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Name: Symer Dave N.

Dango Date : February 20,2024

I.D No. : 2023-78649 Course /Year/Section: BSED-ENG-1A

1. What makes mental retardation a complex, rather than a simple, developmental disability?
Mental retardation is considered complex because it’s not a singular condition but rather a
spectrum of neurodevelopmental disorders characterized by varied severity Levels of ID range
from mild (minimal impact on daily life) to profound (significant support needed). Multifaceted
nature: It affects not just intellectual functioning (IQ) but also adaptive skills like
communication, daily living, and social interaction. Diverse causes: Genetic factors,
prenatal/perinatal complications, and environmental influences all contribute to ID in varying
degrees. Unique individual experience: Each person with ID(New terminology) is unique in their
specific strengths, weaknesses, and needs.
2. Enumerate the common characteristics of person with mental retardation.
It’s important to remember that these are general observations and may not apply to every
individual. Cognitive limitations: Individuals with ID may have difficulty with learning,
reasoning, problem-solving, and memory. This can be due to neurological differences affecting
information processing and cognitive development. Adaptive skill deficits: Challenges may arise
in areas like communication (understanding and expressing ideas), self-care (hygiene, dressing),
social interaction (building relationships), work, and independent living. These challenges are
often linked to cognitive limitations and require additional support and skill development. Social
and emotional differences: Communication struggles can lead to social awkwardness or
isolation. Emotional vulnerability can occur due to limited coping mechanisms or difficulty
understanding social cues. These challenges can be addressed through social-emotional learning
and support programs.
3. Do you favor inclusive education for students with disabilities? Explain your stand on the
Yes, because there are numerous benefits for inclusivity for these special person with specific
needs, for example: It fosters understanding, acceptance, and collaboration between students
with and without disabilities. It can also improve academic outcomes and social skills for all
students. Lastly promotes social justice and equity by ensuring equal access to learning

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