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Wstaw brakujące wyrażenia:

1. When I arrived at the party, some guests_________________(already/leave).

2. My wife_________________(do) all her work before I got home after the meeting.
3. I didn't want to go to London because I _________________( (be) there many times
4. By the time we came back home, my children_________________(already/made) a huge
5. Natalie and I _________________(finish) our lunch before the restaurant closed.
6. After she _________________( (pass) her exams, she went on holiday with her friends.
7. By the time we reached the theatre, the play (already/begin).
8. She said she _________________( (see) the Monet exhibition in Paris before.

Napisz pytania:

1. She had been to America before.

2. We had left the party before Sue came.
3. I had found a new job before they fired me.
4. They had hired many people by that time.
5. She had disappeared by the time we turned up.
6. Susan had spent all her money before I arrived.

Napisz przeczenia:

1. I _________________(not/fly) in such a fast plane before so I was really excited.

2. Joe _________________( (not/see) the woman who came in the office before.
3. The house was dirty because we _________________( (not/clean) it for weeks.
4. I was starving because I _________________( (not/have) anything to eat since morning.
5. Mike _________________( (not/ride) a horse before so he was a bit nervous.
6. I _________________( (not/buy) any work until my colleague came and helped me.

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