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Essay by Faysal Hayat—the art of effective essay writing

Sample essay for problem-oriented


What is a problem:

F irst and foremost is the selection of domains in

which a problem operates.

• For example, following could be areas from we can

assess a problem’s scope, impacts and countering
• It could be in statement form or examiner could ask in
elicit way about the causes and solution
• For example, globalization: pros and cons. The
dimensions are already set by the examiner
• Take this as an example: the rise of gender crimes in
• Confused?
• Don’t worry. Make it problematic statement by
applying the formula of
a. Why
b. How
c. Way forward

Essay by Faysal Hayat—the art of effective essay writing

• Assume this in your mind as

“Why are gender crimes rising in Pakistan? What

are the implications for our society and how can we
tackle it”

These are the basic levels to analyze a problem:

a. Individual
b. Society
c. State
d. Internationally
a. Women
b. Men
c. Poor
d. Rich
e. Minorities
f. People living in remote areas
g. Family
h. Law and order
i. Family values

Essay by Faysal Hayat—the art of effective essay writing

a. Role in politics
b. Role in policy formulation
c. Role in governance
d. Government action on policy formulation
Economic: Analyze economic impacts
a. on individual: job opportunities
b. state: poverty, employment, economy, exports, imports
c. international level: trade dynamics, impact on
indigenous economies, etc.

More precisely, remember these,

1. S(Social)
2. P(Political)
3. E(Economic)
4. C(Cultural)
5. I(International/Global)
6. E(Environmental)
7. Technology

Essay by Faysal Hayat—the art of effective essay writing
Now analyze that problem following headers
1. There are certain causes of a problem
2. There are certain impacts of a problem
3. There are actions being taken presently or taken
in advance to counter problems: here the case for
developed, developing and backward countries is
4. The last part is a tricky as well important portion
one: solutions
a. Solutions must be specific,
b. pragmatic, and innovative
c. must be from a perspective of policy makers
5. For instance, there is problem of flood and if
examiner asks you about suggestions; you can’t
a. Build more dams because it’s a long-term solution
and costly for state like Pakistan
b. You must consider the issue at hand by suggesting
short term and long terms measures, i.e., in this
case it would be evacuation, rehabilitation, and
future planning adoption of models from countries
having same portfolio as ours

Essay by Faysal Hayat—the art of effective essay writing
• You must also provide a philosophical foundation as
well like any reference from a philosopher or to give
a touch of literature
• Further, you must substantiate your statement by
giving valid reference which could be a report, fact
or saying both from national and international
I hope till now, you must have understood
the basics of an essay. So, here is the first
1. Answer the question asked in the statement and
directly answer it in a most generic way
• Directly answer the statement
• Keep it generic
• Keep it concise
• Use simple language
For instance, if I ask you what are the causes of flood in
Pakistan, you can’t specify a few because there are many and
for the sake of comprehensiveness, you must say ‘there are
many’. You have a wide margin to analyze and discuss
anything related to the problems. In this way, you would be
able to answer the statements in brief way

Essay by Faysal Hayat—the art of effective essay writing
Then divide this problem into different domains as
mentioned above
a. Causes
b. Impacts
c. Solution
Now let’s take an essay from past paper and try to
practice by using the above structure
Globalization: pros and cons
• Introduction (Universal)
a. You must introduce your topic by stating your
stance on this topic; how you are going to dissect it
for better understanding
b. Note that your language does not matter until and
unless you are writing error free
So, lets dissect this into its respective domain
• As globalization is mentioned before the colon (:) this
means examiner has an idea about the topic and he is
only interested in pros and cons
Secondly, as policy maker you must give a plausible way
ford to counter the ‘cons’
a. Pros
b. Cons
c. Way forward

Essay by Faysal Hayat—the art of effective essay writing
Now, let’s try to make a statement out of this
Globalization has significantly contributed to the
development of modern world both at local and international
level since the inception of 19th century. However, there
certain loopholes which need to be curtailed by effective
steps to materialize its truest potential.
a. Pros: Globalization has significantly contributed to the
development of modern world both at local and
international level since the inception of 19th century.
• Note in the above statement we have tried to keep our
stance comprehensive as well as educating. for our
examiner, check the bolded words. This is an additional
fact which showcases our understanding of topic in
b. Cons: However, there certain loopholes
c. Way forward: which need to be curtailed by effective
steps to materialize its truest potential
In a more precise, this is termed as a thesis statement
for your essay
Now comes to the body:
• Discuss the second portion that is related to the pros
apply the formula given above and write down around
5 points.

Essay by Faysal Hayat—the art of effective essay writing
Positive contributions of globalization (you must be
diligent enough to analyze it from your perspective as a
citizen of Pakistan that how globalization has helped an
ordinary citizen of Pakistan in general and state of
Pakistan in particular. Next include a few points from
international perspective)
• Induvial is more enlightened (literacy rate, freelancing
opportunities, global connectivity, online health
facilities, say in international politics through platforms
• State is more capacitated (global connectivity in
domains of politics, more trade opuntias, help in
governance and so on)
• International (No third world war, moving towards
world states, global village etc.)
• Negative impacts: hijacking of globalization by
superpower by controlling intuitions
• Exploitation of labor and native markets by the
developed countries
• Lack of funding for global problems issue like climate
change, poverty, food insecurity and conflicts
• Rise of populists’ leaders and threat to immigrants

Essay by Faysal Hayat—the art of effective essay writing
Solution: now write down solution with reference to the
above problems
Conclusion: conclude it on a positive note

Practice topics:
1. Artificial intelligence: pros and cons
2. Climate change is the biggest threat to humanity
3. Outdated education system in Pakistan
4. Freedom of speech: bane or boon
5. Economic challenges in Pakistan: challenges and the
way ford

Essay by Faysal Hayat—the art of effective essay writing


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