. 2006; Liu et al. 2007). Those
seedlings with larger stomata, lower stomata density, and Measurement of fruit characteristics for diploid and
a higher number of chloroplasts in guard cells were tetraploid plants
selected as putative tetraploids. Leaf samples were taken Six important fruit characteristics, including fruit weight
from the third true leaf below the shoot apex. The epider- (g), flesh thickness (cm), fruit length (cm), fruit diameter
mal cell layer from the abaxial surface of leaves was (cm), fruit shape index (length:diameter ratio) and total
stripped with tweezers, placed on a microscope slide, soluble solids (TSS) content, were measured for diploid
Israel Journal of Plant Sciences 3

and tetraploid plants. For TSS content, juice taken from a Results
mature fruit was analyzed using a hand refractometer The efficiencies of tetraploid induction with oryzalin,
(Atago, PAL-1, Tokyo, Japan). A total of 10 plants were APM and colchicine
tested for each of the diploid and tetraploid plants.
For all three agents, the percentage survival of plants was
influenced by the agent concentration and treatment dura-
Observation of reproductive characteristics for diploid tion. Broadly, the number of surviving plants declined
and tetraploid plants with increasing concentration at the same treatment dura-
tion, whereas the percentage survival decreased with the
Pollen grain size and pollen viability were examined for
increase in treatment duration for a given agent concentra-
diploid and tetraploid plants. For the measurement of pol-
tion (Figure 1a c). With regard to oryzalin, a treatment
len grain size, tripped flowers were removed and pollen
concentration of 120 mmol¢L¡1 for 8 days resulted in the
grains were stained with a 1% w/v I2-KI solution (add:
lowest percentage survival (15.56%; Figure 1a). Similar
concentration), then observed and photographed under a
results were obtained for APM and colchicine treatments
light microscope at a magnification of 200£. The mea-
(Figure 1b,c).
surement of pollen viability was performed as described
Oryzalin applied at 40 mmol¢L¡1 for 6 days generated
Downloaded by [Nanyang Technological University] at 10:53 20 August 2015

by Zhong et al. (1999). Pollen grains were cultured in the

the highest tetraploid induction frequency of 11.11%
medium (2% sucrose, 0.01% boric acid, pH 7.0) for 24 h
(Figure 1g). Treatment with APM at 80 mmol¢L¡1 for
at 25 C and the number of germinated pollen grains was
6 days yielded the highest induction frequency of 14.44%
recorded. Pollen grains were considered germinated if the
(Figure 1h), while treatment with colchicine at 1 £ 104
pollen tube length was longer than the diameter of the
mmol¢L¡1 for 6 days resulted in 8 tetraploids out of 90
grain. Ten flowers for five diploid and tetraploid plants
plants examined (Figure 1i). Compared with colchicine
were selected for measurement. In addition, seed length,
treatment (2.84%), oryzalin and APM showed higher total
seed width and the embryo development were measured
frequencies of tetraploid induction (3.43% and 3.52%,
from 10 fruits for diploid and tetraploid plants.
respectively) at a significantly lower concentration
(Figure 1g i). Therefore, oryzalin and APM showed
Evaluation of postharvest storage quality for diploid and higher efficiencies of tetraploid induction in oriental
tetraploid plants melon.
Fruits were detached from vines 30 days after anthesis and
stored at 10 C. Five fruits in triplicate for each parameter
were analyzed for both diploid and tetraploid fruit. Fruit Ploidy determination
weight was measured after 0, 3, 6, 9 and 12 days of stor- To reduce the number of plants subjected to time-consum-
age. The percentage weight loss of fruits was calculated ing chromosome counts and costly flow-cytometric analy-
as: weight loss (%) D (Wi ¡ Wf)/Wi £ 100, where Wi is sis, preliminary screening was conducted to identify
the sample weight before storage and Wf is the sample putative polyploids among the surviving plants treated
weight after storage. Fruit firmness was measured after 0, with the agents. Significant differences in leaf stomata
3, 6, 9 and 12 days of storage, as described previously by characteristics were observed between untreated and
Liu et al. (2012). The TSS content was measured after 0, some treated plants, which were designated putative tetra-
3, 6, 9 and 12 days of storage, as described above. Respi- ploids. The stomata length, stomata width and chloroplast
ration rate was measured by a static method as described number in guard cells of putative tetraploids were signifi-
by Ferrari et al. (2013) using a CO2 infrared analyzer cantly increased by 62.09%, 50.2% and 99.42%, respec-
(GXH-3051, Beijing, China). Postharvest fruit from dip- tively (Figure 2a,b), whereas the stomata density was
loid and tetraploid plants were placed in a closed box. Gas decreased by 56.87% when compared with those of the
sampling was performed 1 h after closing the box. The control diploids (Table 1).
respiration rate of the fruit was determined in triplicate Flow-cytometric analysis was applied to confirm the
after 0, 2, 4, 6, 8, 10 and 12 days of storage and expressed ploidy levels of putative tetraploids after preliminary
in milliliters of CO2 per kilogram per hour. screening. Control plants with 2c DNA produced a peak at
the position (channel 500) consistent with analysis of
standards known to be diploid, whereas tetraploids contain-
Statistical analysis ing 4c DNA produced a density plot with a peak aligned at
The differences between means were analyzed using channel 1000 (Figure 3). A total of 98 plants were identi-
Student’s unpaired t-test (two-sample t-test) or Duncan’s fied as tetraploids after flow-cytometric analysis.
multiple range test, and 5% probability level was consid- Subsequently, the chromosomes in root tip cells were
ered significant. The analysis was performed using SPSS counted for further confirmation of the ploidy levels. The
software (SPSS, Inc., Chicago, IL, USA). chromosome number of the control plants (diploid) was
4 K. Wang et al.
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Figure 1. Effect of oryzalin, amiprophos-methyl (APM), and colchicine on tetraploid induction of oriental melon. (a c) Effect of ory-
zalin, APM, and colchicine on survival rate, respectively; (d f) effect of oryzalin, APM, and colchicine on putative tetraploids, respec-
tively; (g i) effect of oryzalin, APM, and colchicine on chromosome doubling frequency, respectively. Lowercase letters above the bar
indicates a significant difference at the 0.05 level as determined by Duncan’s multiple range test.

2n D 2x D 24, whereas that of the 98 autotetraploid plants attractions than diploid fruits (Figure 2e,f). Although the
was 2n D 4x D 48 (Figure 4). mean weight of tetraploid fruit was higher than that of
diploids, the difference was not significant.

Characteristics of tetraploid plants Reproductive characteristics

Fruit characteristics Oriental melon tetraploid produced significantly higher
To assess the commercial and breeding potential of orien- quantities of pollen (increased by 33.1%) than the corre-
tal melon tetraploids, important fruit characteristics were sponding diploid lines (Figure 2c,d). However, the pollen
compared between the confirmed tetraploids and diploids vitality of tetraploids was weaker, with the percentage
in Table 2. Compared with those of diploids, flesh thick- pollen germination significantly decreased by 48.4% com-
ness, horizontal fruit diameter and TSS content of tetra- pared with that of the diploids (Table 3). In addition, a
ploids were significantly increased by 31.3%, 17.9% and high percentage (76.53%) of empty-embryo seeds was
8.1%, respectively, which indicated that the quality of tet- formed in the fruits of tetraploids, indicating poor fertility.
raploid fruits was enhanced. In contrast, the fruit longitu- The seed width and length to width ratio of tetraploids
dinal diameter and shape index of tetraploids were were significantly increased by 11.3% and decreased by
significantly decreased by 10.6% and 23.4%. The lower 13.2%, respectively, compared with those of the diploids.
shape index of tetraploid fruits resulted in the fruit form Consistent with the fruit, seeds of tetraploid plants were
of almost round, conferring tetraploid fruits more also flatter than those of the diploids (Figure 2g).
Israel Journal of Plant Sciences 5
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Figure 2. Stomata, pollen grains, fruit, and seeds of diploid and tetraploid plants of oriental melon. Stomata of (a) diploid plant and (b)
tetraploid plant. Pollen grain of (c) diploid plant and (d) tetraploid plant. (e) Fruit of diploid (left) and tetraploid (right) plants. (f) Meso-
carp of diploid (left) and tetraploid (right) plants. (g) Seeds of diploid (upper) and tetraploid (lower) plants. For a d, scale bar D 10 mm.
For e g, scale bar D 1 cm.

Table 1. Stomata characteristics of putative tetraploid and diploid oriental melon plants.

Stomata characteristic Diploid Putative tetraploid

Stomata length (mm) 27.25 § 0.83 44.17 § 1.56

Stomata width (mm) 19.98 § 0.33 30.01 § 1.03
Stomata density (no./observation field)a 15.65 § 0.68 6.75 § 0.59
No. of chloroplasts in guard cells 8.70 § 0.44 17.35 § 0.63

Each value represents mean § SE.

Indicates a significant difference between the diploid and the putative tetraploid at the 0.01 level as determined by t-test.
The density of stomata was measured with an optical microscope at a magnification of £400.

Figure 3. Flow-cytometric analysis of nuclei from (a) diploid and (b) tetraploid plants.
6 K. Wang et al.

Figure 4. Chromosomes in root tip cells of diploid (a, 2n D 2x D 24) and tetraploid (b, 2n D 4x D 48) plants. Scale bar D 10 mm.
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Table 2. Fruit characteristics of diploid and tetraploid oriental Fruit firmness decreased during storage in both ploidy
melon. groups (Figure 5a). The firmness of tetraploid fruit was
significantly higher after storage for 6 days and decreased
Fruit characteristic Diploid Tetraploid more gradually than that of diploid fruits, which declined
Fruit weight (g) 601.4 § 18.60 642.4 § 57.26 sharply from days 6 to 9 of storage. Ultimately, after stor-
Flesh thickness (cm) 2.62 § 0.10 3.44 § 0.13 age for 12 days, the firmness of diploid and tetraploid fruit
Fruit horizontal diameter (cm) 8.64 § 0.21 10.19 § 0.49 decreased by 52.04% and 39.08%, respectively.
Fruit longitudinal diameter (cm) 9.58 § 0.38 8.65 § 0.39 The percentage weight loss of diploid fruits was
Fruit shape index 1.11 § 0.05 0.85 § 0.02 higher than that of tetraploid fruits throughout the 12-day
Total soluble solid content (%) 12.65 § 0.26 13.68 § 0.20 storage period (Figure 5b). However, no significant differ-
ences were observed between the two ploidy groups
Each value represents mean § SE. except at day 9, when the percentage weight loss of dip-
, Indicate a significant difference between the diploid and tetraploid at
the 0.05 and 0.01 levels, respectively, as determined by t-test. loid fruit was 2.56% higher than that of tetraploid fruit.
The TSS content rose slightly at first, peaked after
6 days of storage, and then decreased (Figure 5c). The
Postharvest storage quality TSS content of tetraploid fruits had increased by 4.24%
A shortcoming of oriental sweet melon is the short post- on day 6 compared with the initial content, and was higher
harvest shelf life of the fruit because of its typical climac- (but not significantly) than that of diploid fruits (2.43%).
teric behavior and thin pericarp (Liu et al. 2004b). The ultimate decrease in TSS content in tetraploid fruit
Therefore, the postharvest storage quality of tetraploid after storage for 12 days was 2.78%, which was signifi-
fruit was tested to evaluate its storage potential. The dif- cantly lower than that of diploid fruit (10.31%). In addi-
ferences in fruit firmness, percentage fruit weight loss, tion, throughout the storage period, the TSS content of
TSS content and respiration rate showed the same trends tetraploid fruits was significantly higher than that of
between the diploid and tetraploid plants. diploid fruits.
For both diploid and tetraploid fruits, the respiration
rate decreased after 2 days of storage and peaked on day
6, then declined to the lowest value on day 10 (Figure 5d).
Table 3. Reproductive characteristics of diploid and tetraploid Throughout the storage period, the respiration rate of tet-
oriental melon plants. raploid fruit was significantly lower than that of diploid
fruit. The peak respiration rate of tetraploid fruit was
Reproductive characteristic Diploid Tetraploid
70.2% lower than that of diploid fruit.
Pollen grain diameter (mm) 50.81 § 1.47 67.61 § 3.14
Pollen germination (%) 59.64 § 3.36 30.75 § 1.89
Embryo-deficient seeds (%) 22.46 § 3.24 76.53 § 2.22 Discussion
Seed length (mm) 6.98 § 0.04 6.76 § 0.12 The antimicrotubule agents colchicine, oryzalin and APM
Seed width (mm) 3.54 § 0.05 3.94 § 0.03 all induced chromosome doubling of oriental melon in
Seed length:width ratio 1.97 § 0.03 1.71 § 0.03 our study (Figure 1d i). Similar results were reported for
potato (Barandalla et al. 2006), Miscanthus sinensis
Each value represents mean § SE.

Indicates a significant difference between the diploid and tetraploid at (Petersen et al. 2003), and maize (Wan et al. 1991). For
the 0.01 level as determined by t-test. all these agents, the tetraploid induction frequency was
Israel Journal of Plant Sciences 7
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Figure 5. Changes in (a) fruit firmness, (b) percentage fruit weight loss, (c) total soluble solids content, and (d) respiration rate during
storage of fruit from tetraploid and diploid oriental melon. The asterisk above a given day denotes a significant difference at p D 0.05
between diploids and tetraploids as determined by t-test.

associated with the durations and concentrations of treat- mechanism of increasing ploidy levels is similar for these
ments. For example, the optimal concentration and dura- agents in that the formation of spindle fibers is blocked
tion of oryzalin treatment was 40 mmol¢L¡1 and 6 days, and the normal polar segregation of sister chromatids is
respectively (Figure 1g). Chromosome doubling was not disturbed. However, oryzalin and APM shows higher
induced when the treatment concentration was too low or affinity with plant tubulins than colchicine does (More-
the duration was too short. In contrast, the growth of john et al. 1987), which may lead to a higher efficiency of
plants was strongly inhibited if the concentrations of chromosome doubling. In addition, there are still some
agents were too high or the durations of treatments were side effects, including chromosome losses, rearrange-
too long (Figure 1g i). Although many plants were iden- ments and gene mutations in the polyploidization process
tified as putative tetraploids, no fruit and seeds were (Luckett 1989). Thus, oryzalin and APM could be consid-
obtained because of the abnormal growth. In addition, a ered the preferable alternative chromosome-doubling
number of mutants with a high ploidy level were induced agents to replace of the toxic colchicine for the polyploid
because of repeated chromosome doubling with a long induction of oriental melon.
treatment duration (data not shown). Thus, the results Several methods can be used to identify the ploidy
indicated that the optimal combination of treatment con- levels of mutants. Counting of mitotic chromosomes in
centration and duration is critical, which was in consistent root tip cells is the most direct and accurate tool for ploidy
with the results of previous studies. Ye et al. (2010) determination (Dart et al. 2004), but is extremely time-
reported that a concentration of 0.2% colchicine applied consuming. Flow-cytometric analysis is a quick but
for 96 h or 0.5% colchicine applied for 48 h showed simi- expensive method to detect the ploidy level. Because a
lar levels of effectiveness for polyploid induction in crape large population of treated plants were with a diploid
myrtle. In Calanthe, the most efficient treatment for induc- background, it is necessary to develop a screening method
tion of tetraploids was 0.003% oryzalin for 1 2 days to eliminate diploids and increase the efficiency of tetra-
(Chung et al. 2014). ploid identification. In previous studies, stomata charac-
In particular, oryzalin and APM induced a higher fre- teristics were shown to be reliable indicators to
quency of tetraploids at a relatively lower concentrations distinguish mutants from diploids (Speckmann et al.
compared with colchicine (Figure 1g i), which was also 1965; Stanys et al. 2006; Urwin et al. 2007). In the current
reported previously for potato (Ramulu et al. 1991). The study, we reduced the population from 2970 treated plants
8 K. Wang et al.

to 326 putative tetraploids, which were identified on the TSS content of tetraploid fruits was significantly higher
basis of stomata size, stomata density and chloroplast than that of diploid fruits (Figure 5c). At the beginning of
number in guard cells. Subsequently, 98 tetraploid plants the storage period, tetraploid and diploid fruits showed
were confirmed by flow-cytometric analysis and chromo- higher CO2 production, which could be related to the
some counts. Thus, stomata characteristics analysis was higher temperature. The lower temperature during storage
proved to be a rapid, efficient and economical means of contributed to the decreased CO2 production. The respira-
identifying putative tetraploid plants in oriental melon. tion rate of tetraploid fruits was significantly lower than
Polyploids are often morphologically larger than the that of diploid fruits throughout the storage period
corresponding diploids and are known in many plant spe- (Figure 5d). Similar trends have been observed in
cies (Gao et al. 2002; Jaskani et al. 2005; Ye et al. 2010). Dendrobium (Ketsa et al. 2001) and pear (Sun 1981). The
In the present study, tetraploid oriental melon produced cell volume of tetraploids is increased because of the mul-
fruit with a thicker mesocarp and a higher TSS content tiple chromosomes, which results in reduction in the cell
(Table 2), as well as higher quantities of pollen grains surface area to volume ratio, leading to decreased respira-
(Table 3). The mechanisms leading to novel variation in tion (Pei 1963).
newly formed polyploids may include gene dosage effects In conclusion, this study demonstrates the effective-
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(resulting from the higher number of genome copies), the ness of oryzalin and APM as polyploidizing agents in the
uniting of divergent gene regulatory hierarchies, chromo- successful induction of tetraploids in oriental melon.
somal rearrangements, and epigenetic remodeling, all of Compared with colchicine, oryzalin and APM induced a
which affect gene content and/or expression levels (Steb- higher frequency of tetraploids at a lower concentration
bins 1950). The lower fruit shape index of tetraploid and thus can be considered suitable alternative chromo-
plants observed in the present study meant that tetraploid some-doubling agents for the toxic colchicine. Measure-
fruits were flatter than those of diploids (Figure 2e), which ment of stomata size, stomata density and the number of
is consistent with the results of Nu nez-Palenius et al. chloroplasts in guard cells can be used as parameters for
(2008) for tetraploid melon. The quality of tetraploid preliminary screening of plants with a diploid back-
fruits was improved because of the higher TSS content, ground. Subsequently, the ploidy levels can be determined
which was in agreement with the report by Zhang et al. by flow-cytometric analysis and chromosome counts of
(2010) for tetraploid muskmelon. However, Ren et al. root tip cells. Compared with diploids, tetraploid oriental
(2013) observed that fruit shape, size and TSS content of melon fruits have a thicker mesocarp, higher center solu-
polyploid plants were similar to those of diploid plants in ble solid content and lower fruit shape index, which also
honeydew melon. Therefore, different fruit characteristics indicated that fruit quality and type of tetraploids were
may respond differently to tetraploid induction in differ- improved. However, the lower pollen vitality and higher
ent melon subspecies. Reduced fertility was also observed percentage of embryo-deficient seeds in the fruit, which
in tetraploid oriental melon, which may result from the contributed to lower overall fertility, is a serious defect of
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