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Education department sets up committee to investigate high fa'ilure rate


mE LONG-AWAITED Standard Eight exam results are out but

a shock is in store for the majority of candidates - only an estimated
one in every nine pupils passed.
The Department ofNationalJ:!du- The bad shoWing is unlikely to be
cation is to set up a special commit- much'comfort to those Standard Eight
tee to investigate the poorresults, but pupils who protested at the delay in
according to a department spokes- the release of results.
person, it appears pupils' ''unsatis- Hundreds of students marched on
factory command" of English - inde- the education department's headquar-
pendent Namibia's official language ters in Windhoek on Thursday 'and
- was the major cause for the wides- handed in a petition to Mr Burger '
cale failures. ' demanding the results be released
_ • Of the 9 111 studeJ1.ts to sit for the . immediately.
exams, only 1 7fIJ passed. One major concern was that there
To pass Standard Eight, pupils must would be no space left in schools for
succeed in at least two languages, those pupils having to resit the year.
one of which must be an official National Education officials said
language. munerous computer breakdowns were
"Almost without exception our responsible for the delay, though
candidates offer English as one of sources revealed that administrative
Itiirir languages, and those who fail blunders also conttibuted to the de-
the subject also fail the standard," lay. • .' .,
Aid the spokesperson. The' education officials also said
, "Now, with Fnglishnamed in Article the cases of re-sit students would be
3 of the draft constitution as the dealt with "sympathetically".
official language of an indpendent The Standard Eight results will be
Namibia, English assumes an even . available from individual schools -
greater impot;tance in education." National Education will be sending
As a result, Secretary of National the results out today - or else candi-
Education, Dr Louis Burger, had dates can telephone the , following
appointed an "ad hoc committee" to Wuidhoekmunbers: 293478,293217,
look at both long and short-tenn ways 293440 or 293464.
to improve the standard of English in Pupils can also call in person at the
Namibi!1's schools, said the spokes- Rentmeester Building in Windhoek's FLYINGIDGH; Constituent Assembly chairperson Hage Geingob with Namibia's new flag which
person. Jan Jonker Street. was unveiled on Friday for the firSt time. It has broad blue, red and green diagonal stripes, with thin
white stripes in between, and a yellow sun againsUhe blue in the top left-hand corner. See story inside.


Oshakati police station after the ar-
STAFF REPORTERS resfoftheir three colleagues. Kamati
,and David looked haggard and shaken.
FOUR people were wounded on Sunday night after two grenades Kamati had a shrapnel wound on his
were thrown into their shack at Oshakati, including a seven-year- right ann. David suffered some bums
JAILED ANC leader Nelson Mandela wiD be invited to Namibia's on his back.
old girl who was critically injured.
independence celebrations on March 21 if he is freed in time. They told us they feared for their
This emerged on Friday as the Constituent Assembly wrapped Three suspects - all former mem- A police raid on the suspeCts' home future. "We would certainly not go
up the debate on the country's independence constitution, bers of Koevoet and 101 Battalion- in Amunkambya where the attack back to our home tonight. We need
approved a flag and heard the news of the historic developments were immediately taken into custody took place, found twoAK-47s, three police protection," they ·told The
in South Africa. ' . by police. 9mm pistols, two hand grenades and Namibian.
Applause .erupted in the House when Assembly .chairperson Anex-Koevoetteamleader, Tetuli an unspecified quantity of ammuni- But even the police constable who
Hage Geingob read out South African State President F.W. de Kamati, and a former Kocvoet in- tion. was taking their statemerit explained
structor, Geminy David, were the Police also confiscated two bak- how threatened he felt by the former
K1erk's statement. announcing the unbanning of the African
main targets of the attackers. kies which were allegedly used in soldiers.
National Congress arid other opposition organisations and the
An eyewitness told The Namibian transporting personnel, arms and They told The Namibian's report-
proposed release of Mr Mandela. that she heard two big bangs in the ,ammunition to Unita bases along the ers that ex-Koevoet and 101 Battal-,
Asked afterwards if the world's most fainous prisoner would be early hburs of Sunday. The explo- horder. ion soldiers were not totally disanned.
invited to Namibia's independence celebrations, Mr Geingob sions were so shattering that she Last Thursday, Kamati and David "Every one of them has apistol," said
told The Namibian: "Obviously••.ifhe is freed in' time." thought the whole place had gone. walked into The Namibian's Oshakati Kamati. According to one police
, This was confirmed by shadow Foreign Affairs Minister Theo- , AnM26 grenade hit the side of the office to publicly disassociate them- officer "Amunkambya was one big
Ben Gurirab. Mr Gurirab ,also indicated that Mr de Klerk shack, blowing holes in the corru- selves from reports that ex-Koevoet arsenal". But he admitted that the
would be invited. gated iron wall. ;. and. 101 members have joined Unita police could do nothing at the mo-
Meanwhile, United Nations Secretary-General Dr Javier Perez It was the bomb's shrapnel which ' rebels. Kamati' s statement in ment.
wounded the girl and her grandmother. Oshivambo was published by The He said "only a major operation
de Cuellar announced last week that he would fly to Namibia for would clear the place", and that
A second. bomb, a phosporous one, Namibian on Friday.
iiidependence day, arriving in Windhoek on March 20. landed agamst a side door. The two were mobbed yesterday according to him that required the
The UN operation in Namibia has been one of the world body's The occupants, Kamati and David, by about 20 Koevoet and 101 Battal- authorisation of police headquarters
largest in decades. escaped with minor injuries. ion ''men who gathered outside .the in Windhoek.
'.,...---.,.-- - - . ----. --~ ....

~ . "
2 Monday February 5 1990 THE NAMIBIAN

I took the right·

decision • De Klerk
HE HAD made the right decisions in his parliamentary speech on Friday and he was serious in his otTer

Attack on of "a new deal" to the peoples of South Mrica, South Mrican State President F.W. de Klerk said last
night. Interviewed on SABC-TV, Mr de Klerk said in answer to a question about the wide coverage his
speech has received: ''I am thankful for the wide coverage. People should realise that we are serious to
make a new deal. .

Israel is leaves "I expected this reaction, but the

crux of the matter is that the deci-
sions were taken in the interest of the
country. With regard to the restric-
us. U
He said the government would
maintain strict law and order. What
had happened was purely "a shift in
in Europe, and in Mozambique the
stan~e had changed dramatically.
There was economic disaster (in
some neighbouring countries).

eight dead tion of still some certain organisa-

tions, violence will be checked on
and not allowed in this country."
Mr de Klerk said his speech on
emphasis". Two parallel things were
happening: the continuation of or-
derly government and the process of
creating a climate in which·all could
'1'm not afraid to debate with them.
They' are Qot wrongly affected by
what is happening in South Africa.
and if they continue with this !hey
Friday was based on decisions by the participate in peaceful negotiation. remain enemies of peace."
EIGHT Israelis were killed and 17 people wounded on Sunday entire cabinet and was a "team ef- Asked whether South Africa was He said the NP had said before the
when masked assailants opened fire on a tourist bus on its way to fort". riot going the same way Rhodesia election it would handle legitimate
Cairo, a presidential spokesperson said in Cairo. . "But what went through my mind (now Zimbabwe) went, he said one hurdles when it came to them IIIId
Mohammed Abdel Moneim told East Agency (Mena), said the assail- .were the weighty matters and the should look back in history. would discuss those that were Jea-
Reuters the injured, including one ants were'two men who Spoke innon- certainty of haying to end violence "Many mistakes were made there. ,sonable and unreasonable.
Egyptian, were immediately rushed Egyptian accents. and get this 'country to bloom again. We should not repeat these, because "I am prepared to discuss any
to hospital and survivors had said the The statement said the attackers "We should give new thoughts to a too long atime was taken for a deci- problems but do not want to get in-
attackers spoke in a non-Egyptian were in a white Peugeot car which new approach and accept the risk. To sion. volved in a majority support for
accent. forced the bus to a halt. . be in a cul de sac will mean our end. "Existing rights in South Africa change."
HOspital sowces earlier said Egyp- They opened fire on the passen- In our country there 'is no situation can be settled in a just manner. But if Asked what he saw .as the new
tUulborderguardsaccompanyingthe gers with machine-guns. One hurled without risk, and if we do nottake the we drag our heels we will run into a future for South Africa, the State
bus, heading to Carro from Rafah in four grenades, two of which exploded. risk it could develop into an 80-year- situation in which everything will President said he had trust in the
the Israeli-occupied Gaza strip, were The assailants fled, the statement . long war which could slowly destroy die." future.
t among the dead. . added. On the unbanning of the mc, ~'One big fact crystallises: there is
Sunday' sattick - the most seriou~ " The attack, immediately condemned SACP and PAC, Mr de Klerk said a big reservoir of good hope - espe-
ClIl Israelis in Egypt since 1985 -
IOCmed certain to cast a shadow over
by Israeli prime minister yitzhak
Shamir as a murderous sign of rani-
Unita denies these organisations couid no longer
hide and claim they were being ostra-
cially from the youth of this country
- in the future. I am sure it will 80
efforts to arrange direct Israeli-Pal-
OItinian peace talks in Cairo.
pant hatred for Israel, seemed certain
to complicate current efforts to ar-
Mavinga's fall cised. Dramatic events mid happened well in the future." - Sapa

"It is a . very sad and shocking

incident and not (of an) Egyptian .
. ~," Abdel-Moneim said. "Police
forces are screening the area to find
range Israeli-Palestinian peace talks
in Cairo.
It was the most serious assault on
ANGOLAN government forces
bombed the rebel stronghold of
ANC should_.
Israelis:in Egypt since 1985 when a Mavingaon Sunday,killingand
the· attackers," he added.
An interior ministry statement,
carried by Egypt's National Middle
der.mged Egyptian soldier killed seven
Israeli tourists onRas Burka be ach in
wounding many people but
failiQg to capture the town, rebel
sources said.
drop policy o~
, ''This criminal action will not be .
. enough to dislodge Unita from
Mavinga," a statement issued ini..isbon
violence, says F.W.
by Unita said. IF organisations such as the ANC continued to advocate violence,
Unita said many people were killed
12 Bismarck the world would turn against them, the South African State President
and wounded, but gave no details.
Street The fate of the town, in south-east Mr F.W. de Klerk, said last night.
Angola, remains unclear. He said in an interview withSABC dispensation would be put to the vote
r 8/9 roomed radio news that the initiatives an- first.
The Cuban-backed Angolan gov-
Superior old ernment says its forces captured nounced in his speech at the opening He said the risks accompanyins
. colonial Mavinga last Fri4ay night. But liDita of parliament had removed these the new intiaitves had to be accepted
residence ideal says.they were halted several kilom- organisations' grounds for using because South Africa' s situation did
etres away. violence. not offer any solutions without risb.
for embassy The town, whichhasahospitaland The government would not allow In reply to a question on whether
Central: R220 000
offices an airstrip; has been one of the main the negotiation process to be under- South Africa was following the sarno
rebel bases and lies on the route to mined by violence .. path as the former Rhodesia, Mr de
A Bargain for this superb
home * R660000 their bush headquarters at Jamba.
Unita' s main backer, the United
He said he had "great understand-
ing for fears'" that might arise as a
-Klerk said Rhodesia had waited too
long before embarking on construc-
V~ry spacious with double States, has said the fierce fighting result of his speech, "because re- tive negotiation. South Africa had to
amenities, beautiful pool ' phone 31323 for around Mavinga was wrecking dip- newal always brought uncertainty". avoid making the same mistake.
area and many extras. appointment- lomatic efforts to end the 15-year- Mr de Klerk said he wished to give He emphasized, however, that
old war in the former Portuguese the assurance that any changes in the negotiation did not mean surrender.-
Phone Judy Hesselmari colony. • direction of a new constitutional Sapa
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~--------------------------~----~------~,------------ --------------.----------~----------~~------~--~--~~~~--~~----~------------~--------~

THE NAMIBIAN Monday Febnay 5 1980 3

Reh ? bothers
.protest .
d raft constitution
SIMMERING discontent among sections or the population at
Rehoboth over Namibia's draft independence constitution could
spill over into a protest today.
Baster and FCN leader Kaptein thought Mr Kerina was capable of
.Hans Diergaardt said last night that adequately representing the FCN' •
there were "rumours :that the people views.
are going to have a demonstration" at As far as the legal letter sent to ~
Rehoboth. Kerina last week instructing him to
He maintained, however, that he totally reject the constitution wu
was not involved with planning the concerned, Kaptein Diergaardt said
prote st. he had been unaware of it. •
NAMIBIA for sale? This signboard, one of many scattered across the north, was pictured at Ondangua. At the same time, Kaptein Dier- "I was asked by some FCN
gaardt confirmed that he was not members:.. that we ask Professor
happy with sections of the draft Kerina not to vote for it. 1 was not
constitution, particularly as far as aware that they had asked an attorney ·

CONSTITUTION regional government is concerned.

"I won't say I'm unhappy, but 1
feel very strongly that regional gov-
ernments and their functions are not
to send the letter. 1 thought it would
simply go on the FCN letterhead," he
The hasty legal letter to Mr Kerina
clearly defined," he told The Namib- created the impression at the time

WILL BE ADOPTED ian in a telephonic interview.

The FCN man dismissed rumours
that there was a rift between the
Federal Convention of Namibia's
that nonnal communication between
him and Kaptein Diergaardt, Mr
Patrick Limbo and Mr Kephas·
Conradie had broken down.
delegate in the Constituent Assem- In the past, Kaptein Diergaardthas

ON FR-I DAY bly, Mr Mburumba Kerina, and the

rest of the FCN leadership.
Kaptein Diergaardt added that he
t1ireatened to declare UOI i f Reho-
both was not given adequate self-
governing powers and functions.

NAMIBIA'S Constituent Assembly finished debating and amending just as speedily got its teeth into
~ the draft independence constitution on Friday and is set to approve
it by the necessary two-thirds msYority this ,Friday.
,another issue.
"Brother Barnes", u' the DTA's
Barney B~esis sometimesrefeired
Public must help
Meanwhile, the document has been the clause, Mr Mudge said one rea- to by Swapo members, said the DTA
referred to lawyers and a specially-
-wointed all-party conunittee, who
will incorporate agreed changes and
pnerally polish up the document.
son they had-decided to drop their
reservatiOns was the spirit in which
deliberations had taken place.
"I cannot let the opportunity go by
did not support the concept of the
president being able to nominate
cabinet ministers or deputy minis-
'PeC)ple's Police'
ters. In terms of the constitution the
The CA is then due to meet briefly without bringjng to the notice of the - president is able to mminate six peq>le BY·MOcKS SHIVUTE, NAMPA
OIl Tuesday at lOam for a final look Namibian people that in this House a to top governmental positions.
at the document. "Then it will be party which could have been easily In addition, Swapo wshed the idea ALL former members of the People's Liberation Army ..fNamibia
printed and adopted unanimously on outvoted was allowed about five hours that deputy ministers need not be
Friday," CA chaiIperson Hage Gein- to state its case," the DTA man said. (Plan) who received police training in ~xile will be integrated in tile
elected from the House, but could be
JOb said. ' "I think this is a victory for democ- South West Mrican Police (Swapol) structure, shadow Minister el
However, it is unlikely that the racy." Mr Bames said the DTA already
Home Affairs, Uifikepunye Pohamba, said at Oluno yesterday.
constitution will be adopted unani- The disputed clause sets out that regarded the six nominees as It com- Speaking to members of the public Louis Pienaar to remove all Casspirs
mously as hoped. the president may call a referendum promise and were not prepared to an4 Swapol from the Ondangua area, from Swapol.
Mr Kosie Preto.r ius of Action to approve by a two-thirds majority make further concessions on the Mr Pohamba said he and Commis- This had been approved and showed
Christian National has already indi- changes to the constitution if an matter. A compromise proposal by sioner of Police General Piet Fouc~e '~good co-operation between the in-
cated that his party will abstain from amendment fails to get a two-thirds the Federal Convention ofNamibia's had realised there were not enough coming.government and the outgo-
voting, while the Federal Conven- vote in both houses of parliament. Mr Kerina that the number of nomi- policemen in the troubled northern ing administration". .
tion of Namibia have instructed their , The DTA had not wanted the mat- nees be increased from six to 10 Was area: , Mr Pohamba also stressed the need
delegate, Mr Mburumba Kerina: to ter left to the discretion of the presi- also rejected~ This had resulted in a j oint deci- for reconciliation, and urged the pIblic
totally reject the constitution. dent, and suggested that the National Mr Katjiuongua argued that the sion too integrate Plan members into not to throw stones at the police or
The item which sparked contro- Assembly must as1chini, by means of appointing of people not elected would the existing structures. call them names like 'niakakunyas'
versy on Thursday and involved at a two-thirds vote, to call a referen- be like "opening Pandora's box". Mr Pohamba and his entourage or •sell-outs'.
least five hours of debate - proce- ' dum. Swapo's shadow Information visited Outapi, Ruacana, Oka1on~o, "From now on they sh:luld be called
dures for the amendment of the This was vehemently opposed by Minister Hidipo Hanrutenya was quick Omungwelume, Okongo; Omun- the People's Police because they are
constitution - was swiftly resolved Swapo, who said it denied the people to point out that those arguing that daungilo, Engela, Ohangwena and going to serve your interest and not
on Friday morning. a say in how the constitution should nominating six or 10 people from ' finally Oluno over the weekend. At that of the illegal regime ,of Preto-
DTA chairperson Dirk Mudge said be altered in cases of deadlock. outside the Assembly to ministerial all places he addressed joint meet- rra."
his party had agreed to accept the Despite getting this issue out of the jobs would add to the taxpayers' ings of Swapol and the public on the Mr Pohamba appealed for co-op- .
proposal for amendment as it stood way quickly on Friday morning, the burden and were the very same people same issues. eration between the police and the
in the draft. ' DTA, supported by National Patri- who had proposed a second house. He told the gatherings that the public. The shadow minister also gave
Despite having some problems with otic Front leader Moses Katjiuongua, "There is a contradiction some- police force would fall under the the assurance that the police were not
where,here," he remarked dryly. Ministry of Home Affairs. That was going ~o be dismissed from the force.

STRAY SHELL INJURES Mr Hamutenya then proposed that

deputy ministers should be allowed
to be elected from one of bOth houses,
why he was travelling with General
Fouche to address the iSSUf; of a po-
lice force.
'Those presently in Swapol are all
sons and daughters of this country ,"
he added, saying that members of the
10 IN THE NORTH a suggestion which was accepted by
The shadow minister said he had
also ' asked Administrator-General
South African Police had been .sent
back to the Republic.
TEN people were injUred on Thursday after a stray shell landed in
a kraal in the Oshali-Oshindombe area on the Namibian border
with Angola.
Four people, .including two chil- reported murders, stock theft and
dren - a one-year-old boy and an other acts of violence, apparently
eight-year-old girl - wer~ treated at conunitted by armed men operating
Oshakatihospital on Thursday night. across the common border. But this
Hospital sources said the victims had is the first incident in which N amibi-
chest, arm and leg wounds~ ans have sustained injuries from a
The shell was fired from the Ango- shell fired from the other side.
lan side where heavy fighting is re- Swapol on Saturday set up a bor-
ported between Fapla and Unita reb- der post at Omungwelume. The po-
els. At the same time, 10 armed men lice say they have stepped up patrols
in Unita uniforms entered the nearby in the area.
hamlet of Ongenga, but local people A spokesperson for Untag in
appear to l1ave foiled their mission. Windhoek on Friday confmned ~t
They retreated across the border, fighting was taking place : ',~ the
empty-handed. ' Angolan side. He said Malaysian
Cross-border attacks and rob~r­ troops at Beacon 16 have heard .the
ies have considerably increased in sound of artillery and exchange of A SECTION of the meeting at Omungwelume which was addressed by shadow Home Affairs Minister
, ~~pt, ",~c;l~s, :P9~.e{ te,sid~~s ,h ave fire. Hiflkepuilye P9haIl1ba and Namibia'
- .. " , . \
s Police Commissioner General Piet Fouche on. Saturday. ,

;~I , • J
----_. --~~.-.- ~--

(; oot: r C ,{!smde=1 ~'Bbn IV! 1t~.AISIMAVi 3HT

4 Monday February 5 1910 THE NAMIBIAN

I OWN CORRESPONDENT I While Unita's main target is food storage places targetting the grain bins. Any stonp
place for grain or com was singled
out for burning by the rebels," For-

900 000 ANGOLANS

CLOSE on a n1ill.ion people in the ster said.
southern regions of Angola are exist- Unita'stactichasbeentomakethe
. ing in a life-or~death situation. For local population suffer as much u
several months, 900 000 people in
\ . , '
possible in order to place pressure OIl
the four southern provinces of Huila, the government, the medical doctor
Namibe, Cunene and Cuanda Cu-
bango have been suffering a famine
and are in acute danger.
According to a spokesperson of
The food situation in the two
municipalities, which are populated
by more thanhalf a million peoplo, is
the governmental emergency organ- decades in this once fertile region. In au
since they were eaten months ago.' OOOtonnes are nee4ed forthenext six a catastrophe.
isation .UTAE in Luanda, the total past years, Huila province has in fact . Nascimento urgently appealed to the months. Forster said people who came to
number of people affected is close to supplied other regions of Angola with member countries of the European ' Dr Steven Forster, direCtor of an the hospital asking for food ''hardly
two million. maize and cattle. ConUmmity to provide aiIplanes to Evangelical mission hospital at Ca- have the energy to put one foot in
A group of European journalists The commissioner of Huila prov- import seeds from Zimbabwe. Vil- luquembe in the norI:bem part of Hui1a front of the other".
visited the famine-ravaged Huila ince, a senior member of the MPLA- lagers need the seeds within two weeks told the foreignjoumalists at ameet- ''They just staDd at the front door
province and met a large number of Labour Party central committee and or the entire harvest would be lost. ing in Lubango that due to Unita for half an hour without moving or
peasants who were badly in need of former Angolan prime minister Lopo The first Europeanrelief organisa- rebel activities, the situation in the talking. They don't even have the
maize, the staple die4 of the region, , do Nascemento told The Namibian tion which responded to the initial two nmnicipalities of Caluquembe strength to say why they have come,"
lince September last year. Most of . that besides the urgent need for Angolan government appeal for food and Caconda is even more desPerate. he said.
the inhabitants have been surviving maize and dried fish to feed the in November was the West German The hospital has provided a daily
OIl roots, leaves and wild fruit, and population, there was a second prob- NGO "German Agro Action". It meal for more than 300 people a day
are painfully thin. The exact numbeJ; lem of equal urgency. distnbuted2 OOOtonnes of maize and since the beginning of December Jut
of people who have st~ed to death dried fish in the municipality of ''In September, October and No- year.
i. not known. Chiange (Huila province) which has vember, riot a day went by that Unita Forster expects the hospital's food
The famine has been exacerbated a population of 80 000. did not destroy and bum a village, supplies to be exhausted within days.

by an almost complete absence of

, something which had not occurred in

Al\hough the first rains of this
nin during last year's wet season, , year's wet season began in January,
,t here were no crop seeds ~vailable
But the vast majority of people in
the affected areas continue to suffer
fromlmnger. Estimates say that 100 p--------------------.
FDR ambassador visits 1 Contact The Namibian at oMce telephone
After hours; <Windhoek>
AMBASSADOR Dr lJans Otto Brautigam, permanent representative of the Federal Republic of 1 Gwen Lister Z~;
Germany to ~e United ~ations, will visit Namibia from February 5 to 9 in the framework of an 1
Wormation trip tbr.ough southern Africa. ' Jean SUtherland Z13600;
In his present capacity he Is re- countrles_which flgure so promi- coordlDating Germany's contrlbu-
1 Pius Dunaiski: ZlZ709
ported to have shown an active , nently In the cliscussioDS of the UN tion to Untag. 1 Mbatjiua Ngavirue: Zl7368
Interest In African affairs and his General Assembly. Whlle In Namibia he wUl meet with 1 David Lush: Zl6748
decision to visit Zimba~we, Zam- Dr ~rautigam has pven continu- . - the UN Special R~presentative, the Stanley Katzao: Z15268
baa, , Namibi. and South Africa . ODS support to Germany's sustained Admlnistrafpr-Genera!', and N.-.
1 Sarah Johannes: Z17573
emanates directly from his Wish to effort to promote Namibian Inde- mlbian poUticiam. He win also visit 1 Tyappa Namutewa: Z16139

d"pen his knowledge of the poUti-
aI ,scene ip. souP1ern Africa and to
,: ..-m of~

pend.ence In the conte~of Resolu-
tion..43S.. ,
In New yor~,at.the UN_he has been


Untag representatives and mem-
bers of the GermanCivpol contin. ·
gent In the north of thecountry.".-c·


" .---~----------------
After hours; (Far north)
Oswald Shivute: Oshakati 728

~ ~ '.. ' ..! • .. -. " - . .

DBARSIR judges from office. Weare of the opinion that the same safeguard for the appointment and
removal of an Audito~ General, as set out in article 125, should apply to judges. One only has
. PROPOSALS ON A CONS11TU110N FOR THE REPUBLIC OF NAMIBIA to look at what happened in the Republic of South Africa with the appointment of Judges, to
see what effect it can have on the administration of justice and interpretation of laws. We
Congratulations on having had the strength and conviction to do away with the Sections. should therefore leam from mistakes which have been made by others and not repeat them
concerning Detention without Trial. We are aware of the deep wounds which such legislation ourselves. '
under South African rule has caused in the past. The deletion from the constitution thereof, It is suggested that judges too be appointed and removed by the President on the
does, however, not mC!Ul that these laws cannot be introduced in the future, even though it recommendation of the Judicial Service Commission and with the approval of the National
wOuld be necessary for the legislature to satisfy itself that the Government will be prepared Assembly. Were this suggestion to be accepted there would be public debate concerning
to subject itself to the same limitations as are presently set out in article 11. appointments and removals in which members of the pubJic could be involved. '
The powers and functions of the Attorney General are, we submit, too wide and should be
CHAPTER 7: reviewed.

In terms of Article 4S the members of the National Assembly are the representatives of all CHAPTER 10:
the people of Namibia. In terms of article 48 such members shall cease to be members of the
National Assembly if the political party which had nominated them decides ~o expel such The appointment of an ombudsman is welcome. The powers of the Ombudsman, we
members from that political party. In our submission, article 48 contradicts article 45 and we however submit, have not been clearly defined. Here again we have learned from experience
suggest that a duly elected member of the Nati.o nal Assembly remains a member of the than an Ombudsman without power is not worth appointing.
National Assembly until such time as he is removed by the electorate, alternatively, by other
procedures made provision for in the Constitution, for example, in the case of dishonesty. CHAPTER 14:
The legislature is appointed with a view to passing laws, which have been debated within
the National Assembly and which therefore should portray the will of the people. It is therefore The Inspector-General of the Police shall have the power in terms of the Constitution to
unacceptable to us that a President should be entitled to withhold signature of a proposed law make suitable .a ppointments to the police force, and also to discipline the police force and to
as is presently made provision for. In our opinion this would constitute undue interference in ensure its efficient administration. A person with such powers should not be appointed and/
the affairs of the legislature and everything possible should be done to remedy the situation or removed by the President alone, as is also the case with the appointment and removal of
by not granting to the President such all-eOl?ompassing powers. . the Commanding-General of the Defence Force.
This section as also the section referring 10 the appoint of judges by the President on the rec-
ommendation of the Judicial Service Commission blurs the division between the Executive, , CHAPTER 15:
Legislative and the Judiciary. Were these provisions to be left as they are, we foresee serious
contli~ts arising from this. Furthermore, the National Assembly should not be dissolved and The fact that income from Namibians will be used for-the benefit of all Namibians and not

. its life should not be subject to the whim of the President.

The Constituent Assembly, it is submitted, should decide whether it wishes to have a clea,r
o01y for the ethnic gro~p to which they belong is to be welcomed, and it is recommended that
a Government as soon as it is elected, should make sure that monies presently being expended
cut separation between the various powers, ie. the Executive, Legislative and Judicative, and for the benefit ~f certain ethnic groups only, be stopped.
if it does not want this separation,it should notpretend otherwise ..In terms of Article .62, the , r ~ '~"r

National Assembly is the principle legislative authority and shall have the power to CHAPTER 17:
promulgate and repeal laws. This authority, it is submitted, should not be tampered with.
A,s has been stated above, it is to usunacceptable for the President to interfere with the affairs We understand that article 127 has' been amended and we favour su~h an ame~<hnent.
of the Legislature. In the event of any Namibian being of the opinion that a law propo~ed to We have in principle, no obj~ction to the appointment of a stroug President; and we
be passed by the Legislature is in contlict with the Constitution, it should be the right of any maintain that the powers given to the P,esident within the Constitution make him a-powerful
Namibian to have a Court of Law pronounce upon its validity. This should not be the function person. It is, howeveJ', unwise, we Submit, togrant virtually unfettered powers to the
of the President. President. No one person is so perfect as to be able to exercise such powers in the interests
As it 'is presently stated, this whole Chapter and therefore the powers of the Legislature, are of all Namibians without being influenced by personal interest and convictions. In fact, the
subject to the will of the Presient and serious consideration should be given to amending this Constituent Assembly by conferring such powers on a future President, are expecting
Chapter. supethuman qualities from that person.

CHAPTER 9: Yours faithfully

We have already aired our views on the appointment of judges and wish to repeat our P.F.KOEP "
criticisms of the' draft Constitution insofar 'as it rdates to the appointment and removal, of CHAIRMAN on behalf of the E xecutive of NPP 435.
;z-. '-
THE NAMIBIAN Monday February 5 1990 5

' EMPLOYERS are abusing Swapo's hand offriendsirip and continue
to use ruthless measures against disgruntled workers, says union
. official Mr Ernest Lichtenstrasser.
And one such case was the sacking R 1,65 anhour instead of the standard
of 15 workers at a Swakopmund rate for skilled labour of more than
electronics firm, said Mr Lichten- R9 an hour, said Mr Lichtenstrasser.
strasser, legal officer of the Metal Meanwhile, the unskilled workers
and Allied Namibian Workers Union were being paid between 90 cents
(Manwu). and Rl,15 an hour.
"Before the elections employers Because ' the electricians had no
were not quite sure what the future official trade papers, their increase
would be,", said Mr Lichtenstrasser. demand was lowered to R5 an,hour,
"But with this policy of national said the union official.
reconciliationandthetalkofamixed Negotiations started on Tuesday
economy, the employers think they and management said they would
have the rightto carry onas they used consider the demands, but on Friday
to; they have the same attitude as the workers were dismissed, said Mr
they did three years ago. Lichtenstrasser. .
"They are not informing them- 'The management yvete extremely
NANSO national co-ordinator Paul Kalenga (second from right) pictured at the Opuwo ..n~.t""~.,.n selves what a mixed economy and. harsh and didn'twantto consider any
singing the Swapo national anthem with fellow students. The'conference was attended by pupils from national reconciliation is about. They increase, although the firm has a lot
, the 10c81 secondary school. ' are abusing the policy of national' of-work," he said. 'They said they
' reconciliation," said the Mlinwu of- ' would consider closing down the
ficiat ' .. business ratberthan give'more' wages."
Opuwo conference: . He reported that the 15 Swak<¥JlllDd' , Mr Lichtenstrasser said this was
I workers were sacked, on Friday by '. the third strike over pay at the com-

G&S Electrical 'Contractors after pany since November.
'•.. ',_ ~trikin'
. ,,, g }~t:.~
wage ~creas~:
• c;;
,': ,-,;", ,G & S management were..,not,avail-
. !~ .Fiv~ 6rthe.;~oIkers weteskiijed ~~ .ableforcoIIJll1entatthetimeof.g oing
~ ..: electricians but werei only Oeing paidf~ "~tQ ·press. cf $ : •

n'~~', r. N e.wrbudget is' a

THE StRUGG£E' head'ache 'for ',
q . ,

WILL CONTINUE finance departDlent THE coming of independence in just over two months' time has
THE PROGRESS made by the Namibia National Students Organisation (Nanso) was illustrated by the created a situation whereby the Department of Finance finds itself
conference it held in the far western region ofKaokoland at Opuwo last weekend. In the past, Nanso's in the awkward position of having to draw up a budget for a
growth has been hampered by the colonial authorities. Despite this the organisation made headway and government that is not yet in power.
established itself as the country's leading student organisation. At the moment it is not clear how change.
But, for Nanso, the dawn' of inde- < . ' And it was now up'to Narum stu- I Turning to education, Mr Kalenga thC!.present administration'will avoid The 16 ministries created in the
pendence and the birth of a new dents to devise strategies as to how , said while a Swapo govemment would drafting a budget that the incoming shadow cabinet of the incoming
nation do not mean the' end to the they wanted to involve themselves at be committed to free and compul- government might later not want. government differ in many respects
struggle for a better education. schools. ' sory education, the government's The incoming Minister of Finance, from the present government struc-
The former president ofNan so and Democracy, Mr Kalenga said, could 'resources were limited. Dr Otto Herrigel, suggested that the ture. Dr Herrigel said the new budget
now the organisation's national co- only be realis~d if all the sections of "We' cannot expect the govern- problem could be avoided if fu.e would have to take these struC?tural
ordinatOT,. ~, :raw , ~enga, told the N~l?ian populati,pn ~,ere ~o 3l\~nt tOJ~rovide free and compulsory AdminiStrator-General tabled an _changes into account but it is not
students at Opuwo that the fact that participate equally in matters affect- education, lXx:ause all resources are interim budget 'instead of the full ' known whether this is in fact being
Swapo was assuming power did not ing them. s@ !n, p.flvate. ~~s. ,, :W~, paY,t< ,t'?, J):u,~g~t: ., •. ' ',' ~.. ~'" ,.j .~_. " done. .
mean 1he end of1he students' struggle. "For N ansq, democra,?y means the carry on the struggle, for *ese re- However, Mr Gerhard Roux, a ""'Mt" Rou:X:"~fth;rAG;soffice said
He said Nanso was proud ofhav- . right of people to participate in their sou~ces to be owned by the people SQ. .' sp~ke~rson for ~e Adnpnistrat?r- ~ work of ~\Ving lIP the new budget
ing contributed mpa,Qingfully to the affairs. as ,'~o. ensure free education,'; r'
,General, yesterday said as far as .he .' wl!S proceediJ?g asusilal, and that it
. ' , ~~w' 'there wen~ no plaris for an
• 1. <; I

struggle for national independence. "Democracy should not ~e,ap. tl).~" , , ; ,~alenga90nchided.· would prob-ablY,be presehtedin late
The 9rganisation, he, said, was continuation of exploitation. ~ show,d " *.~e Opuwo students, who are iriterlm budget. " .' . :May. " " "
formed to fight for the interests of the not mean a certain group of people stilln~wintheNanSofold, were keen The new government will proba- He sai41h<: responsibilities of the
students. deciding on the fate of others and to ask questions on current political bly have completely different fund- present adlninistration would end on
Nanso's struggle was to bring about principals expelling students at their events ~d expressed concern about ing priorities from the present one, March 20 and the budget w~~d be
change and to end ignorance, dis- discretion," Mr Kalenga explained. a wide range of topics. (See more but in additiorithe whole structure of • tll.bled by , the new Minister :of Fi-
eases and private ownership, Mr N anso' s position on national rec- reports in tomorrow's edition). ' government departPlents is1ikely to " Dance:- -
Kalenga continued, onciliation, he'said, was that it could .
It was because of colonial tactics notbereal while the majority lived in
that Swapo did not get a two-thirds
majority in the November elections.
abject poverty. "National reconcili-
ation should mean the struggle to
No problems with finance~ but where
And for this reason, sweeping changes have equal opportunities and access
could not be affected in the educa-
tional system, he told the students.
to the riches of the country."
It was the task of the students to
will the other ministers work?
"Reactionary political parties rep- challenge these evils, but he warned OFFICE accommodation will have to be found for the 16 ministers but the building only became ready for
resented in the Constituent Assem- that "without effective structures" occupation two weeks ago.
and deputy ministers in shadow of the new government which isdue
bly are blocking changes and are this may just be a dream. Large amounts of office space are
busy promoting the status quo," Mr He called on students to tum their to take office at independence. ' also expected to become available as
Kalenga emphasized. schools into areas of struggle to ensure At the moment it is not known where been completed. part of the rationalisation that will fol-
''If you want genWne change, make that all interested parties in educa~ all these ministers will be housed but a One of the questions it will have to low the .abolition of second-tier gov-
sure that you mobilise people behind tion were involved in decision-mak- committee made up,ofmembers of the consider is whether it' will Centralise ernments.
Swapo in the next electicDs," he urged. ing. incoming government is reportedly ministerial offices in one building such Construction is currently also being
He ~dded that school authorities All undemocratic and unelected looking into the matter. as the Tintenpalast, for example. carried out on a site close to Windhoek
which had victimised Nanso in the structures at schools, like parents' , There have ' been unconfirmed re- It will have to weigh the benefits of Hoerskool which it is ' believed will
past were still in charge. "Students committees and prefect councils . ports that some officials named to posts easy presidential access to the minis- house the Department of National In-
are still not taken into account when should be replaced by democrati- as permanent secretaries after inde- ." ters against the possible disadvantages telligeQce. This ,department was previ-
decisions are taken," he said, calling cally elected organs, Mr Kalenga said. pendence have already occupied 'of- of isolating the ministers from their ously housed ,in the old Berg Hotel
fices in government offices. departments. which has now been converted into the
on students to organise and strengthen If a demt?Cratically elected mem-
" This includes Ndali Kamati, named Oile department that should have no South African Interests Office and it
Nanso structures. ' ber of a school committee did not act
as permanent secretary in the new de- problems is the Department of Finance will probably later become that coun-
"It is only through a strong and in the interest of the students, they partment of Home Affairs, who is be- try's embassy.
which has just had a large brand-new
organised student movement that we should be recalled and replaced with The related problem of South West
lieved to have moved into an office at building completed as part of the sec-
can pressurise the government for someone who listened, he added. the Windhoek police station. ond phase of the Oude Voorpost proj- Africa House has still not been solved
changes in the educational system," . On a question about the future of The Secretary of Civic Affairs and ect. and it is not known whether this will
Mr Kalenga emphasised. 'The man- "reactionary" student groupings such Manpower, Mr Sakkie van der Merwe. The new building will be known as become the residence of the new presi-
ner of our struggle will necessarily as Nacos, he replied that they would confirmed that the incoming govern- the Fiscus Building and it has the ca- de'~t. .
not be the same as in the past." not be suppressed by the govern- ment had set up a committee to look pacity to house the whole-department. In the meantime Mr Nujoma is be-
There would be a Swapo-domi- ment. He felt the future of these into the problem of offices for the new The modern and attractively de- lieved to have purchased a house close
nated government "eager" to listen organisations would primarily ,de- ministers. signed building will previ- to the Avis Dam at the eastern end of
to our demands, he continued, "The pend on their agendas and the calibre He said the committee had only been ously dispersed sections of the depart- Klein Windhoek but it is not clear
government will allow us to operate of their leadership and whether they . able to seriously start looking into the ment. Planning for the Fiscus building whether he intends this to be his perma-
freely at schools." stood the test of time. problem now that the constitution had started as far back as five or six years nent residence.
• :. I .1 , ,', ,~~ ,~I" . <, .}-, . \'"'

GABORONE· The government;ofBotswana intends to establish a resident mission in Namibia when

the country beco.melj indepenli,tlnt, accordingto a press releasefrom the Botswana Miiiistry"of'EXtei rlat
GETS NEW ~ I'o:r. .~ "~ " ;+; ' ~';'t"
Affairs. The ~otsw~a ~~s " Agency (Bopa) 'has 'already 'purchased properties.. in Namibia foo,
residential, and offi.c~ ,accQmmQdation.• Sapa \::", , ,I , . : , '" ,; L ,i~'h ( i'\ ~ , ,'/ KIDN·,EY ,· , '·
( .;;. , .....j ! ~.~~" :J'~l J ...~ CAPETOWN .'~WAPb'§ sh-;'do~'
1 ~,\, ·c . deputy Minister oflriformation '

.. ,'.~;'¥ <' ,~"~ c ia


" ': ~a ·.'~: ':: ~~. y

Danny Tjongarero reC'eived a·new
t< ' <1;"

":" n kidney from th,e ,~~m.~! ~~por..'w)l~\

"'~\ ":n
',,~ ~.<I, ~~* ~' ~7rr'i~' :' .: .. \ '"n ••i ' .C' ~
supplied a new heart for a young
southern Cape ' stuClent, Miss
Mariana van Rensburl:.·
("'f. -l A spokesperson'fol1-Groote Schuur:

General Offfc~~:Cle~k ·
, . ' ''.' ',\ l' "," " " • ,~' ,~ 't:'):~~ ~:::~:'k.,~: ~'i,J ; ,
hospital in C~ Town:said on l'\iday"
the two operations were performed'
last Sunday night after a suitable ·
donor ha~ be.c9m~~~~ble. . " .j
No further details of the donor are
available, but bQtb patients'ai'e're;. ~
covering wei!. . ..: 0 .. ' • " , _,

Mr Tjongarero Will probably stay'

We seek {:{~~GeneFal:·,:()ffi,ce Clark·'

• _ ~ .f'''' I (.~:<;"'~ .tf.'~ ."I:o~ i '~f. f-" ~ ': ',,:" ..\. ' ~'.,,): " • ~ / . -·.~~:i
in hospital fot the neXt"tMee weeks. '

wi th ",Stdw9~ . o,r matri<feducation GROOTFONTEIN~· LOCALtp()lice are still sem:chlnltlJrthe i,

for "clothi~g factory at:· 1\randi~n:.
• , .Jon \ .\ ' .
"1 • J ,,~,~ A •I :". . .. ':
'. /' .
awai.ting trial priso'llers1 wh'cf escaped froID ,the 'police :cells atthe'
Grootfontein magistrate!'s 'court last Wednesday. 1 J' t· .~",. y.l.,:
Inspector Rotha tol.d The Namibian from Grootfontein last night that the men
,', "J,'" were still on the run. . . ,', .-
The policeman said infonn~ti~n they had received on the'possible where,..
..! .... '.' ·'1-., _~

!!~ ,. ,' _.i ,-;;.,'1:. "I'll ..... ~ .. • . , ~ , .,'e ;. I' I ... ~: _" It'

abouts of a nunt,ger. of tI;l~ esca~s had led to no~g. ,. ;. "', ': "
No ,exp~~ience: re'q uired ,~S '-:,_~.'~" , , ~, I.
The men broke out when they sawed through the bars of die cell door and
made their getaway at 2am. ".,.. .' ~ ..c" ~ c,,,'
Indications were saw. blades bad been smuggled to the prison~~s through a
'training will,:,b:e ~given. window adjoining the,yard of .the court building. . _ ,'.
They were being held in connection with several cases,ofho.u,~~re~,
stock theft and car-theft. None of the men are ' dangerous, he added.

Please write to P.O. B()x 318, Swedish"aid for Namibia"

STOCKHOLM· Southscan, a bulletin on southern African affairs,'
reports that it will maintain its high level of,,bilateral aid to
countries in this ~egion, including future aid to Namibia.

r -----------------~~--~---~------. .
According to the report, Namibia will become a new partner in Sweden's
development cooperation at independence.
"The first allocation (for Namibia) is worth nearly £1Om, about £2m more

' than Swap o was given in humanitarian aid in the current ,b udget/' the report

! •
states. ....
Bilateral development 'co0Peration'is administered by 'Sida, the Swedish
International Development Authority.
SADCC member· states (including Namibia) have been allocated nearly
£18Om in bilateral development cooperation in the 1990-91 budget. In
addition, SADCC countries will share about £25m for regional development
~,p:. ..l

: GRADUATE· MAGISTRATES : THERE were emotional scenes in the Constituent Assembly on

•• All the qualified magistrates in Namibia are urgently requested to furnish their •

Friday when Namibia's new flag was unveiled for the first time.
Members clapped, and then spontaneously joined in singing Nkosi Sikele
i' Afrika - God Bless Africa.
• present to the following persons: ,. ChaiIperson of the sub-committee on national symbols Hidipo Hamutenya

•• •• later described the flag as "most striking". He said be felt the blending together
of colours would be "extremely meaningful to the majority of our people".
Mr Hamutenya explained that the blue represented the Atlantic Ocean and
•• •• Namibia's marine reSOUICes, as well as rain and the country's clear blue skies.
''The white stripes are the symbols of the peace and unity of our people ... while

•I •I the red represents the heroism of our people in the long struggle to achieve
independence and build a future that is full of opportunity for all our people,"
he said.
•• •• The green represented Namibia's vegetation and agricultural reSOUICes, and
the gold sun symbolised life and energy "and hope for the future",

•• •• Mr Hamutenya also announced a temporary passport for Namibia, which is '

green with a gold map of the country embossed on the front cover.
He renewed the invitation to the public to send in designs for a coat of anns,
•• ••
and to come forward with the words and music for Namibia's national anthem.

Game ranger/farmer required to caretake the
Tsaobis Leopard Nature Reserve for 3 months
(June, July, August 1990).
It should be noted that this request should be treated by each qualified magistrate
with the urgency it deserves. There is no need to come in in person. You' one can
A sound knowledge and love for animalS is a
write or 'phone any of the aforesaid officers and give the following:
prerequisite, catering for guests not essential.
1. Your name For further information phone: Mrs Bruce,
2. Your address i.e. postal address or telephone number, if any/or both. Karibib 062252 - 1304 after 18hOO or D


Mathews, Tel.·061-37970.
SENTRUII IIOIIIIER. 2003 896007682 Apollus E (51 )
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" __ 8960Q4702 • Frans I; ' R

.~96005016 Hau,;,!i~~
896005131 lIukoya, L , ( 11)
S K .(
(14\ ::

~9) . '

, e ' :.' s96c:'5as9 " -'StU-"&~&\)dj", '" N" (13'>:" '2 " :' ", 896005210 Wghilundll <la S' ll
T~ONOU (1' ), ~1. ~:. . ~~_ 10087;'· ;, ... :} .::-~ )0 \"

Sh~""'andf II K ,K
- . ... , .rJ) ., ~ 8960i1528 lipingp J K (16) ~ ~ -. ',~ '. - {~ ~
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ate0088.18 U A 1J9601086J '"(12) 1 ,'"
1i4) ?96,905336 K...... njle pM" (0 I
, ..~ -~ - ~~.. .. T '
" ' :96~lo.7'l7 "~fills;~~O "" ~ ' l12) ..
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~ ... 896009029 ,'Kamburona T ; •.(14) , (9) ~600,5651 VictJ~"\ L- (., s) ",r

.;.,. 8~119' Nolt'e C' J · (53) 896010472 ",Kanana J ' N ( 20) " 896004721' : llbambo E... K (l)
~896009x16 , Nolte BJ (1)3)
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, 8.ll600785O
A~~aam~ _.. V ·K
T" Q6)
" i'
' 8965128

' Ilang~nda 5 5
Nghilundilua E

.' (26)
,896010971 Shivute Helena (12) ' 896005400 Ha,lI'Junyela P
",896007612 '(:"loe~e "M (32) ' 5hi~~nga ) 5, SEIITRIII IIOMMER: , 1088
, " 89601N19!? N , " ( 14) 896005030 Amak ali' J T ' (10.)
B960D6068 NOAKUKAMO G 5 (7) SINTRUII NOIIIER. 896010866 5himpimda 5 K, (12<) 896005157 (12) ,
lOll '
896005930 Haimbili G , (11),
896005273 , Ki:do M 5 (17) , 8960~(i815 5hl.k~ ~i A A P2) 896005249' Andreas (1)
IIIIITIIUII *-ER. 1072 896005956 Hamukonda L (6)'
896010546 , POkolo L ,P (h)' , 89600.558'2 Ifuga1a ( 19)
Nee 1s H J (20)
.896004713 MUKUNGU V h4) 896005276
(0) (12)
896005307 Kauma W M (14)
89601P426 , Kalili J 896005621 lifo J
896005359 Mbote 5 K -(25)
IIIIITIIUII HOMIIER: 1078 , SENTRUM NOIOIER: 1014 896005700 Kanzi ,E N' (10 ')
SENTRUM NOMIIER: 1052 896005390 Mund i nda 5 !of ( 20 )
896008308 IIbiJende E (36) 896005817 Immanuel A N (6)
B!l6009292 JANUARIE C (21) 896006105 Mungd i P K (3)
896008466 T jozongoro E , ( 22) 896010033 Namene E N '(14) 896005876 Lwaanda L P (8)
89600 3498 VERGOTINE A P (66) 8960.06193 5i\<o~a E K ~ 1~)
896011016 5hijyanga R T (13) 896005931 Mbundu A K (9 )
5ENTRUM NOMIIER: 1016 ' 896006222 Thighuru Alfeus ,( 22)
896009953 Iipito G (17) 896005947 Mwdhika E N (3)
SIIITRUM NONIIER: 1080 896005444 Ndumba M , ( 2t"l
896005519, Gaeses E (0) 896009769 Ii leka A N (9)" 896006220 5hikongo N (3)
896004 709 'HOIllASES' C (7) 896005921 Ghgmwaghadh i A M ( 19)
896005737 Naubeb K (0) 896009738 Malwa ' K (18) 896006328 Sh'ikongo R (8)
89600511 2 KUDHUMU A M (11 ) 896005232 Hn i ngura G M ( 12)
896005871 Uwa-Khaeb 5 (25) 896008821 Haku!ua N (17) 896006536 5hingwadja H N (5)
896005242 5HIY AMSI F (5') '896005275 Kanclimba A S (10)
896008498 Esra 5 N ( 5) 896006785 Uushona F N ( 27)
896005010 HAMSERERA M (2) 896005573 Hiurika A (9) ' 896005949 Ha" ngura B G M (20)
896007898 Amunyela J , K (19) 896011039 5hi imi L N (12)
8960051 16 LIRUNGA P H (13) 896005863 Uiras ,T (14) 896006009 Kambu ta ~ 5 ( 19 )
896010178 Neliwa L (5) 896011269 Namupala (12)
896005896 Xoagus A (14) 896005340 Kumbwa A (19)
SERTRUM NOMllER: 1088 896010151 Ndjambula H K ( 13 ) 896011450 Amoolongo 5 N (8)
896005364 Moyo R M (16)
SENTRUM NOMMER: 1018 896011460 Vany ika J (14)
896005333 KAYAREKA K (0) 896005~33 Ikaka 1 N (12) :896005421 Muzumba T ( 12)
896009043 Morris T (46) 8960 10022 Nambinga M (12)
896001 051 TENGA P (1) 896005040 Amaka Ii S ( 7) 896006170 5hampapi F M (12)
896005196 , NDINYANDE 5 J (2) 896009008 Andreas M 0 (19)
896009788 1 i leka S N S19 )
896005228 Hailumetana N (0) 896006197 Sinongc S (14)
896006027 KARONDO J (13) 896009755 Mateus T (13)
5ENTRUM NOMMER: 1019 896005440 Hango M ( 11 ) 896005438 Nda ra D F (l7)
896005295 KAPAU5E P H (8) 896008923 Hamutenya T (20)
896005593 Ifugala (19) 896005917 E i ses M R' (14 )
896008609 Haiduwa F (12)
896005460 Ndjahera A (36)
SENTRUM NOMIIER: 1092 896005707 IHcipeC (12) 89600 5 187 Ambigo H N (8)
896007908 Amushe1 elo M A (1 9 )
8960 13819 ' Nsiriano R (8) 896005711 Kapenda S M (12) 896005262 Kampny(' A S (r»)
896007235 , KAHORERE _P (27) 896010341 Nkoshi S (12)
896005873' Lumbu A (15) 896005;?R 1 K~lpi.lp(' lo J (6)
896010177 Jeremia V ~ (9)
SENTRUM NONIIER : 1093 896005927 'Mbed i J M ( 4)
8960098.22 Herculano G ( 1;' ) , , 896010046 [,dongo A (40) 5ENTRUM NOMMER : 1093 r .,'
896005945 Mpadhi R:' H (19)
8960 10329 Limbo 5 R ( 0) 89600960 3 Hongu 1a M T ' (10)
896009582 GU I5EB W . (.29) 5ENTRUM NOMMER : 1053 896006188 Nelongo S N (16)
896010701 Matali E M (ll)
896009729 POTGIETER L M (43) 896009779 Uiras (20)
896007545 5hixwanda L T (3 1) 8960()/,!233 Nghi~alwaJ M ( 14)
896011025 Mb~ha R N , (5)
89600 9705 ,NAKUTA 5 N (22) 896006494 Shaanika K (3)
896011567, 5itwala J S (8) SENTRUM NOMMER: 1095
5ENTRUM NOMMER: 1054 896006765 Uugwanga M M (7)
SENTRUM NONIIER : 1095 896011724 Tshaba,lala T (2) 896004626 Goscb U (20)
896011600 Namandja A (19) 896010939 Amutenya A, (1)
896009781 eh i l i nda" F ( 19 )
896004638 "'GURIR A5 W (16)
896010150 Ko,ofu S, M (13)
896011078 5hikongo E P (1) , ., 896004655 Jod G (41)


SENTRUM NOMIIER : " 1097 896011402 lipinge 5 (5) 896004656 Ke i b ( 14)
896010417 Luniko (63)
89601 2869 ZERAUA G (11) 896010231 Kahel emani (15) SENTRUM NOMMER : 1060
89601 1019 Mbeha F M (3) , 5ENTRUM NOMMER: 1097
896011553 Sitongo D (7) 896009965 Benjamin F F (21)
SENTRUM NONIIER : 1099 896010628 5h i fi ona M (7 ) 896012866 Van Rooyen L III (23)
896011693 M~angalu R M (6) 8960 10423 Nampwlo A N (10)

896010409 Namewe T J ( 6)
896007566 Aukongo T N ( 6') 8960129 13 Hochobeb E (8)
896007146 ASSEGAAI H (0) 896009743 8ernadino D (10)
896007976 Mulle N H (8) 896002900 Shiv u te E (29)
896007151 A5SEG AA I G (11) 896010687 Shikengo G III ( 8)
5ENTRUM NONIIER: 1024 896008034 Nauta E N (13)
896010321 Mpinge J (11) 896012907 Tj ik usrere N (t4)
896007638 Masi h i L A (12) 896012933 Guriras J (10)
5ENTRUM NONIIER : 2000 896005816 Li zazi J E (18) 89601027 2 Katonyala M (5)

896010896 Wwsiku M P ( 12) 896007476 Andjamba R N ( 11)

896009118 BA5S0N J (0) 5ENTRUM NOMMER : 2000
5ENTRUM NOMMER: 1028 896010078 Hautiko M M (0) 8960076~0 Ekandjo J (7)
896009393 , RAYNARD A T (7)
8960123 51 'Nambwadja (8) 896007997 Namb i nga 5 (7) ' 896008806 Claasen (19)
896009589 COETZEE E (4) , 896004987 Minnaar K H (20)
896010303 Mapove S (12) 896010596 Shaninga C (8) 89600~387 Polster D (11 )
89600935 3 PHILANDER M, M (8) 896005150 Vries L M (33)
(8) 896010865 Simon F S (13 ) 896009202 Swartz G (13)
896009391 PRU5ENT M (13) , 896004990 Mouton M 8 1061
(26) 896010363 Nabot A (7) 896009436 Losper E S H (5)
896009984 KRISII~A R (16) 896005101 Swartbooi L
896009976 Elago H P (13 ) 896007018 Kafidi , J L (19).
5ENTRUM NONIIER: 2001, Namusha S ( 14 ) 8960.07106 Mwan i ngange ( 36 )
896007703 SH IFIND I M (34) 896006272 Gases '( 33 ) (19 ) 896007379 Nekundi ND (27) 896008254 Kandundu B (20)
896009872 Amopundhi
896007766 SHUUY A B N (16) 896006638 Tourob J (22 ) (15 ) 89600 '; 534 Shamena 0 ( 18 ) 896012709 Sibungo N V (2)
896010519 Nembia M
89600781 3 SWARTZ N (26) 89600761 4 5hi l ongo L N (23) 896012804 Thomas J D (23)
896005607 Hilotoka S (26) 896009869 Amwjela S W (23)
896008159 HEN GAR I R (5) 896007039 Kaulinge T 'II (36) 896012656 Ndjavera (25)
896010060 Hawdunge L K (15)
896012670 QUBEKA G (11) 896007357 Nd i fikepo F N (34) 896012784 Timoteus M (19)
896009927 Aron V (4)
896007756 5H IIIIELA N ( 17) 896005198 Weiland W S (57) 896007437 Ngh i namanhu J (30)
' 896010315 Matias (19)
896007806 STR AUSS C J (15) 896007541 Shatilwa A N M (14)
896010682 Shikongo (10)
89600786 9 UUS IKU R N ( 27) 5ENTRUM NOMMER: 1034

896008342 MARTIN R (11)


696006 575 Mok we n a H (30) SENTRllII NOMMER: 2000 896007280 TAN IS ES (29) 896004938 LOU',! 0 M (29) 896010397 NAMBULI B N N (9)

696006 12 1 Dedi g F S ( 19 ) 896007314 UAPINGENE R K T (2 7 ) 8 9600 4805 8LOCK 'II ( 51 ) 896010548 NEOLO P (15)

69600569 5 Za uana S T (4 ) 89600 74 46 LOU'll L (25) 896006918 MBURUNDE ( 27 )

89600510 7 SWARTBOO I Z (2 1 ) 896OV9973 EL AGO A T ( 23 )
696005591 Mujor o F P (25) 896009497 I.rAAS DORP 1·1 L (25) 8 96 0'08874 MARTINS J 'II (49)
8960051 4 3 VAN ZYL M ( 57 I 8 96009977 EL AGO R (27)
696006859 Av ula M (19) 89600 7532 REDELINGHUYS (37) 89600890 3 MBAI C ( 35)
SENTRllII. NOMMER : 1030 8960 10447 NANGOLO F ·K ( 20)
896007372 Kamunguma C. (16) 8-96009488 LOU'll R J (22~ 896008934' MUNGUNDA L (33)

896008933 MUNGUNDA E (30 ) 696 0 15624 LUKAS L (22) 696010 247 KAMBATA M (22)
896007591 Make Y J ( 16) 896007511 OOSTHUIZ~N R ( 20)

896012 597 Tjinae 1 ( 0) 896,01284 3 KUEHHIRT ' M H (5.6 ) 89600889 3 MATHIAS G (30) 89601 6130 ADAMS B (?2) 8 96010037 HAMUNYANYO ( 30)

696007965 . . ·l i y ambo V (1 7 ) 896006742. KAVETERUA G K (27) 8960 16256 GAO-GASES P T (28) 896010330 MPINGE S (27)
8960124 35 Ka pingana J N (15) 89601 0 174 IIPUMBU H ( 20)
896016265 G~RISES M (34)
69601 2553 Ngh i l a lulwa S· ( 20)
896006089 ' GOAGOSEB A (- 26) 896016411 HORASES U (34) 696010321 MPINGE J ( 20 )
69600620 2 Gowase s N (19)' 896006366 I·I BAI A ( 29)
696016638 . TOUROB J (39) 896010029 HAMUKOSHI N (2 2 )
696006082 G.ertse E ( 12) KUNDE SG
896006 7.03 :~UJORO (6 )
896015612 . HOESES L ( 29) 896010698 SHIKONGO 'M T N 115)
696005753 Uusisi P T (0 ) 696007313 KAMBIRONGO ' S (15 ) SENTRUM N<ilMER : 1005

696006697 Alfeus (8) 896009398 RI ETZ E (17) . 8960 1 56 48 SIMMONS P (32 r 6.96010308 MASHIMBA L ,M, ( 16)

696006672 Muruko U (16) 896012564 1II);·ni HE G ,G (22) '.: !j96016205 ' DAX P (23) 896009835 AMAGULLI A N (26)

696007556 Kutenda P (30) 896006315 MATONGO (9)

896007630 DIERGAARDT JR ' (23 )
SENTRUM, IIOIIIIER : 1008 ' 896016261 GAOSEB B (23)
696012587 D M (20) 896006656 MUHARUKUA 'II ( 2) 896011946 MBAGO · K (13)
896016332 GERTZE L (32)
696007845 Katjiuongua C (9) 896006864 MURANGI G ' ( 7)
896011521 IIPINGE A (1 5 )
'896,004640 KANGUVI S J T (32) ' 1196016557, OCHURUS B (39)
.8960082 44 Haufiku E (5) 896008130 KAAPEHI S (1 6)
696011986 MUHBALA ' M p ' (20 )
69601 244 <1 Kapinga m i M L A (8 ) 896012409 KAURIA!'GA J R M M (3S ) '" (57) , SENTRllII ' NOIIIIER: 1032
'896011436 HAMUNYELA E II (25)
8960 12554 Hgh i t a unapo L ( 8 .) .896004654 KUVEZA E (30)
SENTRUM NOMMER : 2004 896011085 AMUYELA LN ' (13)
.' 896004628 HINDJOU E ( 23)"' 896005092

696006 107 Joh annes A (6 ) 896008547 WI~SE G M (30)

SENTRllII NOIIIIER : 1010 896.005142 NTALAI A J (42)



896008714 DAVIDS (i ) 8960.0 5075 HAINDONDO . K M (33)
SENTR~ NOIIMER: 2004 896012045 SHIMPULE A-L (33)
896012622 NGAIRO (43 )" 8960072S4 GAROEB G (34) " 8~6005115 LOSPER ·S R (9)
. 696011921 NYHIKEMBUA A (21)
69601 247 0 . Ka~ekondjo . ( 12) 696008665 BLIGNAUT F J (10) 896007071 NE IS q" R (19) 896005105 . JOUBERT BR (25)


89690i715 ~ TJ,I!UKA. B (30) ' " 6,9 6 9.05183 . SNYDERS' M (46)
896007192 GAUGbAB H '" (40) ;- • 896005063 HAMHOLA FENNI (52) 6960050.35 ASHIKOTO M (10)
696006983 Mashikaku N E. (30) 896005936 MELANDU S ( 19)
' 896007286 HOAES A'·B " ( 23) ' 696005137 NDJABA B (39)
696006561 Abrahams H (26)
696007419 , .(21) 896005120 LOSPER V (13) 696006004 NAKAFINGO E N ( 31 )
696007352 Voges Z F :( 12) SENTRllII NOMMER: 1020
.• 896007582
. "

896005189 SWARTZ L (20) 896006124 NAMBAHY H S (30)

696008731 Kauta L U6 )'
8950108 75 S ILUrr D!K .~ (26) 89'6 0071 70 - NAOBEB . H .. (23) 69600'5 058 BRINKMAN M (20) 896006316 NANGOLO S (9)
696006771 Makari E T W (22)
89600' ~06 Mbalili R M (28) ;3960 10 587 t·1ANQAH M .( 11 ) SENTRllII IIOIeIER: 1033 e96oo6437 . NTINDA E. H ( 38) :
.696007127 MUDUMBI M (39)
896006933 Mungunda E H ( 24 ) 896011311 MULIFE A ( 17 ) 896006564 SHIFOTOKA S (31)
896007094 KARUNGA J (26)
896007339 Van Diemen M .( 37) 8 96011071' SHMSmU R M ( 28)
: 8~6007590 ~ AeOBS J (20) 8960Hll0 SHOL9NGO E N (23)
896007275 PETRUS T (29)
69<;011712 TENDEKULE 14 (18)
896007358 Vries W (24) (27) , 896007610 WINDSTAAN F (39) 896011410 NANGOLO , C A' . (13)
896010404 ' LUBYANILE (16) . 896007524 ' NAOMAS I
896007347 Vei L G .S (9) SEN'I'RUII NOIIMER,: ~034
>- 896010216 KWENANI M (16) 89600.5403 , . HAMUYELA S N B (28)
896008659 lmmarwel M A (12)
896005979 ITANA . N K (23)
896006742 Kauta L (17) SENTRllII NOIIIIER: 1028
. 89600605~ . PLAATJ.rES · M A (40.) 896006062 KALIMBO .· E (20)
696006183 Mal e tsky" A (28) 896008024 BEKEUR T
.~ , 696006909 Mbeeli F J M ( 20 ) 8960047 7 9 BERNDT C J ( 34.)- 896.0 08115 VILJOEN F J(42)
896006166 NEKONGO P (16) .
896008176 HOESEB E
696009009 Nou-Gawas ~ b 'II ( 23 ) 896006433 SHILONGO 'II (21)
SENTRllII . NOIlllER: 1056 , 695008219 ' KAHUURE B ( 19 ) . SENTRllII NOIIMER: 1036 '
89600657 6 SHI PANGA K (251.
896008363 NELWAMONDO J V (23) 89600864 5 CLOET.E S (43)
896 00 5960 IPINGE H ( 22) 8 96006585 SHIPENA A ( 26 )
896008469 ' TSHELAKGOSI E (29) 896008 71 3 MBAUKUA M · (24)
HAHDEl;S.REG SG,., _~! ". ~96005~ 80 " ELAGO S N 8 96011101 · NAMB!IHU A ~ (19)
SENTRllII NO~~ : .. W 0060 0
.' J.c.....:..... ,~\ • 696008078 . DELIE M M !, (37) 8960087 96 'IIA SKOW . 9. (48)
, SENTRUM NOMMER: 1060 ,-.
, 896008 2 10 JULIUS R 13 5.1 8 9600865 1 DE VILLI ERS L 147
696004942 :Krs T nro' ~I'~ 2' "'( 0 f" ~ :, 89600~~~5; \KW B,A~ l'l.II ,Jii9·h",ci 896q08727 MUZENGUA G H lI3) 896007675 ~.~ IERA~.1'U ~ .l' A ·~, 2_2 .) r..J.J'i \'
,-1 ~ . ;rJ:,'f;; . ... :~::/ .~ ~

896008382 1j ~8r THp::f~,! . ~,,"~?-8 ~ 8960 10 466 NDUNGA i AN \ 22') ,

SENTRUM NOMMER: 1016 896010617 'SH ATU MBli ' ( 16 )

896006078 DEt:1E 14 ' M "'JfMS}"" '.~, SENTRUM HOMMER : 20000

.. 896006487 HARNOS'f ER M ( 44 ) SENTRUM NOMMER : 1062
: :~J~':';.,A;: ;'. 'f"';"
696006426 S\:I ARTZ S K (26) 8 96005562
896000593 ' K AMUTr!{GON A ' G . ( 43)
695@08401 PLAAf :fIE 'j., M '~: (~ 9'):' . 696009574 HANSEN (12)
t.n~ ,I I"~ ':\ ;;. '·': "'- "~~'I.' ,jo't--
tl9ti005,??? , N~0!f:?J.~ (fl.k.o; ':'1 896006776 ·LABHSOHAGNE J C A C (24) 89600 4761 SKIKUFWN'IIA E N 135 :
696008340 :.. ~IUHUUR'i( E. (11 ) "\' . ~, " " HUISHOUDK\JN~E SG .... -r,.. 896005710 MUHORUA E ( 23) 896004785 SHUUVEN I R T ( 24)
t' :!. ;'.=:.!(':d.' ./, ';v~ ;'""'~~':" 896006885 TJERIKO· A (33)
t :,". ~ . : ;':' "'J, ~, 896005594 JACOBS L H ( 33 )
896006509 " A LMA~LISTE T· . '( 4i ) SENTRUM NOiIMER: 1064
'~.;' ';~·,J\·1.})~ .;;1:· . ,~tJ.-\
, tf '. ~~;' Jo . 8960056.64 ' MA.HE'D:F ANN E~ MA R IE' , (18)
8 9600:~57" DSE9~.S . M , ~
896005t?,?, qE~CQ09E.:; S E .) !2A]. ., 89600664 7 . KA'TJrNAMUNENE M (47)

SENTRlJIj .NOMMER.: ,102P 89600 5 2~,~ ) S~~ N,D;~ S~N ! A, M M (24) SENTRIJM NO~~:: ; QJ-~'t 89.6 006870 .pURA ·,,'!f.1 ;· (4 2 ) 89600547~" MUSHEKO' E (12)
! ~ / ., '\, "
8960052 70 ISAKS R R (48'!'"- 896005144 HAMUNY ELA .·L M (3 0)
rt . (~ 1,- ~""~ ' ! T' ~ "/ :H"; SENTRUM NOMMER: ····1040
~. j .... '. j

896009870 , K AAE,~L~,. B P (20,11-" 8960090'\~1 .SCij.~LV~, L .•,C ~, .I, ~~! . 896005918 VATUVA J T ' (2 1 )
896011595 r,lUZ.ITE A ,S · 896009030 DE KLSRK J i~ (45)
\ 2,1) " 896005051 HAMUNEHETE F S (30)
896008349 RATOKO S H ( 42)
896010838_ SILILO.: M t.1 Ill): 896006640 . ,1<')('fH MUNE'" E' K (>Ie;) 'SENTRUM NOMMER : 1019 ".' _'.V SENTRUM NOMMER : 1072
696011 73.3 , M'IIJLIM A ' H K .j I3·)
SENT RUM NOMMER: 1026 896005489 GAR~SES D ( 36)
89601235'6 . KAN DOROZU M (30) 896004786 . NUZIKHUMBUZO R ( 30)

. ) 896008836 ,~Jri<U N?I T S (1;~) SENTRUM MOMMER : 1020

': .,... .. ' ~: ". 896012330 BIKIRO N (2 5 ) 896004791 TJAHUH A H (34 )
896011 7.99 .MUSH ABATI I~ N , ( 30)
896008904 KATJ IR I R N . ~f8 L SENTRUM NOMMER: 1074
SENTRUM NOMMilR : 1030• . 8960 10580 MAmLI M ( 181

896011 822 VUYALO P C <'( 1 2 ) 89601 2431 TJIJAUNDJA K (23)

896008248 KANDJII N ( 12 )
8 96006167 BEUKE S R ( 21 ) AQ6012660 PURT ~ I\ '''",!!d;~( -B'dJr ., ~' ~ -''-~ 89601972 7 SENTRUM NOMMER: 1044 896008458 ASES T (30)

896005648 . S I Mr·IO~~ P" 1. 1 ~), " 896012403 KATUURO L (4 1 ) 89601 09 99 Sl MASIKO f (21) 89600~562 HARTUNG M-A B (24)
8960197 30 BA'CKER ' U ( 42 )
S!NTRUM NOMMER :" 1036 .!,:,.• ' 895007293 HAROINE M p .. (40) 896008696 MBAKO S S ( 40 )

896007324 MUUNDA R N . (30) 696008721 NANUSES E (24 )

.~ ~H~U!' .>. .,:h, .. ·
896008796 ' WASKO;"" C .' ( l 6 ') , '. ,. 8 96005870 ZAAKO M ( 4 2) 8960084 93 GAINr.OS 8 ( 36 )
89600 5716 !. CHAKO .·tI' ;'l r .1.29 ) -, c'c " 896008643 KAT J I VENA ( 29) "

89600 58ig-' MAF-A~~ i R; M J(i29.) , " ·.~c 896008704 MUNI AZO' ' L (39)
89600490 2 SHAP'IIA G A ( 26)
89600591 2" · i MtiL I~i," c'.'~ (irih;()<" ~
89600~ tJ4 11Aft'/,f;.2 ~,,(61\ 1' ,\:0",; 896006 7 46 ItvAMBO A P . (52)
:!L ~! ;k~~;;.~~ ~;;\ ~r I(~:9--{:'''if\'~ . ,i.

SENTRUM NOMMER: 1044 896012452 KAVARI ' E (3 !?, ) 89600679'1.· KOTZ. H , G ' '(3U
.ji,f~';';l!~ ~ ~'(Z't::~",. ~ ,~ <;(f' ,PiJ
396011878 NYM~Bg R S ( 30 ) 896004.9 10 SHIMHANDA S ( 31) 896008468 BOOr S ' H" ( 31 )
,1 ' .~

896006761 JANSE ,v AN VUUREN 'II J 896008564 E IDEONA' ( ~4) ; .:" ,

HUISHOUDKllN~~ .: HG , ,:.'l'(.iJ'.,. 'I, ' ~",: co;,
8960 119 ~7 : I S~ 3lJN GO ~M ~ P: 896008 531 ' KAilUNGJi ' M E 115)
SENTJlllll NOMMER: ? . 10:7~ : '~ .•. ..' '. : "l • .SENTRUM NOMMER: 1042
896008605 OXURUB:, (J 0 ("23.)'",
896 0058 1 6 ,..: tI Z;\Zr ') " E (;7;) ,'. ;',>("
896009206 DIERG AARDT J'L 1'3'O"! 896008887 KA APAM A B M (7),
8 96 00 5899 SENTRUM NOMMER:. ,1054 S~NTRUM NOMM.ER : . 10'78
f o' '.h.\ _.,'" ~·'·~'it·::.:.
89(i009498 VE~GOTl:I E A P ( 32 ) SENTRUM NOIIME"R : " lO!l31" «/.'f! \o:,,;c
8 96006003 N~A N DO a Z (30) • .' r ~ t •• ~ -I' '

i 89600602d orELA , ;>.'iU' -(,W)' j.,:;;, 896011846 IIYAMBO. L T' .( 20) 896009322 '- VAN' WYK "':M (37)
'-r"- 896011920 ' MUTEKA . F ( 16)
896 01\'9'01 :;"A'NKihAS~ ;A i ' '1'13) ' 896009134 . BRANIlT':I' N A (46)

896011630 SHAHKA J N ( 15) ' 896009214 , ENGE L8RECHT K L ( 11 )

896012346 SMITH R (11) 8960 11859 -. NPANAR · S-' (27,) -

89600952~ BO,CK, ,v. P ( ;: 1) 8960 11638 '~~lWI .O" ~:.'i;:~2.a ,»)'.;~:""-,, SENTRUM NOMMER: 1055" , · , 896009242 . GOA~OS8S: J J (2', ) '
' 8 9600 8588 ·BED:J'A. " D P ,'('4$) ""

'. , t,. i ~ . 8960087 53 'KUirl'ANGA ',' J (;1 ,:.' (3e.)· e~' SENTRUM NOMMER : 1028 ' 896.0 10319' MP'I NGE ( 22) 8960090.6 1 " BA Vh ' ~" A A (24)
;, 89600 728 3 TJA,MUAHA J : , (2 7,L , 896010613 PAULUS ' L" H ( 45 I 6 96009204 ' DIERGAARDT M M (21)
89601 2946 GAOSEB G G ( 6) 896008678 KANDUKIRA E (34) 99600 ,c'?00 jAC:'3S;;1 ( 2:)
. -----~

896009 224 FREYGANG E ill (15) 896007486 HAIMSODI A (56) 896008413 RUHUMBA G (25) SEN'mUM NOHMER: 1064
SENTRUM NOMMER 1053 896008294 MADI B , ( 10)
896009284 VAN ROOYEN J A (45)

896009308 JOHR B G (21) 896008292 KAVANDJE R (28)

896008466 TJOZONGORO E
( r ~ <_
896005363 KAPENDA r: (17)
896007570 WEYULU ANN ( 24 )
89600938 6 McKAY S C (27) 896012655 NOWOTEB C (47) SEN'lRlM1DM!R: 1076
896007468 SHIKONDA E N (34) SEN'mUM NOHMER: 1020
896009392 MOUTON C J (47) 896012733 TJlVAU H (10) 896007097 NAHOLO A K (49) .
896008452 AMWMNDANGI H (13)
8960094 22 PEDRO C M (23) 89601274.3 TJlRARE A . (37) 896007024 HAf4UNJ ELA 0 V ( 35) 896010797 SIKENA J (12).
;, ,I ' . ' 896008432 AE:RFlR, T I?Q \
896.007529 SHINGO L (40) 896010926 ' MAYANGA M R (18)
8960094 5i SCHOL TZ C H' (38) 896012803 TULAGE
.. S; (33).
896007349 NGH IPITV1AKO H (44) 896010933 MAZAMBANI R T ' (2ft '896008495 GOROSEB E (11)
896009494 VAN WyK L N (43) 8960.08445 MUUNDJUA M (38)
896007107 NAHOLO MN ( 54) 896010'806 SIKOBISO "M iii' (Q6'.) ;<'
896012656 NDJAV.E~~ . ,J (23) .
SEN'mUM 1D4MER: 1078
896009381 ,MARKGRAAF M E (20) 896007356 NGHIPUL;IA N (3) 896010930 MAZAMBANI P M (13)

896009388 MOSTERT .... D H' C- (42) 896012725 TJOZOI'jGORA E . !?4) , 896010937 ' IMASIKU , 8, M (20)
896008953 BEUKES W E Q (47)
896009396; MOU'TON " M J H (33) 896012748 TJIRlMUJE E , (31)
,1 .' ' .
896010969 MBAMBI C E ('22)
896009430 PL8TT 'J B (42) 896012808 TSAUSES A (.27) 896011094 SIMAStKU R S "'20) SEIfmIJM IUIMER: 1080t<

896011181 MUBuYATEO M N' (24')

8960094 63 SMITH E. G 00)
SENTRUM NOMMER.: 2003 SENTRUM NOMMER: 2001 896011206 SIM.ATM P M (11) 896005362 LUCIANM :3 (11) ;"
896009495; VAN 'WYK MeA P (31) 896005100 KA'IDYIMA E P (21 j " .
896011238 " SIMBURVA A (21)
896007703 SHIFINDI ·' ,4,, )<1, ,' ,(:;~ k,! : '896011295 MULATEHl 'H (20) 89600.5022 HlMARWA S (22) ;i,
896006592 MOQTU H (18)
896008276 KAUKOLWA A· T P (60) 896011339 ' MULOHO ' J (17) 896004891 NAkAMBARE P (21)
896006758 AMUTENYA F (15) 896012694 SHEYA E N (29)
..; , ; -," ,
8960113.78 .SINUWLA 'i< N (16) 896005193 NANDlYRA F (21)
896007556 KA-r";;IDA P (52) 896007869 UU5IKU R N (54) 896011404 MUNYINoA G ' (36) 896005093 .KANDJIMI J M(3P)
8960096 99 .. N·AFUKA , L (,28)
~, '''.''.; 'r" '-'; 1
896012693 SHEYA 'N (.21) 896011473 MUTAKALILUMO A L (9) 896004906 NDYAMBA NM (30.)
896009782 ,. VISEB ".. L (25) 896006315 MATONGO R (27)
896~0 952 ? BILLAWEfj .M R (37) 896006946 BOCK K F (23) 896011650 ~~S,rKU , ~ J;'., : (1~).<. SEN'mUM 1D4MER: 1088
SENTRUM, ,NOMll,ER: . '. 2003
896011695 TAlnLA P S (27)
8960095-33 DAMP.SES ,A E . (32) 896007560 KU'IJ'EZA A; (25)
ovl' 896011 739 ~ILIMA .,~ (9) ; , . 89600~211 TAREKA J T (20~
896007800 ,KAT J Ii'u!! ( 30 ) 896007236
8960<)96 12" HEKANDJO. E (29) '
'r).: "
896011759 MwrSI~A L , O . (20) 896006076 MAYIRA G (22)
' 896007568 LUKAS C (24)
896009790 ,{ VOIGTS D (i3) 896.006251' HAFENANYE N N B (29) 89601185~, WAMUNYIMA M . (17) KANYETAB ' i ( 21 f
., ', ' , - 896906288 HAMUI<,ONQA A IV , ( 40)
896010080 NAI'IA E K (18)
896012346 ·.SMITH, ~ i' (25) 896006271 ENGELBRECHT C (23) 896.005471 SHINSAWA
896008178 HM4UKU,AJ~ M., K\ . ,..R N (24)
SENTRUM NOMMER: 1094 895006329 ' GAISES C M (28) 896010704 ' MATEBtLE
;,' J M" ('i 7) 896005368 MPEPO M (23)

895007845 KATJ£UONGUA C (22) 896011061 MILINGA E (24) 896006146 NYANGO Fi K, (38) .'. ;,.
-.r: , ! '. "l''';
896004637 ' CLOETE C (22) 896008032 lZAAKS J J (38) 896012615 NAUYOM~ AN ' (31) 896011158 SIMATAA c. Co . ' (12). " , 896006058~GUNDU R M (30)

696004683 0GHURUB ' A. (Hl)

896008080 JASON VI J (15 )
896011183' MUCHALl G S (8) 896006002 KALIPA r \18) ;

.{ ! " , • • -, J'''":.''
896011244 qI~YRVA 1", Mj 23),..y; 896005390 MUNDlNDA S (24)
896004650 GASES ' F (23) " ", .
896008212 HARAES M ( 14)
896011287 SIMWAHZA E t1 (23) 896005340 .KU~WA A (23)
SEliTRUM tiOMMER'; ' 1097,
896008354 HINDJOU A (35) SEmRUM NOHMER: 1014 896011303 SIWO~EMBE P P .(12)
SEN'mUM OOHMER: 2000 ' "., :
896012564 NUNUHE G· G (37) 896011373 SINUWLA R N (22)
896012895 SHAILEMA M J (42) i .]' : ;;,~ . ~ ~;';; : .: .;; ~
896008985 GLASS D';'; (17)
896012601 TJIPETEKERA F (24) 896011392 . SI~ T ~ (13)
896007511 . OOSTHUIZEN ·S (19)
89601291 0 TOB'lAS E' (24)
896006246 GURIRAS R (32) ' smmuM OOMMER: ' 1020 8960114Q9" MUSHWENA A:' (16) . 896009'<02 .SWARTZ R ' (,22 ') , ;.
896012940 D'IERGAIiRDT M E (11) ',1 896011477 SISAMU" A I (35)
896006257 8960138n ' RUCK H W (15) "', ,»'c
'),'.":' .:,,'-,.1','
896012957 BEZUIDENHOUT P p' C (62) 896009843 AMuSlku S N (24) 896011677 MWANBWA.E (11)
896006291 ALUTENI B (43)
• ~I •...r, •. ~ 'i ~
896011715 MWEMBA \I:' (Il) SfNlRUM trift:R, 2'0 01
896012904 THEAih 'c ' C (36 )" .896006575 M.oKWENA H (53)
896010809 ·,MAVUNA. B .M ·· (17.), ' ,,;:'
896011332 MULIWA P (14) 896011 75'4 'IUBASIILE V M (1 ~)
896012912 UISES I:; (33) 896007914 HOWAES E, (29)
,~. . 896010633 SI~EYA ,A M (13)
896011766 WBAZIE c;..~r'" (18) . '," 896012717 SKRYwER 'A 0:3) '
896012946 GAOSES GG ('32)'
896008065 J AFTHA C J ( 38 ) 896011814 UNYALO J S (15) 896012694 SHEYA E N (16)
896012960 .B~OYSEN ~ G . (41) 896010130 KAUNDA M (9) 896008200 ISAAK W f (8)
896008184 HA'NDURA ' E, (43 ) 896011275 MUKONO A C (15)
SBftTRUII NOMMER: .. ' 1099 896010974 MBANGA C (l~) 896007739 SHIVUTE D (43)
896012556 · NG8i\lKO · ·E l~' (34) '·:
896011876 NYAMBE R' S (10) SENTRIlM IUIMER: 1024 '896012707 SHOOGOLO F J (9)
896007110 KHErBEB I R (43) , ".
896012560 NHONI W (16) 896010168 KUTAi6'~H J (19) 896012682 SANKWASA A . (20.)
896007155 GAMATHAf~ C . (i4)
896012!'l1l5 SHlPPIKI G· (19.) ID: 6207270400571 ,SIIAKWA F (18)
(24 i
SI!N'mDK IOI!ER; 1032
896008123 GAWANAB W (18 )
896007123 ISAACKS S
SENTRIJIl NOIIIIER: 2004 896005716 ClIALO L ..113) 896007858 wirrALENI HN ,ilO)
SENTRUM NOMMER: 2000 896005851 MAL<BlKA: E' (15) '
896005176 . SIBENI F(6)'
896000215 SAIIlLETE;' (22 ) SBImUI tOIlER:' ?002
896004689 • HAIHUR I'KA M (9) ' '(, 8960.08502 THOMPSON C W' ( 26)
896005142, ~t A 'J . (10:) - ~ ~ , - .
896007474 , MOWE~S J L (27) .;
896005702 BA'lWBAJA C(31)
, ~lDII!R: ·1040 \' 896012525 , TJOOrJI B (12)
:'896008529 VIj;SER J (19:) " ; " '.
896005131 ~ RE ' (34)
;i950074'8 3 NEL L ,J n~)
~:'!~ 'to _ 1/ ' . ;. ., '896008555 YU W,A '('l~) 896005950 Ili')'ABANI C (42)
~_. ~;.!;"
.8960075],9' " R0BBt;R.;>'. [,J. 'M , (54) _, J -.f,'- ;. _...,
SDI'lKII IOII!R: .2003 ; ,' ,
,. :. ~ ',:' .~ ~ .,"; ...
, .~ ",.~- . 896008625 ' . ,B~ZO,IDENH9UT P A' (19)
'SIIft!IDII IDlER:' 1026 '
. 896oo!!Q99 .. BAM~ ~ ~4) . . 89.~0086~9 BONTHUYS ' T (48)
, :-'
. 896006910 KJZ~ S (4)
B?fr~~~5 :" ·B6~.s6ifMJ ,.('31! . 8'96000714 DAV,lDS L (11) 896007657 ' ELUt«;U '1I 1" (24) . 896011827 ~ B ~. (18) 89600'68'98 !3ASOON' 5 (18)
896<i09.2f,2~· THOMAS C· ('44.) ' .' 896008919 · GOUWS eE ( 56 ) 896011757 ' ~, ~ " (34) . 896006859 AUAlA M (15)
SIIft!IDII ' IDIER: ' 1061'
. " .. 8j1600~245 vAN. ROOYE~ E E (22) 896612421 KAUAMI G (22 j
896011732 SIMANA. B (10) 896006082 GERTSE E (13) ";

8~.OO9324 · Vf.N WY~ P ,C (57) .896011666. SI~ E N (15i' 896012527 NARIB R (17) .
896012449 · K~\lR~PEI\E E . ,( 29) "
896009377 PLAATJI~S C C . (49) .
896011620 IW1E\E P M"- (24) 896012606 TLIIABAWELLO F (17)
.s~6008~05 :rHORN~IJRftlJ :H'''-{ 48)
896011821 !Il'lUt«;E A .(16) 896012580 SHILENGITA V (15)
896009399,· RHODE .·S (22)
896008547 WiESE G M (43) 896011737 SITALIM B (19) 896006625 ,MUARIANI S (3)
896009461 LOUW E ~(35)
896008618 . BESUIDENHOUT F . i 8)' 896008590
. '\;6KAMARU' r (8 J.
. -;, A'C 896011647 KAMWI 1~ Ii < (20) 896006903 MWANGUA R (16)
896()()9490 'SMIT B B (24) 89601,2350 MUBUSISI F L (27) - 896006864 MORANGI G (21 )
. 896008565 BLIGNAUT F J . ,.e 31')
. 896009515, fMRKGRAAF' A M (34) SDI'lKII IDM!R: 10'28 . 896006351GARISEB J (22)
896008692 CILdERS ·.s', (19)
896009550 MORKEL 'II ( 23) 896012608 TSAMASEB G (19) "
1196008889 FIVAS L . ( 30)
896012877 KUUNDk EN ' (12) , 896004745 APOLLUS 1; (25) 89600(;880 MUTEKOLO M V (20)
896009597 FORTUIN C A (30)
8960089.42 JANSEN S E. (5)
896012582 SHILOOGO N (12)
896oo9623 ~ DANIeLS D J (86) SENTRIlM IDM!R: 10'33
896012438 KAUCHAB (23) SEN'mUM IDIIER: 2001 . 896007713 KARVAIHE E E (15)
896Q~~6~il DICKSON F S (19)
SENTRUM NOMMER : 2005 896007590 JACOBS J (24)
89600;,,~~2 ISAACKS A Ii (30) 896007790 SIMON 0 (40)
8960097U7 DROTSKY J E (16) 896012702 SHILONGQ T (18)
SENTRIlM IOIIER: 1042 . 896008505 .THORNIIURN J : (19 )
. 89600893~ MUNGUNDA L ( 29 )
896009928 KAVARURE J S ( 29) 896008411 MULEN6.A E . (37) . 896008665 BLIGNAUT F J (14)
8960.08612 ELIPHAS E (23)
896007511 OOSTHIJ [ZEN S 11 P';) 896012711 STEPHANj)S F (23) 896012624 NGAUYAKE .L (17 )
896008667 KAKUUAI M . ( 29')"
896008817 VR r 'ES C E (]i) 896008551 IDLMARANS S (18)
896.008678 KANDUKIRA 'E ' (30) SI'RDI)M tOilER: · 2003 .
89600911 5 . SASSON A (AT) 896008714 DAVIDS L (4)
896008975 .NARIS C·, (3.0), ,,;. .. .
896009219 THEYS C· A. (30) 896012521 KAMBERIPA B (19)
896006'357 MBANA .U·. '(14) , ', ~, t~\

tl96009239 V~N ROOI A J (32)

896007821 KATJIUA L ( 37 ).

896009270' ~AN

wXi< .E E . (30') . 89.6 0124.22 . KAVA;I3I ,G (23) "
".~OAS A'L (y)) . 896008916 MBIRIttIA . J (11)
896009357 ' PHtCLI-P E:'M 122) " 896012585 SIlIPPP~I, . G .. (7) ,.
8%004972 TSOMASES Y ,M (20) ' KANGtlA'IV~I c' '(5~ . SIIft!IDII IDlER:
896~9393 ' RA~"NARD A T
896004740 SHINQrA T., (14)
896006381 MBAlSA C N· (23)
~~00~4h SAM . ~/ (~3 1 KWANYAIIIA HC
8960(17.iQO KA:r~I~O C (28) SIIft!IDII ioII!iR: : 1052 10: 6603040400174 (il)
. 896009~70 ' SCHUMA.NNS M ( 55) '10: 6a020604011~S (24)
'. SENTRUM ,HoIeIER: 101.0 896012566 ' OASEB H ' E (10) .
896oo951c3 : MARItiS .K 'r 23) , ~: '.
896010879 'MVU0 I (5) 896008923 IlAMATENlcA T .(27) · LOZI HC
'8~~~34 DU , RAAN~ .... (36). , . '. '. '"¥.

896009595 COET'ZEE E '~ ( 20 )

siIIftD 1DIiBR:·. - " SI!!Ift!UiJ IDlER: 1054


896009604 FREDRIECKS 1" s'- ('40) 896-0124?5 KAVARI r (.6) '
896011652 AMUJ<C1ro M (,l1)
89601100S l,lBAIIGU R K PI)
896.011019 ~lBEHA F M (31)
896009?37 DAVIE:> W A, (21) 896.008997 SHIXUM'lE~1 F ,30' ) 896012475 KAZONDUNGE A (16)"
SBlmUlIOII!R:' 1058 ' 89601'1061 IHLINGA E (42)
896009667 DIERGAARDT' M (24) 896008815 HANGULA A (37)
.896011037 SIMASIKU R N (45)
8960096~5 ISAAKS D ( 23)
SENTRUM NOIIIIER: 1044 896006237 NGHIPANDULEVA AT ' (-18) 896011109 MOLEFE ~1 (37)
896009863 JAHS G D R ' (29) 896007490 HANGHUWO R N 11 ( 57) 896005155 AMUPEMBE. D (24 ) 896011162 MUBIANA S N (31)
. 896012522 NGWAll T (16) 896007482 HAUFIKU L P (47) ' SI'Bl1im .t«lII4ER: 1014 896004937 AKWMKE J K (14) 896010431 SAMUP'IIA C (41)

~tO, MondayFebruary 5 ~ 990

I ~~ni i;il;IS-i')' PI
896010502 MAIBA A K (31). 896011724 TSHABALALA T F (40) 896008102 GAINGOS S ( 25 ) 8 9 6006215 EISEB M (36)

8960 10511 ' MA INGA J N , ( 44 ) 896011766 TUBAZIE C M (52) 896008 20 2 J ARSON p , ( 34 ) 896006 448 MBEKE LE L S ( 2 8)

r 8960 10543 14 AKHOSI M M ( 50) 8960118"1 YAMSWA D S (45)

89 6008 182 HOESES M (34 ) 89 6012621 NDJ OZE R S (1 0 ). 89 6006716 , MU LYONGWE L S ( 11 )

8960 10557 SHAMAL AZA B I ' ( 18 ) SENTRUM NOMMER: 1016 8960<)>;l895 FORTSCH E G ( 42) 896006869 AW AS EB R ( 38)
89601233 2 NALISA N A (38)
896010572 SHI TAA C ~I (29) 896010 155 KUFUNA P H (42) 896008671 BOTHA E (30) 896007251 ' KAMA TOTO S (22 )
8 960 0 8 981 KORB J P ( 6) ,
8960 1Cl590 Sl At,lB ANGO C A ( 4 5) 8960 101 7 5 KWALA F M (34) 896005 741 NARIS T (35) 896008 339 i-iIMUWITE ( 39)
896008765 EGGERT V (5 6)
8960 10649 ' SI BOLEI<A D M (23) 896010180 KWALA F M (41) SENTRUM NOMMER : ' 1018 896007 472 KHOE-AOB ( 19) ,

896010686 t4ASWAHU 14 N (28) 896010211 KWENANI N (39) SENT RUM NOMMER: 1097 ' SENTRUM NOIIMER: 2004

896 010694 MASWAH U V S (40) 8960 10239 LIBITA S ' (36) 8 96009008 AN DRE AS M 0 ( 44)
896010719 14ATENGU B (4 2) 89601 025 3 LIEMBANI (36 ) SENTRUM NOMMER: 1028 896012935 HA14GULA F A (5 ) 896008787 ERAS MUS 101 ( 3 5)

896010739 MATENGU ~I M ( 4 9) 896010273 L I KANDO K K (32) 8960 1294 1 Dr ERGAARDT R P ( 18)

8960 10749 SIJONA L S (3 5 ) 896010282 L I Kot40KISA S N (~6) 896004768 BAIS AKO VI F (42) SENTR UM , NOMMER : 1014 SENTRUM NOIIMER : 1097

8960 10788 SI KANDA R S (4 5 ) 895010 329 LIM BO S R (29) SENTRUM NOMMER: 1036
89601 083 4 SILEZE O ~' (41 ) 89601 0353 LISELI F M (29 ) 89 60080 4 5 BEZ U rD ENHOUT E ( 10) 8960 12870 USURUA U (38)

896010913 SIMALUMB A F C (36) 8960 10 356 SAB EHO P Z (46) ' 8 9 6009985 GLASS D (7) 8960 12 924 KAHIHA S K ( 23 )
89600 8 6 5 2 EI CHAS S (30)
896010930 ,I4 AZ AMBAtil M ( 41 ) 896010 380 LI SWANISO M ~I ( 3 7) SENTRUM NOMMER: 1040 896008320 MOKALENG H P (8) SENTRUM NOMMER : 1056

8 960109 58 :4BALA C (3 8 ) - 8960 10 41 1 LUKUBWE D ,M (34 )

896010989 SIMASI KU E C ( 21 ) 896011195 MUDABETI. BN ( 27 ) 896 00838 7 TJ IR ARE M K (30) SENT RUM NOMMER : 1034 896011951 TSHIVOLO M I . (;;4 )

896009747 BUCHANE B N (21) 896011211 MUll API- R ~I (36) 8 9600 8 2 55 J EOMBA (31) 8 9601116 4 AMVlAALWA 0 T (28)

896009762 CH ATU WM (39) 896011264 SIMONE R rl (31 ) - 8 960 0 8310 KAU ZUU M E (30) 8 9 600806 1 ROO IN ASIE B H (6 ) ' 896011978 SH I POVEN I WH (1 8 )
896009783 CHI MANA F S (41) 8 960 11281 ,MUKUBONDA (45) 896008303 KA TUNAHANGE W (4 2 ) SENTRUM NOMMER : 1052
8 96009838 IMAKUMB I LI S N (23) 89601128 8 MUKWATA M J ( 30 ) SENTRUMNOMME R: 1074 SENTRUM NOMMER : 1044 ,
896 009864 JOBA C S (4 2 ) 896011300 "IULELE H N ( 40 ) 89601 0046 INDONGO A (28 )
896009890 KABUKU K M (22) 896011 328 MUL ISA M K (3 7 ) 8 96008638 KATJIMUNE P E (29) 89600 72 81 WALTERS ( 45 ) ' ..
8960).0005 KAHON A D M (3 7) 8960 11354 MULONGWE E N (47) 8 96 008 789 SOROS ES (27) , SENTRUM NOMMER : 1060
8960 10055 KA L-I MBULA C M (45) 8960 11373 SINVULA R N (36 ) 89600 8514 GERTZE W (35 ) SENTRUM NONMER : 1055
896010061 KALOKE LA G M (34) 8960 07536 KAS I RINGUA 0 ( 32) 896007906 KANDJ IMBWA K, (2 9 )
896011 409 14USHWEN A A N ( 28 )
896 010077 KAMWI r M (2 4 ) SENTRUM NOMMER: 109 5
8960 1141 8 MU SIALELA K M ( 22 ) 896010069 HANGO S ( 13 )
896 0101 10 NDO Z: It, (32 ) 89(;0 11459 , MUSUTELA B L ( 40) SENTRUM ' NOMMER: 2001

,8 960 11 0 11 SIt4ASI KU J (34 ) 8 96011486 ~lUTEL O A K ( 45 ) 89 6004 6 55 JOD G ( 40 ) SENTRUM NOMMER: 1020
896011 02 5 14BEHA R Il ( 33 ), 8 960 11502 MUTENDA R ( 51 ) SENTRUM iiOMMER : 1099 89600841 1 MU LENGA E M ( 54)
8960 12 772 ' TJILALE F J (40)
896011017 SIMASI~U 14 (38) , 896011525 ~IUTONG A T M (51 ) " 8~600980i DE JESUS J C F ( 1 1)
(7) 896011597 SI ZUKA R L (38) 8 9600 71 00 MOZORONGONDO S F ( 4 3) 8960 12782 TIBrNYANE VI ( 38)
8960111 08 SIM ASIKU S S 8 960 11 26S MUKENA P (23 )
8960 1 1137 SIM ATAA A (39) 896011590 MUYOBA 0 M ( 35 ) SENTRUM HOMMER : 2001 89?0 10358 LISULO G L~) 896007890 VAN RENSBURG N P ( 62 )

696011170 SIMATA A D (40) 8 96011 535 MUTUI,1BA D M (39) 8960 12715 TJIK P,RE ' G ( 28)
89601 0 4 92 MAHAPELE L A A M (48) 89601161 9 SONGO R, M, ' (50) 8960 12p61 PUSES ," S H , (34 i ," NATUUR & SKEIKUNDE SG
8~01 051O 'i SAUSHI NI A C ( 31 ) 89601 1707 ~11oIA ZI K ' ,( 4 8) 8 960127<88 TJ AHUHA ~ I (30)
8960 0 9984 KR I SHN:A R 1.3 )
_ 89'6 01 27T4~AffiiSc- " (3~ ) - SENTRUM NOMMER: 1080
89601 0 51 8 MAINGA P S ( 4 3) 8 9601 1720 I>\WEND'A ,L N (44 ) ' 89600 7 592 , SEEGER I (67 )
""8960 1054 9 MAKOKWA E M (48.) 896011733 ,~WILIM A H:< (40') 896005327 ]OAO ] K (33)
69601 056 4 MALU~lO C K (2 7) 8960 11 7.73 TUTAl, IFE R -.'
(4 5)
, 89!?0 12523 NQJ flRANGURU G ( 30 ) SENTRlJII , _1\: , -; 1.078 .
A JC .
, ",
8960 10580 t,IMlrLI. 14 (39) 8 96011876 ~ AM BWE B P ( 4 5')
8960 10634 :.'.ASHANGU F T~ (40) SENTRUM NOMMER:, _~ 024 .'
896009189 ' DE K~E RK C B (29) NDONGAHG
8960 10685 SIBUNGO M' , (23)
896 006 126 D~RKS E M e ' ( 16) , '
89Q01 0693 SI BUNGO L 14 (27) 89600 569 5 A K~L ALA R M ( 4 6) SENTRUM NOMMER: 1019 '
8 96007231 KAKURI TJ IRE E (24) SENTRUM NOIIMER 1030
89601 0 70 9 SI CHOMBE C (35 ) 89600 5 713 BUKU:rO R M (32)
89600 80 97 JEJA A (25 ) " 896005536 BANGO F S (36)
896010722 14ATENGU C (36) 896005749 KA;IDCLA C ~1 (25)
896008133 KAAPITIRAPI R (40 ) 8960 06508 NANUSEB E (23)
8960 107<1 2 SIHOPE M (30 ) , 89600 5868 MAPAN I M M ( 42,) SENTRUM NOMMER:I042
8 96006884 MUTIRU A ' M J (29) 8 96005589 GUrDAO-OAS S , (1 5 )
8960 1076 3 SI KABONGO N 'M (44) 896006003 NKANDO ( 4 1) 89600 7867 KATJ-IVENA (35 ) 896008812 ENGOMBE A (32)
896010 7 92 ' SI KE NA.D (27) 896005706 BATHUBAJ ADM (35) SENTRUM NOMMER : 2005
896012530 NARIS J , ( 48 ) '
89601 0 8 91 SILWA BUBI G L (23) 896005716 CHALO L L , (39) SENTRUM NOMMER: 1044
89601 0926 MAYANGA M R (36) 896005861 1,1APANI I~ M 1"28 1- 896007323 UR I - KHOS A R ( 30 )
896007265 JONAS F (47)
8960 10946 SIMASI KU t.I (35 ) 89600 589 9 -MUL AULI F M (29,)
89601 2456 KAVARI U ( 24 ) 896007389 KUWA A (39)
89601 0967 MBALA 'il ~I (31) SENTRUM NOMMER: 1026 S ENTR~ NOMMER: 1040 896007480 MBEEU 0 (38)
8 96012638 TJ EJ AMB A M U (26)
8 96007677 AKUSHANGA ' F M (23) SENTUM NOMMER: 2005
8%007287 SIllKULO L L (45)
896007473 SHIKONGO 0 (36)
8 9600 9760 CHA TA ( 30) 896011 611 GHOMBO M N ( 41 89 60 0 83 19 KURZ H H (161
896007456 KANIME H (450
8 9600 9774 CHIKA C ' (23) 896011 642 KAMWI. M J (30) 8960083 78 TJIHUNO K VI P T M (30)
896008616 ' GARISES A (29)
896009799 CHUNG A K 14 ( 35 ) 896011656 KASHU~/A M M 13.5) 896008332 ' MOUTON W J (25) SENT RUM NOMMER: 1050
896008582 AWARAS C (38)
896009843 ' IMASIKU S N (40) 89601 1701 SILINDA M (4~f 896008709 KARAERUA E E (30) SENTRUM NOMMER: 1014
8%004902 SHAPWA GAS (16)
896009868 JU L I AO M I,' ( 34 ) 896011 71 0 SITA LI (3~ ) 8960086 4 9 HIPU KUA E (26) 8%006753 INDONGA EM (48)
8960083 18 MOKALEN G B R ,( 12) 8%004913 SIllTAATALA J (44)
895009951 KACHIOLvlA (43) 8960 11 728 MUHITA B N (39) 896008900 MBAI A (38)
89601005 2 NALISA F:I (34) 896011741 SH1ASI KU A I ( 41) 896008603 E [CHAS P (30) ,
, 896 010058 NALISA M S (30) 896008631 HAOSES E N (30) SENTRUM NOMMER : 1058
896011 747 MUK AN \~A R M (37)
896008 5 96 CAR EW C C ( 34] 8960011810 nmrnNGA T N (41)
896010072 KAMAil A (3 4 ) 896011 764 MUMBA C,~ (43) '
89601181 KADllllA M N (41 )
8 96010106 I<APE;LIVA B L (24 896007300 ' TJiRIANGE G N (27) 89600 6127 SHI GWEDAA T ( 2 5)
8960 11 811 14USIS AN YANI C N (37)
896010130 KAU NOA 1-1 (24) 896008654 IHUHUA (30) 8 96006 407 SHI LONGO J H (21) SENTRUM NOMMER: 1055
896011821 MUTUNGE A Z (36)
896009044 SHIUANDJ A H N (37)
896010150 [<C LOFU S H (41)' 896'0 1185 3 NDANA M M (35) 89600510 9 AWENE C N K (23),
8%009869 AMUNJElA S N (56)
8 9601017 1 KU TIYA ( 4 1) 896011883 NZ EHENGWA C M ( 25) NATUUR EN SKEIKUNDE HG
SENTRUM NOIlMER: 1042 8%009833 AMADHLA h(48)
8960119 5 2 SIIAK AIID A N M (26) SENTRlJII NOMMER : 2001 8%009821 ALWEENDO H (51)
896010 176 NTEL AMO M L (45 )
8%009805 ARINDE V A (34)
896010199 K'''A LA J M (45) 896011956 SI BUKU F K (4 1 ) 896008901 KAPI A M (32) 8%009976 ElAGO H P (51)
896010214 KWEilAN I J W ( 4 3) 8960 11 620 D At~B E P M (32) 8960079 46 ANGULA E (4 7 ) 896010386 NAMAlA T N (62)
8960 11647 KAt4W I R M (33) 896007739 SHI VUTE D' N. ,( 23) 896010324 MPINGEPT (39)
8 96010244 LI BONGAN I J P (36) SENTRUM NOMMER : 2000 8960102% LUKAS FN (28)
8 960 10254 N Y A ~IB E C ~1 (38) 896011685 MAH4BOLWA M" (36) 8960 1277 7 TrBINGYANE E ( 12)
896010270 KASHEETA A S (43)
8 96 0 10278 NY AMBE R N (41) 896011 706 MA ZAMBANI M ~I (3 5 ) 896008512 NICODEMUS G N (39) 896009 104 BANDLOW J I (27) K960H)256 KANGULAR (37)
8 96011 717 SITALI' C E (4 2) 896008276 KAUKOLWA A T P ( 16)
896010223 JAKOB 0 (40)
896010302 NZUNDAMO 14 T (24 ) 896009647 GOAGOSEB S L (2 5 ) 8960IOO78HAUFIKU M M N (33)
896011 7 37 SITALI -M B (32) 896008166 HI1oIILEPO E N N (23)
8960 10331 L IONGA V ,l ( 41 ) 896009979 EUAKIMA E (52)
89601035 5 L ISHON I L (43)' 89601 1743 MUKANW A S E (41) 8 9 6007810 SWARTZ J J (23) 896009919 ANDREAS (46)
8 96011752 TAWArl A G M (4'5) 8%009905 AMWEENYE E N (29)
896010371 LISWANI SO J N (9) 896007703 SHIFINDI J M (35)
89 600852 1 KA AT APEKI 'F (28) 896008997 AMlTI1MA R N (35)
89601 0398 LIYALI E S (3 4 ) 896 01179 7 SI MAS IKU ' ( 4(,) ) 8960080 28 COM ALIE J A (6 j) 896010684 SHIGWEDHA L (53)
896010424 LU SHETI LE J B (44) 89601 1813 MU TAU G M (31) 8960,12810 UALINDU A G ( 17 ) 896010923 WILLEM L (34)
896011852 SI MATAA .x T (35)
896010578 NUULE A (45)
896011204 MUFAL ALI J F ( 31) 8960 12675 SACHE US ( 14 ) 8%010519 NEMBIA M (40)
896011254 MUJ ALI P (46) 89601"1 86 3 SINENGEL A A N ( 39 ) 896008 33,4 MAGGOTT M ( 30) 896010493 NDAKOlA 0 K N (26)
8960074 86 HAI"BODI A ( 18)
8 960,11265 MUKE NA P ( 38 ) 8960 11894 SAKUTU KA " G M (32) 896010430 NAMW ANDI A (45)
896008211 I SRAEL S ( 47 )
8 96007 344 HANDLF:Y \II 14 (39) 896010416 NAMULO P (56)
896011287 SIM\IIA NZA E M, (60) 896011 955 SIBUKU C K (39) , 89 6008046 DENNI S M (73) 89601 08 18 SIllVOLOV (38)
8 9601 1295 MULATEHI H (48) SENTRUM NOMMER: 2003 8 9 600 7 790 SIMON 0 L L ( 26 ) SENTRUM NOMMER : 1020 896012351 NAMBWADJA F T (47)
896010813 SHIGWEDHA A N (37)
89 6011317 MU LIJ AN I ' F S (41) 896008 137 HAIHAMBO E (54)
896010759 SHINGENGE W N (48)
896006636 MUBUCHI LE' (29) 8 960i11 78 MUBUMBE M K' (3 2 )
89 6011350 MULONDA F N (39) SENTRUM NOMMER : ' 1088 8960 10848 SHUUMBWA B (53)
896008142 KABUWANWA B N (46) 896010268 UKAN DO G M ( 11 ) 8960107 18 SHILONGOE N (40)
896011362 MUNALI D M (27)
896007638 MASIHU L A ( 40 )
8960112~3 MUKUNr H (Ill
896010653 SHlliAFELENI L N , (39)
8 95011407 MUSHABATI T M (38) 89600491 2 NGO LA J A (6 I
896011416 MUSIALELA A ~J 896 01 020 4 NTSEBULA T (1 5)
(4 ,9 ) 89 6007 718 KA RUNGA P (-22) 896009 844 AMUKOSHI E (49)
8960114 27 MUSOMI B M (33) 896005311 HASEB H (12) 896009843 r MASIKU S N (3 3 ) 896009825 AMAAMBOH S (44)
SENT RUM NOMMER : 1034 SENTRUM NOMMER : 2003 89600981 4 AKK UUNDA S (37)
896 011477 SISAMU A I ( 54 ) 896008459 NAMU9 M S ( 50 )
896010880 UUKONGO I (36)
896011500 MUTENDA J ,~ (37) SENTRUM NOMME R: 1093 896005839 XOAGUB I A (32) 896010412 NAMPILA R S (330
89601150 6 MUTOIWA C M (51) 896006381 MBAI SA C N (24)
89601033 7 MUMBALA J (39)
896010301 LUKAS L T (33)
896011 609 SONG A P ~1 ( 40) . 896009729 POTGIETER L M (15) 896006 484 MEMANI C M ( 35)
896010292 LIS lA S H (52)
896011591 MUYUNDA A N (45) SENT RUM NOMMER : 2003 896010263 KAPOLOlA J (34)
896006806 ARAEB J A ( 19)
896011560 SITUNDA I~ N (33-) 896010226 JEKONIA H (41)
89600 7213 KAK ERO M (25)
896006164 [IGOViAS S (p) ' 896007634 MASHISHI f f (7)
89601021 9 JAFETLN (430
8960115 34 S[TALI AS (49) 8960 12592 TJIHO I (23) 896010083 HILUNDWA V N (43)
896011 693 MWMJGALA R ~,1 (41) NAALDWERK ' + KLEDING SG ,896006051 GARIS::B H (8) 896010057 HANDJABA N N (36)
896012422 GAVAR I G (38)
896011715 ~~WEI~BA B (49) SENTRUM NOMMER : 1014 896006316 GAINGOB C (26) 896009940 ASHIPALA (46)
89600822 4 HASHI KUTUVA M (15)
896009902 AMWHAMA M (43)
oeellbn~aV~-W fll90 11
'11 'ff1VI!'NiWia
l!mn!l;itl!lJI~i'W-----' __
IA_N_ _ _ _ _ _- - - - - - - -
IMOI0695 SIDKONOO L M (560 896007889 AMUNYPJ.A A M (45) 896007971 ASINO H M (38) 896013344 DAMBNS T I 3749(13) 5146(26) 896013529 HAIMBODIS N 375'(28) 5239(42)
I9«IIOS93 PIUS R (54) 896007902 AMUPBMBB T P K (44) 896010723 KATONYALA A P N (51) 3611(18) 4933(24) 896013531 HAMUKOTOMS 4975() 3755(24)
196010606 PAMWB L K (45) 896007984 BOUMBO A (33) 896010619 SHANYENOBL (59) 896013345 FOURIE D 3575(26) 3749(31) 5152( ) S203( >' 5239( )
19«110568 NfINDA H N (29) 896010832 SHILONOO H 0 (48) 896010804 SHIKONGOTK (47) 5146(57) 3611(19) 896013401 ISAACS C I 4975( ) 7306(41)
196010s07 NDJE.KELAA (42) 896010459 KAMBULA 1 (37) 896009935 IIPINOB S (49) 896013346 oAEimB D 3692(43) 3749(62) 896013403 lANUARIE K M 3755( ) 5152( )
19601000 NANOOMBPN (44) 896007911 AMONLO B (48) 896009915 MVULA M N N (48) 5509(50) 5146(82) 896013534 l00STB H 1 5152(76) 4567(49)
·19«110428 NAMUSHA S N (43) 896007847 AMBAMBI P S (46) 896010551 POKOLO R N (53) 896013349 OOABAB 1 B 3575(26) 3749(28) 3413( ) 3860(24)
19«112369 AMALWALH (54) 896007900 AMUPEMBEAA (40) 896008548 OIDEONAK (49) 5146(27) 896013540 KAT1BRUNOU I K 51~2(76)
19«109982 BMYULA A (38) 896007973 ASINO S (36) 896008535 FIKEIPO H (49) 8960\3350 OORASEB H 3692(53) 3749(36) 4567(49) 3413( ) 3860(24)
19«110865 SIMON F S (44) 896007975 BAULBTH L (40) 896010016 NAMBALA W (46) 5509(44) 5146(43) 896013544 KAURIMU1E B 3755(14) 3653(26)
19«11086' SIMON F S (44) 896007831 AMAKALIM P (43) 896008526 FBSTUSMM (47) 896013255 ORUHNR 5470(29) 5152(29) .4567(17)
19«110810 SHlPIKI 1 M (52) 896010099 NANYANGA M N (62) 896011405 UUNONAPK (51) 896013356 RUNSCHLOSS K H 3575(60) 3749( 896013406 KILIAN C 5152(37)
19«11090' VR.HO R ('I) 896010056 NANGOLO T M (43) 896009764 IILEKA ACE B (62) ) '5146( ) 3611(49) 896013252 KREITZ M 3755( ) 5152( ) 5203(
19«110754 SHIMPANDA P I (40) 896010050 NANOOLOBT (44) 896008002 BNDIALA F M (49) 896013347 GARUSBB I 3692( ) 3749( ) 5509( ) 5239( )
89«110702 SIDKONOONNK (49) 896010265 NOHIHALWASK (55) 896009808 IIMONDI Z N (47) ) 5146( ) 896013407 KRUGER H W 3755(75) 4567( )
89«110650 SIOOWIlDHA P I (49) 89601OS85 KAPUKULUV (48) 896009816 lINDONBO 1 (45) 896013358 HBNOUVAE 3692(32) 5509(28) 5203( )
896010667 KASHONASN (55) 89«109889 . lIPINOE A N (52) 896013361 HBNNINO H K 3749(54) 5146(75) 896013556 MAHAEREO S T 3755(25)
SlNl'RUM NOMMER: 1056 896010965 smvOLOTO P S (49) 8~770 HAlPlNOE E (39) 4933(35) 3611( ) 5152(21) 4567( )
896010846 SHILONOOTN (46) 896007744 AIKUTIH (46) 896013256 HlLDEBRANDIP 3749() 5146() 896013559 MENOES 0 5152(51) 4567(32)
196003416 SmvOLOVV (45) 896010772 SHIIKWAAN (55) 896010026 IlYAMBO P (46) 3398( ) 3653(54) 3860(29)
896010812 SIDKONOOTN (50) , 896009832 MUKUKUTU 0 (38) 896013260 HUSSBLMANN E 1 3398(29) 896013563 MOOTU A 3755(25) 51'2(37)
NDONGAHG 896007999 BLUNOUMH' (42) 896009939 MWATUKANOI! S S N (54) 896013364 KAMUINOONA P 3749(19) 5239(33)
896007757 AKWAWAAK (40) 896010971. SmvuTEH (53) 6141(25) 5146(48) 896013567 0CKHU1ZBN C 3755( ) 5152()
SlNl'RUM NOMMER: 1056 896007924 ANDIAM8A DB (49) 896010044 NAMUPOLO B (45) 896013367 KAPUU 1 3692(26) 3749(49) 5239( ) 4975( )
896007961 ASIDKUTU S (44) 896011212 THOMAS M N (46) . 5146(51) 44003(29) 896013101 PHlLANDERDR 3860( )
1911012052 NAKASHWAAK ('I) 896002083 NDIPWASHIMWE B H (57) 8960114322 UUSIKUP (46) 896013373 KAYSER 0 S 3398() 896013410 SPANOBNBEROHM 5203(-)
19«112042 UUSIKU A (51) 896010949 SHIPANOAR (50) 896010131 IYAMBOON (38) 896013374 KLOSTA S R 5509(49) 5146(09) , 896013573 ' STOCK 0 1 5203(41) 3755(00)
19«111991 MUI'OTA S N (50) 896010793 SHIKONOO B M (50) 896010030 ILBKAM (46) 896013376 LAMPRECHT 1 3692(35) 3749(34) 5152(OS) 5239(33)
19«111943 PEl'RUS C (41) 896007905 AMUPUPABK (48) 896011159 THOMAS H N (51) 5146(36) 4003(22) 896013413 TJAVERUA A 3755(33) 2687(36)
19«112090 NAMULO S N ('I) 896010859 KUEEYO H (46) 896010433 KALlMBOF (46) 896013264 LAUBSER C 1 H 3611(17) 366:' : ) 896013369 VBNTBR BF 5203( ')
196011521 IIPINOI! A (62) 896010064 NANGOMBE K S (67) 896010143NDINOSHIHO B T (48) 3749( ) 5146( ) 896013586 VBRMAAK 0 3755(42) , '152(43)
89«111311 EKANDlO 1 (63) 896009960 IISHIPOSHAFN (47) 896010123 NATANAPJ. M (45) 896013378 LOUW A 3692(47) 3749(23) 5146( 3653(61)
19«111271 ASIDPIPALA 1 (48) 896008464 BNKALA W (50) 896010376 KAHlMAS ('I) ) 7823) 896013594 VlVIBRS 0 5203(34)
1M011092 AMUNYOKO I ('2) 89«109731 MALIMAHM (57) 896010183 JOHANNES D A (43) 896013388 LOUW M A 3692(33) 3749(15) 896013594 VON WIELIGH H '203(~
lMOll11' AMUSILA L N (37) 89«109694 HlALULWAA (34) 896009987 IITBMBUIPS (54) 5509( ) 5146(31) 3398(12) 3755(06) 5152(18) 5239(40) ..
19«111144 AMU'IENYA S ('8) ·896010488 PBNEHASLN (46) 896010841 NAMBALAFN (47) 896013391 , MAUITZKY S S 36929 ) 3749( ) 896013600 WALKBRNB 3755() 5152(.) 5at(
19«111043 AMBOLE L (46) 896009913 MVULAMM' (43) 1196010798 SHIKONOO L N (42) 5146(65) 4003(26) ) 4975( )
196011660 INDOMBO S (42) 896009967 IITA MNT (48) 89601000 IITEMBU TN N (39) 896013102 MARBNOA W 5509( )
, 196011639 IMALWAA ('30 896010644 SHATUMBULN (29) 896013393 MIU.BR AM 3692(42) 3749(15) SENTRUM NOMMER: 2004
19«111'84 IlY~Bt (430 896007173 ALUGODHI P (56) SENTRUM NOMMER: 1051 5146(75) 4003(32)
196011'47 IIPUMBU K ('I) 896007789 ALBENDO L E (49) 896013270 MOLAl'ONO B 3692( ) 3749( ) 896008895 FORTSCH B B 0 (48)
lM011794 KAMPPLOI (43) 896007969 ASHIPALAL ' (45) 896013749 AMBOLLEH 270S( ) 2714( ) 5146( 5509( ) !\t56( )M . 896008961 KINO M W (40)
IMOll'21 IIPINBTB A (62) 896010761 KAVILI A B (50) ) 2651( ) 896013271 MOTHS R B 5470 (37)
lM011929 SHIIMI B N (54) 896011063 NASHIDBNOOMN (46) 896013747 AMUUNOU S 2714( ) 896013397 HUHARUKUA H 3611( ) 3749( ) SENTRUM NOMMER: 2005
196011961 MOOPIF (41) 896011134 TAAPOPlTM (50) 896013754 CORNBLIUS 0 N 5509( ) 4933( ) 5146( )
19601200 NAMPILA H (33) 896010893 SHIPAHU IP (51) 896013745 HAFBNHAN1B L 3749(27) 5509( ) · 896013398 MUHlNAP1izBH 3749(24) 5146(38) 896008925 MUBUSISI K Z (1)
I9l1012085 NAMANOUNDUR (37) 896010680 SHImJN1BNOA H (48) 5146( ) 4003(17)
196011990 MUMBALA T (410 896008984 HANGO K (50) 896013738 HALWOODIS 3749(36) S509( ) 896013400 MULLER W 3611(46) 3575(74) REKEN1NGKUNDE SG
1M011927 LUMBALAS ,('I) 896011394 UULUMBU A T N (47) 896013743 KAMBONDB B 7823(09) 3692( ) 3749( ) 5146(80)
1M011854, SHATUMBUHM (49) 896010380 UUOWANOAMNH (53) 3749(23) 5146( ) 896013274 MUMBALA B 6241( ) SENTRUM NOMMER: 1011
IMOll105 KANIMBJM (48) 896010147 lACOB IN ('I) 896013725 MPAKBLBNIB '3692( ) 896013404 MUUKUA T T 3692(13) 3749( ) 896009006 COBTZBB C .. (2)
196011983 ldUMIIAl.*MI '(54) 896007770 AKW'AAKBSK (44) 896013725 MUSHABATILM 2741() 5146( ) 5509( ) '146(36) ,
196012012 MWANYANOAPOMT (48) . 891101~ SHANGHETA C N (62) 8~13748 SAMUPJ. S 7823( ) 896013408 NIBUWBNHUlZBNn3611() 3749( 896005280 SAUNDBRSON A M M (7)
IMOll095 AMPUIULN (54) 896010639 SHATIPAMBAKN (4~ , 896913756 V1LHO R N 270S( ) 2714( ) '146( ) 4933( ) '146( )
I9l101107' AMUNTALBD D '(39) 89!5QI0767 SIOOWIlDHA S ('I) ) 26'1() ,'.. ~ 896013409 PBDRO FC 3692( ) 3749( ) 5509( SENTRUMNO~, 1014
IMOll000 AMA,AMBOV, (54) 89601001 SHILUNOAA C (47) ) '146(36) .
I9l1011008 .utAOOLADU (33) 89«10979' MBUNDJBH (44) SENTRUM NOMMER: 1074 896013283 PLAATIlBS A S 3749() 5146( ) 896008016 AREAS H (0)
196011001 AMMMoo VN (5~,), 89601051' POKOLOHT (41),. 896013414 PREl'ORIUS D 3611(10) 3575( ) 896008285 KUBAS K (0)
196011245 ANOUNCluB b ('50' 896009910 MUI'ONDOKAMN (44) 896013816 TSUSBB D 3575(26) 5146(13) 3749(10) 5146(19) 896008249 ,1CAMU1J!iU
F (1)
196012080 WllJIBLM S ('I) 896008S43 OABRIBLF (47) 896013417 PUTBNSBHSB 5470(12) 896008406 PRINSLO<? AS M (27)
19601209' NAMWANDIBN (36) 89600779' ALWBBNDO K N (47) SENTRUM NOMMER: 1_ 896013286 RUBOW05470(p}
1M012092 NAMUPOLORN ('I) 896011435 UUSHONA A B (50) 896013418 SCHNBID BN BEROIlR S 3692( ) SENTlUM NOMMER, 1016
toIOl2077 NAMBINOA S (360' 8960100;s NAMBONDnMT ('I) 896013491 BRICICI D T '3692(l9} 3749(50) 3749( ) 5509( )
I9l1011964 TtruKOND1PJ.B B (47) 89«109752 IlHUHWAMJ' (48) 5509(31) 5146(63) 896013289 SCHOU AM 6790( ) 896005507 BSlNQUB S M (25)
196011909 NIILONOHAPK (45) 896009777 MBINOAlI (58) 896013489 GOMAXABRO 3692(48) 3749(58) 896013422 SHlYAOAVA A N 3611(33)
1M011809 S~BN (540 89«109803 IIMBONDI AM (53) 5509(25) 5146(53) 3575(38) 3749(33) '146(68) SENTRUM NOMMER: 1020
196012070 SIMON K N (380 896009815 MPINOI! L (55) 896013501 IDKALI C H 3692 (24) 3749(25) 896013456 SIMON I 3749(19) 5509(14)
19601205' NAKASHWAB (54) 89«109820 MUHONOO S MI ' (38) 5509(14) 5146(22) 896013109 SKRIKBR 1 A 361l() 8960011077 SIMAsIKU R M (34) ,
196011699 lAKOB R (630 896011467 WBYULUFN (58) 896013508 KAKORO L M 2705( ) 2714(38) 896013459 SnmNKAMP 1 S 3611(76)
196011646 lNDOMBO L (41) 896008626 ~ M (28) 5146(24) 2792( ) 3575(83) 3749(92) 5146(96) SENTRUM NOMMER: 1028
196011570 III'HBTB H (51) 896009941 lIPINOI! S T ('2) 896013498 KAUNDU B 270S( ) 2714( ) 5509( 896013465 STOLDT S 3749( ) 5146() 4207(2l!)
196011509 IILBKAA (49) 896008560 LUKAS FL (50) ) S146( ) 2792( ) 896013470 SUBBB l ' 3693(47) 3749(55) 896005094 STBPHANUS A (28)
19601189' TAAPOPI 1 (48) 89600994' NAo 4NDA L (41) 896013505 KWBNYB B I 27OS( ) 2714(47) S509(f4) 5146(72) 896004779 BERNDT C 1 (33)
19«11178' KAMBOliDB!'i K (54) ,,"' 896009925 1If: _BE S A (55) 5146(29) 2792( ) 896013290 TAKOORR 3611() 896005161 WINDSTAANMM(5)
196011'38 lIPINOI! T (57) 896007751 AIPiN'OELNM (46) 896013496 MINOBLI B F 2705( ) 2714( ) 896013477 T1IPURA B 3692( ) 3749( ) 5S09( 896004783 BEUKBSPM(31)
196011885 SHBYANALBMM (45) 896011220 TITUS B (39) 5146(33) 2792( ) ) 514b\ )
196008265 SHAOAMA K (43) 896011446 VAINO B K (54) 896013478 MUYBNOAMN 3692(32) 3749(52) 896013300 TJOZONOORO D 3398( ) SENTRUM NOMMER: 1030
196008199 MWANTYANOASA (39) 896011329 TWAMONENIJT (49) 5509(27) 5146(55) 896013282 UANOUTAI 5509( )
196008409 SHITULA H N (540 896011253 TSHIVOLO E I (54) 896013482 NASBB R T 3692(44) 3749(53) 896013301 VAINOM 5509( ) 896006518 NARIB M (12)
19!5OO8185 iCUUMB T ' (39) 896010688SHBTUNYENOA S N . (47) 5509( ) 5146(73) 896013304 VAN DBVBNTER D 5146(23) 896006618 SO-AOBBB (0)
196007891 ANOALA T (480 896010172 lASONHP (54) 896013480 NDARA A K 3692(420 2746(47) 896013487VANBLLBWEEI 3749( )SI46()
196007678 AMUKWA TN (46) 896010107 NANYBMBANNT (37) 5509(49) 5146( 73) 896013493 VAN L1LL IJ 3692(42) 3749(70) SENTRUM NOMMER: 1033
196012057 UUTONI L .(45) 896010155 NEGODHI S M (45) 896013494 NTSAMBA A C 27OS9) 2714(56) 5S09(4O) 5146(96)
196012045 SHIMPULU A L ('3) 896010369 KAOOLASN(41) 5146(36) 2792( ) .896013499 VAN VUUREN W 1 3692(65) 896007607 V AN .DER WFSTHUIZEN II: (13)
196012043 SHIMBULILS (54) 896010399 KAUuH (53) 896013486 SIYAMBAH L 3692(31) 3749(500 3749(44) SI46(81 ) 4003(32)
196012000 MUI'OTASN. ('9) 896010189 NBPANDO T (43) 5509(10) 5146(36) 896013S06 VAN WYK C H 3611() 3575( ) SENTRUM NOMMER: 1036
196011994 UUNONA B N (380 896010333 KADHIKAK (46) 3749( ) 5146( )
196011845 KASHIMA B M (46) 896012398 INKONOO F (48) SENTRUM NOMMER: 101)3 896013512 VANWYK L 3398( ) 3692( ) 3749( 896008658 OAROES 1 0 (29)
· 196012088 NAMUKWAMBI F M (530 896009166 HAUPlKU A L N (37) . ) 5146( ) , 896008724 MINNAAR E (17)
196011333 BMBASHU H (43) 89601OS79 SHAALUKENI 1 (62) 896013598 OOAOOSBB M 3692(4O)3;' ~<14) 896013236 HBNGARlA 3749(04) 5146(91) 896006139 DOBSBB 1 (42)
196011286 BENJAMIN N . (640 896010134 NDBlKWIILA T S (50) 5146(30) 6214(30) 896013511 VANWYK KH 3692(44) 3749(53) 896008705 KOT1IPATI I (26)
196011124 AMU'IENYAAK (48) 896010006 IlYAMBOBNN (41) 896013385 HOAEB 1M 3692(34) 5509(19) 4003(44) . 896008773 T1INAE E R (14)
196011725 IOSEF T "(46) 896007818 AMADHILA L P (38) - 896013380 KHOBSEB 1 3692() 3749(51)
I9II0111S4 AMUTYAKALA V (51) 896007838 AMULOW K T (46) 5509(41) 5146(21) . SENTRUM NOMMER: 1038
196011129 AMUTBNYAOM (59) 896007986 BKAKU S T (46) 896013601 NAKASHONAW 3692(32) 3749(09) KURSUSNTS4
19«111794 KAMPPLO I (43) , 896010059 IINKONO R N (53) 5146(30) 6214(23) 896006631 KATJARIUA A (36)
196011505 IIKALIWN (48) 896010802 SIDKONOO S (43) 896013602 KAMATI W 1 3692(41) 3749(36) SENTRUMICENTRE: 1010 ARANDIS 896006776 LABUSCHAONE 1 C A C (10)
196011634 NAOUMBO R (42) , 896007910 AMllTBNYAl A (46) 5146(45) 6214(37) 896007244 KAZUUKO A (15)
· 9OIiOll'68 IIIlIBLENOA B (40) 896007840 AMALUVU S N (51) 896013604 RBDDICT R F 3~92(4O) 3749(34) 896013657 AUKHUMBBIH 3617() 3653( ) 896006688 KAUAMI C R (24)
196011092 AMUNYOKO I (52) 896007833 AMAKUlSE S (40) 5146(78) 3398(70) 4567( ) 4567( ) . 896006879 TIAMBURO 1 (9)
196011998 MUI'OTASN (44) 896007861 AMUKUOU AN (45) 896013607 BAUER A K 3692 (58) 3749 (29) 896013665 CONTEB B 5152() 3653( )
19«112060 SHINDONOAA T (49) 896007974 AWBHB M ic (37) 5146(550 3398(47) 896013673 OUSBB II 6352() SENTRUM NOMMER: 1042
.96011938 MANDYOLO S (48) 896007962 ASHIPALAA (41) 896013610 BNOBLBRBCHT WOP 3692(36) 896013676 PHORIMME 3652()
196001196 MUTOTAS (410 896007828 AMAOULO H (43) 3749(330 5146(60) 3398(40) 896013669 MBARANDONOO 1 (~567( ) 896012378 KOMBUNOUK (34)
19«111959 SHIKBSHO H M (54) 896010076 IPANGBLWAK (47) 896013616 DBRBCKK K P 3575(50) 3692(44) 896012383 KAKUMAI L (30)
196011861 SHATUMBU R (30) 896010054 NANGOLOL T (47) 3749(48) 5146(61) SENTRUMICENTRE: 1051 BOLA 896012382 KUZAT1IKE R P (0)
196011812 SHAAVIKAL S (49) 896010046 INDONOO A (59) 896013618 PARTBNBACH H 0 3575(59)
19«111790 NBPANBB S S (370 896011342 UNOOVEHB P (53) 3692(50) 3749(48) 5146(67) 896013758 NDIALO N 6628( ) 2690( ) SENTRUM NQMMER: 1044
19«111984 SHIPPIKI 1 (53) 896010878 SHlNDAADHlIN (58) 896013620 KARABO B 3575(41) 36.92(21) 8960137S5 NOHlUEULBKUA F 5152( ) 2690(
19«111970 SIilKOMBA A N (44) 896010787 SIDKOMBU M M (56) 3749(43) 5146(55) 896007341 NELL 11 (15)
196011975 ALWl!ENl:ic> M A (420 896010700 KATHIMARP (51) 896013630 SHIPANOA 0 357'(57) 3692(30) SENTRUMICENTRE 1078 REHOBOTH 896007450 CROSS D (11)
196011054 AMUAALUA R (53) 896010864 KWIlDHlA T (40) 3749(34) 5146(40)
196011962 ABNBR P I (47) 896010881 SHlALDPLB H (60) 896013815 LOOTS 11 3398(28 3692(20) 896013276 lANUARIE L B 5521( ) 7306( ) SENTRUM NOMMER: 1052
19«111017 AMAKALII (34) 896007753 AKATI!INOO S (61) 896013625 DB BRUDNE H -1 1 3575.38)
19«111184 AMWBLBA (49) 896007936 ANKONOA L K (42) 3692(42) 3749(330 5146(52) SENTRUMICENTRE 1097 SWAKOPMUND 896007955 BKAKU H (28)
196011192 AMWBLBHI (44) ' 896007929 ANGULA S (49)
· 196012096 NANOOLOIt L (33) 896012399 HAMBALABM (49) SENTRUM NOMMER: 1097 896013686 HESTER H 1 4939(32) SENTRUMNOMMER: 1074
.96011151 AMUTHII'U R K (48) 896011147 THOMASAL (49) 896013689 HUGHES D 0 37S5( ) 5152( )
19«112079 NAMBOMBOLA S N (51) 896010860 SHIMBOMB 0 (46) 896013656 BBKKBR M P 3692() 3653(28) 4'67G4Q) 896008842 UABTUIIHB T K (18)
196011897 KOOKAY1 B N (55) 896007916 AMWAAMALN (45) 896013659 BOUOARD 0 5146() 4003( ) 896013697 lANuARIE C 3755(54)
196012941 SHIIMIL N 1 (46) 896010104 NANYBMBAA (49) 896013661 DE vn.uBRS S A 3692(36) 896013700 LOUW M C 3653( ) SENTRUM NOMMER: 1078
896011842 SHAPOPlTU (680 896010552 KANZlI '(56) 3749(60) 5146(42) 4003(41) 896013701 RHODB D T 4567( )
196012072 STBFANUS 0 (48) 896009957 NAKADHILU B (46) 896013655 MOLLER 1 4003(16) 896013704 'ROBERTS 1 3755(17) 5152(12) 896009072 BLOBMVC (14)
196012069 NAMBAMBII (48) 896009800 MHUULUT (43) 896013653 SAMBI S 0 3692(37) 3749(81) 4939(24) 3617(15) 896009145 ' BUSCH K 1 (38)
1*11934 IYAMBOBU (43) 896009742 MANIA F (51) 5146(65) 3398(53) 896013707 SCHIEFER 0 5203(4) 3755(47) 896009210 DROTSKY E (10)
896011573 IITHBTB K (42) 89«109702 HINAPlTO A M (42) 5152(42) 5239(23) . ·896009445 SAULSE A C (14)
896011557 nTA H (39) 896010527 KANYAMABN:.f (56) SENTRUM NOMMER: 2005 896009510 ZAAHL E 1 (38)
896011469 HASHBBLAA (52) 896010357 KADHlLAPNP (43) SENTRUM/CENTRE 2005 WINDHOEK 896009112 BEUK.ES P A (21 )
896011786 NBPBMBB B (44) 89«109912 IIPINOE K N (46) 896013313 ALMACIN C 0 3692( ) 3749( 896009206 DIEROAARDT V L (39)
896011817 SHAANIKA'r (37) 896010478 KANDBNOI! 1 K (49) 5146( ) 4003( ) 896013365 AUGUSTUS H R 5152( ) 4567( ) 896009305 lANUARY R A (31 )
8960il734 KAFULA L N (68) 896007915 AMWAALWASNN (49) 896013199 BBSSINGERPA 3575(13) 3749() 3413( ) 3059( ) 896009477 VAN RENSBURG C R (52) .
896008309 SHIIMBI H (43) 896007788 ALUTENI A E (37) 5146( ) 3511( ) • 896013375 BRUYNS A A 4567(17) 3059(12)
896008251 SHAANlKAIA (37) 896007966 ASHIPALAL (42) 896013322 BoCK D 3749(73) 5146(74) 4939(22) SENTRUM NOMMER: 1092
896008420 SHlVLO A P (46) 896010762 SlflGWEDHA S (48) 3611 (41) 4933(54) 896013419 BUCHERT U 5203(44) 3755(60)
196008194 MUNJCllNDIBO (40) 896010773 SHIKANSALA J M (50) 896013330 BOCK M 3692( ) 3749( ) 5146(48) 5152(92) 5239(61) 896007200 UANIVI P (27)
896008122 INOO PN (52) 896010773 SHIKANSALA 1 M (50) 4oo3() , 896013383. BUtS A 3059( ) 4939( ) 896007182 KAURIVIC (19)
896007699 AMUKWAYAI (33) 896011050 SHONOOLOA (48) . 896013332 BoHRlNGER R U 3692(56) 3749(60) 896013389 CLOETS H P 5239 (49)
896012071 vn.:HO E (41) 8960\ 0942 SHITALE"II P N (53) 5509(67) 5146(81 ) 8960\3392 DE WEE G N 3755( ) 4939( ) SENTRUM NOMMER: 1093
896012050 SHUUYA L (53) 896010884 SHINDO',r;! H C (48) 896013336 BOSCH A W 3575( ) 3749( ) 5146( 896013517 DU Torr M 3755(22) 3653(74)
896011837 NEWAKAL (44) 896009778 IlLEKA; i (43) ) 3611 ( ) 5152(45) 4567(20) 3860(32) 896009779 VOIGTS D (25)
896008977 HANOO I (49) 896013342 CHAMBERS 0 3692(39) 3749(22) 896018865 FlGAJI P S 5152( ) 4567( ) 3413(
SENTRUM NOMMER: 1052 896011 365 URINAS V N N (57) 5146(40) 4003(23) ) 3059( ) SENT RUM NOMMER : 1087
896010164. lAKOBUS T 1 (36) 896013343 CRUYS M E 3692(59) 5146(73) 896013528 HAESTER B 1 5152(42) 4567(31 )
896007820 AMADHILAR T P (44) 896010109 IYAMBO H (40) 3398(45) • 3413( ) 3059( ) . 896012859 TAlLLARD J (1)
8!M012853 NANUB,ES M M (6) 896006256 GAO-OASES e T (18) 896006660KA TnVENA I (24) 896(n!874 MARTINS J M (56) (50 W,P.M.) SENTRUM NOMMER: 1074
8!M012953 GQLIA TH J J (17) 896006750 KQMQNGONDO I U (34 ) .z,. - .- .. ~ ....
SENTRUM NOMMER: 1033 896006654 KATnUANJO A V (44)(35 W,P,M) SENTItUMNOMMER;' 0060 896(n!542 HAAKURIA B (21)
SENTRUM NOMMER: 2000 896006744 KAZUUKQ A!, (18) 89600!789 SQRQSES E (3)
896007579 COETZ~E Il (27) •• 896004984 UTAii'l! m) 896008744 QASEB I (40)
896007502 ooSTIlVJZEN A T(I) SE~R~ NOMMER: 1044 896008766 KQMAN P(23)
, i..s
8960091,94 BEUKES S M (14) SENTRUM NOMMER: 1034 SENTRUM NOMMER: ,,0028 896(n!514 GERTZ!! W (I)
896009282 V AN WYK 0 D (30) 896007296 MUNDJELE H (31)
896009429 LINKS R (5). , '896(n!025 MULLER H A (52) 896007366 ASHIPALA M (48r 896005107 SWARTBooIPZ(31) SENTRUM NOMMER: 1076 I
896009493 MAASDORP M (0) 89600!066 SCI!FFERS A (20) 896007407 SHITUU~ L N (27) 896005023 PLAArnE$. E (22) ,
8!11iOO9605 CQETZEE R (10) , ,j, 89600!098 SWARTZM (23)' ,;' 896007337 SAUERWEIN P (:25) 896005161 WINOSTAAN M M (12) , 896008521 · KAATAPI!HI'F (22)
8!11iOO9645 GILLE C P (2.4) 896008059 RQMAN M (36) , ' 896007370 NDAKA4\KA PN,f62)' 896004755 APRIL] (18) " , 8~473 GAOCHABA(~) "
896009670 ISAACs.-I (38) -, 896(n!068 SCijEFFI!~ M M (6) 896004783 BEUKES PM (IIi)
8!M0097 10 DU PLESSIS ,J! R (29) 896008118 VISSER M (41!) SENTRUM ~QMMER ; }05-4 " SENTRUMNOMME: '1078
896009859 JACQBS ,\ (0) SENTiluM .NOMMER: loS8
:.' .j, r. '.,

8!11iOO995O KISIDIQ K (15,- SENTRUMNOMM'ER: 1038 :." t'

896012445 A~UK;:V ~X!' ~ (1l ~ ' 896(n!956 VAN RooIR B (16)" ,<,
'f; r .-;' .
8!11iOO9083 ANDER$,oW .$ qS) ': C' c, " " 896005631 llLEKA J II (33) 896009189 DEKLERK C B (~) .
896009237 VAN STADENC (3&) , (1 '- B SENTRUM NO~M,:~R: I~S" ", 896006212 SJ:I1)<()i.'99.Elj,(IIJ )J 896009164 CLOETI!' O S,%26) ';,' ~ ,
8!11iOO9972 KooPMAN~nl,O) :, """" ' 1f' <. ~.·'. _·~~ · I 896006490 PUNDA N K (16) . • ..;;. -l' .~ .! ~'l' '"
sWARTZ"C} (4) ~'
. lJ
896009193 , SENTRUM NOMMER; 1,1l'!~"" M .b."~ " 8960121~2. IlP)NPE B..('\4}, ,,,,,,.. ; . f'h,',",' ,'. 89600(!~7Q :SH/iXA A t:I S.(411) " ,"I SENTRUM NOMMER: {OlIO
896009207 BEZUIQENIjO,VI: ~ JI (I~) ", 896012740 IIPlNGE S (38J .. . ' 896005627 HAMUKQNDA R H (1'1)
896009313 VAN WYK,LA (5)"" -' ,,:'," ," " 896OO!341 NAMv'SIl~,q6) '.,,~-~ :~'\. -' 8969I,~~GE~U;><>Rj NN:1O , " ',,'C' 8%OO~~ MAUt.1A I;J N,M 1~) , 896004912 NQLA J A (9)
8!11iOO9468 SC~UMAN E W(5) ,., w--:' !y, 896OO!418 XQABOB II. (13) 1',' • .,' ,.,,t' , ,. 896006116 KAMATIRM N (29) 896005116 LIRUNGA P (34)
STANyEY, 'f.a ~~I) " r -- "'t"'- 896004925 PlETER'W (I'ii" "~'~'-
GFpTZE 1-S (6) . ,~ "
DE VQSS RR (19) , . ",'
SENTRill1 ~?M.M~~:)lt4i ,"< :;,:~~.: SENTRm.;t ~Q~rM~!t: . 1~6 . , J" ,,;, 'r,'·'

896012647 NAi)!MLO.L{\H}'''' (~3O , , ' " ,

896q06~,77 NHINDA J ~ N (36) " .
896006491 SHIMBQDI! Jj S (36)
896006018 JESAYA E H (29),
8960052;30 ~HIK~A~~\~ (1.~ k:
896009671 DIERGAARD1;:¥ R (~9h, • '" ' 896007293 HAROINO "M C P(4~)' \ ~-~'-!~ . \"
8'160If7~ UTq!'t:t N' 1: ,; '; ~i,'_ ;; ,', '(fll>' 896005053, AI)ALA ,E,O(47) . ' SENTRIJM NOMMER : 1092 n " Y , • ,',
(. '. :r ., ~ ..
:~:;~~ ~!~~~~i6~)"
896009886 JARMAmi J!(32)
,;; iN ,
h"'" ,c'"< . SENTRUM NOMER~ 100li-lit". .," " . '/; - : -", ,>.,"; SENTRUM NQ¥,M,ER:, ~09~, ,'. 896007194 ~U~FE~~U ~~~),':;
8!11iOO9974 R
KOOPMAN C (is) " " "'. '
,896009163 BEUKE§,D E (38) ',' .· n .5""'1' , 896005484 HN.'I9l!LA;¥.(j 2j ,::< ""', 8~127~ IIYAM,BU 1.f'Sk2,2) , ;c"T i, "
8~32 ' s;,ZcHip '9s6)~'; -<.~ .~ ".;- -' SENTRUMNOMMER: ' i097 ':I,o
896009427 RQBYN C M D (48) SENTRuM NO¥~ER: 101~.-" , ,",I "'" , 8~Sti KAUI}}lVAU(2) . "
896008859 ZIMMER H !d'1(30) , :_',:,' " SENTRUM N.,OMr>fEU ;
~.r,p '{'
lo6o "\::: •;:.'-"
~ ,- ~.l" ~.b :~ r (~ ..... ":- 896009729PO'rGIETER L M (16) 896012941 D1ERGAAiUH RP(48) ,
! "
896OO!,m I;IAN~,EM. (45l &45 ,:.v, .I?,~.) 'c. '896012900 SHIVUTEE(7) , .' ,'c , ':;-:.
.. , _
, R:, 200,1,',: '" ' ';',if.';:",
". j \
- ", ", * ,~
896004942 KIST;llljH ~ \l <7) ' "~;. ' -", ,t, ,',' :. 896008624' K:.;m ANGO D '(4O)' '\ " ' " SENT~l%N9~R;~ lfo.: · t·
8~5~7c' 9.QN1;E~ J (31 ) ,' ~:},. ; SENTRUM NOMMER: 2'000",,0, ", .,
896008262 KAUAPrRuRA N(~) ; " ;,
'':':~, SENTRUM NOMMER:~rp~ .. 'f, '''. , , '(
, r~·1 '[ ; 'fi :/'''"" :}

MEYER G(16) ,
PUUAIt~E '0 (11), -., V" ,':"~
• \
896(n!470 CHRIsnAAN A(20) ,
t'" f " • • ....,. ~ _,~"-"-'''' , i SENTRUM~O~MER;}~,~;__ «, ':d;:~
~~', '~,J ~

, 896009623 DANMLS D J (73)

896009994 KUBERSKY Ii:E M (51) -,' 1-,.
896012755 TJIPETEKERA I (2J)" 896(n!704 ,NUNIb'Z9,1, (22). n ,,,.~:' 896Q08~6i rr.;E~MERRCU) ' ;-¥'-:': ',::: n (o"'" 896009104 BANDLOW 11 (7) ,"" "
: . . : . ,. ,.. :,i"' .•.. ., - . \\ .- ~, 1.' T' ,'11I~; C
896012794 TJAPAKA ~ (I~) ',', ,(I! '" 8960085OO ' OARAS'M (28) • 896007592 .SEEYER.I(76), ", ..... 896009589 CQElZEEE'(6)
896012679 SEDUTE W (8) SENTRUM iNO~ER~' IOtii";'" ""''',,'. 896007567 SCHNOROHOFERM J (21) 896009667 DIERGAAR[l't'1:t ~ (sf' " . ,'.,
896008020 BRQWN,s (5Ol~.:' " .. " ".. ,~ 'I': SENTRUM NOMJ\f"ER:,' lb7'ts" 'V. " jj ,J r 8960091~~ ~~'fR!\,uSS, A M, ~ (5») , I 896009697 · DIETUK '0 (28)
896001442 MUTJAVIKWA J (41) 896OO!Xii2'BWiM Vt'(~):· " ,(y" '".,' , 896009984 KRISHNAR (2) , 896009101 BAMpfuN lfM (44),' "
896(n!544 'OUVIER-C (53) ,,, :,:" " 89600!605 QXUR:UIi G 0 iw) '", ': 'X "', " " 896009180 ctoJ!T"E $,1 (41j,(3s ,wi M.)':": ~ 896009309 VAN NEEL J C (79) ' : <., ' :
896(n!305 ~PUAA(24k , ", -<-". ,'I' y/ . 896(n!627 , YP:,Pll.TE M (~) ,
~ ,...'.'~ ~-~. !..: ::f
89600931 I JOHR'M w'(li) ':' " " , ", ' SENTitOO NoMMER.:~:2!l!h ' ",'- 89(!OO!!313 VANWYKLA(4r -"
896009329 RICKERTS G (25) ,J ":' v ; • .f' ... : i.. ;
896009445' SAULSE A C' (16) ", J ,~'" ', -", 1, s..j'f:. .....
896009647' GQAGoSEB S L (IO)"J -,' ,'.
896012686 SHAPUMBAS (43) :, • ,;" .-;," SENTRUM NOMMER: 1078 896!10907,9 , BES,SI\I:UL(1~) , , "P ;'~(;'"", '8~~~; NAif~ MM i.) 896009671 DiERGAARDT M R (7)
896012790 TJAMBURQM (42) 896009ii4 FRl!YGANG-E W (i9) "',I 'h' - ,'; /!~()4~J)J!~IS~. (5~) ,.;
896012809U"I;R1PIRA~.E(31)t\r ~,"",;;\i,":J: 896009084 BRANDT T A (32) 8~~{ 1N'lJt-"X R,A$~
. ,,) .:'~', ;.. , "~ " '896(n!137 HAnlAMBQ E (~,3.) " "
896007~7 ~t!ANJBN.l,(AA ~55h· ", t', ;',; 896009422 PEDRQ &M (2), , ;"," ,; Pi· :,,',' ;.'.') 1~~77. , ':..M, ¥N~j)w.;q,,(: R' (~t(~~ ~96008211 ,ISREt\J. S k(!!O) ,-" "
896(n!286 KAUVEE M (62) 896009412 QUVIER J Y (34) w .p,M:) " ., , ...... t.:;~· ;~if:!"t. ;',:;.; .. ' '; 896007890 vAN RIDlSil~G Nl' (43).,. 896007739 SHIVUTI!'D' N(5SO";' ' ,,' ;, ,,. ,
896008490 NELJ(~) ," '" ,hi';:'!V,,:' 896009430 PLA1n':J'B:~26) ';' , · " 'i<i. ! ;,,~ '-'" 896007790 SIMQN '0 L L.(21) , . ' 896007766 SHUuYA BN(49) " ; '. ":",,~,,"
SENTRuiiNOMMER:"' iim' . : ;'<~H}i,-',
1!II5OO8222 KADHIKW A A (16) '9;601.2~7 , rnfiWl\N~~W~ , j
896007876 UPI '0 (16) ,
, '896P085~9 ' RobsIi M (47)'
- 896008276 KAUtCOLWA " J'iY(37), ! '; , <.:. '
IENTRUM NOMMER: 2003 \~)/ : i:-;:'r-" I ,~I 8!M00979O VQIGtS' D(;nr ;,t" Li'!, ·;, -', 896008342 MAR11N R (28)
.j., : 1"1,..).'
, ~~l~ . M,A~qqrr M S{35)
896(n!025 MULLER H A (52) 896009650 KARSI ENl1 w: ~ ~4jlH~;W;P.MJ " '896(n!028 COMAUE J A (73) 896OIUi5 ' RUTnNOOL 0(1-)'11 : . ' i/';-'
196006019 GAWA2~s"AL'(14) , . 896(n!066 SCHIlFFl!RSK(20),' " ; . 'IlT.' ' " 896009768 Tn.KENo.AD(ljll" ,;,;, " :; ,, ,:, . 8~090 ,GARISJ!B H,{54) .' 896012711 STEl'HN'll~.f (7) _
1!Hi006255 EISES J,(~f), " , v,,,,, , 89600!098 SWARTZ M (23) 896012346 SMITII J.!. (13.) .. , " "''I / " ,. , ,,' '896008175 HOCmRrIT'j()\ (42(), . 896012775 TnKA"RE 0 '(43)"" "'-" . ~. , -
1!Hi006291 MATONOOD(28), <'" < 896008059 RQMAN ,M( 36H f, .'" c, ,, ~ 896009539 EOUMI!c;> 'g ,L(36) :. ~"~~ ,;.,," 896pOO!I4li , ANOIl'LA' !l<~2)" , 896012782 TlBINYANI! W (32)
8!Hi006366 MBAI A (25) 896008068 SCHEFFI!RS M M (6) 8960078 10 SWARTZ JJ (38) . 896Oirrio3SHiFIDi1M(49j ,,'l; -' .,',,;
1!IIiOO6612 MSQMI ,L(lI) ' " :",,:' .',' 896008118 VISSER M (48) , 'if:;. ,",' SEI\'TRuM NOMUER;
'.'- '~.. "
'-' . \ ..1\
loih ... ,..;' "'"
~ . l."\( .lY'~· 89601~703 SHILONOQ ,E L(2) , ' 896007756 "S_HIwtUN '(41) . 'l
1!IIiOO6685 AKW AKE F (26) 896<112676 5ACHEun (8) , . " , 896007869 ' UUSII(U' R~N (38) • .-
1!Hi006906 BEKEBEKEA'(5) , "I ' '''", , . SENTR UM NOMMER.I038 ' , 896012864 VAN ~tq'~:?,Miph ',::,:'~: 8~~ , PIET~S; ~(~) , 896008166 tJIWIUP(;i'Ii I'\N (~j
, 1!IIiOO7184 KAIHIVAM (2) 1'. ,'"-/: '.,~"" •• '" .' ·.'\C~,,,.l. ~ 896(n!286 KAU'VEi! M M\35)
1!IIiOO7313 KAMBIRQNGQ S (2(l) " ,,, J '. 896006776 LABtJS'CHAONI! a:A;c.(32) • SENTRUM NOMMER: "IC19.? I'" . " , '; ,Ii, 'SENTRuM NOMME~:~~OO.:) , . .', 896012662 OCHS F (!~) ' \"', ~' , ,,':.,c
1!IIiOO7447 KHABEB N (21) 896012706 SflIPePl!'M N (18) "
196007872 KATUSUVA Y,(14) SEN'FRUM NOMMER: 1040 .. 'lC. 896007074 SMITH'O jq34j (3~ ~ .P"M,)" '; ' 8!11iOO7930 IHU~V!< SIC (1:1) , 896012772 TnLALl! F 1 (31)
196(n!291 HERMAN T (l5) ,
1!Hi006656~UHARU~VA vi (10) ,
8!Hi006341 GAOSES A E (29)
896OO!341 NAMUSEB'C'(6)
896(n!418 XOABUB R (15)
, -
896007142 KI$'rING W(25)"."
896007125 HANSI!AM(6S)(45.W,P,M.)
"I ;
8960071~ FLI!I!RMuYS,S(16) • r. ' ,'~: ~
, SENTRUM NOMMER: *" 896012810 UAHINDUAG (25)
896007813 SWAR'tt N 1'(3'1),
8!115OO8512 NICO~US"(} N (57) ,
1!Hi006831 AUCHAS R (27) 896(n!765 EGGERT, V (36) 896007644 MASILI! III (9)
896007700 KARAMATA T (36) SENTRUM NOMMER: 2000 896(n!895 FORTSCH I!' Ii '0 (39) 8!115OO8224 HASHIKUruVA M (7)
1!IIiOO7809 KATJlRUA I! (51) , SENTRUM NOMMER: 1041 896006583 MQLOTSI! P (41)
8!M012532 NASAB J (51)
1!II5OOti057 BaOIS M R (22)
196006279 HAKURIA A (64)
8!16OO7l93 HAROINO M C P (43) ,* .;,; : , ~. , ' 896009B46
KISTINO Jc (25)~
KUTZ T U (53) ~
WISKVDE.sG~·":1 '.. :' ,
~ . '(~ ~ (
896012592 NARIS 1 (12)
8!M012592 THHO I (17)
1Il&007965 JiYAMBoV(27)
196OO63ol1 MAVlINJONO B II (24) SENTRtlM NOMMEJl: 1_ 1!IIiOO7429 UEBBNBI!RO itt J (34) SENTRI,/M NQMM,~i" ': 198006215, BlSI!B M (36) " .
~ 'MI!RORO S (9) 1!*lO928.1 BRITZ B D j (35) -~- : ..... 1915006019 OAWACHAS A L(16)
1!IIIOO54U HANOUlAI! (11) lliiiOO9SfI MALETZXY, \' ttl (11) 896004890 .JNl)Q>{OO C; (0)" ,:- ' 196OO6l88 'HAMUKONDA A K (17)
19IiOO6636! MUBUCHlLI! P (4)
I9IiOO6703 MUJORO I! (23)
:,,' ·.'19IiOO6995 ' NAIMAS V (10) SENTRtlM NOMMIR: 1_ '"
~ DIlKLBUI:.M ,(8)
196OO9nl HUSSI!LMAN D C(31) SENTRtlM N..~Ei: ) . " 896006348 MAVI!NI<lNO'M (21)
89fiOO6124 ASHJKQTO J'D tI (26) ,
IMOO7lO3 KAJOVl C (13) 1!IeOO!lI63 JAHS O,D R (63) (SO W.P.M.) 8!11iOO7137 ~HIMISI! I! (27)
, 19600!J632 DA,VIDU ~ I! (13) 1!*105I19 KAl'iOUVI H(27) 896007251 KAMATOTOS(39) ,
1!IIiOO738I· KANANOURl! J (II) 196004942 'K1S11NOP I! (7)
8~ . MARTJ.I'!.S'DC(6I)
" ...m~3 KHARUXAS L(25) 896007411 -.8'ORANOI!A: M (14) (040 W,P.M.) 8960074n KHOI!-A08.H (27)
~9r4 HOWAI!S I! (19) SENTRUM NOMMU: 1074 , 196007534 R1!DI!UNOHUYSK(eo)(35W.P.M.) 8!16OO1013. ITl!MBU H (36)
1!M012591' TJBENYANI! A-,(l9) 196009499 'SNYI!R i M (17} 896005917 OAROEB it I (1) ,
196(n!~9 OUVwt M (37) 891i(101.41O CHRlS11AAl>!: A~) ' ,,",.";, 896OO!l605 .COETZI!E R (10) , 8!16OO1307HUAKAEZAPl1 H(~)
1!I6OOI704 MUNlAZO L (22) - 896009708 ISAAKS A 1950) (35 W,P.M,) I~ TJBINYAN!! 1.(6)
19fiOO6I24' ASHIKOTO J D H (35) I!MOI,2563 ,NUNUHEB 1 (1)" ' ., " .
•196001500 O~ M (21). . , 896009B59 JACOBS V I' (10)
' 1!IIiOO7453 KHARlGUS P (27) SENTRtJM NOMMU: -I0l~ 8!M012600 T1IPI!'I1!K~, D I! U,R,(25) .'
896007702 KARIAHUUA J (30) . . . _.C t '. • "", •
896009657 OROENEwALOCS (63)(SOW.P.M.) 8!16OO1339 HIMUUVIJ'!!,I (18) .-
, 196(n!153 KAliRI!Ho I! J (48) '. " S~Rr'JI!O~ER: 1~' _ " 896007155 KASITA 1 (18) , 8~7Q1 AMAptBLA:£.(36) , : :, :.
8!16OO1915 GLASS D (5) c '
.1!M012604 mZI!RA A U (~) 89Il009417 ROBYNCM D(61)(SOW.P.M.) 896006251 I!IXAS L(l'1) ,
- ;, 896008.605 OXURUB 0 D~) , 896009478 SCOTT 11(~)(3S W.P.M.) 8980062,94 FATA I! M (I,)· .. '
SENTR~ N~MMEJl: 1016
SENTRuM NOMMEJl: -lOM 8!!60086,27 TJIPU1l! M (9) , ,. 196OO!I63O OI!RTZ!! IS (11) 896006519 MIl!Zl!A-V(,(l1l . ' ~
89/i009486 STANDER S (11) 896006869 AWASEB R (29)
896005757 NGUPI,ND1ARA 1 (8)
1\l6oo8792 ERASMUS J A (17) SENTRUM NOMMER: 1071 896007502 OOSTIlUlZl!N A T (37) 896007236 KAUMBA HI (1) --
896012381 HIROKOHl!RUA R (54) 896009470 SCHtlMANN S M (21) , 896001376 KAMUSUVlSI!R(I)
'8!M012460 KA Vl!RUA D (47) 896009084 BRANDTT A (31) 81*109543 DU TOIT I! I (25) 896012561 NICODEMUS A T (4!1)
8!115OO8954 KORB W D (16) 896009422 P1!DRO ,C M (2)
896005535 MUHI!UA R (7~ SENTRUM ~OMMER: 20M
8!M012459 KA Vl!RUA D (10) 896009412 OUVIER 1 Y (34) SENTRUMNOMMER; 2001
,896009430 PLATT1B(26)
SENTRUM NOMMER 60 8ge008490 N1!L 1 E (26) 896OO!517
SENTRVM NOMMER:I01G 896(n!539 NTI!BI! P N (I) 896009801 DI! Jl!SUS'1 C F (3) 896008618 BI!ZUIDENHOOT F (19)
89r00489O lNDONOO C (0) 896010719 MATENGU B P (2) 896(n!787 I!RASMUS W (51)
896004949 RUYENDO 1 K (13) SENTRUM NOMMER: 2003 ', 896012614 NARm I! I! (5)
896011588 SIYUNDAM'(I)
STRAFPROSES EN BEWYSREG 896005309 HAMU11!NYA V (23) " 896010204 NTSETRULA T C (7) 896(n!671 BQTHA I! (52)
896006999 NAKATANA L(8) 896011320 MUUKE 1 N (I) .
SENTRUM NOMMER: 1094 896007885 HOVI!KA C(l1) XHOSA, SG
896011759 MWlSIYA L T.(I)
SENTRUM NOMMER: 1005 896007124 KAHI!VITIIA I! (11)
896004683 OCHURUB A (25) 896006754 AM'UNvI!LA B (13) SENTRUM NOMMER: 2000
8!11iOO7630 DII!RGAARDT 1 R (10) -"" 896007809 KATHRUA' E (15)
o SENTRUM NOMMER': 1097 896007~3 KHARIXAS L (9) , . 896011628 .KALONDA-B ii (5), 81*109391 ' PRUS~TM (56)
SENTRUM NOMMER: 1010 - 896012879 LI! RIcHl! j ~ (19) 896006685 AKIWAKI! F(13) 896011.670 UKANOO HK (50)
1!M012957 BI!ZUIi>BNHOUr P P C (19) 896006342 MAVI!N10NQ I! J (27) . -.' , ,,
8~ , KARUNQA1,(27) · I 'f'" 196006286. HAM,B~ ,!(15) SOOROM NOMMER: 1~
1~19I SruURMAN '0 (13)
, 196009611 CQWAN A (30) " . " ' ,
1!M012904 .niEARTC<;'(46) " C,'
896006126 PIRKSJ! M c~m '. , " 896012670;,QUBEKA '0(58) '
,8!11iOO7315 HOWAEB C (27) , 1960121lEO BooY,SE!" P (30)
89(J00807~' JASH S C (41" , . 896006310 ,HAOSEB R, (~>' ,
l!IIiOO7i1O NACBI!B H (27) 896006164 I!loOWAB S"(i9) '" " '.-"" 196OO!ISOII NANlfsEB E'(40) .-: SENTRUM NOM~ER: 2003"1
1!I6OO7l75, PETRUS T(41) , , 196006739 l\tUNGUNDAI! V (36) .896005601 ' HAS~9(19t
S~UM NOMMER:. " , ,'~ 1!I6OiIIo36 iACOBS.A (13)" ~
1!!II!OO?4o!O MWAMBW.-\: A M,(19) ', . . . . .- - 196012607 TOM UYANDA D (41'
11*109149 BI!RTOUNI C I! (26) .
" \
1960077&1 KA\1UNOA '(13) '. '
196006906 BEKEI'-E~ 1\(9) '
"," . i034 1960b6916 BERNARD BI! ~1)J,
• 1!M012586 SHUMANI! P l'! (~5) .
. SENTRtlM'NOMMEJl: ,.'1'6 ' Z 1~S40 ' CAROLUS'B S W (35), - ',.'
896006531 MO.\TSHE I\.M (I) " 19t.0crn09' ARIE F(2h <""" , , ";.." l'
;:, .. .
19Il005561 ClOAOOsEB M(22) . , ,( ~'l 8!16OO6l97 M,ATONOO Oll1t ', ". , '
,"-' 1!M013428 SCHONXI!N BP'~69( ) 370M( ')
a96iio6la7 GoWASES H (16) . \ ~~I- - ~.l: sOOlllM N~MM~~" i.13I; ' .... 5506()514~) .",";,"-.1 ' , '. '
, 1!*105I.l 1 SlUUSS M,O V (16) SENTRUM NOMMEJl: 1033
1960056~ UANI)'J C (18) ,
19Il00566& MAJJI!DT A M (IS) . ~ . 1!M013441: SOWDI!N Dr3619()27oM()S506()
196OOSI91 ~' C:J(22)
l!I6OO7eol VAN DERBYHL L (12) '
~ -. "A
S~"'UM .NOMMER: 21M ,
'; :=~!~~=p~~jK(27), '..
" S143(31) "
1!M013437 ,SOWBNF-B'.3 6I9n 370M() '''II(,)


SENTRllM NO)lMEJl:, 1~
", !I143() . " ,.
1!I6OOI991 KOTZI! MJ1R (56) (040 W.P.M.) SENTRtlM NOMMER: '1. '"
19Il00949 . STANQI!RF 1.3619( )5506( )
196013111 FROESI! H D(6I) ,' " 196001095 SWARrzAC?,(70),(o4OW.p~.) 89i1Oo17n DJ! BI!I!R 'c HJ 1 (37) l!MOl3492 'S,""USS 1,l37~) "

:=~: :O~!,B1\~)
196005544 DEwmF(~) 196007726 CLOETI!J I! (19) 8!16OO1634 BLAAUW CM(2?) , 89601348i mIART 'CM 5467(},
"j -. •
196007168 MINNll! C ~ 11) 896007~SO KAMUKUENY ANPJI! S (17) 8!M013266 THOMAS P 3746( )4406( ) 5143( )
IENTRUM NOMMER: 1021 8!16OO15~~ YU W A (43) 896co319 KURZ.I\H;C17) 896013173 TIUI!NDA 0 3572() 3689( ) 3746()
SENTRUM 'NOMMER: , 1036 896(g91~ GROBLER S M (37) 5143() •
19r004851 OOLlATHM F(17) 896(n!679 BONJHUYS T (65) (40 W,P.M,) SENTRUM NO~ER: 1",2 896013178 TIITUKA N T 3572(21) 3689( ) 1746(
196004945' McCALWM I! R (22) 8!115OO8651 DI! VIWERS L (35) 8!115OO8515 VAN TOND~ T(5O) ) 5143(51) '.
19i5004931 LOUW D M-(23) .- 896(n!796 WASKOW -C (39) 896(n!538 VON MOLTKI! A (47) 896012371 KAMBUNGU K ~) 81lE013435 TRUTER 0 136899) 3746( 0 5506()
896(n!658 GAROBS 1 '0 (45) (40W.P.M;) 896012453 KA VARI B N,!:>I (15) 896(n!875 TJJRQTOKI! M M (27) 5143(40) , '
IENTRUM NOMMER: 1030 896013282 UANOUTA 13689() 3746()
1!Hi006582 QUSES..J (1!) 3746( ),5359() 5143(89)
196006130 ADAMSB(16) 8!Hi006879 TJAMBWA 1 (11) 89600!925 MUBUSISI K Z (12) 896007344 HANDLEY W M (15) 896013430 VAN DERSCHYFFB H 3689() 3746(
'.---"~ --_.---- ·-----.,--- - ------·---"'_____,.....-..,u______ --._ __..

) 5S06( ) 5143(26) (68) 5149 (70) SENTRUMICENTRE 1~10 ARANDIS 896012707 SHONOOLO P] (38) SENTRUM NOMMER: 1014
19fi013425 VAN Dl!R WESTHUlZIlN L 3689( ) 896013065 VAN DIlRHOVl!NOR 3752(')3998
S746( ) 5452( ) 5143(13) () 896013669 MBARANDONOO] 5158 () SENTRUM NOMMER: 1003 8960083&6 OPPERMAND] (17)
196013476 VAN WYK P ] 3689( ) 3746( ) 896013066 VAN ROOY] 2717()2795()27~ 896013673 OUSIlB R R .3659 () 896008071 COIlTZIlIl N A (24)
5143(69) 2648( 0 (46) • 896006397 MBANGO (31) . .896008382 OOSTHUIZEN W P (25)
196013390 VAN WYK P ]3689() 3746() 2648( 896013071 VAN STADIlN T] 3695 (43) 3752 SENTRUMfCENTRE 1044 ORANJEMUND 896006716 MULYONOWIl LS (37)
o 5143( 35) . (52) 4006 (41) 5149 (69) ,.>. 896006731 AMBONDO P (39) SENTRUM NOMMER: 1016
196013797 VA ZYK A C 3~9( )3746( ) 55069 ) 896013087 WHITE P H L 5149 (27) 896013516 WIESE 0 T 7246 () 896006889 MUTOTA] (33)
51.3() . 896013518 FOURrn D 5245 (32) 896006954 MWIl1iJLUNDILA 0 (32) 896005588 IYAMBOS IlN (14)
196013386 VIlRWIlY T ] M36899 ) 3746( 0 SENTRUMfCENTRE 1051 BOLA 896013520 VALCARCIlLM ]7246 () 8~572 LWAANDAA T (11)
5S06( ) 5143(67) 896013522 HANOULA P T 7246 ( ) 896012579 KARUUDMBE U (34) SENTRUM NOMMER: 1020
19fi013296 VISSER H] 3689() 3746() 5S06( ) 896013751 ROBINSON K R 3578 9 )3752 () 896013523 VIUOIlN I! 7246 (77) 896012526 NAMUND]IlBO H (36)
5143(26) 896013524 SLINOER V 524S () 896012562 N]f\MBAU P M (36) . 896009798 CHUNOU I . (13)
19fi013384 WURST H H H 3571(71) 3689( ) SENTRUMICENTRE 1a78 REHOBOTH 896013525 MUASHIlKIlLll R B S 5245 (40) 896006515 MICHAIlLM (45) 896010074 KAMWIB S (24)
S746( ) 5143(S<l) 896006724 AMBOrn H (26) 896010498 MAHIlLA T M (22)
896013415 WlTBOOI C A 27rt () SENTRUMICENTRE 1051 BOLA 896006859 A VULA M (41) 89601OS80 · MAMIUM (22)
TEGNIESE SERTIFIKAAT: 896006924 MUULA .PN (33) 896011595 MUZlTI! A S (21)
SENTR~CENTREl"RUNDU 896013757 HIlITA D N 5158 () 896007322 KAMBO H K N (28) 896010999 SIMASIKU P (14)
N2TOTN6 896008189 HANGO Il (36) 896011280 SIMUSHI LM (22)
896013562 MUKIRIMS rt95()5149(42)2717 SENTRUMICENTRE 1a71 REHOBOTH 896010882 MWMLA P U (30) 896011358 MUMBANI! A (12)
KURSUSN2 (,13) 896012545 NIlKWAYARM (36) 896009730 BACKIlR U (40)
896013569 SIKOKAOM 279$ 05149(41)2717 896013276 ]ANUARII! L B 6304 ( ) 5209 ( ) 896012576 SHEIlHAMA P (32) 896009870 KMPALA B P (17)
UNTJlUM NOMMER: 1010 (64) . 896010879 MVULA 1 (43) 896010401 MAINOA <; N (19)
896013566 SINIMIl] H 2795 () 5149 (41) 2717 SENTRUMICENTRE l093TSUMEB 896008416 HOSHA 0 (38) 896010614 MASAKIl] S (24)
19fi013608 GOMUSAB L 3692 (25) 3749 (56) '(46) 89601'2581 SHILOMBOLllNIA (36) 896011479 MUTAUPI!S M ' (28)
(51"6 (5) 4003 (62) 896013396 BALKIlR 0 6295 (40)' 896007967 IMIlNIl A A (36) 896011243' MUITUMWAM L (35) .
19fi013612 HALOUDI T '3692 (12) 3749 (24) SENTRUMICENTRE 1093 TSUMEB 896013402 KALTI!zA B H 6304 (44) S24S () 896011288 MUKWATAM T (11)
5i"6 (23) 3398 (17) , 896009784 USURUA 0 C SENTRl,lM NOMMF;R: 2004 8!i60097rt BACKER A (9)
19fi013640 HALCiUDI M 3611 ( ) 896013394 BRUWER M 5149 (39) 896013818 FROESIl.H D (54)
" 1911013617 KlSTlNGM]37499)514606229( 896013630 SHIPANOA 0 5149 (16) 3578 (18) SENTRUMfCENTRE lCW7 SWAICOPMUND 896012509 KANYIlMBA LN (41)
) '- 896012463 KA vEZ1lMB1 M F (57) SENTRUM' NOMMER: 1021
196013622 NAIDOO DM 3749 () 5146 () SENTRUMfCENTRE 1097 SWAlCOPMUND 89601ml DU TOIT] A 5245 () 896012505 KANIlWI! M (30h
196013624 SHANKALA M 3749 (32) 5146 (33)' 896012388 IIYAMBOTT ("'-41 896OiM979 KISTlNO LS (26)
6229(41) 896013668 OARISIlB L 5248 (0 SENTRUMICENTRE 2005 AKADEMIE 896004909 'KlS11NO Il L (21)
196013629 ~Il05146(0 896013671 HUDSON W A 3578 () 3695 ('? 3752 SENTRUM NOMMER: 2G05 896004822 CIwERS]] (25)
1.13633 UUOWANOA T H 3692 (21) 5146 (36) 5.149 ( ) .896013760 BARRABALLO A 5158 (61)4726() 896004938 LQUW·D ·M (14)
(52) 3398 (28) 896013677 KLIlYIlNSTUl!BER L I! 3614 (rt) 3740(31) 5245 (SO) 896007327 UUOWANOA I! N (39) 896004871 HAROBIlB A (34 j" .,.
196013636 VANDER BYL W H 3692 924) 3749 3752 (46) 4936 ( ) 5149 (43) 896013760 BIlUKES L P 7246 (36) 896008929 MUKWIILONGO R (44)
(41) 5146 (40) , • 896013680 SMITH03614(44)3662()3752(56) 896013080 BOCKINO W 7246 (61) SENTRUM NOMMER: 1030
5149 (55) . 896013086 BRAAPPC 7246(41)3242(44) NORTHERN SOTHO SG
"SINnUM-NOMMER: 1020 -' 896013684 VANWYKPP 6226 ()?826 (65) 896013088 CUPIDO] 0 51589 )3740 () 4573 896006582 GUS IlS ] (34)
() . . SENTRUM NOMMER:. I097
"13357 MBANOAIlM3611 (37499)4~3 SENTRUMICENTRE 2G05 WINDHOEK 896013761 KOIlKI!MOIlR 1:1 B 3659 (31) SENTRUM NO~ERi 1034
()SI"6 () . 896013101 PHILANDERDR4726(6I)4573(2S) 896012884 MALl!Ml!LA M (57)
"1"53 SlMATMCL3749928) , 896013168 AZl!VIlOO AID C 3614918) 3662 896013105 STI!I!NKAMP] A 5185 (65) 3740 896008022 MC>TINOA N] (43)
IMDn352 SISAMUCS36119)3s7S(30)3749 (44) 3752(52) 5149 (43) (55) 5245 ( ) 4573 (33) . '96008061 SCHI!PPI!RS ~ M (2)
(34) 5146( ) . 896013179 BI!UKI!SR] rt08()rtI7(41)2795 3659(65) REKENINGKUNDEHG
() 5149 (30) ' . 196013107 STI!RLI!Y]C 5158(61)3242()~740 SENTRUM NOMMER: 1036
IIN'ftUM NOMMER: 1021 196013187 BLOM P 3401 (45) 369S (70) 3752 (56) 5245 (40) . SENTRUMNOMMER: 1 _,
(68) 5149 (65) 5512 (43) , 19601.3762 VILJOIlN C H 6304 (44)3740 (45) 8960081116- VIlRMMK 1 P (52)
. .134S7 ZONDAOA A W 3575 (28) 7403 ( ) 196013190 BRI!IID'I'D] 3614 (34) 3752 (39) 196013110 WI11l001 R A 5158 (41) 3740 (65) 896004649 KA TUUO AM (rt) 896008790 VON BIlNTHl!IM l! M (18)
_13341 HI!YDT V 3575 (,) - 4936 (63) 5149 (39) 3242 (47) 3659 (49)
896013069 BRBNDI!IL 1 6244 ( ) 896013276 ]ANUARII! L B 5209 0 6304 () SENTRUM NOMMER: 1014 SENTRUM NOMMER: UNO
"""m.t NOMMER:. 1«16 196013200 CLAASSI!N P 369S (45) 3752 (40)
19'003609. KATBTIlO M (19)
5149(32) ' . SENTRUM NOMMER: 1060, 896008317 KRUGER A (22)
. .13467 MUHAaljXUA 0 0 ~ 914) • 196013075 CLOI!TI! H D 369S (16) 3752 (21) 896008435 T1ERIVANOAR (34)
5149 (16) . . SENTRUM NOMMER: 105G
aHi'aUM NOMMER: I .... " 896013205 COI!TZBI! A P 3614 ('5'3662 (20) SENTRUM NOMMER: 1021
3752 (34) 5149 (39) . - 896006563 · OROBLIlR M C (57)
1tI013536 BIlNADIl W C '374U) 4003 (18) 896013077 DIl SCHMID~D 3695 <i 3752() 896005107 SWARTBOOII! (5)
896006761 ]ANSIl VAN VI!~ W 1 ~)
1tI013537 BI!Zumi!NHOtrr]] 4003 (21) 5149 () 5473 () .
1tI013539 KAHIKOPO A .I! 400'3 ( ) 896013213 PAILM 0 3401 (52) 3695 (69) 3752 SENTRUM NOMMER: lOll SENTRUM NOMMER: la71
_13090 PRIlTORJUS ,A ] N (5146 ( ) (67)5149 (53) 551~ (49)
19fi013S45 SINClAIR R 03575 () , 896013221' OLODITZSCH 0 3401 () 5512 ( ) 896005198 WI!ILAND W S (38) ' .. / ' , 896004685 HIlIT K R (0)
19fi013Q65 VANDER HOVER 0 R 400'3 ( ) 896013228 OORASI!B]] 3401 (2~) 3695 (56)
1.13554 W ANTIlNMI(1l ~,3692 (29) 5146 ( SENTRUMNOMMER: 1036 .~
3752 (35) 5149 (40) 5512 (11) SENTRUM NOMMER: 1a711
l7)4(lO3 (17) ,- . 896013078 OOUWS] W 7826 () .
896013081 GRASRI!IWI!R (] 5149 (31)" .' 896008803 ZAMUEIl (1) 896009463 SMITH I! 0 (1'9) i.
NASIOl'IALE 'EKSAMENS 896013232 HARMS, T M A .3614 (76) 3662 (83) 896009358 KLAZEN'" A (30) .
3752 (85) 4936 (89) 5149 (83) SENTRUM NOMMER: 1a71' 896009495 VANWYKMCAP (29) .,
TEGNIESESERTIFIKAAT: 896013236 HIlNGARI A .3752 ()5~49 () : ...1
, 896009422 PIlDR0 C M (0) ,
,rN,1 ;ti>T-Nt.
, .) ~ \.. ~"l.~' .'
896013218 FREDIlRICKS b R 361.4(14) 3662 896004717 ]AHANIKA PM K (32) 896009057 ALCOC~ H P (35) I
(07)355205149(iij . ;,', , 896004821 TBT]IlRUA T (28) ~ ~ i !" !

KURSUS N 3 -,:~'~ .,:,':.~ :':,': ::),>-'" 896013076 COIlTZIlIl L 1$~ (1~)J •. _. SENTRUM NOMMElli lilso ' ,. . . .
-_. r l.; H~N~1:i. jy;:.s'/!;),"r-<l 8960132Q8 COIl1Z1l1l B<;~.l ;(65) ,36!!5.'(.{9) SENTRUM NOMMER: 1a74 \ . ' 1t,·.... (,j\;/... ' :-'5. '}~~~'"

SENTRUMfCENTR,E;I~I". 4Rl\Nl>\i:_"!' 3752 (48) 5149 (38) 5512 (..oj 89600S475 IMMANOEL'W{d) ;;"; i:" " !,j.",,,
896013082, HINEiJOU f\ '55t'Z 0 '. t,," !, ii, ~'? 896008858 VAN DER WESTHUIZEN (16) 896004949 RUYENOOHC, (5)'!( / " "\"-r'
~r~j) i\o~ .1 :~. ~... :~~ .t .;. ,',' ...
~,.~,~ ~"~.f:'~!'~~~) . ";~~G
196013640~!J1.o!>IM:.'SJ8H.%IW ., " 89601'3083 ]ACOB F 55730 896012354 OOIMBINOUIl'T ' (Oj .:./.¥~
896013534 1OOS1'1l H J.4li56'(.) :;C k~ ",;·t SENTRUM NOMMER: 1a78 . 89600S420 PlIlN~'O it'«4S) :.. 1': ;<1(leOl~
, 19601~ ~.>J>lJl{A _S '-\'~369~;(~1) 4006 (57)
896013084 KAHlHA] V 3401 () 3752 () ., ." y ~"':.. . "./)i}.,:'t1,:; ..:
. . . . i-,'f~
1.13649 N~I,.],f·~@).37~~4n4OO6 (65)
896013241 KAMER:lKA A'1M6l'4'(28~'~ (60) 896008956 VAN ROOI R B (44) S~RUM NOMMER·:'i .'<I<{ , '~,,~,r,'
5149 (13) "\':. " , •. ' -'-" c.:, - 896009079, BI!SSER U J. (rn, " ..j WI" <-I'I'-
~~?N~;~~~g;~ ::·."·~~~;v:
1.13676 PHQltJl!1 !\i> 13.7~~.(~)'SI49() 3752 (74) 5~49 (60)
((; ,. .
("'. 1: i-~1t- . " 896013085 KANOlII'iHJiNIl:M:'36T4 (31)'36620{ )
5149 (43) ''''' ::. {' <- .;'iTli' -,i ,,<~~, "~:d SElliTRUM NOMMER: 1093 X S,·''0. '!f_. ,/896006117
~,." ~i ,~;~4i'~. ' _ 896013089 KATnRUAG 5149 (48) 5248 () SENTRUM NOMMER~' I09j p-" ;,: ,.. .''',
896009693 MURERER" (ny ; '. -~.~.~ ',~ t .• ,\;~'.
191\013353 SIMATA,o\ ,Q I?3ffl5 () 3752 0 5149 896013248 KAI1N'gPM '3401'(15 .3'6~- ( )3152 '" k :;,. -.. ..:, ,

896009566 . Gllb~~l!~S'~~~5~
055129·) ;, ·.,, " 1',;;,\" -' ~ - 'H (35) 5149 (28) 5512 (27) .
896013091 KAVARI .S'3695·O ' 3751'o- '·,· ,- SENTRUM NOMMER: 1097 ,; ' , .; ~"-'J.
19fi013366 SIUKu.r.M M·!l.6\4'() 4952 () 5149
. U ..' ' :i.r~·~< ;!" f<
896013993 KEE]A B 3401 () SENTRuMNO,MME~:- 1j.'!7 ~;·. ' ""'-""
• ENTR~~REI~&K~E1MANS~OOP 896013095 KERSTEN'tS407~H · i- I' n,.I;:. ", ~I ~ ',t "U:"I ' j\. J ,~. •

,.. J 1:>,. ,,~":"".J ~._ ( 896013251 KIRCHNER A 3401 (58) 3695 (68)
896012875 KRUO~R:I 9 ',(32)/ ·c••:., ''''. ' .
196013455 BIlCKIlR, W. R l6?5.,939),:l]52 () 3752 (69) 5149 (85) ", ';~", '·,.n _.' -': if" . I;
896012904 THIlARTCC\:I'(.3'9)' " .c. , ;<'
196013461 DU Pl;ESSIS C D' 3§l4 ( ) " 896013097 KISTlNGC 3752 () 5149 () 5512() 896012960 BOOYSIlNO'· (40r , ~ ., '-'-
196013463 VAt/ ZYbJ',13-752 (.) 5149 () 896013100 KOOPBR p . 366"2{ .) 3~S 0 '3752 ( ) 896008564 PlIlTIlRS L C5e.) \!,' ,.'
896012879 LE RICHE] S (19)
5149( ) 896000947 LINKS S '1l '(15) ~'. ,> .' < 896012957 BEZtrIDIlNHOUTP pt-(!b)
. ,I: .:.' (' 'l J-
SENTRUMfCENTRE 1030~~QRIXAS 896013252 -KREITZ'M369S()3752(27j . ',. 896007876 UPI G (9)
896013259 LOUWM] 3614(41)3662(64)3752 896007890 VAN ltllNSBURO N,-P (54) SENTRUM NOMMER: '2600 -
196013411, NARIB W 2!717 (Y" (68) 5149 (SO) ('. ,;, " ,:1',. ,'r " 896008175
ROOSB· K'M ' (6}) -". : -',' ,
'1) r'.1

196013412 R1!UTI!R P i666 ()27~ () 2717 () . 896013391 MALIlTZKY S S 3695 ( 0 3752 ( ) 89600-7425 UI!liIlNBERG-A W(16),
5146() - .,. ,. '," , 896012799 TJAVANGAO (22)" "" .... -;>' 896007646 STRYDOM A P. (39) ' .",
SENTRUMfCENTRE 't038 tiKAKARARA 896013102 MARIlNOA W 369S () 896008090 OARISES' H (SO), ':' 'til ," 896009115 BASSON '~18) ', -' -, "
8,96013103 MouToN iA P :340i 0 "', ,",'. 896007683 SHANGULA S (28) ; i"" 896009201 ' BIlZUIDIlNHOUT A T (12)
196013643 KATJ0i19 A 3;752.,(46) 6244 (34) 896013404 MUUKQA TT3695 (35) 3752 (!8) 896009218 VANWYKLM (47) '
5149 (29) ,- " h': '. . , 896013263 NAMBIMBO S'N'3614 (20)'3662 (29) SENTRUM NOMMERi 1001 I:' 896009393 RAYNARD A T (13)
1.13631 DUTOITW~i(8... 3752(58)5149(44) '\" "':"'" " 896009490 SMITH 'B B (21) - .-· ..'N
89600183 GXl\BUZA 'T'Fr (20) I/j ,
896013104 ~AMWIlt-\ D' 3iIol (3'3) 37S2' (30) 896009648 DIl VlLUIlRS W L (15)
-.':"r•• ·'
5149 (16) 5512 (io) .\ ,-.. ':, . -," ,~" .' 896001917 HONGONIlKWA 'E (13) . "("c>, 896007642 ·S11tAOSS·F (14j" ; ,; ... '
.... f.'" 896013280 NGARIiHMO :h5~ ( ) 5.(4 9 <'),' 896007592 SEEGIlR I (SO) 896007483 NIlL L r (26)
SENTRUMfCENTRE 1044 OIlANJEMuND 896013285 OUVIFR W'6 'A 5149 () ssiz (.) 896001836 KAUPUKW A H (16) ,- j ;
896001987 KATlJP9S\lT q.7)
896008817 VRIES C Il (24)
, f' ~: .! ;~" l 896013106 OPPERMAN] 0] 5149 (, ) 896009136 BASSONVI- '(21)-'""""
196013031 ALEXANDIlR M U578 (17) 3695 896013288 PlIlNMR'M ' ji,Io'i' (60)' 3695 (60) 896009287 BRiTZM (45)
(21)3752 (29) 5149 (67-) c-' " "" , 3752 (61) 5149 (49.) _ . , SE~RUM NOM~EI!-: 1~l!?3 ." ,,: f • ,7. 896009324 VAN WYK P e· (39) ' ,"
1.13032 AMADHILAS S P 3401 (41) 3695 896013292 PRITZI!N;~!P 3491'(04) 3695"'(58) 896009461 LOUW Il Il (17)
(51) 3752 (30) 5149. (4~) _ .f.!' . 3752(31) 5149 '(28)" ",f" ' re'-·." 896006102 DAYIQS!! (9) ; ,. ' ., '" _".~ 896009600 FRANSMAN S (43)' S'
196013033 AMIAM 3752(28) 896013297 ROVS.~.i!AIJII..C~1 (~3~ ~9.~(P) 8~~, ~"'t4~J-,It (i4) -', "I':""''': 896009658 DICKSON F S (28)
196013035 AMIA Pi 34(U ' (~71,369S(6O) 3752 3752 (57) 5149 (S4y .-n '. " ( , ••. . , ~ , ... . 896012435 KAPINYANo\P1., (1.+) , ;'" ~:! -896009S65 IlNOI!l;BRECIf.!'K P (34.) .t .
896007259 KAMBAEKUA.ll.MN ,(29) ,:' ~ '.:~~' ",1i ~.,tL... ~. "'J:_it'.::=o;
(67) '149 (63) . , '-0\ ," , . _", ~."... • ... . , •
5512 (44)
1.13036 BlleTS'GIl ~~n-O 5149;()· 896013356 RUN~<;~.$ ~1,:t:37~2,(0 ~~'" 896006788 AO~IJ~M''r;'(~) ; ". ;;'=\'~ SENTRUM NOMMER·:,.200'i', . ,3' " ••'
896007644 MASITIl Il I '(27) ...... - -, ~
1.13092 CLOIlTIl S A 3578 (19) 3695 (54) 896013303 SANoe~(t~ '~2",<r9) j752 (+.4)
31'1(41)5149(46)\''0 1., .'I ·H~'- n.,';·'_ , 896013305 SAWvERS' 'CW' 3695 '9'1 3752( ) 896007813 SWAR1z.WI : t~) ·, .:,l' .~ -<_;-
1.13094. Q8~WlRU;,I}-36~ (,22) ~~~(59)
S.A. STRAF"REG' St;" '~ ...n - ·. li 89601266S "PAULUS, H1(31Iy..l.''''i -",,-\'lO'," ~
4006 (~) 5.~9('/0) ·, Y'LVC!W ~1!~"I~';' ~~IV108 scilii1Bj{i..~,tt.w {4!1l6f,'l""
1.13096 DIlMUIlNDA]] 3401 ( ) 896013307 SHAGAt.tA~] N:~t4 (¥>),3~.(,lIO) SENTRUM N()MMER'~~.tOo6O;" :', ,.·{\1</';1,.1 SENTRUM NdMMEaf t003" '(, R';~ , . '.'~'
, 196013044<i!Hll>lIM~~,~~ (21)-369-\(30) 3752 (69) 5149 (64) ,
: "' ~r~ .,;vi' ; 896006135 GOAOOSE8'R;l(-I2} ".,,{ ,'- '!:'>""
:::~~~ ~~~!~~~~la~n~~»)~52
"'1(19)5149(49) 896004942 KA VIROMBO N V K (9)
~,;'.v,~ 1.1~ \~ , :':r~;,.. " .,,: .p.t;' 1r t / ::,t . 896006692 i MUIN1o'MS '('I-5f '" -::iI'>",.. -.'!!.Ij-, .
.. ·· ..9601~, HONBB!! ;'~1~(;) 51~, () , ".i,"
196013047 HUSSELMAN S] ~',(<IQ)~149 (66)5149(4~) i , r o n " '" " if,> SF;NTRUM NOMMER: 1005 896007660 MAlTl!SI:J>A- '(~~N'~ . ~'. ,.;.Y~i
896013323 ' Troffi~U~, .1!-:"3~~(+i) i1$.'iQ5)
... t'; f: 'r' 'd~ ,{'~!.J:'Iij1f !.t>'. ~;~~r
>(59) 3695'~2l»)31S:l·(S2)": _"'''~;:'~'''''c-:" 896008142 KXBUWAN-WA-B~N ' (28).~,
196013049 ]ACOBS R D 3695 (30) 3752:(62) 5149 (42) ' . . 896007630 DIIlRGAARDT 1 R (6) 896012599 TJINAl! B ] (47) - _
4006 (40);5149'(82) ·', ,;,,-';,V:!',} "-'",_.; .. 896013111 TJ¥1VI~Q;~,~.~t'·() '¥6~~(5Q),~, 896006776 NI\OsEg;j: ¥r !(.f.'" '''~ \~ t" -"'? 896006355 GA1US'EB'~·'!t9.4~',· "".:;';~"'-i'ii'
196013051 J~SI!l'!j:CP;·, ~(8') 3152 (55) 896013329 UIRABB 361403662(19)3752(34) 896006835 ]AFTHA C] (40)
5149 (40) ~17. ,(26)-,: __ " .c,; a;' ./;. 5149 (28) .>:$ \ ~ t :}).: _"-;'J!I.~ o...;;:-'2~·' r.. ~G,
SENTR-t:J~fNaMMER:) I&t8'~;';, ·J'IM , f 896012542 NDIMUIlDI ],P'. ("," •• "';'- .,\",-.;
. ~ ;. :; ;a,~' .;'"'f~' :; ~ ~.
. ,8960 t30S3 ,K,AVll'M N\ )4Q! tl ~1>S2 ( ) 5149 ( 896013113 V~~09~ b;87.26('\Ilt/r'~ : (i.~. , 'T .\'t!.... f)~ .. . t-";",O'!",.o,,:ii.t:::' ...

19601305Y -lUIY<itl.A·H t~O · ... ,'_. 896013114 VAN SC>%1A'~;'tK, O. 31~2A ~:l906 896007691 ELLIS F] (39i' .,;;,' -;j.: ''''J SENTRUM NOMMER: 1004
896013056 LAUBSCHIlR M ] 3695 (67) 3752 896013331 VANWYKDG 3614()3662(03752 . 8960046S7 MBUIlNDE EBSON P (35)
,'(87) .4 006 (74),sI49,(6!I} ,","'1 ' ,~,. () 5149 () ;:-" :Jj'i'; :,-,:r.!', ,.' ... ,:. 896009135 m1IlNDAcO'V' «45)' ",', Hi ,.";', 896008S24 VIS$I!R A F (38) . .
896013057 UlLII! L 3752 (97) 524~ () 896013116 VAN ZYL 11 A 3695()5149() 896008695 CILUERS -W- (38)." E ~I".~, "'t
896013059' MUBTY'OOIB;A N,,3695_0 5149 ( 0 896013333 VE~~~,~ ,}ftl+, (29)· 3l.!>*,(47) SENTRUM NOMMtR,Jt'oio':" I ~ >c~'~ 896012614 '.NARIB B'E' ·(.14J;' ,.;- .~ ,: '"
." . 'I '!.... ., ""::t "'';5
896013060 NANGOLO B B 3695 (35)5149 () 4936 (SO) 5149 , ~30) -, " r ..\., 896008529 VISSIlR!1'(24V ':, ";;\:"~')':'
896013541' 'J'J'TERS !;;lR . 5149 0 .:::~,"' 896013334 VICrOR 13752 () 5149 () -' 896007275 PIlTRUS! (42;":' '" 896008748 DE WAAL M 1 (36) .
8960130902PRE1'ORIIlS.A IoN 51'46,() 5248 () 896013338 XO,-\qUB R 36.14 (46) .m2.p5) 896007170 NAOBIlB H (9) 8960089SO JONES L "(0)- ... , .•••.1" " ,- ', __
896013062 RITTMANN-C .. 3401 (,)-3695(63) 4936 (64) 5149 (47) 896007232 HARASBS'F r(,li) ,'- . ' .,
·3752 (58) 27.58(13),--".- . J •... '~.:' 896007132 UISIlB A (38) SENTRUM NOMMER: IllSo"c· ~
896013063 SMIT C ] 3578 '(40) 3695 (89) 3752 KURSUS NTS' 6' JP':". .' , t-, \ .j "',
'14 MOnday Februaty 5 1990 ." .
, ('

IJIOCM9m SHAPWA GAS .(32) 896005eoo SHANOOMB!! N R (2)

, SOUTHERN SESOTHO' s<f . •~ 'Hirut.A j (22) ' ,
' . .SENTRlJMN()MMD"fI . '

196013. USULOG L (2) ,

8In'itlM NOMMla; 2113'
. .... .<
8!111On:W M11ICINAi' (ll >

~12 MSOMI L (~) 1!III011421 MUSClMI B,M (6)

MOO6611 .,UUlMYAH 0' (26) -ilN'ntlM NOMMD: ... .
_~G ' ~~....'
I ' " GROBUIIl .. C (J2)
, ADAMS. (»
. '<. .'

I~ ~U~,~ (12) . 1tIIG0611O

-"'~NoMMa; ...' , .

smntI,MNOMMa: I.. <

..~"IIUSN1.'C (62)(40 ......)
l~n6Sl ' AMuaoro Ii (21) . . . .m~KW~T ... (7)
-.rn~NOJPID: .-
........ UANcnJrA VV(SD)(40' ......)
_12655 IWATUAZ' (1')
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,~,"'1' •

8~S !lPJ T ~IS), .' . , . . , . . . CIlQU D (6)

~11 '~"(17) ,. ~ ~tmJl.Vt (7)

~:.lirra'" No.D.ia:~ ....

HNum. .....i ....,· -. '~~DJ(.) .
- ' _ JIITVI.I\ H 1'1 ,(1) .
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, ~ DU ........ J (SI)(4s.;;....)
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. . . , . MUsIMaA 1.("')"
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,',~ ,··~ =~JC~~ . " ;, ~~ ItAKClaOUK. (19) .;t . " • •- . ...

" ,
....s1'JO .....,vI0A HN (29)
). ' -I .. , " ,'"
~tlMNOMMa: 1_ ' :19IiI!1- c::OcK,! i Mil( )
S&NTIuM~': .... OIANJDltlND
1¥ETTEREGSG . ~111 ..UilorOOPH (2S)
~tlMNOMMD; 1_
" !IIIOI'" .mVUTlS Sl.3c ) .
IIN'QltlM~: ..
SENTItlM NoMMD: 1.1 lOLA '.
i9I!OO4~ .lasTING P a (22) 19IIOO9S16 ~ aL (34)
'19601ma' AMMMBO R 2702() 2111(38) '
896013730 AMBATAMN W9()3746()S506(
,'" 1960076,43 DOIJ'F LB (II) , 1!IiiOO4683 OCHURUB A (2'7) ) SI43() , •

. IENTRtlM NOMMER: 1 _ SENTRUM NOMMER: 1'" 196013741 AMUWNOU . S 3689( ) 3746( )

196012174 AMUPADffi F 2702( ) 2711(50)
.9fi0046S1 KAUAAKA S (51) 896004621 GAUlSES 1(25) 7903() 5143() 5350(43) '.
196007691 aLLIS F J (82) 896013737 CffiYOVO J A W9() 3746() 5143( 896013650 DlEROAARDT J Q 6181() , . 896013276 JANUARIE L B 5242()
1960046S7 MBUENDE E P (46) SENTRUM NOMMER: 1097 ) 5350(43) 896013647 HoiIB R,~ 3746( )SS06( ) 5143(44)
19fi0090S4 KAZEKONJ)JO M R (23) 896013718 DA COSTA J W9() 3746() 53SO() SENTRUM: 1097 SWAKOPMUND
896012879 LE RICHE J S (23) 896013715. HAMUNJELA J P 2711( ) SENTRUM NOMMER: 2005 AKADEMIE
IENTRUM NOMMER: 1010 896012904 THEARTCC (38) , 896013729 lNDONGO M P 2702( ) 2711(58) 896013697 JANUARIE C 5155(33) 3620(11)
896012957 BEZUlDENHOUT P P C (40) 7903( )5143( ) 896013485 ' ADAMS D W9() 5506() 5143() 4942(33)
8~ KARUNOA J (22) 896012967 DE VlLUERSLA (21) ! 896013698 KAMATIA3689() 374«) 5143() 896013166 ALEX 1I W W9() 3746( ) 5506() 896013717 GUNZEL W F 5242()
896007275 PETRUS T (45) 896012903 SWANEpOEL S P (49) 5143(61) . 896013719 NELJ J 5155(37)3656(55)3737(41)
896013731 KANlME P 3689( ) 3746( ) 5506(
896007371 TSHAPUMBA P (26) 896012942 DU TOrr A E (40) 896013195 AUCHAB F H 3689() 3746( ) 5506( 4570() . C
) 5143( )
896007471 MAKAMBANYANE A (38) 896012960 BOOYSEN 0 (38) 896013741 KAPlYAPT 3689( ) 3746() 5506( ) 5143(38) 896013720 VAN ES EM 5155(77) 5242(23).
896007238 OAWANAS M (18) ) 5143( ) 896013462 BARNARDL 3689()3746()5452() 5206(78) 7243(48)
896007345 JOEL E (22) SENTRUM NOMMER: 2000 ' - 5143() .
896013725 MPAAKELENU E 3746()
896007440 MWAMBWAAM (38) 896013735 NEKWIYUM 53SO( ) 896013199 .BESSINOER F A 3572() 3689( ) ' SENTRUM: 2005 WINDHOEK (AKADEMIE)
896007552 GAU-OOAS A (70) 896007421 LE ROUX S M (68) 896013723 ZNIBANDI! P J 3689( ) 3746( ) 3746( ) 5143()
896007483 NEL L J (7) 5506( ) 5143( ) 896013453 BOSMAN A R 3689() 3746( ) 5506( 896013128 ADAMS JS 3656()
SENTRUM NOMMER: 1014 896009099 BAM M (26) )5143(59) . 896013029 BEKKER J D S 5155(21) 5206(64)
896013739 USWANlSORNL 3689( ) 3746()
896009168 BEUKES 0 J (31)· 5506( ) 5143( ) 896013473 BOTMA 0 3746() 5506() 5143(65) 5242(22) 7243(16) •
8~071 COE'IZEEN (27) 896009241 VANROOYENFC (61) 896013726 MAKlUA 3689( ) 3746() 5143( ) 896013209 CLOETE PW 3689( ) 3746( ) 53SO() 896013133 BEUKES 0 3737(15)
'. 8~386 OPPERMAN D J (11) . 896009317 JAHRE P J (46) 5350(28) ,
5143() . . , 896013138 BEUKES WD 3737(06)
896008382 OOSTHUIZEN,W P (30) 896009370 PlLANDER F (62) 896013742 MBANDEKAHW 2702() 2711(36) 896013214 DE JAGER J C 3746() 5143( ) 896013383 BUlS A 4942() 3059()
8~401 PLAATllEAM (48) ' 896009399' RHODES (19) 5143( ) 2648( )
896013450 DU TOrr J 3689() 3746() 5506( ) 896013043 HACKER R 5155(66)
896009557 CLOETE J (28) 896013736 MBANGU F K 3689() 3746() 5506( 5143(39) 5206(61)5242(50) 7243( )
SENTRUM NOMMER: 1018 896009586 COETZEE D C 38 896013471 GROBLERR 3689()3746() 5452() 896013145 HENN F J P 5206()
)5f43( )
&96007425 UEBENBERG A W (22) . 896013733 .MUYUNDA P S 2702() 271,1(21) 5143(35) 896013050 KAANGUNDUE L 3656()
8~9 SCHOLTZ L (77) 896008840 WA TERBOER B' (38) 5143( ) 2648() . , ' 896013468 HANEKOM N J 3689( ) 3746( ) 5506( 896013052 KAKE J c' 5206()
896()()7522 KAFFER A (41) 896009125 BASSON M J (10) 896013734 NAMBAMBI A 2702() 2711(44) )5143(45) , 896013054 MOILER P A 5155() 3737(16)
896009201 BEZUIDENHOUT kT (23) 5143() 2648() 896013479 HANOERO B 3689() 5506() 5143 4570(3~)
SENTRUM NOMMER; 1020 8960092S4 VANWYKA (17) ! 89(001922 HUlSEB A 3689() 3746( ) 5si>6( ) 896013151 MUASHEKELEIN 5IS5(21) 2675( )
896013724 NGHATANGA F 3689() 3746( ) 5143() ' ,
896009327 VERMAAK J J .(15) , , 5143() 53SO( ) , 2693(18)
. -'96013818 FROESE H D (64) 896009385 POOISHO M (30) 896013732 NOHEDE J H 3689( ) 3746( ) 5506() 8!l6OI1!488 IYAMB<;l P , SI43() 896013160 SlEG ·BK 4723() .
' 896010498MAHELA T (30) 896009490 SMITH B'B (27) , 5143() 8960 13495 JANUARlE N L 3689( ) 3746( ) 5350( 896013174 VAN RHYN W A. S155()
896010614MASAKA J S (17) 896009567 Cl:.OETEIM "{46) . : ( ) 5143(28) ' . . 896013180 VIUOEN H'J 5206(18) 3737(11)
896013744 NGHlUEUlEKUA E N 2702()
896011280SlMUSHI L M (26) 89f)009611 COWAN A (40) , . 896013426 JONICF F S 7903( p689() 3746() 896013184 WE1:LSEJ ~T()()~570
, 2711(41) 7903() 5143(92) ~ 5143(13)' . . ",..' ",
"-'896011479 MUTAUFE S (18 896012880 POKOLO T K 2702() 5143() 2648 896013197 WILliAMS'" 5 r5S()S206()
8~944 NAUSA F (29) SENTRuM NOMMER:2001 :, 896013223 KAPU~ENE W 3572(34) 3689( ) 896013529 Hl'UMBODI S N SI55() 3737( -)
896013722 SHILONOO H 2702() 2711(13)
' 896010508 MAINOA C (23) ' 3746( ) 5143(45) 5206(20) 5242( ) ,- "
5143( ) 2648()
896011243 MUlTUMWAML (38) 896007671 SHAI\NlKA E F E (29) ' 896013481 KA TIONDOROZU D 3689( )5506( ) 896013540 KATJERUNOU 1 K 5155(23) 3737()
( 89(;011358 MUMBONE A (19) 896009333 SCHRODER C C (30) , .'5143(17) . " . /. , 5206(32) 524i( ) ' ";.' ·C·
896013227' KATJlNAANI EF ·374,6( ) 5146( ) 896013407 ,"KRUOER H}V 5242() 7243(86)
SENTRUM NOMMER; 1028 SENTRUM NOMMER: 2003 896013675 ASEB F 3689(80) 3746( ) 5506(56) - 51"3(37) 3572(21) 896013045 HUSSELMAN H J 5155() 36S6( )
5143(58) 896013432 KAUMUSEB M 5143() 3737() 4570(61) .e
896004871 HAROBEB A (56X . 896005991 GAROES M (41) 896013658 HAMUTENTA 3689(44) 3746( ) "89603230 WFTIE-EA TON S '3689( )3746(-) . 896013048 JEZURURU A U 5155() 5206( )
896004957 KANDJELLA G (24) 896006355 GAR1SES J (38) ~. 5506(21) 5143(70) . , 5506( ) 5143(25) , 5242( ) 3737( )
~ 896004938 LOUW D M (24) 896007213 KAKEROM (24) 896013699 HAMUTENYAR:S 3689(43)3749()
896004000 JACOBS M (29) 896007596 MAKONO M Z (19) 5506(20) 5143(61)
896005003 PIETERS D J (1D) 8960080321ZAAKS J J (38) . 896013662 HAUSIKU A M 3689(65) 5506(51)


896(Q178 HAMAKUAJA M K 27 '.
896006043 BOH1TILE M (77)
896013663 IGNATIUS ·J N 2702() 2711(40)
The Namibian once again
896007195 KAlZEMIA(24) 7903( ) 5143(65)
URlR;J (26)
GAU' GOAS S (21)
896007~5 MAGAUE N A (45)
896007660 MA TESU A (34)
896013687 KAPANOA J M 2702() 2711(31)
7903( ) 5143(29)
apologise for not being able to
U1RAS E (10)
A WASEB S (26)
896008377 HOCHOBEB I T (31)
896009395 BOBIDE T (22)
896012549 NGAlRO E U (0)
896013679 KASANGA J H 3689() 3746( )
5506(38) 5143(72)
896013694 KASHlLA A N 2702() 2711(31)
publish the full results of the
896012601 TRPETEKERA F (1D)
896012414 KAUTJA J (23)
7903( ) 5143(39)
896013692 KAVANGA J N 3689(40) 3746()
part-time matric ~tudents of
896012568 OTTO A (30) 5506(08) 5143(20)
896(Q022. MOTlNGA N (22)
8~066 . SCHEFFERS AP (56)
896008084 JAZAMAB (54) 896013683 UVINOI J 2702() 2711( )7903( ')
5143( )
1989 in Friday's paper. We

896(Q545 WESSELS H J ,(26)

896013703 MATAMU J H 2702() 2711(3~)
7903( ) 5143( ) know the anxiety and tension
su,r rounding a long wa~_t ,for
896013651 MUHETO F W 3689(59) 3746( )
896(Q796 WASKOWC (43) _ 8.96012639 TRPETEKERA E U (13) , 55(6915) 5143(70)
896008928 HARTEVELD V B (15) 896013714 MUNENE C 2702() 2711(59) 7903(
SENT,UM NOMMER: 1038 ) 5143(73)

896006616 KANAETE E (45)

SENTRUM NOMMER: 2005 896013660 MISHONGO P H 36899460 3746( )
5506(14) 5143(23)
.' results as important a's these!
896006897 TnKUERE E (40) 896008991 NDIMUEDI H N (27) 896013709 NAlRENGE A N 3689() 5506(29)
5143(77j But on these pages today we
SEN'f~UM NOMMER: 1040 WISKUNDE HG 896013706 NDUMBA S 3689(22) 3746( )

89601is34i NANUSEB C (22) SENTRUM NOMMER: 1014

5506(12) 5143(51)
896013685 NEROMBA L S 2702() 2771(47)
give YQU the last names, and all
7903( ) 5143(79)
SENTRUM NOMMER: 1042 896008320 MOKALENG H P (4) 896013713 NGUNDA G 2702() 2711 (47)7903(
) 5143(68)
the results are now complete.
896012387 MATE W (68) " SENTRUM NOMMER: 1016 896013690 NSAMBA J L 3689(25) 3746( )
,~ __........._-InM~~~~JftL~MAIBIMAM 3M" oeet a V1B~de:; v~i;ltl\lM &t.~
- RctJlrMIBIAN - Monday February 5 1990 15 .
;; ,

17hS8: Programrooster denQ,stl Andrew..dinds hisllrupc:r-powers-

18hOO: Weet JY" Niif'-~""~:'~~ ': ~,,,,,.r-?l" are gone, aridlh'e Hiust'tJiif'tJltfamali"
18hOS: Pound ~ppie6.'" ....~t ·il! ,,,,,'1',;,,, g09 dbye " jJ§i~~q~~Y,9~~~~~~
18h2S: Educati~na1 Programmes to a fight by the school bully.
"Breact'imdlqfQtfeifltes ~:r..~ ~ 19h36: Familt"fie*'(m'W). ',; ;-g: ",""l..
~~opJe ~,~.",:e<:QPJr'~" ,· K~",,* J Elyse and StR-V~~,ISra~~q(~~0£11l1~9.- ,
"Man1,lf~turing Games: tivists in the 11160s, are now trying to
Pa~nt' " t t.1<:;~.::',;!.•V~~?-.r ~tr ~ ;;·,~~ ~~ raise three chifdi!r1~Ef':ate 'ihtfte"'~
18h50: I{lein Nikl~ ~,""'41 ""'t."~..;,z~ tune with the con~,o/~tir,r .t?"lW~. ,
"Elena ~e "{Fu1l*' l& l\(lt.~ , The children are Alex, Mallory and
Patrasch word ;f\i'.i"Y'ft&~'$, ~ .' ",(litt< Jennifer. SteVe';"\l:ie :'~iiger!iji'!¥
. 'ts vrees~.J$~
hY le ~.
...e"-r , public televisi~~!f,,~,~¥if!. .
en sy vriende doen hul uiterste bes committed to the'morenoble ideas of
om sy onskuld'~!b~lfJ¥' ·?"·'7ii<.~t;,\ the Woodstoc~'§ene~ilhtr~ ~I.fl,"
19h13: My Secre\;!d~~~-. Elyse, an arch\tp,c~~4.<l;*s,!N,!Y~~g,t~
"It onl;¥. hurts for a while'" out of home, .(GtJt:Il('jj@whers~f_
After having ~\VtiY'i!'1ro~~-dle;" referee when Steve'h~Va:Iuesi&tml6~

SOME o(~e S9y.~et titI~$' c)p. dJ'i'SlDla'v at the Tlijifri,iJe~~}IHlf"b"''Wlil!i,,':'i>

;!,~~:-~~~ " ,~.~r. "~~ '!"L;~;X'~~·" '. ~; ~ ~1~': t - ',,1'0\ v,".!", ! I~~..t '\. 't ';i~~~ i ~~r~ ..~" tit~

, :SD¥iet~,'liook::'firln~ ~~:~:
tr·~\H:i'.": ~~ :-~ \):y;:> '. i1: ~Y:;'.A~ fV:r~~~<.:· tt:· "f'~~~ :, ~:t~f~

offers;~iexc't~llent' ;,#.~rices~
",:d .~}, ~ ('~'
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, ' , \li' ,~" ~ " " •.l<n
• ~ '"e\
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;~: ~"¢ . tf " q~
A.MOSC,QW-base(hompany looks set to sup,p ly,S,oVlet:hter·atuItel
to NamiDl,t t
D.,~s~,wI.tich bave aStoUnded academics ' aiiil~ fay
, "'-J~ > .•. ".
peopI e~e. II )t1: · ·.. /., " 't,!, ';'''.'!;., ' ; : .' ''"'-' '. ' :~I!;S4ecgtn<!1 ~IlI.S(),qE!Aot
AUI./Ul=l-Y under Arms', ' (Sam Neill, ...h."4-...,,~...
Represeiiiatiy,cs 9(~::book fiI1tl music, magazi.n,es.an4 P9s~ers . .y>, • Ad,elailde:the boys goggle at the'6ig Citywd;find themselves in a giddY'I"omance
.' .MezhduruiIondIiaya Kliiga (meariliIg ' The tides" on display' were-\
cer-" With '.' ' . . .s3if)o Sydney. But as t~y ''''ise91J>ar~ the newsboys ~b~ut,f~~ ,~~41,i~e~•
"internatioruillJe6k~~'were at Wind- t8inly 'varied; tIfere~ waS eveiylliing' Captain Starlight .b as,been arrested. Dick and Jim (Chris Chummins, photo on right) are now wanted
hoek's ThiiringeIhqfflotel on Friday from cbil~n'spistwe bpoks to t~xts ~e~. :~avjn~~h~\~IS ·~Iieyli4e for home into a trap~Tohightat'21h16. ;\ I,:" ' 'f,, >, ';> ~
to show off their wares to interested on errecting 'electricity pylons. ~·l.·.
parties sUchfas s(\nooll; irld lioraries, All titles we[e Enllisp. translat\oIlJ
and also to linda d\stribufl=rinNannbia. of works by' S'oVier~uthors: ' , . " .. r' '''''

While hardcover books in this Asked whether he felt b~ks set in' '~
- FOUNDED IN 1923~ -
{' - \\.. \. I

countrv currentlv' cost unwardsof

r\lc' 'o"pry;;·',?:''!t
4U 'a
R/!t;S e'' p
. >.s(.i.lmf
, '''g'('ql'uEo"t""
the Soviet Uniod·werejust as 'i, rrel,e: . "". ',,·MEZHDUNAROD.NAYA
vant to Namibia as the coloni;d'Jooqlci
......~'~... ; KNIGA,Ns~iCOW
,)f '('
for the Soviet equivalent were as about Europe and "white", Africa
little as R6. .. , . wbichaboundin'the cOuntiy's schoOlS
Kniga ch!ef .jldv\sor, ¥r Victor and libraries . at .the mom~nt, Mf
Koulkov, explained that his com-
pany could keep prices so low be-
Koulkov said one of his company's
priorities was Cultural exchange,
'. Exports 'Boo,ks a~~ Periodicals to 140,:Cou~trits All Over the' ~World' I'

cause of the size of their Qperation. ' While Soviet ·books would be
The only book trading firm in the exported to Namibia, he said, Kruga
Soviet UniQIl, Kniga represents 230 would also import Namibian litera-
Soviet publishers'and 4 000 printing ture back to the Sovi~i Union. '
houses. "More than 40 per cent of our
Yo'u can buy·or order textbooks,ficton, children's literaiure, socio-economic literature
It markets 2,5 billion books a year turnover is imported;" said Mr and periodicals as well as art albums, .records, sl~4es, postage stamps and stationery
in 56 different languages, with out- Koulkov. "We consi~]; book tr~de through our representatives if' souther~ Africa:
lets in 140 coimtries. In Africa, Kniga not only to be commerCial but' cer-
has "direct contact" with 18 univer- tainly" ·' ANGOLA
sities. He added: "Our readers in the
EDIL c.p.1245,Rue ·de Missao 107. Luanda.
And it does not stop there. The Soviet Union read 'much more about
company also supplies study aids, Africa than Africans do."
Botswana Book Centre, P.O. Box 91. Gaborone
Via Africa. P.O. Box 332. The Mall. Gaborone

Campus Bookshop. P.O. Box 100, Roma
Mafube Publishers, P.O. Box 441. Maseru

. . . . . . . . . . CASH . . . . . . . .~ MALAWI
Malawi Book Service, P.O. Box 30044. Blantyre 3

Let US auction your MOZAMBIQUE

secondhand items/furniture
.. -~, ,.
INLD. c.p. 4030. Maputo

etc. at"prices possiqle. TANZANIA

',' -We offer: ':7_ •

Tanzania Library Service, P.O. Bo.x 92.83, Dar-es-Salaam
Tanzania Standard Newspapers, P.O. Box Dar-es-Salaan)
The University Bookshop, P.O. Box 35090. Dar-es-Salaam
Comprint, P.O. Box 1835, Dar-es-Salaam
, .
$ ' Low commission ~'t
the University Bookshop, P.O. Bpx 32379. Lusaka

* Fi-ee transPQ:rtatiO~
- ,,~ .,' '- <,' ...
Jacaranda Bookshop;P.O. Box36764; Lusaka

• ,. (t'

:Kingstons Limited, P.O. Bpx 2374, Harare

, " Grassroots Books. P.O. Box A267, Avondale, Harare

We also handle excess ~nd ob.s olete ~ ~ ~

MEZHDUNARODNAYA KNIGA . (International Books). Moscow 113095. Ul . Dimitrova 39, Telex:

stock for shops and businesses
" l: ~ • .. ' •
411160 MKN SU

Looking for Partnersjn Independent Namibia. .'

Tel: (061) 52063 or 52788 all hours ...
16 Monday February 5 1990 THE NAMIBIAN

"-M uAmunghamba mwa '1 ... • ' , ' ,

holoka -o~hiponga" , -
Petuli naGel'IIlany otava holola Oshinima ~shi oshili pondje yoka-
KU TYAPPA NAMOTEWA NA SARAft JqHANNE$," 'J · kutya' eemweny.o :> .davo odili tokolifo 435 kOiwanah~gano, osh-
.... , • ,. " " .. '.'>i ' . . " . , .,C·, ' ..... moshiponga novena oku tembuka eshi okatokolifo ota lea ufa kutya
:'! 0)'ANliUvatatli ovaeh~ekwa k~en&w.lasli~ do.t;tgl}.eJ.~,\ ~shi po~o.k~hva manga momaumbo avo shaashi ota oilyo aishe Y;!:,Plan. y,oK;oe~oet o,shoyo
; .. nio.liJkandaIAlnuilghanib~, 'o.mapo.pyo o.t.a titeumb.o. eli · ppn9kelwa molwaashi mwenewalo.; 0.0. a Ii " Na~dipawa; shill. Ova indila ekwafo oBatalliorui' Qina alru-kalll ya homat-
QaI~.. o.spUY;~ ~s~'!l~u ~h'Opo.lifi, o~w:e!li:yandja .ko.Swap~. ~~.~ .' "koPoliii opoli~.a,amene, ashike fiyo ululwa fUH.. . - ".' . ,
. . '.;.t, ." ~;" . opapa"ina· ku shivika kutya opoliti Lwaaxuninwa" pe~Qo oshinyolwa
: ", it»nka"y6~~~i>~bkela ~shi~ omo ~·~.~~~dj~bo,~;d~~AJ(~47. ciilj:', ~qali, . ¥ oKoevoetnoBatallioqa paifeoili otai ka ninga po shike ·kombing~ eshitashinyanyangidWilinatumona
·"'.)niwa eh~ek~lW'a fuwene we'itmbci eemblstoli dill 3, oshoyo et;\>oma '~"kokamba .iliimoniuk:unda .(5shlndobe "'!" yeameno, Jo.valumenhu ovo, omap-umwe w~oily.ooikuiunhu: ,JoPo-
....Pettfu ~atCpsh~y:O kal!nie 'kaye d~peke mbap.. Konimayek}xato' lo- momudingonoko 1'\ - wOpgenga, " opyo:aa elj'hanena:mOshakati elta ti liii, opo. a y~4je etomhelo kutya

p ern¥m Dawj.d,o!J naye ali'oshilyo .. valumenhu ava, vo . (}vali ·yo ..oilyo "'iiomukurunhu wayo.· omulumenhu ." mOlukanda 1Amunghambya omuna omolw,a~~e oij.yo~u yoKoeyoet
.shoKcic!voet no ~a dj6ina oSwapo, y~Koe~oet. Qsl;tQY;0: 0~atall.i,9,llIl.,101 i wedina ''TOYEI{A'' ' 00' ali nale eendjebo dibapu, .oshilyo Oshikulunlm inai ku(wa ' e.embl~toli .dayo odo ya
-, osqoyo okakaq6D.a fee,~ul~ ? ~e<J.ina ' osheY,a , poluhae~a , kutya. vo .oshilyo oshikulunbu shoKoovoet. Ota shoKoevoet ongbela osha koleka kutya pelwe pefinibo 19ita. , .-
. NdapandUla, oPolifi oya kw'ata' po i (ooJll1kukwatwa) mopaife " ohava ku popiwa kutya elenga limwe 10- eembistoli edi 'va pelwe fiyo opapa Oku,hla,neendjebo:oko okwil eta
ovanlm vatatuovo ta~a fetrelwa kutya longele eeJ;lgangala dallmia. Opoliti mOukwanyama noshilyo shlmwe inave di ~fwa . sJ::ta 'hala okutya oumbada mqkati k0Y'~o osh-
ovena , sha noshiponokela eshi. esh,i. ya, ~ona ouyelele' ouoya Jswat- oshikulunhu shoDTA naye okuna mo oKoevoet oya kufwa ashike eendjebo eshi moule womafimbo a djako ovak-
OvalumeIihu ava ova kwatwa kon- apooihautoiliivali ChevnoFordoyo oshitopolwamewilikolokaIDbaoyo. edi da kula ashikeeembistoli ove di washiwana vahapu ova dipawa ku
. ima eshl 111:omaumbo a"o mwa h~g- pa mapopyo hiu lo.ngifwa oku twala Olukanda laAmungbambya omuna kwete natango. walye.
I ika eendjebo 'd i heli paveta.
Pamuyandjimulombo woPoIifi, '
ovalumenhu ava ova hangika
oilwifo noikulya keekamba daUnita
. moAngola.
Ota ku to.ngwa kutya oilyo ihapu
natango ovalumenbu vabapu ovo hava
twala oikulya noilwifo kokamba ya
Unita, ina ku shiivikane kutya oikulya
p 0' h amb. a na
noilwifo ei ohave i hange.peni.

I" •
Pahokololo la Petuli ota ti ye okwe
Ii kuta moSwapo ko.nima yomafiku
onhumba nokwashivifa yo edjoino
Fo'uche va .

otai shivifwa nena

, . laye moshifo sho The Namibian
.' spetitano . la djako. ' Oilyo ikWao .' I I O'. .b . ... '

; .' J~
opo "yiron
' ~'pae.
ta .e _,~powam . 0
,. Ovalo.ngWavo.Standa o.nhi~8 o.vo. va kala venaetimaumbilelo.idjemo. Okwa hokolola kUtya vo omanga ,'NAKUKALA ' -o.ministeli wo.ikwaumbo. mepangelo." ·laNamibia
" < yavo., o.muyandjimtilo.mbo\wo.D~piirtmentyo.l'latiolial· Educ~tio.n
'kwa li va nangalaoufiku woSon- lamahgtJIUk8:o.mus'hamane LUkas Hifikepunye; na-Luitenantendjai

o.kwa shivifa'kutya o.idjemo. o.tal shiivifwa nena. ' . , ' .. ' daha, o.ndunda yavo oya kupulwa o.mushamane Piet Fo.uche talelapo. Owambo. o.kudja
V",:, O~~oqgW;·veli9..1U QV6 ~imyola :, Ed.OkwaY~life~qk\l!ya~kate~oeli eebotru,t )~!:Pali 'dopeke.9ta ,ti., ~kwa . 'bmarIkueshiaIi3~4Feb 1990. Peho.velo. o.kwa indila o.po. o.makaspeli
'.. , o§(~8, orriiVa_pita 'asWk~ oY81ongwa ola etifwakomukuntu ~~ekon!l)Uter. ehamekwa mokwooko noshixwanda
;aeshe haa~loiigifw_a' a .kale a kufwa po. meendelelo., oshili shayela
~;.~ ~ .\!?O. 'O~ pi¥.~fit~'8 Q~llI~U o~ ' "" Ojd~~~o ,ei_ o~i.~ m9nika peen- shoboma omo shill natango molutu
kutya. o.polifiei itai ka Io.ngifa o.makaspeli ~a. .',
• , om 4la ~a pita C?,1JU1li!k.!\e~ a,vali, ' h~l~ 4illlino!l:u,lilh i1.~oyalongwa va .faye,' om,~gIlG6~y a ' x~1kwa
liIpweIomom:alalca,oo ~li#.oIfu kala -:: ~e va ~la.koonomola 1fl di~ . ' kombudii. ·1iomomut\ve, . okaana Elalakano,letalele po eli ola li oku ngaashi'veli, nopolifi yoSwapo otai ka
p'ambeleWa. .-.. ! ' . . .; ' : ' " .I p ap.g04i: 293418, :293717.. 2934f> :1:ohlad6Iia 6koka' e~~~a okeli ' shivifila oshiwanakutya-ye oye na ku longela·, kwnwe nopolifi ei konima
OmvYaf1djim\l1omb~ w oNational ;ile '29~464.,.,; ' " , ",' , "futtanSo' rilo~Q!Plin:g~19 'n10~~ti. ka' kala omi1l'is.teli"woikwaumbo mwa yokafimbo, ()l1}ini~.!eli .:9ya indila ne
r>1., ... 'k " J . .- . - . - ~ :"'-kwatelwa opolifi na ndjai Fouche 00 eli kovapolifi OV;Q~ ya ~a13 ~oshi yom-
."- " .omuk:uluilhu·wopolifi yaNamibia paife a19mbwelo,o'! kutya ha ku
ponhele y.a ndjai .Gouws 00 a ya denga vali ovllnhu nga,ashi va kala have
· mopendjela paife., . shi ningi nale ile ngo oku va ningila
'. • pminis~li nongudu yaye, ovatale- omaukolokoshi onhumQa I!oongadi.
lapo eenheJe ngal\shi Oshakati, Ombal- Na v~ .kal~ ' ~;e '~e shi shi kutya vo
antu, ' . Ruacana, Okalongo, paife ova.ninga opolifi' yoshiwana, na
Omungwelume; Ohangwena, Eenhana, ovena, ne oku ionga omolwa 'ouwa
OqlPn?a~gilo ; Okongo nOndangwa. woshiwana, opo va kale ve holike ko-
Peenhele adishe edi opa kala oman- shiwana: Okwa hidila !oshiwana ta ti,
Standard Bank SWA Ltd. !
gafifi ov~washiwana noshoyo opolifi
oku pwilikina ketumwalaka10ministeli
oshiwana hta shi ufana vali ovapolifi
ava "Omakakunya" ile "Om aland-
ei, mosheendo omwa kala yo omune- wambongo" vo ovapolifi ava va kala
has vacancies for: · nenhu womombelewa yomukalalelipo koshi yomukolonyeki inava ufana vali
" · wow ina wahamushangandjai ovapolifi vo$wapo "eetoli".
· 'wOiwanahangano, novakulunhu vopo- Oministeli Pohamba okwa indila
INTERNAL AUDIT OFFICERS SYSTEM OFFICERS & lifi yiShakati omtishamane Van Ton- oilyo ikulu yolOl oshoyo Okoevoet ei
- .~
STAN p ARD BANK offers you : 'der na KolbnelLoliw oshoyo ovanam- ya ka djoina Unita kutya nai dila'dile
belewa ovakulunhu vomombelewa ei. luvali shaashi ka ishi eshi tai ningi.
. Moipopiwa yayeoministeli oya Shaashi ,ngeenge oya ka djoina nela-

A competitive salary with 13th cheque lombwela oshiwana nopolifi yoSwapol lakano opo i lwife epangelo eli tali i

Pension ,~cheme '~ kutya ye okwa pandula eshi a ulikwa
opo a .ninge )oministeli woikwaumbo
kosl).ipundi, nena nai .koneke kutya
epangelo eli ola hoolo~wa koshiwana
• . a 5-day week .
,mW;l kwa~lwa opoWi no ku shiwete yo ina li li tulako loovene koshipundi eshi,
~hilj na\1(a .eshi ,ena.: omushamane ' onghee ngeel1ge ota've ke li lwifa nena
Applican ts should be fu~Uy bilingual and preference will be given to applicani~;;'With ;"'; Fouche koshi yaye, 00 ena oshinaku- nava kale vesh k,utya ' ota va lwifa
previous banking experience, ~\:, . 1 " , , - wanifa .s;hoku komanda opolifi ya oshiwana. .
Prospective applicants :'should seek an ' appofhtment with the Inspection M:an ~ge'r>" ~ Namibia paife, nokonima yeman- OkWe va indila opo va tale omalun-
(Mr. D,A. Winston~ Sl11ith) at Telephone Windhoek (061) 36780 and written, ?pplic,a- guluko. ' . duluko 00 ta ningwil moSouth Africa
tions addreSsed to
P,O. Box 3327, ~iridh6ek9000" will be considered, ; . . .~,. Okwa shivifa kutya o~hilongo ota shi
ka manguluk!l momafiku 21 March
ngeenge pamwe ota va't( otava kwafele
South 'Africa! Oshiwana okwa li sha
r==1 Standard Bank
· 1990 nepandela loshilongo ota li ka
tulikwa ongula inette yefiku 010. Omin-
tambulako neenghono oministeli ou,
nomoku popya omatumbulo aye okwa
~~ SWA Ltd. 'isteli oya ti Epandela la South Africa
ota li ka tulululwa, 10 eli 10 Republica
kala ta pandulilwa omake.
Omushamane Fouche okwa fatulula
yaNamibia ta li londo, Efiku 010 oilonga yoPolifi kutya oya shike, okwa
oukoloni 00 otau ka fudikwa emeta yelifa kutya opolifi oililepo epangelo
Standard Bank SWA Limited 1000 koshi yedu, osho oministeli ya ti. 010 tali i koshipundi, okwa ti vo otava
Registered Bank Oministeli oya shivifa yo kutya, ke li ufa kwaasho sha popiwa kominis-
ovapolifi ava velipo osho tava ka kala teli.


.,. . ... -. . . -_..-
,, ~ ,"

THE NAMIBIAN Monday February 5 1990 17

Akademie Broederbonders is, bet by

DEUR PIUS DUNAISKI heftig gese: "Die ' feit dat Geuit
Viljoen, wat die voorsitter van die
"EK is Die, was Die en sal nooit Broederbond is, my gevra het o~ die
'n BroederbonderweesDie! Dat
die Akademie 'n Broederbond- rue. ,
Akademie te begin, maakmy nie een
. "

instelling is, is 'n verkeerde "Ons (by en professor Fourie) is

persepsie." . nie Broederbonders nie. Ek is nie,
Hierdie heftige ontkenning het was nie en sal nooit 'n BroedeIboa.-
Vrydagoggend van die rektQr van die der wees nie. Dat die Akademie ~n
Akademie van Namibie, professor instelling van die Broederbond is, is
Attie Buitendacht, gekom in 'n on- 'n verkeerde persepsie."
derhoud met Focus. Hy het gepraat Prof. Buitedacht het voorts
oordie posisie van die tersiere , enigiernand uigedaag om dit te bewys,
opvoedkundige inrigting, wat van indien daar deurgedring \can wordna
verlede week met inskrywings vir van Swapo'tjies" en hewig gekri- instelling van koloniale apartheid is. Prof. Buitendacht het hoinself as naamlyste van Broederbonder8.
die nuwe akademiese jaar begin het. tiseer. Toe hy gevra is of die Akademie 'n groot aanhanger van die demokra- "Die {eit dat ons
Registrasie duur nog vandeesweek vanjaar 'n makietie sal maak van sy sie voorgehou engese in die afgelope aoertjies ... Afrikaners is wat hier sit,
voort. tiende bestaansjaar, het hy versigtig tien jaar het hy gepoog om strukture het . by~edra tot ons probleem yan
Vit die onderhoud was dit duidelik genoem dat dit nie in die jaar van daar te stel sodat hy kon weet wat op aanvaarding. "
dat prof. Buitendacht die inrigting as In sy poging om die Akademie van onatbanklikbeid kan geskied nie. die grond gebeur. '
'n kleinood beskou en alles in sy sy huidige beeld te verlos, het prof. Prof. Buitendacht het gese hy wi! Hy wou altyd inspraak vir die
verinoe sal doen om dit te beskerm Buitendacht die Akademie se geskie- nie met fi:esvieringe ou wonde oopkrap studente gee, maar volgens hom was
en "skoon gewas te kry van koloni- denisvandieafgelopetienjaaropge- nie, maar daar sal definitief ver- d8ar ''verstoppings'' wat daartoe gelei Hy was egter vol vertroue dat die
ale apartheid". diep. . antwoording aan die Namibiese dat hulle met beskuldigings gepeper Akademie die embrio is van 'nnuwe
Hy het erken dat die Akademie Volgens hom~t die Akademie iIi gemeenskap gedoen word wat die is dat ''net Boere sit daarbo". grootNamibiese universiteit. Plauno
sepIa word deur 'n "aanvaar- 1980 sy,deure oopgemaak nadat dr. inrigting die afgelope tyd bereikhet. is in die py.plyn om die Lusaka-insti-
~gskrisis", aangesien dit van albei Viljoen die opdrag gegeehet dat daar Dit sal gedoen word in 'n vorm van . tuut (UN1N) in Zambie en die
bnte van die politieke spektrum .begin moet word om aan die tersiele 'nJubileum-uitgawe, wat die geskie- ,Akadernie te laat saamsmelt.
ungeval word. beboeftes van die meosevan Nann'bie denis en kmipjare van die Akademie IIi die verband het die Velenigde
In progressiewe binge word dit aandag te gee. weer ' sal gee. "Dit sal meer 'n Nadal hy aanvanklik ontken ~t V cilke (Untag) ook reeds voelen
.-en as 'n instelling wat deut die Die idee was nie om 'n suiwer geskiedkundige dokument wees as dat die Abdemie deur die Namibie8C uitgesteek en VV-agentskappe III
pale voorsitter 'v an die Broeder- unive~teit daar te stel nie en daar is wat ons onsself op die skouers sal Raid van ~ (CCN) gebOikDt wOld beplaunors het al 'n paar drasie by
bond en eertydse Administrateur-. be.luit om 'n "mengael" te ba waar klop. . die kampus gemaak.
pneraal van die land, dr. Gerrit daar ook 'n tegqieIC eo mderwyskol- ''In die jare.het ons legtig 'n eer- ' in die sin dllt dieCeN' nie beurse 'gee Op 'n vmag hoe die pad vciIeDtoe
Viljoen, in die lewe 'geroep is om lege IOU wee.. like poging van stapel UnStudeDtevandieiiuigtingnie,het
hy later, nadat hy ingelig is, bel
lyk,. het prof. Buitendacht ge.& die
Akadenrle-owedJede is tIDs bellia om
IWart atudeote van die "swart ra- Van die begin i. daar besluit dat gestuur••.Individue km route gemaak
cIible universiteite en kolleges" van die instelling nie aan apll11beid bloot- bet 'o p die grood. maar kyk DA die gegee. 'n diepte-navorsing te doen en 'n
Suid-Afrika weg tehou. Dieprosesis gestellOU wordnie. Selfs.teen vroue beatuursliggame, die Raad en Seoaat. Daami het prof. Buitend8cht ver- verk:1arin8 is leeds uitgeleik.
ppoog om die jong atudenle van is diskriminasie leeds tien jaar ge- "Gaan trek ons 'track !eCord' en u duidelik dat 8y aanstelling by die In die proses sal cisar met die inkml-
Nanubie te oortuig dat die tussen- lede afgeskaf en doaente kry die- sal vind dat ons by tye liewer te Akademiegeensinsverbandhoumet ende SWBpO-legering veIder onder-
tydse strukture en politiee partye 'n selfde salaris vir dieaelfde poste, het krities was teenoor onsself." enige Broederbond-konneksie nie. handel word en bepaalde aaopasaiDp .
beter uitweg is as Swapo. . prof. Buitendacht gespog. .Prof. Buitendacht het op 'n sta- Volgens hom het· hy 'n kollega sal:afbang van ~e Bevoelens·van die
geen, ene Alec de Jager; wat in die regering .
Dr. Viljoen .is tans die voorsitter Hy het gese hy het alles probeer dium eren dat die Akademie-ower-
YIn 'n SA kabinetskomitee van sewe, om gebore Namibiers aan te stel by hede ''baie foute gemaak het. Maar . laat tagtigerjare van SA na Namibie 'Ii. Werksdokument, wat deurprof.
wat 'n sleutelrol sal specl in die die Akademie, maar omdat dit 'n dit was in die hardloop.gewees omdat gesekondeer is om, by die Departe- Brian Harlech-Jones opgestel is en
leIlSitiewe - onilCrhluidelinge vir 'n probleem was, is die meeste ' aan- " ODS nie kans gehad het om te sit en ment ,:an Nasionale OpvoediIig te m~t wie se gedagtes hy hom groot_
koni werk. Di6 het gooie kennis'van
DIlwe SA tussen die ANC en SA stellings uit SA gen,aak- . ',' dink me." . ,; ) .' , " ~ ve~~~I,wi,g, is t~ die' bUia
legering. ;' - ,,;.. . Prof. Buitendicht het vertel dat 4y " "Rier bet hy verwys na die Akadernie h9m gchad dat hy by ,verslCeie kom- · van die ,gesprek wat di~ tOek~ms vm
'ponente van "tersiere instellings in die Akademie sal beslis.
Aan die andCrkant is die Akadenrle glo dat sy probleme om swart se bantering van klasseboikottc< ~n · .
weer deur die regses van die Wit- Nanubiers"assosente te kry, spruit studente"opstande, waar die. polisie SAbetrokke was. PrQf. Buitendacht ~oorsien voodl
"HuUe het ~ ~y gekom en gevra da di . ..A: Akade .
administrasiege,sien as 'n:'broeiplek uit die persepSt~ dat die Akademie 'n ingeroep en-geweld losgebars het. · om~~~~ilaNaqUbiii . ~ .. , t ~ ,D}WIl . ~~e Due
~ 0--- _ "'g~wy~g ,S8l w,gr4 m ~t die univera
te,kom om i:lie .Abaemie , ~~ begiri. .' -siteitsalafstlg. ... __
Dis gedoen SUlwer we~ my 00- , Voorts sal daar sodra onafbm..
dervinding. Eers bet \'kgeweier, ~ ... k:likheid op ' 21 M~ vcr-', .iI, 'n
later bet ek gekQm. 'Dis hoe ek
sbkelkomitee in die lewe 8eroep
beland het," het prof. Buitendacht word wat sal bestaan uit verteen-
vertel. ,~ w06rdigers van di~ regering en die
. Volgens hom het hy in sy eerste
week (Januarie 1980) dr. Viljoen
vir 'n uur gesien, waar hy sy task om
net ::;:::u ":~rsisie van die
DIE wyse waarop sake van swart lede van die regeringsdiens geadministreer word, het onlangs weer die Akademie te begin en op te bou die gerugte dat dr. Moses Tjitendero,
eens tot 'n uitbarsting gelei omdat di~ lede grootliks ~ntevrede is. ontvang het GV-lid van Swapo, die leisels van
'n Regeringsdiensamptenaar, wie witmankry, dathulle beter sosiale en die stadium bevoeg is daarvoor. " Daamawasdaarbynageenkontak die nuwe universiteit sal oomeem
om verstaanbare ledes anoniem wi! mOlele status sal geniet, dat hulle Die nuwe legeringsdiens, voel hy, en ''nooit is ekdeurhm of-:..:..........f
"""e-"- nie. Volgenshomisdaarnieeensoor
woes, het gewaarsku dat die toekom- ekononies beter-af sal wees en dat .meet sy eie rigtiogbS met 'n wabwyse gedruk in 'n bepaal~ rigting nie". sy.posisie met hom gesels nie, het
ltige legering, en veraI die persone hulle dieaelfde status as die witman van sy eie. Ons moet nie die afgrys1ike ' Prof. Buitendacht het egter erleen prof. Buitendacht bygevoeg.
belas met die legeringsdiens, nie in in die regeringsdiens sal ba. Suid-Afrikaanse stelsel in die leger- dat hy met die wegspring die fout Die Akademie word volgens 'n
die strikke moet trap wat die ''boere'' Die beurskomitee, die gesament- ingsdiens toelaatnie, omdat dit skan- gemaakhet deur net in die bestaande bepaalde fonnule deur die regering
in die regeringsdiens opgestel het like advieskomitee en die departe- delik en onderdrukke:nd is. 'n Nuwe strukture (AG 8, ensovoorts) te met sowat 90 persent gesubsidieer.
Die. mentele behuisingskomitee was van beleid, struktuilr en stelsel moet beweeg. Dit bedra sowat · R26 miljoen per
Die regeringsdiens is oorspronldik die drie wat, volgens die amptenaar, geiinplementeer word. Op 'n vraag of hy en ander by die .
"geinisieer deur aanstigters van Wit weokbroue in die Iegerings<1iens laat
organisasies soos die Broederbond, lig het oor wie die lede daarvan is.
wat alombekend is vir sy wit-baasskap, Hy se voorts dat dit wys sal wees
wit-mentaliteit en wit-heerskappy,lui om te weet wie'die lede daarvan is, FACET~
'n brief wat aan die inkomende reger-
ing gerig IS.
want die geheimsinnigheid rondom
die aangeleentheid skep verontrustmg.
Tot nou is alle senior poste in die
legeringsdiensnetvirwittes gereser-
Hy wi! graag ook weet wat die
funksies van die komitees is en wat-
- - - - - - - - 'Sunset of Africa'------.......;,--I
veer, se die ontevrede swart ampte- ter kriteria lmlle gebruik in die uitvoer-
naar. ingvandiefunksies. Verderhethy 'n
An auction of ethnic and designer jewellery to be complimented by an
Volgens die amptenaar het die skokkende onthulling gemaak met array of outstanding clothing modelled by Grand Taste Model Agency.
legeringsdiens opsetlik ' in gebree betrekking tot die nuwe motorfinan-
gebly om die swartman te opgradeer sieringtabeL Kategorle A (sekretarisse)
eo verbied om die leer in die stnJkture is geregtig op tot R108 000 met 'n
van die regeringsdiens sistematies te maandelikse toe1ae van meer as R700,
. bestyg. Hy kan selfs personeelkaarte terwyl kategorie' B (direkteure) vir
• bewys biCIVan trek, bet bY uitgedaag. tot R86000 kwalifiseermet 'nmaan-
Verder is hy ontstoke oor.die feit delikse toelaag van meer as R500.
dat die top struktuur van die reger- Kategorie C (adjunk-direkteure) kan
ingsdiens, na 10 jaar van bestaan, motors tot ter waarde van R77 000
mecuwit is. ' Van die faktore wat koop, met 'nmaandelikse toelae van
aanleiding hiertoe gegee het, vol- meer as R400. . All itelllS :to be sold by p~blic auction.
gens die amptenaar, is die feit dat Vol gens die amptenaar is dit baie At: The SKW club/conference room~ 65 TafStreet
onbekwame swartes oor potensiele onregverdig dat die junior ampte-
swartes, wat self uitvoerende pligte naar, wat die hardste werk, rue in die Corner of Peter Muller Street, Wind,hoel;t .
, <,
kon beklee het, moes toesig hou. proses raakgesien word nie.
"Baantjies-skep-vir-boeties, nepo- 'n Ander aangeleentheid waaroor On: 8th February 19hOO . '
tisme en begunstiging kom nie net hy baie omgekrap is, is die feit dat
voor in die gevangenisdi~ nie, maar daar steeds Suid-Afrikaanse burgers
Viewing:' Thursday 8th February 09hOO '-'i3h30
ook in die regering!!diens," het hy in die kantoor van die RegistratJur
van Aktes, die Meester van die
Join us for an evening with a difference.
Tot sy kennis is daar vrese onder Hooggeregshof en die Gevangenis- Terms: Cash, Bank Guaranteed cheques or credit cards.
sekere wittes dat swartes beter opvoed- diens ingevoer word. "Cocktails Served"
ins vir hulle kinders sal verskaf sodra Volgens hom kan hierdie poste Catalogues and details available on the day of viewing.
hulle dieselfde behandeling as die beklee word deur Narnibiers, wat op
11 Monday February 5 1990 THE NAMIBIAN


I No. 19 Sauerbruch Street,
Windhoek West.
House 'to Buy 1983 Mecedes Benz 280E
Beautiful 3-bedroom house,
kitchen~'.h built-In
* Auto~atic
- Khomasda/ cupboar ,1 bathroom, * Stainless steel exhaust
Near shopping servants'om, beautiful system
* 5 Mixelens 205 Sizes
centre single garage, patio, washing
(061) 36970 R38500 room, la'S" living/dining * Full house
room area. * Vended trimmer~
Phone 21·1694 (061) Available from February 1, Contact 34858 (after
Only Cash Buy!!rs 1990 - unfurnished.
Tel. 90610 or 224415/6

Naaaibia 11ft you Care Centre Fully Serviced
ENTERTAINMENT , Serene Children Play Available 1973 Peugeot
crisis IN TOWN III Group Care Centre. station wagon
Anybody who needs a Suiderhof
daily mother and teacher
Sound mtchanical
Help as close COMPLEX Ihal do. . not WKDNISDAYS,
SlOp. . . .JDAYSA to look after their chil- Short or Long tenn. condition
as a telephone .For more Inlonnetlon call SATtJaDAYS. dren and prepar~ them in R5000.00 O.N.C.O.
English. Please contact Marie Contact Adrian at Tel:
,Phone between for more info call:
Pbone 62082 and ask , or Brian at Tel. 51787
(061)211706 225851 (0) 34335 (H)
'1 10hOO-23hOO 1OOiOi=-_____or 211741 .....;...J , for Lily / WINDHOEK
FANIESUPER Op SoekNa Lovely 4-bedroom .
For Sale
home with TV -room,
KIt .......
.II!SI'.Al.RtWI' Werk 2 and a half bathrooms,
Garage Sale at 39 Pas-
teur Street.
modem kitchen with Saturday 3 February 1990
Gratis Kwotasie built-in stove, domes- oj< Lots of bargians

"A.Nfl lEA-rUtS
Vloer· en Muurteels tic help's quarters and * Laungesuit
".*. ~H."'i~~oS6~~C.~':~~~G storeroom. Three ga- * babypramme
," '.fE QUOlATIONS Kontak Loeky rages plus carpOrt for * BMX bicycle
0-2947/8 All your groc.rl •• by 21·2903 oj< Second - hand clothes
~ 'I'io"''' .... ')1.\. " ,It I I r ...'J .,.. . . At Ilow.r prlc.1 two, laundry, pool,
.... w.·~r . ' .. L AI,. "",..,/14','. Khomasdal . and lots more.
lovely garden: This
house is very well situ-
ated - minutes from
Elnployment ELAGO
NAMIB Kaiser Street PostOf-
Wanted ,.n ... ,ing me.:"'ne) ELAGO BOTTLE KatuLura
MIRI{()R fice Yellow!Brownnish Tiger
"0 BalloU. STORE type-rnale, Wearing 2 ,collars
For all Sleel construction Kalutura TEL: '(061)~S249S Price: R220 000 - one Yellow, another against
Watchmaker: _ work
: 'Ind bud.-Jlng oJ 'sleel sheds
Tel :61562
! !for PrintinB (In: To.vlew, phone Stella
flees - dissappeared durina
first days of December from
-part-time or full- 1:1. could nor be more, MEAT
I Ca:1le Iraller a S..".",.arket and a Botha its horne in Klein Windhoek •
: 0001(:5. Trellis work . ·Gales . . .!Iotea. Score! GROCERIES ~irrtIrs~ci (061) 31931 x 203 Rautenbach Street. Thankful
. .time employmen,t ·Stit~ "'lUn4IIItI
Trailers & The b!!lt of choice at a price' (061) 31958/9 for any infonnation leadina
Tel. 22-4641 gene ral welding work . Iho t cou Id not be more
'7-SfUrts ·Loao's After bours: (061) to its recovery through
Ask for Charmaine YOU NAME IT • WE MAKE ITI
.Caps I 5-2309 Tel. 225766

,.... MAI"AIx
~ca.nIS '
KaI.... Str..,
Tlte _ , complete
fashions '
103 ......'51'..1
~:~~a ,
CIIMII5 .. . . "-, Tel: 36640
REAL ESTATE ~e 01 co.melic•.
Tel: 3t1S.··
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. . MIllS
.,;"-'. , '"'7;':.

Available whole.ole Sole A?:nh for

Ttl 212640 Box 10245
and "-'oil.·
For any in(o';".tion pl..le
7 ....... .........
. • Curtain materia'.
• Ore ... ina'arll"
-.. ~ ..... rs for CASH.
T. . . . . .......... . (Day. Ivanlng)
leel fr-ee totaU(061) 225647. T.., tal1) 317. 3~ 1994
or write to, P .O. BOll 6470,
w••tock ,he ~gg"1 ~.t.clion in
KHOMAS'D AL ' Winclboek. Or uo alli3A . ttle country . .
GUST ... .., VOIGTS ( .H4l1tf UI!.U STaff'
. ~ (), lOll 6364, WJNDHOfl 9000

Luxury Houses
KILi.u Slreet . .

Extension 10 Disco sets available QNEFLICK
WINSKOPIEi House for Sale For Sale
Groot erf te koop iI
• 3 bedrooms with bi.c.
• lounge/dining-room
Kingfisherweg, Hochland- ·
Graaff-Reitlet MOTORS R4500 . ARE-GONE
Audi 100GL 5 cylinder
• kitchen fully fitted * Erf476 Gem of the Karoo . .Iel n S76 1/?
Mice. rats, cock-
• garage and toilet
* Grootte: 900 vierkante PETROL 24 HOURS At Odds and Ends roaches. termites
meter • 3 Bedrooms with built- Engine in very good
Immediate occupation • SPARES AND
* Prys: R15 000 o.n.a. i in cupboards and condition (just over-
ACCESSORIES Corner of John For efficient pest control
* Finansiering kan gereel . bookshelves hauled)
Meinert and Tal Phone: ELKK.~ESI
only R95 000 word.
Skakel (061) 21-2709, aile
• Lounge and L-shape
Streets , CONTR..ll.
diningroom Tel. 225111
ure. Tel: (061) 22-5726 (061) 222549.
• 1. ba throoms
•••••••••• --' I • Large, sunny kitchen
· with ample built-in KATUTURA Veritas
• bedroom with h.i.c.
CAR FOR SALE cupboards
REFRIGERA nON Bottlestore
in master bedroom • Garage and small I, ,

• lounge/dining-room 1986 BMW 325i workshop P.O. Box 7647 Tel. 217572
Executive • Beautifully maintained Mercedes Benz 230
• One and a half garden with fruit trees. 1971 Model
bathrooms ' Four-door Automatic 08hOO, 18h30 on weekdays
Very good condition Radio Tape

· · ~.~~·~el• ~.~5~?t>g.•• · .
• kitchen with b.i.c. '08hOO ' 13hOO' on
Service record * R5500 or nearest ' Salurda'y;s
• kitchen yard
available ~'. offer .Specials:
• carport . Write 67 Donk~n Str.
R95 000 negotiable For .qUick ~alj;!, R37
, Phone 43052 , ~ BCI'rs per ~rat~ ~ R 17,20
OOO. GST ExCluded: or tel. (0491) 23619. "~Thr~hips \yisls,ey-,
Phone 22-5567, ' . " Windhoek . R16;99
•••••••••• ''''.

B&R '
• 3 bedroo",s *WINSKOPIE
,.- • kitchen ' -!::lOME IMPROVERS
. . ,) ":., ::"1"~';'_~
" ·loungeldining·room * Drie sJaapkamers ! ... ~982 .J etta "GLS in

Wants urgently a
• bathroom * Sitkamer Improve . your ' for
room or outside · very good «endition
, Good area * Kombuis independence :
* R9 000·+-GST.' Ne·
* Badkamet en Toilet • Workmanship . G~aranteed building mainly in
on all homes ' . gotiable. ','
RSO,OOO * Groo t vyl-hQ.ek err • Ad dil'i,on, Alt-e.ralions,
Windhoek West.
l{epairs .and Painting Please pboneJ1537 Be-
. Kontak mnr. C. * Plans designed, drawn and
Contact: Subm itted ' - .. 'Please contact. twe~n 13hOO.& 14hOOor
Harold Beukes by tel. 62915, • Now is the ideal lime to phone . ,Manuel at 34422 after 17hOO.
Schmidt aile ure. . Tel. 21·1529 (all hours)
,r .
cmEF Santos players .c arry their team. mate, Christiaan (Chris) Amakhali's coffin to his last place of
rest, the Kanitura cemetery, on Saturday. The players are, from left to right, Willy Subeb, Engel '
Johnson, Chacklas Xamiseb, Jan Xamiseb, Ben Neiseb (captain), Dave Gaes.e b and Ogies Nanuseb. The
latter was also a very close friend of Chris. ' 'I

LIVERPOOL'S Durban·born goalkeeper Bruce Grobbelaar.


overseas. Players .Wi.ti1. Squ,th Africa,li coo-
Amongthe cuITe~t crop are Roy nections have also done' well. ·Liver- l
W~gerle ; Owen da Gama and Gavin pool goalkeeper Grobbler, bom in
Nebbeling. Durban, i,s an example, but then thea .
Wegerle, wllo started his career is also the Malawian broJ:h«rs, Ken-
with- Arcadia and Jomo Cosmos, nedy and Holman Mabmga, now wiIb:
played for Luton Town in last year's . Double Action SundoWns:
League Cup at Wembley, London; ,Both played in Belgium, as did Da~
Nebbeling was a key member of the Gama before he moved to Irel~
CrystalPalac~ si<!~ that eam,ed pro- . . In January's poll to determine tho
Il1o.t ion to the English Fitst Division African Footballer. of the Year, the
in.June and Da Gama, now back in , entire top 10 came qom -clubs in:
South Africa with Moroka Swallows, Europe, 'either Belgilim or France
helped Irish club Derry City rise ll:orrr which are the favollrite destinations '
obs~yrity. '" - ' . '. of African footballers overseas.
, -

THE late Amakhali's closest friends and formerteam·mates at Chief Santos in a solemn mood
at Saturday's'funeral. Pictured from left to right are Striker Reynecke, Temu ~amaria and Walter
Oxurub • survivor of the car crash that led to Chris' death. CHA-MPION"S HIP _ DRAW
THE qualifying draw for the 1992 European Soccer Championship In
Sweden was made on Friday, and Is-as follows:

GROUP ONE: Northern Ireland and Faroe Is·

Spain, Czechoslovakia, France, Ice- lands.
land an~ Albania. '
GROUP TWO: West Germany, Belgium, East Ger-
Romania, Scotland, Bulgaria, Swit- many, Wales and Luxemburg.
zerland and San Marino.
GROUP THREE: Netherlan ds, Portugal, Greece,
Italy, Soviet Union, Hungary, Nor- Finland a.nd Malta.
way and Cyprus.
GROUP FOUR: England, Republic of Ireland, Po-
Yugoslavia, Denmark, Austria, land and Turkey.

CHRIS ~akhali's family pictured at the church service held at the Roman Catholic Church in
K;atutura. Chris' favourite number 5 T·shirt was buried with him. This c~)Urse covers the following aspects:
.'" Double entry system
'" Three-column'Cieditors Ledger
CAR FOR SALE ROOMS PERSEELTE '" Petty Cash Book with analysis columns
'" Sales Journal
KOOP '" Trail Balance
7200 vierkante meter
1976 Mercedes 3.0 Litres
280SE Short or long term, 1979 model *Slaghuis
Date: 12 February - 14 March 1990
and all extras/ fully furnished rooms '" Price R() 500 *Kafee Venue: IMLT Seminar Room
Becher Rtf to let in Suiderhof. '" Engine and body Rehoboth gebied Time: Monday and Wednesday evenings at 18hOO
Phone Ivan in good condition Cost: Free of charge
", . Navrae Mnr K.M. Presenter: Mr M. Kavekotora (IMLT Manager: Training)
Wellington at
-Auto Park 225307 . " ~
at tel. 51787
.. ~ 1 ...
• ~ \ • .,. . Tel. 41229
after six Theron
. T,el. 06672 - -4940.
Registration: Mrs Kunert, tel 37353/4/5
r ~ -..i-_=_
-:==,. ::::
20 Monday February 5 1990 THE NAMIBIAN


SIX cities vying to stage the 1996 Summer Olympics have handed in tlieir bidS
to the International Olympic Committee (JOC).
IOC spokesperson Michele Verdier told Reuters on Thursday that Athens
(Greece), Atlanta (Georgia, U.S.) Belgrade (Yugoslavia), Manchester (Brit3in),
Melbourne (Australia) and Toronto (Canada) had formally applied to host the
1996 Summer Games by the February 1 deadline.
Verdier said each city made a one-hour presentation aUOC headquarters to her
iD support of its bid. ' EGYPT, World Cup finalists for the first time. since 1934, beUeve intense and carelully-planned
Athens, which ushered in the modern Olympics in 1896, and Melbourne in 1956, preparations will pay ott for them when they travel to this year's finaIs in It,aIy. Although, as coach
are the only bidders to have previously staged the Summer Games. Mahmoud EI-Gohari admitted, Egypt will lack the strength and experience of their European
The choice of the host city will be made at the IOC's meeting In Tokyo on rivals in Group F of the opening round, they hope hard work and organisation will ensure they earn
September 18. .
SACU PREPARED TO CANCEL REBEL TOUR IF ... "I think with good prepar~tions
and hard work we will be very close
THE South African Cricket Union (Sacu) was prepared to cancel the rebel to them," said El-Gobari, referring to
English cricket tour three weeks ago If the the anti-tour National Sports his Group F opponents England, Ire-
Congress (NSC) paid the SACU a R3-mlllion canceUatlon fee to the English land and the Netherlands.
cricketers, NSC general-secretary Krlsh Naldoo told Sapa yesterday. 'They are tough and more experi-
The meeting about three weeks ago was facilitated by an unnamed prominent enced. But we know their tactics very
Johannesburg business person, and Dr All Bacher was said to have ~ade the well and they do not know ours. So,
oII'er on behalf ofSacu to the United Democratic Front's (UDF) acting publicity we have. a chance to do well. .
secretary, Mr Murphy Morobe. • "We are going to the World Cup
la the words of Dr Bacher Sacu'was looking for "a face-saving exercise", Mr . finals with the hope of making all the
Naidoo said. Dr Bacher said from Pletermarltzburg yesterday the claim was world respect Egypt and their play-
"totally untrue".
O. Saturday Dr Bacher said Sacu was completely committed to the tour, to the
cricketers and the 100 000 people who paid for tickets to the matches as well as Egypt qualified for the finals for
to tile millions of people watching the tour on television. . the second time by winning African
.~ qualifying Group B and then beating
Algeria 1-0 on aggregate in a deci-
AUSTRALIAN OUTSIDER UPSETS NGUGI sive two-legged play-off.
AUSTRAUAN outsiders Andrew Lloyd received his Commonwealth Games El-Gohari admits there is a gap in
&Old medal on Friday, almost 24 hours after his shock victory over Olympic ability bewteen Egypt and their Eu-
dlamplon John Ngugl in the 5 000 metres. ropean rivals. But he believes his
T_late ceremony was caused by a protest from the Kenyan team Immediately well-planned programme of wann-
after the race. They claimed Ngugl and compatriot Yobes Ondleki had been up matches will reduce it.
, ..bed before faUing In sepaf!lte incidents. "We shall do our best in our prep a-
T_ appeals Jury rejected the protest but gave Kenya the opportunity to appeal. rations to make our players gain the
ltaIya nnaily accepted the decision on Friday. experience and reach the standard of
the European players. All the players
Will attack and all will defend. It is
going to be difficult, but we will do
our best," he said.
AGM- Meeting For In order to give his players a good
opportunity to gain experience of
playing against European style teams,
Mrican Blizzard El-Gobari has arranged a wann-up
programme, staI1ing this lllOIllh, which
will include 14 matches.
Football Club Egypt will meet Poland, Denmark;
South Korea and Austria in. Cairo
this month and pl8¥ Romania in Cairo -
in late March. EGYPT will have to stand up against estabUshed footballers like
They will return to Europe on tour the Dutch and AC Milan number one player Ruud Gullit - tipped
in April when they will play Czecho- as the best footballer in the world.
Date:.6 February 1990 slovakia, East Gennany and a West
Gennan club side. Hossam Hassan. Beira Mar, and Ashraf Qassem.

Plac·e :.Namutoni HP In May, they plan to visit Scotland

and Romania before their last wann-
up match, against Wales, in Carioon
One man certainly out of the reck-
oning is forward Hisham Abdel-
Rasoul, who scored three of Egypt's
The climate in Italy is not expected
to be a problem for Egypt, who are
unlikely to be affected by the heat

Sko'o l -Katutura May 27.

El-Gobari said he bad already se-
lected 26 players for-the first stage of
eight goals in qualifying. He suf-
fered mUltiple injuries and a serious
fractUre of his left thigh in a car
during their. first round matches in
CagIiari and Palermo.
Ina bid to boQstmo~e, El-Gohari

Time:• his preparations, but stressed this

was not his final choice although it is
hard to imagine an Egyptian squad
accident in December.
His injury has left El-Gohari with
orily two established mid-field play-
decided to take the squad to Mecca
this month for a minor Moslem pil-
'grimage to whip up morale before
without such proven talents as striker ers - Magdi Abdel-Ghani, who plays plunging into the serious business of
Gamal Abdel-Harnid and mid-fielder for Portuguese First Division club training and preparing for the finals.

Aillll.elD.bers are Europe will soon do its

welcolD.e as W'ell
·as 'neW' Dlembers. soccer shopping in Africa
AS young Mricans impressed at the recent World undet-16 Cup in Scotland, it was the world"s most
famous footballer Pele who remarked that the continent would soon replace South America as the
leading marketplac~ for the big spending clubs of Europe.
Please contact What Pele did not realise is that his
forecast has held true for the last
Most of Africa's leading players
are now comPeting thousands of miles
Roger Milla (Cameroun) and Bruce
Grobbelaar (Zimbabwe) are legend
.couple of years. from home, on huge salaries along- in Africa and Europe. .
Patrick Hausaona The professional teams of Europe side the'cream of the world's talent in
countries like Portugal, France, West
South Africa has certainly pro-
duced more than its fair share of
have long been aware of the im-

(The Secretary) at 211721 mense talent available in Africa and

have been tapping this source for
Germany, Britain and Italy.
Names like Kalusha Bwalya
players, who have made the grade


some years now. (Zambia), Stephen Keshi (Nigeria),

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