RWS Performance Task 3

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MEMBERS: Ma’am Myrna Montecillo

Reyes, Xian Ice D. Reading and Writing Skills

Lamoc, Marsh Angel T.
Ardevela, Grejae L.
Sena, Jana Avril Z.
Figueroa, Eunice Abygail R.

It is crucial to recognize that everyone experiences moments of self-doubt and sadness, and it is
normal to have negative thoughts about oneself at times. However, it is important to keep in mind that
these feelings do not define one's worth as a person. By means of acknowledging and addressing these
emotions, we can take steps towards building a more positive self-image and nurturing a healthier
relationship with ourselves. Whether it be pursuing hobbies, spending time in nature, or connecting with
loved ones, finding ways to nurture one's passions and interests can contribute to a sense of purpose and

As the person who wrote this poem continues on their journey of self-discovery and growth, it is
important to remember that progress may not always be direct. It is okay to experience setbacks or
moments of doubt along the way. However, for the purpose of maintaining an open mind, being kind to
oneself, and embracing challenges as opportunities for learning and growth, one can develop a more
positive self-image and find contentment in their own unique identity.

A senior high school student, a poem written by Meigma, did awesome and amazing work. She
used words that are common to everyone, making it easy for them to understand the message. Another
thing is that the way she delivered or composed the poem is unique and quirky. Not everyone has the
ability to do this kind of poem. The structure made it more interesting. Using figurative words is
impressive. It is a good choice that she did not use it frequently because if she did, the readers might not
understand the message and just not read it at all. One more thing, your chosen topic is somewhat not
common for a teenager. At this point in time, writers at her age make poems mostly about love. On top of
that, her chosen topic is negative but then, she is able to switch it to something that shows strength and

A coin has two sides after all, if we’ve discussed the positive things about his wonderful poem,
let us continue to evaluate the negative side; if we go beyond the content and what the poem means and
look at it from an aesthetical perspective. It starts every sentence and there is no comma, if there is you
read it in your imagination. It’s remarkable how the readers can choose between either reading it from top
to bottom or bottom to top. In spite of that, it can be confusing and distract readers from the real message
of the poem; if not for the disclaimer at the bottom I may have read it the other way. Another one is the
way it is presented, as stated before there are no commas, and starts always starts a new line. We can
assume that certain people who are not accustomed to reading these types of poems can read them in a
peculiar way. For example, a few individuals can pause at every line instead of continuing smoothly as
though a normal sentence would. Besides that, it also only has two stanzas. This can also lead to, once
again, confusion and an asymmetrical display. Also, draw your attention to the lack of organization,
appearance-wise, which can throw off and perplex readers who are new to these types of literature,
because of the fact that various ideas have been crammed into two stanzas.
For the poem composition that Meigma wrote, here are some of our suggestions and
recommendations to make the poem more thought-provoking. The words used in the poem are typical to
readers, making it easy to understand the message. In addition, the way that the poem was delivered and
composed was quirky. The application of rhymes and grammatical arrangement will improve the poem.
Although it may or may not always have a rhyme, it may somehow surpass the emotional appeal of the
written composition for the readers to be intrigued. The grammatical arrangement of the poem is
admirable. Improving it more can help readers be more interested in the poem. In reading, emotions and
the meaning behind the words are valued. It enhances the readers’ overall experience and fills their
curiosity. The composition was impressive, and the use of highfalutin words was not frequent, making it
comfortable and easy for readers to understand and feel the message. The message was two-way. The
poem was both positive and negative. Depending on how the readers would read, it will affect them
positively or negatively. It delves deeper into how someone feels deep inside. Additionally, softening the
language used in the poem can create a more gentle and compassionate tone, akin to speaking kindly to a
friend in need. this approach can help readers connect with the emotions conveyed in the poem without
feeling overwhelmed by the intensity of the sadness expressed.

Furthermore, this poem beautifully captures the internal struggles of someone feeling deeply sad
and unresolved about themselves. It is as if they're in a constant battle within their own mind, trying to
make sense of their emotions. despite the difficulty of expressing such vulnerable feelings, the author's
bravery shines through in their willingness to put these emotions into words. by sharing their innermost
thoughts, they provide solace and understanding to others who may be experiencing similar struggles,
reminding them that it's okay to feel sad or unsure at times. However, amidst the darkness of despair
depicted in the poem, there's an opportunity to infuse moments of hope and strength, like discovering a
faint light in a dimly lit room. by incorporating these hopeful elements, the poem can achieve a more
balanced and uplifting tone, conveying the message that even in the midst of turmoil, there's always the
possibility for things to improve.

In summary, if the poem strikes a harmonious balance between portraying sadness and offering
hope, and if the language is gentle and empathetic, it has the potential to resonate deeply with readers,
providing them with comfort and reassurance that they're not alone in their struggles.

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