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Basic Research—Technology

Influence of Chlorhexidine Application Time on the Bond

Strength between Fiber Posts and Dentin
Doglas Cecchin, PhD,* Ana Paula Farina, PhD,* Mateus Giacomin, DDS,*
Cristina de Mattos Pimenta Vidal, PhD,† Bruno Carlini-J
unior, PhD,*
and Caio Cezar Randi Ferraz, PhD‡

Introduction: The aim of this study was to investigate
the effects of chlorhexidine (CHX) application time on
the bond strength and durability of the adhesion of fiber
F iber-reinforced posts have been widely used for the restoration of endodontically
treated teeth. Because of the similarity in elastic behavior between fiber posts and
the residual root dentin, root fracture rarely occurs in these restorations (1). To
posts relined with resin composite to the root dentin. improve the retention of the composite core to post and tooth, prefabricated fiber posts
Methods: Eighty bovine incisor roots were divided into are cemented with adhesives and composite resin luting cements (2, 3). However,
4 groups after root preparation: control group (irrigation adhesion between resin and dentin is considered to be a weak point in luting a fiber
with physiological solution) and experimental groups, post (4).
CHX for 30 seconds, CHX for 60 seconds, and CHX for Current studies have indicated that the loss of integrity of resin-dentin bonds over
120 seconds. Fiber posts relined with resin composite time is likely to be due to the degradation of denuded collagen fibrils exposed to incom-
were cemented with RelyX ARC. The Scotchbond Multi- pletely infiltrated hybrid layers (5, 6). This is attributed to an endogenous proteolytic
Purpose total-etching adhesive system was used in half mechanism involving the activity of matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs) (7) found in the
of the samples of each group, and the Clearfil SE Bond coronal (8–10) and radicular dentin (11, 12). Furthermore, recent studies revealed
self-etching adhesive system was used in the other half. that cysteine cathepsins are also present in dentin, which may also contribute to the
The samples were randomly divided into 2 subgroups, breakdown of the exposed collagen in dentin hybrid layers and caries progression
24 hours of storage and 12 months of storage. All roots (13, 14).
were sectioned transversely, and push-out tests were per- Chlorhexidine digluconate (CHX) has been proposed as an irrigant in endodontic
formed. Bond strength means were analyzed by analysis treatment because of its antimicrobial activity (15), substantivity (16), and also because
of variance and Tukey test (a = 0.05). Failure mode was it does not affect the bond strength of resin composite restorations (17) and root canal
determined by examining specimen’s surfaces under sealers to the dentin (18). According to Moreira et al (19), CHX does not promote
scanning electron microscope, and its distribution was morphologic structure alterations in the dentin organic matrix of root dentin; thus, it
evaluated by using c2 test (a = 0.05). Results: CHX pre- maintains the quality of the dentin substrate for later obturation or restoration of the
treatment resulted in homogeneous bond strength tooth with resin-based materials. Moreover, some studies have shown that CHX has
values at 24 hours and 12 months of storage, irrespective beneficial effects on the preservation of resin-dentin bonds by inhibiting the proteolytic
of the CHX application time and adhesive system (P < activity of MMPs in the hybrid layer (2, 3, 20–22) and that CHX can also inhibit the
.05). A significant bond strength decrease was noticed activity of dentin cysteine cathepsins (23).
after 12 months of storage when irrigation was per- Both in vitro and in vivo studies have shown that CHX applied to demineralized
formed with physiological solution in the control groups dentin postpones the resin-dentin degradation of adhesive interfaces, when compared
(P > .05). Significant differences were observed for frac- with interfaces to which no CHX is applied (2, 3, 20–22). Despite these advantages,
ture patterns (P < .001). Conclusions: The use of CHX the use of CHX demands more chair time during the adhesive procedure, and this
pretreatment could preserve the bond strength of the contrasts with the clinician’s needs for simplification. Therefore, the aim of this
fiber post relined with resin composite to root dentin study was to investigate the effects of CHX application time on the bond strength
for 12 months, irrespective of the CHX application time and durability of the adhesion of the fiber post relined with resin composite to
and adhesive system used. (J Endod 2014;40:2045–2048) the root dentin by using a total-etching and a self-etching adhesive system. The tested
null hypothesis was that irrespective of the application time, CHX could not prevent
Key Words the bond strength reduction of fiber posts to root dentin after 12 months of water
Application time, bond strength, chlorhexidine, dura- storage.
bility, fiber post, root canal

From the *Department of Restorative Dentistry, College of Dentistry, University of Passo Fundo, Passo Fundo, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil; †Department of Restorative
Dentistry, College of Dentistry, University of Illinois at Chicago, Chicago, Illinois; and ‡Department of Restorative Dentistry, Piracicaba Dental School, State University of
Campinas, Piracicaba, S~ao Paulo, Brazil.
Address requests for reprints to Dr Doglas Cecchin, Universidade de Passo Fundo, Campus I, Faculdade de Odontologia, BR 285, Km 171, Bairro S~ao Jose, Caixa
Postal 611, 99052-900, Passo Fundo, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. E-mail address:
0099-2399/$ - see front matter
Copyright ª 2014 American Association of Endodontists.

JOE — Volume 40, Number 12, December 2014 Chlorhexidine Treatment for Adhesive Durability 2045
Basic Research—Technology
Materials and Methods syringe (Shelton, CT) by using an appropriate needle (20-gauge). Sub-
Specimen Preparation sequently, the fiber post relined with resin composite was covered with
cement and seated inside the root canal and kept under finger pressure
Eighty freshly extracted bovine incisors with anatomically similar
for 20 seconds, with the excess cement removed. The cement was light-
root segments and fully developed apices were selected. Each tooth
polymerized for 30 seconds on each surface (buccal, palatal, mesial,
was decoronated below the cementoenamel junction perpendicular
and distal), resulting in a 2-minute light polymerization cycle. Speci-
to the longitudinal axis. The roots were cut to a uniform length of 14
mens of each group were randomly divided into 2 subgroups according
mm from the apical end. The apices of the teeth were sealed with a tem-
to their storage, 24 hours of water storage and 12 months storage in
porary filling material (Cavit W; Premier Dental Produtos, Rio de Ja-
water, which was renewed every 15 days.
neiro, RJ, Brazil).
Pulp tissue and the predentin were removed, and the root canals
were enlarged by using #6 Largo burs (Maillefer, Ballaigues, Push-out Test: Specimen Preparation, Post Dislodgment,
Switzerland) and a #130 file (Maillefer). The apical end (1 mm) was and Failure Pattern Analysis
left unprepared to prevent the apical extrusion of solutions and luting Each root was cut horizontally with a slow-speed, water-cooled
cement. Roots were rinsed with 5 mL physiological saline solution diamond saw (Isomet 2000; Buehler Ltd, Lake Bluff, IL) to produce
(NaCl) to remove remaining debris, and the roots were divided as fol- 2 slices approximately 1 mm thick. Seven slices were obtained from
lows: control group, no treatment; and experimental groups: the root each root canal. The first slice was excluded. Thus, 6 slices were consid-
canals were completely filled with 2% CHX for 30 seconds, 60 seconds, ered from each root canal (n = 30).
or 120 seconds. All roots were dried with paper points, and fiberglass The push-out test was performed by applying a load at 0.5 mm/min
posts relined with resin composite were cemented as described below. to the apex in the direction of the crown until the fiber post relined
The Scotchbond Multi-Purpose (SBMP) total-etching adhesive system segment was dislodged from the root slice. Care was also taken to
was used in half of the samples of each group, and the Clearfil SE ensure that the contact between the punch tip and the fiber post section
Bond (CB) self-etching adhesive system was used in the other half. occurred over the most extended area possible to avoid notching effect
of the punch tip on the fiber post’s surface.
Intracanal Restoration with Composite Resin The bonding area was calculated as previously described (2, 3),
and the bond strength values were expressed in megapascals (MPa).
The intracanal restoration was done by using fiberglass posts no. 3
The fractured specimens were sputter-coated with gold in a Denton Vac-
(Angelus, Londrina, PR, Brazil) relined with composite resin (B 0.5,
uum Desk II Sputtering device (Denton Vacuum, Cherry Hill, NJ) and
Z250; 3M ESPE, St Paul, MN). Initially, the adhesive systems were
observed by scanning electron microscopy (JSM–5600LV; JEOL Ltd, To-
applied into the canals according to manufacturer’s instructions. CHX
kyo, Japan) to classify the failure pattern into 5 types (2, 3): (1) adhe-
was applied after 37% phosphoric acid etching and before primer
sive between the fiber post and resin cement (no cement visible around
application when SBMP was used. In the case of CB, CHX was applied
the post); (2) mixed, with resin cement covering 0%–50% of the post’s
before primer application. Both adhesive systems were light-cured
diameter; (3) mixed, with resin cement covering 50%–100% of the
for 40 seconds by using a halogen light-curing unit operated at
post’s surface; (4) adhesive between resin cement and root canal
600 mW/cm2 (Optilux; Demetron Res Corp, Danbury, CT). Then, the
(post enveloped by resin cement); and (5) cohesive in dentin.
walls were lubricated with a water-soluble gel (Natrosol; Drogal Phar-
Bond strength data were analyzed by using analysis of variance and
macy, Piracicaba, SP, Brazil). The posts were cleaned with 37% phos-
Tukey test for post hoc comparisons (a = 0.05). The distribution of
phoric acid for 5 seconds, washed, and dried with an air/water syringe.
failure patterns was evaluated by c2 test (a = 0.05).
Next, they were silanized twice, waiting 60 seconds after each applica-
tion. SBMP or CB adhesives were applied to the post surface and imme-
diately polymerized for 20 seconds on each side. The fiber post was Results
covered with resin composite and inserted into the canal, and resin The means and standard deviations are presented in Table 1. The
was polymerized for 20 seconds. After removing the post, polymeriza- statistical analysis revealed significant differences among the groups
tion was completed outside the root canal for more than 40 seconds (P < .05). Immediate groups showed similar bond strength values
(2, 3, 23). with or without CHX pretreatment (P > .05). After 12 months of storage,
After copious rinsing to remove the lubricant gel from the root a significant decrease in the control group was observed (P < .05),
canal, the root canals were dried with absorbent paper points. One whereas the use of CHX preserved the bond strength in the groups
additional drop of the respective adhesive system was applied onto stored in water for 12 months (P < .05), irrespective of the CHX appli-
the root canal surface, and the excess was removed with absorbent pa- cation time and adhesive system.
per points before light polymerization for 40 seconds. A significant difference in predominant failure mode between
The dual-polymerizing resin luting material Rely X ARC (3M ESPE) groups was revealed by the c2 test (P < .001). The mixed failure types
was mixed and injected into the prepared root canal with a Centrix 2, 3, and 4 were the predominant failures in all groups (Fig. 1). When

TABLE 1. Bond Strength Means (MPa) and the Respective Standard Deviations Obtained in Each Experimental Condition

Groups Immediate 12 mo of storage Immediate 12 mo of storage

NaCl (control) 5.92  1.79aA 4.38  1.34bB 6.38  0.98aA 4.15  1.15bB
CHX for 30 s 5.89  1.37aA 5.76  1.31aA 5.66  0.47aA 5.41  1.16aA
CHX for 60 s 6.39  1.44aA 6.02  1.38aA 6.00  1.41aA 5.80  1.53aA
CHX for 120 s 6.29  1.42aA 6.06  1.55aA 6.01  1.54aA 5.81  1.09aA
Comparisons are only valid within each adhesive system. Means followed by different uppercase letters in same row and lowercase letters in same column are significantly different at 5% level.

2046 Cecchin et al. JOE — Volume 40, Number 12, December 2014
Basic Research—Technology

Figure 1. Failure mode distribution in the experimental groups.

CHX was applied, a decrease in adhesive failures between resin cement thus even short periods of time such as 30 seconds seem to be sufficient
and root canal was observed after 12 months of storage for CB, with an to guarantee such binding.
increase in mixed failures. For SBMP, CHX application promoted more The long-term action of CHX can also be explained by its confine-
homogeneity in failure distribution after 12 months of storage. ment to the adhesive interface because its removal by the dentinal fluid
outflow is likely minimized by the formation of resin tags that obliterate
the tubules. The adhesive monomers that envelop the collagen fibrils
Discussion treated with CHX, as well as the presence of an adhesive layer on the
Coronal restoration quality is an important factor in the success of hybrid layer, can also contribute to the preservation of CHX at the
endodontically treated teeth (24). Therefore, bonding of the post to the interface and prolong its inhibitory action (20, 21). Substantivity of
root dentin should aim to achieve gap-free interfaces, which is indicative CHX, or its ability to be retained in dentin matrices (16), could be
of coronal seal and adequate retention (25). The results of this study another reason why CHX-treated dentin may form more stable hybrid
showed that CHX used as pretreatment in the root dentin does not inter- layers.
fere with the immediate bond strength of fiber posts relined with resin Previous studies investigated the effects of CHX treatment associ-
composite in any of the adhesive systems used, which is supported by ated or not with ethanol. The ethanol wet-bonding technique and
previous studies (2, 3). However, there was a significant decrease in CHX in combination or not preserved the bond strength of the self-
the bond strength values in the control after 12 months of storage, as etching adhesive system (2); on the other hand, they did not preserve
indicated by the degradation of the adhesive-dentin bonds over time. the bond strength of a total-etch adhesive system (3). Similar results
On the other hand, irrespective of the application time, CHX kept the were reported by Manso et al (28), which showed that the combined
bond strength in the long-term evaluation, thereby preserving the dura- use of ethanol/1% CHX diacetate did not stabilize bond strengths after
bility of adhesive-dentin bonds. Therefore, the null hypothesis was 15 months by using 2 total-etching adhesive systems. Dentin degrada-
rejected. tion caused by endogenous enzymes after 12 months of storage is rein-
The present study confirms previous findings that resin-dentin in- forced by these findings.
terfaces bonded with total-etching or self-etching adhesives can degrade Regarding the fracture analysis, it should be emphasized that the
over time (2, 3, 5, 20–22). These findings suggest that deterioration of predominant types of failure in all groups were adhesive and mixed,
the resin-dentin bonds occurred mainly as a result of intrinsic factors, implying homogeneity in failure distribution. The decrease in adhesive
possibly because of activation of endogenous proteolytic enzymes such failures indicates superior quality of the bond when CHX was applied
as MMPs (20–22) and cysteine cathepsins, as recently speculated before the use of CB. This suggests that the bond between the resin
(14, 26). However, the higher bond strength observed after 12 cement and root canal dentin was less affected than in the groups
months of storage with CHX pretreatment compared with control can with no pretreatment with CHX.
be explained by the CHX-related improvement in the long-term stability
of hybrid layer integrity and bond strength that is based on MMPs’ in-
hibition (2, 3, 20–22). Carrilho et al (21) demonstrated in vivo a pro- Conclusion
tective effect of CHX application against the degradation of the coronal Despite the limitations of the present study, the use of CHX pre-
adhesive interface that lasted for up to 14 months after the establishment treatment could preserve the bond strength of the fiber post relined
of resin-dentin bonds. Although the presence of cysteine cathepsins was with resin composite to root dentin for 12 months, irrespective of
recently demonstrated in coronal dentin (14), these enzymes are CHX application time (30, 60, or 120 seconds) and of the adhesive sys-
thought to have an important role in collagen degradation (14). The tem used.
effect of CHX in preserving the bond strength values may be due to in-
hibition of dentinal cysteine cathepsins also (26). In addition, it should
be mentioned that CHX has an antimicrobial effect (15) and could inter- Acknowledgments
fere with collagen degradation promoted by proteolytic enzymes pro- The authors thank Angelus for donating the fiber post and FA-
duced by bacteria (27). Moreover, less reduction in bond strength PERGS Foundation-Brazil for financial support through grant
was observed irrespective of the application time, so one may suggest 2010/00100-7.
that CHX is likely to bind to collagen fibrils at a very fast rate, and The authors deny conflicts of interest related to this study.

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