Awtm 07 Corey O-Leary

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A Will to Murder

Your character is:

Corey O’Leary
Welcome to A Will to Murder!
A Will to Murder is set in the 1930s in Albion House, a stately
dwelling in the small English village of Highthorpe. Albion
House belonged to Roy O’Leary – who was murdered yesterday
Roy O’Leary was an elderly and wealthy man, and there are
several family members who may benefit from his last will and
testament. O’Leary’s lawyer has asked the family to gather
together at Albion House, the day after the murder, to hear the
reading of the will.
The police are also present – because the O’Leary family are the
prime suspects in the murder case.
Everyone listens respectfully, as the Lawyer reads out the will.
The main clause is very simple, as O’Leary must have had a
premonition or warning of his dreadful end. The whole of Roy
O’Leary’s splendid fortune is left to whoever identifies his
Corey O’Leary – Roy’s youngest child,
who still lives at home
You are the youngest child of the O’Leary family; and the only
person to be genuinely sorry about your father’s death. He was a
crusty old coot, but you truly loved him – which you don’t believe
your two sisters, or your stepmother, ever did. Their squabbling
over the will frankly sickens you.
Lunch yesterday was a rather trying affair: your father was very
grumpy, and complained that no-one appreciated him properly.
The family all hastened to assure him that yes, he was very
much appreciated – all except you, as you were very depressed
by the whole scene. In the end Janis managed to calm him down.
All the same, no-one could quite be sure what was in your
father’s mind when he went off to redraft his will again.
You quietly went to visit your father that afternoon, around half
past four (he let you in via the patio doors), hoping to calm him
down a little. He angrily accused you of not loving him as much
as your sisters or Janis. You could only say that although you
didn’t show it as effusively as them, your love for him was
sincere, every day, and didn’t need to be stated. That was not
good enough for your father, and he shouted angrily at you to go
away and never speak to him again. You shouted back, but were
unable to convince him. As you left the room, he flung after you
a scrumpled ball of paper, which you later found to be a
(presumably rejected) draft will – you still have this with you.
You hope that no-one overheard the shouting in the study, as it
might look bad for you being heard angry in the study shortly
before your father was found dead… you went off to be comforted
by the family dog, but that’s not a useful alibi.
You wonder whether the family servant Atkins might be the
killer. You once found an old newspaper story about Atkins
being arrested for murdering a previous employer, a Lady
Henrietta Crane. Atkins has always seemed a gentle soul, with
no obvious reason to kill your father, but you know what they
say about still waters…
Another mystery is Alan Trode, your sister’s husband. You once
overheard him talking romantically on the telephone, as though
to a woman. But you then noticed that Gillian was in the
bathroom, so it couldn’t have been her he was talking to. Could
Alan be having an affair? You know your father wasn’t fond of
him: perhaps this is why.
You were pleased to see Inspector Harris again today. When you
were younger you were in a children’s wildlife-watching club,
which Harris helped organize. You had some great times!
Unfortunately, Harris had to leave the club because of illness,
which was a great disappointment. It was only later that you
connected this “illness” with the muffled clanking of glass bottles
that used to accompany Harris, and realized that the detective
must have had a severe drink problem. Presumably the police
force doesn’t know about this history! You carried on working as
an amateur naturalist, because you find wildlife much more
straightforward and trustworthy than people.
Today, your father’s lawyer came to the house to talk to all the
family. The lawyer said that there was a will – it had been hand-
delivered, by an unknown hand, to the office (which is ten
minutes from the house) at 5:45 yesterday afternoon. The
signature was authentic. This is the will that has just been read
out: it leaves the whole fortune to whoever is able to identify Roy
O’Leary’s killer.

Your goals
ƒ Find your father’s murderer: You may be a suspect yourself,
so you need to find the real killer!
ƒ State your position: Make it clear to the others that you are
investigating your father’s death only because you loved him
dearly, not because you want the inheritance
ƒ Alan’s affair: Find out the truth about it. You’re not very fond
of Gillian, but you don’t want her being betrayed.
ƒ Harris’s history: Although it seems immoral, you might have
to use your knowledge about Inspector Harris’s past to protect
yourself, if you come under suspicion.
Other people
Alan Trode: you find him a pompous and aggressive blowhard.
Atkins: you are very fond of the old retainer – the only kind
person in the house! You hate to think that Atkins might be a
Cornelius Khan: he is always very pleasant, but somehow you
don’t trust him.
Doctor Barker: fortunately you have had good health, so little
experience of the doctor.
Gillian Trode: you have always been rather scared of your sister.
She makes very impressive sculpture, although you have no idea
if it’s any good or not.
Janis O’Leary: not much older than you are – she is beautiful
and charming, but you don’t feel that you yet know the ‘real’ her.
Because your sisters don’t like her, you suspect she may actually
be quite a nice person.
Regina Khan: a rather devious and sly woman. Her ‘Detective
Daventry’ novels are trivial and silly.

Tips for beginners

If you’ve not played a Freeform Games murder mystery game
before, then we suggest you start by doing the following:
ƒ Ask Gillian whether her marriage is happy at the moment,
and whether she has any doubts about Alan.
ƒ Ask Atkins to tell you about the Lady Henrietta Crane case.
You have three abilities, as shown below. Each ability explains
how many times it may be used – check a circle each time you
use it. Once they are all checked, you may no longer use that

As the youngest child, you are often overlooked.

When you see a conversation taking place that

you’d like to secretly overhear, tell the Lawyer,
and they will listen in and report back to you
what’s being talked about.
Three uses: O O O

Shared confidences

After speaking briefly and confidingly to another

player, show them this Ability and your Secret.
They must show you their Secret in return.
Three uses: O O O

You have naturally light fingers. Tell the

Lawyer what Item you want to pickpocket from

another player. If that player does not have the
Item you seek, the Lawyer will take another
Item at random.
Three uses: O O O
Your Secret and Information
Your Secret contains your guilty secret, while your Information
contains one or more items of information you know. Both may
be affected by abilities.
While you can show your Secret and Information to whomever
you like, you will probably not want to reveal your Secret too
(Please note that you can’t solve the murder by looking at
everyone’s Secret and Information – it’s not that easy!)

You had a heated

argument with your

father, in his study, at

around four thirty

Inspector Harris had a


serious alcohol problem,

when you were in a
wildlife-watching club
together some years ago.
Rules for A Will to Murder
The Lawyer’s Word is Law: The Lawyer is impartial. If you have
a problem or want to do something unusual, see the Lawyer. The
Lawyer’s power is absolute – and cannot be affected by Abilities!
Winning and Losing: You can achieve most of your goals simply
by talking to people. The Lawyer will announce when the game
is over. If you haven’t succeeded by that point – you’re too late!
Be warned – not everyone here will want you to succeed!
Doing Stuff: Ordinary actions are resolved by simply carrying
them out. If you want to try something unusual (such as set fire
to the curtains), see the Lawyer. The Lawyer knows everything –
and will be able to tell you the outcome of whatever it is that you
are trying to do. (For example, the furnishings may be
fireproofed.) Do use your imagination, though! – this is a very
flexible game, and you can do all sorts of things beyond what’s
listed in these rules.
Politeness and Fighting: Civilized behaviour would be expected
at a sombre occasion such as a will-reading. Any fisticuffs or
tussling is quite outside the spirit of the evening.
Leaving Albion House: The constabulary have requested that no-
one leave the premises while Roy O’Leary’s death is still under
investigation. A discreet police presence around the grounds
insures that escape will be impossible.
Item Cards: Any items of importance within the game are
represented as Item cards – and the only items that can affect
the game are those detailed on the cards. If you do not have an
Item card, you do not have that item with you.
Time: A Will to Murder is played over three hours, with extra
time for reading your character etc. There will be breaks to get
drinks and food! The Lawyer will tell you when each period
starts and finishes.
A Will to Murder – Cast List
• Janis O’Leary: Roy O’Leary’s widow, his second
marriage – formerly a model and actress

• Gillian Trode: Roy’s oldest child, she is a professional


• Alan Trode: Gillian’s husband, who owns a motorcycle

sales and repair business

• Regina Khan: Roy’s middle child, a well-known writer

of detective novels

• Cornelius Khan: Regina’s husband, an accountant

• Corey O’Leary: Roy’s youngest child, an amateur

naturalist, who still lives at home

• Atkins: the O’Leary family’s old retainer

• Dr Barker: the local physician and an old family friend

• Inspector Harris: the police detective investigating the


A Will to Murder is copyright © 2010 Freeform Games LLP

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