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University of Science and Technology of Southern Philippines

Alubijid | Cagayan de Oro | Claveria | Jasaan | Oroquieta | Panaon

Date: March 21, 2024, 2023 Class Schedule: 9:00 – 12;00 AM

Year & Section: BTLED 2-A School Year: 2023 – 2024
Period: 2nd Semester Students: 18

Detailed Lesson Plan in Cropping pattern and Cropping sytem

I. Objectives
At the end of the discussion, at least 95% of the students should have:
a) Explain the principles of crop rotation, intercropping, and companion planting,
and their significance in enhancing soil fertility and pest management.
b) Recognize the importance of selecting cropping systems that will enhance
resource utilization and agriculture sustainabilty.; and
c) Create a cropping system blueprint

II. Subject Matter

Topic References Materials

Cropping pattern and Cropping Allmaras RR, Wilkins DE, Burnside Visual Aids,
sytem OC et al. (1998) Agricultural Markers,
Technology and Adoption of Cartolina
Conservation Practices. In: Pierce laptop
FJ, Frye WW (eds) Advances in
soil and water conservation. Ann
Arbor, Chelsea Michigan, pp 99–

Auerswald K, Gerl G, Kainz A

(2006) Influence of cropping
system on harvest erosion under
potato. Soil Tillage Res 89:22–34

Bauder J (1999) The benefits of

crop rotations.
g/baudr181.html. Cited 8 Jan

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III. Procedures/Learning Activities

Teacher’s Activity Students’ Activity

A. Preliminaries
A.1 Prayer
“Let us all stand up for the prayer.” “Good afternoon, ma’am!”

“All together, In the name of the father and One student volunteers and leads
to the son and to the holy spirit amen.” the prayer.

“Good afternoon trailblazers!”


“Sounds lifeless”. “Asenso Dako”.

“Again, kumusta?”. “Asenso Dako!”.

“Wow! Keep that enthusiasm throughout

our discussion today.”

A.2 Classroom Management

“Now as we prepare for our discussion,

kindly pick up some pieces of paper under
your chairs, then arrange your chairs
properly and organize yourself please.”

A.3 Checking of Attendance

“Let me check the attendance. Very Good!

So, we have a perfect attendance this

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“With that, let us give everyone a very good (Students perform the very
clap” goodclap.)

B. Lesson Proper
B.1 Motivation

“Now, before we proceed to our discussion

proper, lets have an activity first
Instruction: Guess the word by analyzing
the given emojis and clues. Description and
Jumbled letters are given for you to have an
1. O C P R - Plant that can be grown and
harvested for profit
2. P A T R S N L N A T - The practice of
replanting from one place to another. A
method of
3. T E I D R C - Are directly planted on the
ground. Another method of planting.
4. D H E O M T - A procedure for
accomplishing something
5. I C A T P R C E - Actual application or

B.2 Presentation

“Today,were going discuss the cropping

systems .”

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B.3 Discussion Proper
“ But before we proceed may i ask
everyone to please read our lesson
objectives.” (the student read the lesson
a.explain the principles of crop rotation,
intercropping, and companion planting,
and their significance in enhancing soil
fertility and pest management.
b.develop an appreciation for the
importance of cropping systems in
global food production, food security,
and sustainable agriculture practices.;
c. design and construct a cropping (the students raise their hands)
system blueprint

“Now class what comes in your mind when “The kind and sequence of crops
we talk about cropping.” grown over a period of time on a
given area of soil”
“Yes Miss.Cristine”

“Yes cristine is correct cropping is a

pattern,as what cristine had mentioned the
word sequence of crops.cropping means a
regular rotation of different crops planted (The students raise their hands)
year after year on the same area.

“How about the word system?” “system is a set of principles or

procedures according to which
something is done; an organized
“Yes Mr.albores” framework or method”

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“Very good Dean,your answer is right from
the word organized,in farming their are set
of organized method to be followed,we will
discuss more about it later on as we go
along with our discussion.”

Cropping Systems in Agriculture

“Before we proceed lets have another “Yes ma’mam”
activity first, this game is called (The students listen attentively)

“Woul you like that class?” (The students is divided into two
(The teacher will give the instruction of the groups)
(The students stay with their
“I will group you into two goups” respective group)

“Ok group 1 stay on the right side and

group to two on the left side”

“I will give each group an envelope inside

are the words you need to encrypt as the
code is provided all you need to do is to
crack the code faster.”

Instruction: In order for you to solve a

cryptogram puzzle you must crack the code
and figureout the hidden words through the
following keys eacth you will be given a 3
minutes to encrypt the word,each word “Yes ma’am”
consist of 5 points and the first group that
can encrypt the words correctly in the given (The student do their activity)
time will be the winner.”
“Are we clear class?”

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“Ok your timer starst now.”
____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____
____ - is the agricultural practice of growing
a singlecrop, the same in a year. Ex. Corn2.

2.____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____

____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ - common
od maximizing the use of vacant interrow
spaces when the main crop has not fully
developed thus allowing sufficient light
exposure. Ex. Coffee, Cacao, Banana.
3.____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____
____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ - a
version of double cropping where the
second crop is planted into the first crop
before harvest
rather than waiting until after harvest. Ex.
Ampalaya & Tomato, Cucumber & Okras &
String beans.
4.____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____
____ ____ ____ ____ ____ - is the practice
growing a series of different types of crops
in the same area across a sequenced of
seasons. Ex. Sweet potato, cassava and (The students are done with the
gabi with legumes or peanuts or monggo. activity)

“Ok excellent job group two, you have (The group two wins and cheered)
encrypted the words in a span of 2 minutes
and because of that i will give you a price
after our disscussion.”

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“Thank you class for paticipating,did you “Yes ma’am”
enjoy the activity?

“Now lets continue with our discussion, we

will tackle those words that you had
encrypted and see the relevance of those
word with our topic today.”
Cropping System
the term cropping system refer to the patern
or arrangement of crops in time and
space,as well as the process of growing
Cropping pattern
The yearly sequence and spatial
arrangement of crops or of crops and (The student read the definition of
follows on a given area. the two types of cropping pattern)
“ Their are two types of Cropping pattern
everyone please read “
a. mono cropping-a method of crop production in
which only one crop is grown annually in the same
parcel of land(perennial monoculture and annual
b. Multiple cropping-growing of more than one
crop on the same land in one year.
“None so far ma’am”
“Do you have any question or clarification?”

“Ok now lets continue lets talk about the

types of multiple cropping”

Sequential cropping-growing of twodd

or more crops in sequence on the same field
within a 12 month period, with the
succeeding crop planted only after the

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preceesing crop has been harvested such
that a farmer managed only one crop at
any time on the same field.a
sequentialcropping is denoted by a
hyphen(-)between two succeeding crop.

Intercropping-is growing of two or more

crops simultaneddddously on the same
fiel such thatd the perio of overlap is long
enough to idnclude vegetative
stage.intercropping is (Mrd. jonel read the first
denoted by a plus(+) sign between any two intercropping system)
crops grown simultaneously.

“their are five major intercropping systems

Mr.Jonel please read the first one” “Maize(50 ays after sowing)
+mungbean(30-35 days after
Parallel cropping- cultivation of such crop which sowing)
have different habitat and zero competition.
“ Can you give me an example”

“Yes thank you jonel”

“How about the second one Miss Keziah
please read.”
because acompanion crop is
Companion Cropping- companion crops or generally defined as a crop sown
companion planting are sometimes known with another crop to gain some
as nurse crop.a advantage in yield or crop protection
“Why do you think it is called a nurse crop?” from pest.

“Very good Mr.Jonel, nurse crop are

subtype of nurse plant facilitating the
growth of other species of plants.or to help

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to protect the primary crop from pest.

“The third intercropping system is”

Multi-storey/Multi tiered/Multi level-
cultivation of two or more than two crops of
different hieghts simultaneously on a
certain period. “ (The students raise their hands)
Example sugadr
cane+mustard+onion/potato “A mulyi storey farming system with
fruit trees and vegetables in the
“what is the benifit of multi-storey lowest tier can maximize yields on
cropping?” small pieces of land,and in most
cases, mixed cropping systems
“Yes Miss.Mara” have a lower pest infestation rates.

“Very good Mara,In addtion to what Mara

said about the benifit of multi-storey
cropping can be
beneficial because it maximizees lan
use,increase crops diversityd,uses
resources efficiently,enables year round
production,reduces environmental
impact,promotes loacal food production.and
offers community benifits. (The students raise their hands)

Synergetic cropping- the yields of both Synerbetic cropping involves

crops are higher than of their pure crop on planting different crops together to
unit area basis. enhance each other
growth,productivity and pest
“What is the benefit of synergitic cropping resistance.
base on the defination?”
“Yes Miss.Mhissy”

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“Thank you Mhissy,Mhissy is
right,synergetic cropping does promotes
biodiversity,improves soil health,reduces
pest and disease pressure,and increases
overall yield compared to monoculture

“The last inter cropping system is relay

intercropping/relay cropping.”

=it is growing of two or more crops together

but seeding or transplanting the succeeding
one after flowering and before the harvest
of the former crop,it is denoted with slash(/)
between crops. (Students raise their hands)

“In relay cropping why does the

transplanting of the succeeding crops is
done before the harvest of the former “It is to allow better land utilization
crop?” and maximizes the use of available
resources such as
“YesMr.Luigi” sunlight,water,and nutrients.

“Very good Luigi is right,Relay cropping

also ensures a seamless transition between
crops,minimizing downtime and increasing
overall productivity,additionally,it helps in
maintaining soil cover,reducing erosion and
improving soil health troughout the cropping “None so far ma’am”

“Do you have any question class?”

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“Now lets move on to another type of
cropping system which is the mono culture.”

Mono culture= only one crop d grown in a

given area throughout the year.

Types of mono culture

Perennial crop monoculture- this involves
the planting of tress especially on steep
slopes and heavy clay soils.rubber,ipil,ipil “Perennial refers to plant that live for
and coconut are suitable under this system more than two years,they persist
through multiple growing seasons
“Class when you say perennial it means? and do not die after flowering like
annuals do.”

“The second type of mono culture is annual

crop monoculture.

Annual crop monoculture-this system (Students raise their hands)

utilizes both upland an low land annual
“Rice,corn and vegetables ma’am”
“Who can give me an example of annual

“Yes Miss.Danica”

“than you Miss Danica,those crops are

annual crops because they complete their “None ma’am’
life cycle within one year,this means they
are sown,grow,flower, procuces seeds,and
die within a single growing season.
“Any question or clarification?”

“Their are another types of Cropping

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Alley cropping-the system follows an
alternate succession of the strips or
hedgerow cropping of perrennial crops
establihed the contour of the slopeand open
space or alley whis is devoted to annual
agricultural crops.
“their are two type of alley cropping the
terraced ans unterraced.
(The students raise their hands)
“Alley cropping is an agroforestry technique
where rows of trees or shrubs are planted
alongside rows of annual crops or pasture.” “The purpose of alley cropping s to
combine the benefits of both tree
“what do you think is the purpose of alley cultivation and annual crop
cropping?” production.

“Yes Mr.Ferian”

“Very good Ferian,Ferian is right the trees

provide benifits such as shade,wind
protection,erosion control,and nutrient
cycling,while the annual crops provide
short-term income and food production.this
system can improve soil
fertility,biodiversity,and overall farm
producyivity while also providing additional
income streams for farmers.
“Another type of cropping pattern is hilly
farming system Miss Dianne please read”

Hilly farming system-hilly land or sloping

uplands are rugged terrain with 18%slope
or greater and elavations ranging from near
sea level to above 1000 meters.these are (The student raise their hands)
prone to excessive erosion and productivity

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is limitid unless soil conservation measures
are observed and practiced. “Their are system to follow in hilly
farming these are,contour
“Since hilly farming system is prone to hedgerows and alley cropping
erosion what are the solution to avoid it?” system,contour bunding with
hedgerows,hedgerows planting on
“Yes Mr Arthur” terraced slopes and grass strips as
contour vegetative barriers for soil

“Very good Arthur,hilly farming,also known

as hillside or uplanf farming,refers to
agricultural practices carried out on hilly or
mountainous terrain,this type of farming
often presents challenges,those systems
that arthur had mention can help address
those challenges the techniques such as
terracing,contour plowing,agroforestry and
the use of drought resistant crops.helps to
conserve soil,manage water resources,and “None ma’am”
optimised land use for sustainable
agricuture in hilly areas.

“Do you have any questio class? any

clarification or adition with our discussion?”

“If none then let us have another activity”

B.4 Application

“You will be group into two groups same

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group with our first group activity,please go
to your repective groups.”
(The teacher give the intruction)

APPLICATION (Group Activity with Arts

Integration) Instruction: You are going to
demonstrate or draw any type of cropping
system that by drawlot will assign to your (The studens start the Activity)
group. Each group will have to choose a
leader and assistant leader to report your
output. You will be given 10 minutes to do
this activity. (The students are done with their

“Your time is up class each group (The group 1 representative present

representative be raady to present your their output)
(The student perform the very good
“Let me call on the representative from clap.)
group 1.”
(The group 2 representative present
“Excellent goup 1,lets give a very good clap their output)
for group 1.”

“Now lets hear from group 2.”

“Very good group two,lets give a very good

clap for group 2.”

“Thank you for your participation, class!
Let’s give yourselves a big round of “Sequential
applause.” crooping,intercropping,parallel
cropping,companion cropping,multi-
B.5 Generalization storey cropping,synergetic cropping

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and relay intercropping.”
“Now,to sum up our lesson what are the
types of cropping system.?” “Mono cropping and multiple

Very good,how about the types of cropping


“Thank you everyone for your participation

and i do hope that what you have learn a
lot today.n conclusion crooping system and
patterns are fundamental to agricultural
productivity and sustainabilty.”

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IV. Evaluation

Identification ofTypes of cropping system and methods of planting crops in the


V. Assignment

Interview a farmer in your community and ask what method of planting he uses in his
and ask also what cropping system did he follow or practice
VI. Values Integration
The session above allowed the students to hone their critical thinking skills together
with their classmates. Thus, they have developed cooperation among each other, teamwork,
collaboration of ideas, and camaraderie.

Prepared by:


Approved by:

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