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DESCRIPTION AND CONSTRUCTION METHOD STATEMENT FOR MATERIALS JETTY FORESHORE LEASE APPLICATION Project Deseription ‘Shannon LNG Lid proposes to construct nd operate Liqusfed Naural Gas (LNG) Regasifesion Terminal st lands eae Ballylongford and Tarbert, Co. Ker. A numberof frshor esscaiences wil be reqied for the projec. This foreshore lease application relates to a proposed matcrials ety associated with the proposed evelopment {A planing pplication forthe projet was submited to An Bord Pensa unde the Planning and Development (Strategic Infrastructure) Act 2006 on 24 September 2007. The operation of th termina wll require an Intgrted Potion Prevention and Contra (IPPC) License ‘The materials ent wil nla the constreton of 200m long seca and roadway trestle and platform structure forthe delivery of materials by ship and barge. The constneton ofthe ety wil involve works on and ner the foreshore ‘The goncralarangement ofthe proposed jetty and platform structure is shown on Drawing No, SK-L included with this aplication, A description of the proposed struct and construction work is provided atthe final design ofthe structures has yet to be completed. below, nts Area of Foreshore rel ation ‘The area of foreshore relating to this application s shown on Drawing FL-302, Description of Existing Foreshore “The portion of foreshore concsrned is «prof the Lower Shanson candidate Special Area. of Conseration (CSAC). The foreshore at the materi ty generally comprises cobbles, overying bedrock s shown in Figure 1. The cliff face at the landfall ofthe material ty is made up of glial il material as shown in Figure 2, Access onto the foreshore required forthe consretion ofthe materials ety willbe via a new access amp mos likely tthe east ofthe proposed et atthe location shown in Figure 3. ‘Shenos LX Temi "Mts ey Four Les cao ford Works ‘The delivery of constrston materials va barges and small ships may require the constuction of a materials naling jty and berth, ety Head “The head ofthe matevals ety will have «plan area of around 100 x 30m as shown oa Drawing SK-B. I will ‘be supported by 914 mm diameter ples at 6.2m cones. A onerete dec, supported by pre-cast haanched eck panel, willbe coasted for tacks and wo ssominodste extreme single item loads upto 1000 tones. ‘The deck level has ben se to accommodate diferent vessel characteristics and operstional uses, Roadnay Tresile "The 200m long, Sn wide roudway trestle wil be wed forthe anspor of constuction material from ship to shore and comprise around twelve, Sm long spans ‘The following is an assesment ofthe meas of construction ofthe proposed jet a the ime of application for 1 foreshore lease. Before construction commences, more deste constuction method statement will be prepared and submited for approval in advance of any works taking place, ee ‘The construction ofthe materials ety wll includ the following wo main tems: ‘Installation of the jay teste supported on tel ples, sad ‘+ Instaation ofthe joy head conrete deck supporto on sel pls The ety structure wil be supported on tel pies. The ety is itely to be consicted from shore utwards to the ety head. To optimise quality and minimise she potential envionment impacts and sks inherent in ‘marine working, the use of pre-cast coneree will be maximised. The use of insityconeete working will be opto « minimum, “Typically the construction ofthe materials ety would be staged fom the wate sing floating barges ed self elevating platforms Gack-ups), manned wih teams of marine constuction erafsmen, dives, operators, and labourers plus supervision, Tuphoss wil smaller equipment such as compressors, generators and land based machines wll also be used, 38 on and for moving the ating equipment around. ther Safety boss will patrol the over and under water construction actviis associated wih jety construction and respond o safety incidents should they arise. The bous would pal the constuction setivty associated with the jt, to protest he safety ofall water wer. These boats may ako respond to polltion incidents on the ater should they ever occur. “The consrutin materials will consist of te! tubular piles, structural tcl fications, precast concrete ements, reiatorcing tel ad in-situ concrete, Materials for conse ar expected tobe sourced locally Steel for pipes ad piles, fbricated shepes and reinforcing wil be sourced onthe international market. Duct the presence af bedrock the piles for the structures foundstions wil be dill and socked int the rock. This operation wil equa jackupplatfoem supporting ge crane-mounted drill ands large barge ‘mounted support crane. Spi from the dling operation wl be conveyed tothe surface vis reverse-

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