Nguyễn Lộc Đức

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1. What did you do yesterday?

Yesterday, I made dinner for my family. We watched TV and then
I studied English for the APTIS exam. I made Italian food. It was
delicious. I like cooking for my family.

2.What are you doing for the rest of today?

I am going to the cinema with my son for the rest of today. We
are going to watch a famous AmericaN cartoon film named Tom
and Jerry. It is about a cat named Tom chasing a mouse named
Jerry. I have seen the film many timeS but it always makeS me
happy to watch.
3.What did you do last night?
Last night I made dinner for my family. We watched TV and then
I studied English for the APTIS exam. I made Italian food. It was
delicious. I like cooking for my family.

4. Please tell me about your typical day.

5. What activities do you usually do with your friends?

I like doing many things with my friends. I like going watching
movies and cooking dinner with my friends. We also like going for a
picnic when the weather is nice. Sometimes we have a barbecue
together at the beach.

6. Tell me about your hobby.

I like going watching movies and cooking dinner with my family. We
also like going for a picnic when the weather is nice. Sometimes we
have a barbecue together at the beach.

7. Describe something you are planning to do in the future.

Describe a person
1. Please tell me about your friends.

2. Please tell me about your favorite film star.

3. Please tell me about your favorite singer.

Describe a place
1. Please tell me about a famous place in your country?

2. Please describe the place where you live.

3. Please tell me about your first school.

4. Describe this room.

I’m in a computer lab. It’s a big room with many computers.
There are many tables and office chairs. There’s a whiteboard
and a three

5. Please tell me about your favorite place.

There are a lot of places I like but my favorite place is Nha
Trang. I think it is the most beautiful city in Viet Nam with a
beautiful beach. I love to be there for a long time as I can rest softly
and I have a good time to play sea sports and eat seafood.
Nha Trang is a great place to make new inspiration and relax

1. Please tell me about the last thing you saw on television.

2. Please tell me about the last time you visited friends.

3. Tell me about the last time you went to the cinema.

4. Describe how you get here. (the exam room)

I’m in a computer lab. It’s a big room with many computers.
There are many tables and office chairs. There’s a whiteboard
and a three

1. Please tell me about your favorite film.

2. Describe a typical meal in your country.

3. What do people in your country like to read?

4. Please tell me about your favorite time of year.

5. What are you wearing today?

6. What sports do people like in your country?

7. What is the best way to travel around your country?

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