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Part 1:
1. How is the weather today?
2. What is your favorite season of the year?
3. What do you usually do in your free time?
4. What is your favorite sport?
5. What is a place you would like to visit in your country?

Today, the weather is bright and sunny.

My favorite season is summer that time I usually go camping.
In my free time, I usually listen to music, especially classical, and pop.
My favorite sport is badminton. It is good for my health.
I would love to visit Co Loa Citadel. It is so fortified.

Part 2:
When and where do you like to go for a walk?
There is a large lake with a beautiful scene behind my house. I usually go for a
walk around that lake in the afternoon. The atmosphere is always comfortable
and fresh. My neighbors and I really love to go there, it is not only good for our
health but also reduces stress after a hard working day.

Part 3:
A: I often go for a walk. What about you?
Absolutely, I often go for a walk. After working hard at my company, I usually
go home, change the dress code and call my neighbor to go for a walk. We
really enjoy this activity and the atmosphere at the park.

B: I love to walk but once it rained and got me wet. Can you tell me about a time
you had a bad walking experience?
I usually go for a walk behind my house but one day, I decided to change a
place. I went for a walk at a place far from my house. And it was a rainy day
because I had not watched the weather forecast before so I did not bring a
raincoat. Therefore I got wet.
C: Nowadays, many people walk to improve their health. What do you think
about this opinion?
I completely agree with this opinion. Walking is not only good for your health
but also keeps you fit. After hard-working, your body and your mental health are
so exhausted, they need something fresh, nature to refresh them. And walking is
a good choice to improve them.

Part 4 PHẦN 1
Dear members,
The club has planned to organize a walk across European countries. There were
a few members of the group who suggested it, but it was said that it was
Please send us your suggestions and your reasons.

1. Write an email to your friend. Write about your feelings and what you
would like to do. Write about 50 words.
Hi Joilie,
Sorry for not writing to you for a while. How is it going? Hope all good
things will come to you. Have you received the latest email from the club
yet? We will plan to organize a two-week tour across the European countries.
This is fantastic news. I have some interesting ideas and I will contact the
manager of the club to discuss it. Do you have any ideas? Write me back.
See you soon,

2. Write an email to the manager of the club. Write about your feelings
and what you think the club should do about the situation. Write about 120 - 150
Dear sir or madam,
My name is Trang. I have been a member of the club since 2020. I am
writing this email to express my feelings about the latest email from the club.
Besides, I have some thoughts and want to state my point of view.
According to the email from the club, I am interested in the intended plan for
the two-week tours across European. It would be great if you can consider
my recommendations. First of all, I think we have to research and note some
points about the culture of Europeans, and what we should avoid when we
will be European. That makes sure we will not get into trouble there. Second,
I think we should have an appointment to discuss the travel route and what
we should prepare. I think there is a lot of things that we need to bring along
because of different culture and weather.
If you need any further information, please contact me at 123 after working
hours. I am always ready to assist you.
I look forward to hearing from you.
Yours sincerely,

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