Dubai Creek From Commercial Dock To Stra

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Fig. 15 Kievskaya, subway gallery.

All the images are public domain

es [essays] 1 Deira, Bur Dubai and Shindhaga (from Noor Ali Rashid, The UAE visions of change through the lens of Noor Ali Rashid, Motivate, Dubai 1997).
Fig. 16 Chistye Prudy Station, pavilion.

or courtesy of the author 1 N. Kolli, Arkhitektura Metro, in L. M. 2 The creek’s dock in the 1950s (from Noor Ali Rashid, The UAE visions of change through the lens of Noor Ali Rashid, Motivate, Dubai 1997).
Fig. 17 Krasnye Voroda Station, pavilion. Kaganovicha, Kak my stroili metro, Istoriya
Fabrik i Zavodov, Moskva 1935, pp. 175-

2 J. Bouvard, La città del futuro: La
metropolitana di Mosca, in U.R.S.S. anni
’30 – ’50, paesaggi dell’utopia staliniana,
Dubai Creek:
A.I. Antonovič, N.I. Golinevič, N. P. Dmitriev, Moskovskaja gorodskaja železnaja doroga (metropoliten), T-vo tipo-lit, Vladimir Čicerin, Moskva 1902.

from commercial dock

A. De Magistris, Mazzotta, Milano 1997, p.
L. Kaganovič, L’urbanisme soviétique, Bureau d’éditions FG St Denis, Paris 1932.
S. Kravek, Metro na zapade, in «Arkhitektura SSSR», n.4, 1934. 3 As early as the feudal age-old Moscow

to strategic urban infrastructure

N. Kolli, Arkhitektura Metro, in L. M. Kaganovicha, Kak my stroili metro, Istoriya Fabrik i Zavodov, Moscow 1935. had developed according to a radiocentric
growth pattern, as Kaganovi pronounced
V. Quilici, Città russa e città sovietica, Caratteri della struttura storica: Ideologia e pratica della trasformazione socialista, Mazzotta, Milano 1976. in 1932, arguing that this did not collide
A. Carenko, E. Fëdorov, Moskovskij metropoliten imeni V.I. Lenina: spravočnik-puteboditel, Transport, Moskva 1984. with the will to make Moscow the Soviet
city par excellence. Cf. L. Kaganovi ,
K. Wolf (Ph.D thesis), Russia’s revolutionary underground: the construction of the Moscow subway (1931-35), The Ohio State University, 1994. L’urbanisme soviétique, Bureau d’éditions
A. De Magistris, La costruzione della città totalitaria: il piano di Mosca e il dibattito sulla città sovietica tra gli anni venti e cinquanta, CittàStudiEdizioni, Milano 1995. FG St Denis, Paris 1932.
A. De Magistris, U.R.S.S. anni ’30 – ’50, paesaggi dell’utopia staliniana, Mazzotta, Milano 1997.
4 A. Carenko, E. Fëdorov, Moskovskij 1 2
J. Bouvard, La città del futuro: La metropolitana di Mosca, in U.R.S.S. anni ’30-’50, paesaggi dell’utopia staliniana, A. De Magistris, Mazzotta, Milano 1997. metropoliten imeni V.I. Lenina: spravo nik-
E. Essaian, Il piano generale di ricostruzione di Mosca del 1935, in «Storia Urbana», vol.101, 2002, pp. 51-75. puteboditel’, Transport, Moskva 1984, p. 3.
M. O’mahony, Archaeological fantasies: constructing history on the Moscow metro, in «The Modern Language Review», Vol. 98 (1), Jan, 2003.
S.O. Khan-Magomedov, Nikolai Ladovskij, Izvestija, Moskva 2007. 5 A.I. Antonovič, N.I. Golinevič, N. P.

D. Nojtatc, Moskovskoe metro: ot perbych planov do belikoj strijki stalinizma (1897 – 1935), ROSSPEN, Moskva 2013. Dmitriev, Moskovskaja gorodskaja

T. Vujosevic, Soviet Modernity and the Aesthetics of Gleam: The Moscow Metro in Collective Histories of Construction, in «Journal of Design History», Vol. 26 (3), 2013. železnaja doroga (metropoliten), T-vo tipo-
lit, Vladimir Čicerin, Moskva 1902.

15 16 17 6 D. Nojtatc, Moskovskoe metro: ot perbych

planov do belikoj strijki stalinizma (1897 –
1935), ROSSPEN, Moskva 2013.

7 In J. Bouvard, op. cit., p. 50.

8 In N. Kolli, op. cit., p. 175.

9 On such occasions indeed, many stations

would provide refuge to civilians and in
1941, on the twenty-fourth anniversary of
the October Revolution, the Majakovskaja
Station hosted an assembly.

10 The acronym stands for Architecture

and Planning Commission of Moscow,
Mossovet and Mk.

11 The architect responsible for Metrostroj

Sergej Kravec, on his journey to the West,
reviewed and meticulously compared
the various metros, highlighting for each
positive and negative aspects. For this
purpose: S. Kravek, Metro na zapade, in
«Arkhitektura SSSR», n.4, 1934.

12 In J. Bouvard, op. cit., p. 53-4.

13 S. O. Khan-Magomedov, Nikolai Ladovskij, Lieutenant Cogan, author of the first dynasty Al Makhtoum1. Lieutenant other neighboring countries. The creek population massively migrated to
Izvestija, Moskva 2007, p. 355. cartographic map of Dubai dated 1820 Cogan noticed the perimetral wall gave the possibility of benefitting from the other side of the creek starting
system of illumination, had a dynamic in such a way as to emphasize the and the Kurskaja station in the east, and 14 The date initially selected for the opening
and member of his majesty’s British which defended the village – majorly a natural harbor, safe for the Dhows, the expansion of the area which in a
aspect underlining the geometric- prospective illusion from both inside and a perpendicular line, the Gor’koskaja; of the metro was set for 1934, but the army, must have thought that the made up of mud houses – from the which were traditional commercial short time became the most important
size of the work proved to be much more
structural characteristics of the gallery. from outside; in this way the entire main a third lot, was to connect the significant than anticipated. Ten months
little village of 1.200 inhabitants had attacks of the Bedouins arriving from boats. The settlement, located exactly commercial neighborhood of the
Moreover, there are principles of visible facade becomes the entrance, crossing, Gor’koskaja station to the Paveletskaja before the planned inauguration, Kaganoviĉ conveniently taken advantage of the the desert. The settlement opened, at the crossing of the land and sea Arabian Gulf, exceeding in extension
decided to significantly increase the speed
communication made evident in his gate, an invitation to enter, an act of and extending the Arbat-pokroovskij of work, and the number of workers rose sea which stretched through the desert instead, towards the sea through the commercial routes that unraveled from the original nucleus of the city. A fire
project through the use of color: red welcoming amplified symbolically by the connection to Izmajlovskij Park to the from 20,000 to 35,000. Many were vocal reaching an area today known as Ras creek (fig1). Europe to south-east Asia, developed in 1894 radically changed Deira’s
about the improbability of completing
for the entrance, blue for the exit and geometry of the crossing, underlining at east, work that was completed in just the project as planned in time, including Al Khor. A narrow sandpit created After all, danger came from the dry with the arrival of migrants coming image. The former housing typologies
beyond, and an elaborate mapping in the same time the relationships between two years, between 1934 and 193415. the communist engineer Bogdanov, who an entrance to the saltwater canal inner territory, far less from the sea. from surrounding countries, from India and the constructive materials used
was kicked out of the party and fired
colors for the floors in order to organize architecture, society and urban context. for the criticism he voiced. The work which, before crossing the dry land, The overlooking sea floor was hardly to North Africa. In 1841 an epidemic until then were no longer considered
the flow of travelers13. The gallery Exactly a century after the Bolshevik continued and in the final period, the folded creating a dock protected from crossable except for expert navigators of Variola spread in the village, which safe. The first houses in coral stone
vast number of workers prolonged their
was completed, then later renovated: In the 1940s the Stalinist design that Revolution, the great capital of the shifts to unspeakable lengths, breaking the rough weather coming from the who knew safer ports of landing. in the meantime had been named Bur started to appear, constructed by the
in its current state very little of the had been initiated on 21st March East has expanded considerably not for just 5 to 6 hours a day. See the Ph.D Gulf. The “creek” was a strategic point Moreover, the sea was the fundamental Dubai, that was when Deira developed. wealthiest members, while the rest of
thesis by K.Wolf, Russia’s revolutionary
original is intact. Whereas for Krasnye 1933, and which generated the precise contradicting the plan of 1935. The first underground: the construction of the where to set a village. For a few years economic resource. Almost all the food Its name reminds of the word Al the population continued living in huts
Voroda Ladovskij, the design plan blueprint for the network of the entire 5 five lines have been expanded building Moscow subway (1931-35), pp. 239-40 e some members of Abu Dhabi’s royal and natural pearls, which constituted Estedarah (“roundness” in Arab) which made of palm branches and leaves still
pp. 300-1.
of the pavilion was conceived as an lines, was finished. In addition to which new stations. After the death of Stalin family, Bani Yas, had come into conflict the most important exported goods, refers to the shape of the creek in for a long time. A long period of slow
enormous entrance gate: made of a opened in 193514, it would include: a other nine lines were opened following 15 In J. Bouvard, op. cit., p. 51. with the local establishment and had came from there, at least until the that point, while there is no certain development followed. Al Shindagha
series of concentric arcs that grow in second lot of work (1937-1938) that, the constant growth of the city. moved north along the coast, acquiring 1920s, when their artificial cultivation etymology of the name “Dubai”2. was added to the two original areas,
width and depth, with very simple lines, following the Arbat, was to connect the what at the time was only a very small started in Japan. From the sea came Since the southern shore was no being located along the strip of land
accentuated by white plaster, studied railway station Kirovskaja in the west Federica Deo settlement, thus starting the ruling also merchants from India, Iran and longer considered healthy, the which constitutes the initial part of the

36 [essays] 37
3 Abra boats along the creek (from Noor Ali Rashid, The UAE visions of change through the lens of Noor Ali Rashid, Motivate, Dubai 1997).
4 Abra boats along the creek (from Noor Ali Rashid, The UAE visions of change through the lens of Noor Ali Rashid, Motivate, Dubai 1997).
5 Abra boats along the creek today.
6 Deira.
7 The creek towards Deira.
8 Business Bay.

3 4 6 7

5 8
creek. Here Saeed Al Maktoum, at that resulting fading-out of the British globalization5. Not the contemporary mouth of the river and the Al Maktoum
time sheik of Dubai, constructed his Protectorate which had promoted the one (instantaneous) which is due Bridge, the canal is mostly used for
headquarters in 1896. current administrative structure of the to the diffusion of modern means of commercial means. This activity starts
In the 1930s the pearls cultivation United Arab Emirates, Dubai pursued a communication, but rather that (slow) fading moving from the mouth of the
market suffered a sudden fall and for different direction of development. After which takes place through centuries- river towards the dry land. The first
many years Dubai remained wedded the adoption and implementation of the old commercial routes that have functional and perceptive boundary is
to the creek’s shores occupied by first urban development plans defined dragged all around the world not only the floating bridge inaugurated in 2007,
boats, goods and all kinds of trades by Jon Harris, the most important silk and spices but above all – and close at night and during most of the
sustained by the absence of taxations urban expansion is testified by the in a much more considerable way weekend in order to allow the passage
on commercial activities3. However, the north-south axis along Sheikh Zayed for the urban development of those of boats. Thus, it delimits the creek’s
original condition of the sea floor didn’t Road towards Abu Dhabi. centers in which this phenomenon section characterized by a high-density
allow the passage and docking of the Since the 1980s, while maintaining occurs – populations, traditions and population and by major landscape
boats whose dimensions progressively and increasing its role as commercial cultures6. In fact, these neighborhoods values which has been ignored for
increased over time. Since the 1960s hub through its harbor and airport, are no longer inhabited by emirates. years from the volumetric expansion
the “father of Dubai” Sheikh Rashid constructed in 1959 and enhanced The two populous areas are literally along the “seafront” implemented along
bin Saeed Al Maktoum started an in the following years, the city invaded by new Asian and North the axis to Abu Dhabi.
important process of transformation specialized in free trading (also thanks African immigrates who provide the The coast is a precious resource
of the city which in just a few years to the construction of Port Rashid great, though cheap, manpower mostly because it is limited. That
turned from very small village into inaugurated in 1972) and worldwide required in the Emirates. A social explains the numerous “extraterrestrial”
the most important metropolis in the financial operations. Between the phenomenon which follows the current operations conquering the marine
Middle East. 1980s and 1990s the process of formidable and (back then apparently) sprawl spreads throughout projects modernization and expansion of those time. The creek and its shores, at depopulation of the historic center space for urban purposes, as in the
Between the 1960s and 1970s, the transformation into the tourist capital unstoppable urban explosion. In searching for cheap tracts of land years, remains an infrastructure for least in the part included between Bur by the “autochthonous” inhabitants, case of the two palms. One of the
canal was subject to several dredging of the Middle East began4. During the meantime, the opening of the situated far away from the “center” short local or regional sea trades. Of Dubai, Chingada and Deira, may be then substituted by new immigrants. two is almost entirely completed while
operations and to the construction of this period, the urban development new Jebel Ali commercial harbor but still along the major infrastructural course, the canal swarms with Abras, fully defined as the historic center of It is a common phenomenon in the other (Jebel Ali) can be almost
docks which considerably increased along the creek slowed down moved the commercial and industrial trajectories according to a “leapfrog” boats which allow to cross the creek Dubai. many contemporary cities, also and only perceived through Google maps
the draft limitation of the boats allowed significantly while the shore and the barycenter towards south, between settlement strategy, which to this day for a dirham, and just as many are Just as in the Global City’s style this especially in Europe. satellite views. The crisis of 2008
to pass/dock and consequently sea attracted real estate interests. Dubai and Abu Dhabi. The Dubai still characterizes the majority of the the Dhows docking along its pier. heritage area keeps little of the original The bridges constructed between took it with it, indefinitely interrupting
its commercial attraction. With the Dubai soon used up all the plots of Marina area started becoming one of metropolitan territory. Dubai’s urban The movement of the city interests inhabitants’ culture. In the creek, 1963 and 2007 cross the creek in the its construction, just like The world
discovery of petroleum in 1966, the land available between the seashore the most important urban centers with history seems to bypass the creek, towards south crystallizes the image we are witnessing the aesthetical north-south direction, but also define where now some island-nations are
end of the Trucial States and the and Sheik Zayed Road by means of a a high population density. The urban which, indifferent to the delirious and perception of the canal throughout explication of the historic proto- the areas’ range of use. Between the nearly completed. In order to face

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9 Dubai Canal.
10 Dubai Canal at night.
11 One of the new pedestrian bridges of the Dubai Canal.
12 West view of the creek. In the foreground the photo shows the Mohammed Bin Rashid Library’s building site, while in the background there are the first towers of the Dubai Creek Harbor.

9 10 11 12

the construction industry saturating “lake”’s level. functional ambition designed along create “places”. In the city built on southern area near the new Al the whole territory involved by this is still not even under construction, the is reserved to the new tallest building
the seashore, new “water routes” Anyway, there is always the creek. the canal, to the point that it has been the desert’s “tabula rasa” and on the Maktoum International Airport. The new presence has changed its identity. goal is to turn the canal into a public in the world: the Dubai Creek Tower,
are being promoted to increase the The “inner water stream” is always named “city”, is Festival City, which almost complete absence of spatial urban potential of the river is the Those areas, vacant and unattractive “place” that people can “ontologically” designed by Santiago Calatrava.
real estate value. With uncertain there, apparently it seems like flowing, was started in 2003 close to the archetypes, the expansion strategy reason behind the race for the urban for land speculators, are now a main visit and which is part of the possible The tower will be a new landmark for
success. The business bay area is instead it only ripples superficially Business Bay Crossing. This mixed- takes form through the planning development of its bank. The Cultural focus. It is as if the city, in the areas city’s attractions, long before people the city, which must keep impressing
constructed along an artificial river according to different wind directions. use program oriented towards the of thematic areas that propose an Village, currently under way along interested by the new canal, is rotating can really start living in it, thus to globally raise interest and continue
bank completed in 2008. According In some points, it is large enough big business infrastructures includes identity set in advance9. Motor City, the east side of the Business Bay by 180 degrees the buildings’ main developing a sense of belonging, being attractive from a commercial
to the original city plan, this area to look like a small sea and it offers three big hotels and is surrounded Festival City, Media City, Silicon Oasis, Crossing, repeats the spatial model fronts. Today there are new “stunning desire and therefore expanding its point of view through its urban “show”.
was supposed to become a catalyst scenarios far away from the sparkling by low density housing that gravitate these names refer to a functional of the pedestrian public space facing views” to pursue and put on the open commercial potential. Adrian Smith, Burj Khalifa’s designer,
for public spaces and activities. yet delirious atmosphere of the Sheikh around an important golf centre. After specialisation, but it’s actually the a series of artificial canals and is market. The creation of the new canal The same strategy is fully adopted more than once has stated that the
Though strategically positioned just Zayed Road, pledging residences the recent renovation works of the symbolic/evocative dimension surrounded by a volumetric density takes place together with a change in possibly the most ambitious skyscrapers race for the tallest building
outside the downtown area, it has outside the metropolitan area, but shopping centre, the original marina to prevail. The same strategy is set around them in order to exploit the of strategy in the projects promotion. project among the many underway. world record are not so profitable
not brought the expected results in nevertheless boasting “stunning views” has been replaced by facilities for the implemented along the creek too. One view on the water. This density makes Traditionally the housing estate was The masterplan for the Dubai Creek because they are so expensive. In
terms of housing development. The of the Burj Khalifa. In Dubai, there world biggest water, fireworks and example is the underway project of for quite a juxtaposition the rear image built and the apartments were sold Harbour, set approximately at half time, if the project turns out to be
area had to include approximately is no better solution for the potential multimedia show. the Design District, started after the of the vast area of Al Jadaf, scattered first and then the commercial services the “inner river”, has a massive scale. successful, the capital invested could
240 towers7, but in 10 years from the success of a housing or commercial In fact it is the playful aspect, which watercourse beyond the swamp area with punctual projects that, because arrived supporting their demand. Thanks to the “Rise”, the construction profitably come back, but it is a very
canal’s completion, its shores still project than that of establishing a is the true driving force behind of the wildlife sanctuary was extended. of their rarefied presence and lack of Nowadays it’s the other way around. site is already a leisure time long process. The “record” towers
reveal the “leapfrog”’s usual building close relationship with the water and Dubai’s “spectacular” connotation This historically represented the last an organic implementation plan, fail It became clear that in order to attract destination. This is a space that faces have another goal. It is the areas
rarefaction which does guarantee the the creek, which still offers several (in a Debordian way), to redefine the part of the creek up to its connection to take on an urban dimension. The interest towards new areas, these the canal and in addition to the usual that are close to them that become
necessary density in order to assure kilometers of barely untouched shores. creek’s new uses. The spatial offer for with the basin of Business Bay. To “Cultural” designation is justified by the must become “places” first and enter stunning views offers a variety of free interesting because of the presence
a functional continuity, plus it avoids Some tourist accommodation facilities leisure time (always somehow linked connect the creek to the sea the part presence of the Jameel Arts Centre in the list of leisure time destinations. events. It is provided with children of a “landmark” and, consequently,
the formation of an urban “fabric”. have already reached this awareness. to consumption) is the driving force through Safa Park to Jumeirah was and of the Mohammed Bin Rashid This way the water canal’s banks have facilities and popular food containers also enormously increase their
Jumeirah Lake Towers barely managed A series of hotels unravel from Deira for new investments aimed at huge missing. This was inaugurated in Library, both under construction. been equipped with public furniture that activate its public use, turning value. The Dubai Creek Tower is a
reaching the awaited development as towards the hinterland along the residential projects8. They redefine 2016. Today the Dubai Water Canal The Water Canal required both considered appealing for contemporary the place from a remote location to a building operation that cancels the
well. Started as a “poor brother” of the canal. First come the towers, in the shores and convert territories, once completes a river stream that starts in large investments and large-scale public use. Apart from the usual popular one. This may seem a losing initial investment deficit because it
much more ambitious Dubai Marina, denser area, then comes Park Hyatt’s inaccessible or forgotten, into public Deira/Bur Dubai and flows into the gulf infrastructure projects that have landscape design of paths and bridges investment for its “developer”, but in this proposes the typological solution of
this district in the southern area of wide green area, in a Moorish style, spaces in an attempt to connect circumnavigating Downtown. had a severe impact on the whole that allow pedestrian and cycling manner he manages to put his housing the “watchtower”. It is a “non-building”
Dubai still shows considerable traces provided with golf courses, marina and the various functional nodes with The inner “river” now is the main metropolitan area. Three new bridges crossing, the benches also work as Wi- estate from one in the outset to one building. Meaning an architecture that
of its non-completion, especially in the even seaplane landing areas. pedestrian and bike paths. However catalyst of the biggest real estate were built over Sheikh Zayed Road, Al Fi hotspots and are equipped with USB in a city’s major destination. The most does not foresee houses, hotels or
commercial area planned at the inner The first estate project of great the ultimate goal is the struggle to projects in Dubai, excluding the Wasl Road and Jumeirah Road and ports. Even if the territory sometimes important part of the project, however, offices. Therefore it’s not a building.

40 [essays] 41
13 Dubai creek Tower. All the images are public domain
es [essays] 1 Cover for Archigram issue No. 4, Zoom, 1964.
14 The Wildlife Sanctuary. or courtesy of the author 2 Peter Cook, Instant City, drawing and collage, 1968.
3 Peter Cook, Instant City, drawing and collage, 1968.

13 14 Archigram city (e)scapes

The love is gone.
The poetry in bricks is lost.
We want to drag into building some of the poetry
of countdown, orbital helmets,
discord of mechanical body transportation methods
and leg walking1.

This way it is possible to save the high fundamental for the success of all the
1 R. Schofield, Islands and Maritime Boundaries of the Gulf 1798–1960, Archive Editions, UK 1990, p.

costs of construction and still achieve estate development that is taking place 545.
the same result in terms of iconic and along the canal, offering an alternative
2 How did Dubai, Abu Dhabi and other cities get their names? Experts reveal all, in «UAE Interact», 30
commercial potential. Someone might mobility to the potentially (for they are March 2007. Archived from the original on 7 April 2014. Retrieved 24 January 2014.
define it, at least from a “real estate” not certain) new residents. 3
3 L. Karim, Modernity and tradition in Dubai architecture, 2009 (
point of view, the idea of the century. In conclusion, maybe rhetorically, september99/architecture.htm)
Finally, to fully understand the urban one should ask what will happen to
4 Sampler & Eigner, Sand to Silicon, Motivate, UAE 2008.
potential of the construction and the hundreds of pink flamingos that,
completion of the creek, flowing into oblivious of what is happening, still 5 «Proto-globalization or early modern globalization is a period of the history of globalization roughly
spanning the years between 1600 and 1800, following the period of archaic globalization. First
the sea near Jumeirah after starting remain there, creating bright splashes introduced by historians A. G. Hopkins and Christopher Bayly, the term describes the phase of
in Bur Dubai, it is necessary to of colour that contrast with the increasing trade links and cultural exchange that characterized the period immediately preceding the
advent of so-called “modern globalization” in the 19th century» (
analyse its transportation potential. surroundings, populating the marshes globalization). Quoting A.G. Hopkins, Globalization in World History, Pimlico, London 2002, pp. 4-8
The development plan promoted by of the wildlife sanctuary together
6 A. Giddens, The Consequences of Modernity, Polity Press, Cambridge 1991, p. 64: «globalization
the Roads and Transport Authority with over 450 animal species. The may therefore be defined as the intensification of global social relationships, linking distant places in
(RTA) is also an ambitious one. A environmental impact of the whole such way that local events are shaped by events taking place many miles away, and vice versa».
total of six million passengers are Dubai creek operation is uncertain. 7
expected for the new water taxis and The road taken by the emirate toward
8 For more on the Debordian concept of “Spectacle” and its application in an interpretation of Dubai:
bus lines that will cover all the areas greater sustainability is sure, but the R. Martini, C. Luchetti, The City Rises. On Dubai and Global Cities, in ARCHTHEO’15 IX. Theory and
examined above. With the opening impact of the new projects seems to history of architecture, Dakam, Instanbul 2015, p. 379.
of the water canal nine new stops of definitively and irreversibly alter the few 9 R. Martini, C. Luchetti, An-archetype Dubai. An interpretation of a global city, in «CONTEMPART’15.
the service - which not only already natural areas still present. Urban Identity, Space Studies and Contemporary Arts», 8-9, June 2015. It was 1961 when a bunch of fresh Greene and Mike Webb (later followed
reached the first part of the creek, but Cristiano Luchetti London graduates started to meet by Warren Chalk, Ron Herron and
10 RTA Annual Statistical Report,
also reached the artificial housing of between Swiss Cottage and Hampstead Dennis Crompton) decided to create
the Palms until Dubai Marina by sea to criticise on-going projects, write a new magazine (fig.1) to be able to
- were inaugurated10. It is an important verificare articles on newspapers, work on publish their unconventional ideas that
opportunity for the city that traditionally competitions and essentially «prop wouldn’t have found any other mean
suffers traffic congestion, which in allineamento one another up against the boredom of of circulation. The self-made magazine
this way succeeds in maintaining working in London architecture offices»2. was named «Archigram» from the
public transportation way lower than It was during those entertaining conflation of the words architecture and
private one. Sea transport will also be meetings that Peter Cook, David telegram or aerogramme, to underline

42 [essays] 43

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