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Exercise 2

1. Does by theoretical we can treat the DCS by sending back the diver to the depth
water equal with the previous depth and ask him to back to the surface in stages.

It is not advisable to send back the diver as he/she may experience other
symptoms such as barotrauma or nitrogen narcosis in which may be worsen the
diver condition and worst may cause fatality.

2. Explain the mechanism of decompression sickness (DCS) occur to the diver.

When we’re underwater, the higher ambient pressure means our body tissues
are absorbing more nitrogen. Upon surfacing, the pressure around a diver’s body
decreases drastically, which leads to the evacuation of the absorbed
nitrogen. While other factors can put divers at higher risk of getting
decompression illness, it usually happens when a diver either stays too deep for
too long (absorbing more nitrogen) or ascends too quickly (resulting in an
accelerated release of nitrogen). When nitrogen moves out of a diver’s cells too
quickly it forms expanding bubbles. This can lead to DCS symptoms and likely a
trip to a hyperbaric chamber

3. Explain the process using decompression hyperbaric chamber in treatment of

diver with DCS illness.

As a recompression chamber is pressurized, it re-simulates the pressure

conditions as if the diver were underwater. By putting the patient back under
pressure, it’s like putting the cap back on a soda bottle, and stopping the fizz
from escaping. The chamber works by simulating a higher ambient pressure,
which recompresses the nitrogen bubbles. The pressure slowly decreases,
simulating a very slow ascent, which allows a diver’s tissues to slow degas the
nitrogen. Simultaneously, the partial pressure of oxygen in the body tissues
increases. This is called hyperbaric oxygen therapy, wherein a higher blood-
oxygen content speeds the healing of body cells. Basically, the body heals more
efficiently when exposed to higher concentrations of oxygen.
4. Explain the characteristics gas that contribute to the decompression sickness.

-Two type of gas that contribute to DCS are nitrogen and helium. But the dominant is
nitrogen due to present of nitrogen in large quantity compared to helium.
-Characteristic of Nitrogen gas (chemical symbol N) is generally inert, nonmetallic,
colorless, odorless and tasteless.
Characteristics. Nitrogen gas (chemical symbol N) is generally inert, nonmetallic,
colorless, odorless and tasteless. Its atomic number is 7, and it has an atomic weight
of 14.0067. Nitrogen has a density of 1.251 grams/liter at 0 C and a specific gravity of
0.96737, making it slightly lighter than air.

5. Explain with your own word the mechanism how the DCS happen to diver during

-In a land, normal breath the air contains combination of gasses nitrogen, oxygen,
and small quantity of inert gas enter the lung system and blood vessel to the whole
body. It then pumps to the blood stream in our whole body.
-The same mechanism happens when we breathe in the water. But in the deep water,
the diver breathes using oxygen tank also contain some of nitrogen as usual the air
from lung pumped to the blood stream in our whole body. Some of the nitrogen due
high pressure outside and small atomic size, its dissolved in the blood stream.
-If diver resurfacing by slow process the dissolved nitrogen in the blood had
enough time to re-enter lung and release out by breathing.
-Unlikely for fast resurfacing the dissolved nitrogen doesn’t have the enough
time from blood stream to enter the lung properly. Some of the dissolved gas
(nitrogen) transform to the bubble in the whole body.
-Bubbles in the joints cause aches and pains, in the skin they can cause rashes and
itching, in the lungs they can cause coughs and, in the brain, they can cause memory
loss, unconsciousness and even seizures.
6. Discuss the health problem the diver my encounter if they ascending from depth
water to the resurface in short time.
-In shallow water diver using tank of atmosphere air contain combination of gasses
nitrogen, oxygen, and small quantity of inert gas. When they breathe the air enter the
lung system and blood vessel to the whole body and back to the blood stream then
release by the nose.
-Inn the deep water, the diver breathes using oxygen tank also contain some of
nitrogen as usual the air from lung pumped to the blood stream in our whole body.
Some of the nitrogen due high pressure outside and small atomic size, its dissolved
in the blood stream.
-If diver resurfacing by slow process the dissolved nitrogen in the blood had enough
time to re-enter lung and release out by breathing.
-Unlikely for fast resurfacing the dissolved nitrogen doesn’t have the enough time
from blood stream to enter the lung properly. Some of the dissolved gas (nitrogen)
transform to the bubble in the whole body.
-Bubbles in the joints cause aches and pains, in the skin they can cause rashes and
itching, in the lungs they can cause coughs and, in the brain, they can cause memory
loss, unconsciousness and even seizures.

7. Discuss the important of diving profile for every diver.

-A diving profile consists of the whole period of diving started with diver begin
with submerged in the water and ended with resurface from the water with
called dive time.
-The diving profiles consisted of bubbles check, deep time, ascent, deep stop,
deco and safety stop, etc.

-- The diver that follow the diving profile can plan the time for the whole process
of diving by allocate portion of time to every step required. The main purpose to
ensure the diver to execute his/her task without any harm to his body especially
the decompression sickness symptom (DCS).

-By follow the diving profile with required safety stop deep, safety and
deco stop enable the body to react with high pressure to low pressure in
proper ways. It provides the body to release the unwanted nitrogen gas in
blood system by normal exhale process and he resurface in good health.

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