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Nonfiction Dialectical Journal Entries

Dialectical Journal Entry Directions:

● Typed in chart provided
● 1 Dialectical Journal entry of 2 quotes and responses per reading check
○ (3 reading checks, each with 2 responses. 6 responses in total)
● Data passages must be directly quoted and include a citation
● Commentary should be at least 3 sentences
● Commentary must address the following questions:
Thematic topic/literary device you are focusing on
What is the context of the quote?
Why is the passage important to the novel as a whole? This is where you
discuss the literary device or thematic topic in depth.
How does the passage connect to another text (book, song, movie, etc.), to
your own life, OR to the world?

Example Dialectical Journal using “Fish Cheeks”:

Data passage cited from text Commentary

“What would Robert think of our shabby Chinese This passage shows the narrator as being extremely worried
Christmas? What would he think of our noisy about how her crush might perceive her family and their culture.
Chinese relatives who lacked proper American At this point, she is running through all the different things that he
manners? What terrible disappointment would he
may find “weird” or “different” about them during their joint
feel upon seeing not a roasted turkey and sweet
potatoes but Chinese food?” (Tan 1). Christmas. The use of these rhetorical questions shows that the
narrator is self-conscious about her family and their cultural
customs. As she sees it, her family is the opposite of what she
thinks Robert’s must be like. This shows that she feels she is
different than Robert. This is similar to many high schoolers’
experiences with a crush. Oftentimes a person gets too caught
up in what could go wrong rather than trying to stay positive.

Follow your nonfiction reading schedule document on Schoology for assigned reading check breakdown

Entries for reading check #1: DUE TO TURNITIN.COM ON THURSDAY 11/09 BY 8 AM

Assigned chapters/pages: 1-69 (1-11)
Data passage cited from text. Commentary (you do not need to color code).
Remember to cite author’s last name and page number. Thematic topic/literary device you are focusing on
Example: What is the context of the quote?
“Only the faintest glimmers of firefly light appeared in Why is the passage important to the novel as a whole? This is where
flickers behind the windows” (Bradbury 1). you discuss the literary device or thematic topic in depth.
How does the passage connect to another text (book, song, movie, etc.),
to your own life, OR to the world?
Entry #1: “My father, a simple principal, was This passage shows how the narrators parents are very
taking on the two most powerful and brave and courageous, it is also clear they have power
dangerous forces in the country. And my and are strong. At this point she is admiring them and
mother was standing by him” (Yousafzai 49). highlighting how much courage they have and how they
are speaking out against the terrorists. The use of this
sentence shows how the narrator is very proud of her
family and as she sees it they are very good people who
are not afraid. This shows that people should be proud of
their peers and family and to stand strong no matter the

Entry #2: “A funeral for one of the victims of This passage shows a clear example of terrorism and fear.
their last attack was being held in a nearby It is very clear at this point that terrorism happens all
building. As the mourners gathered to pay around them all the time no matter what the occasion.
their respects, a suicide bomber blasted This passage also shows us that it does not matter what
himself. More than fifty-five people were the people think or feel since they will strike when they
killed” (Yousafzai 63-64). feel like it no matter if it’s a joyous celebration or if
someone is in mourning. This shows that unexpected
things always tend to happen and that no matter how
safe a place may seem, there may always be something

Entries for reading check #2: DUE TO TURNITIN.COM ON TUESDAY 11/28 BY 8 AM

Assigned chapters/pages: 69-138 (11-25)
Data passage cited from text. Commentary (you do not need to color code).
Remember to cite author’s last name and page number. Thematic topic/literary device you are focusing on
Example: What is the context of the quote?
“Only the faintest glimmers of firefly light appeared in Why is the passage important to the novel as a whole? This is where
flickers behind the windows” (Bradbury 1). you discuss the literary device or thematic topic in depth.
How does the passage connect to another text (book, song, movie, etc.),
to your own life, OR to the world?

Entry #1:

Entry #2:

Entries for reading check #3: DUE TO TURNITIN.COM ON MONDAY 12/04 BY 8 AM

Assigned chapters/pages: 138-207 (25-END)
Data passage cited from text. Commentary (you do not need to color code).
Remember to cite author’s last name and page number. Thematic topic/literary device you are focusing on
Example: What is the context of the quote?
“Only the faintest glimmers of firefly light appeared in Why is the passage important to the novel as a whole? This is where
flickers behind the windows” (Bradbury 1). you discuss the literary device or thematic topic in depth.
How does the passage connect to another text (book, song, movie, etc.),
to your own life, OR to the world?

Entry #1:

Entry #2:

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