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Artificial Intelligence, or AI, is causing quite a buzz, but is it a tech superhero making life better, or a
potential troublemaker? Is it going to be a new revolution or a path to destruction? Let's explore its
1. AI in medical field:
- AI works wonders in fields like healthcare, helping doctors catch problems early. It is extremely
helpful as it helps aiding in early detection of any health issue or problems and improving our health.
2. Streamlining Daily Life:
- AI is at play all the time making your life smoother. It makes every task you do easier and faster. It's
not causing chaos; it's a helpful companion anticipating your needs.
3. The Workplace Revolution:
- In offices, AI is like a super assistant tackling repetitive tasks. It does and completes tasks quickly and
delivers accurate results. This efficiency leads to more productivity and creates the environment more
dynamic for work.
4. Shopping Tailored to You:
- Online shops suggesting things you might like? That's AI learning your preferences. It's personalizing
your shopping experience by offering recommendations based on our interests, previously bought items
5. The Learning Curve:
- AI is a continuous learner, adapting and getting smarter. It is becoming intelligent by learning from
the data and information provided by human beings. It is up to bring new innovations and advancements
into our lives.
6. The Rise of Unemployment:
- AI's efficiency can lead to job changes. With its capability of handling and carrying out human work
with ease and effortlessly, it is replacing human beings in various jobs like services and manufacturing.
Chatbots and robots are bringing new change to the world.
7. Overreliance on Technology:
- Overdependence on AI for critical functions may lead to a situation where humans become overly
reliant on technology, potentially reducing their own problem-solving skills and critical thinking abilities.
This is ultimately leading to a result that our upcoming generation may not be talented, skilled and smart
enough. It will further diminish the creative skills and capabilities humans have.
8.Bias in algorithms of AI
- When searching for kitchen images, you'll likely notice the appearance of women in the pictures. It is
called AI biasing. This bias occurs because the AI learns from historical patterns, and if those patterns
contain discrimination, the algorithm may unknowingly reproduce it.AI gives results based on what type
of data the user feeds it, which may lead to unfair or prejudiced outcomes.
9. Possible solutions:
-Ensure fair AI by regularly checking for biases, following ethical guidelines, implementing regulations,
fostering education, and encouraging collaboration for responsible development. Maybe try to not depend
on AI too much that it reduces your skills and talents.
So, is AI a friendly sidekick or a potential disruptor? It's both. No doubt it is leading to a better future, but
it is also creating some obstacles in our way, about which we may not know. As we embrace AI,
understanding its harmful side is key to shaping a future where innovation and caution go hand in hand.

Barleen Kaur Deol 9th A

Chatbots, a very popular and powerful invention by artificial intelligence ,got so popular
amongst the people and have revolutionized digital interactions by offering instant and automated
responses to user queries. Operating across various platforms, from customer support to personal
assistance, these intelligent entities leverage machine learning to understand and adapt to user needs.
While they enhance efficiency and accessibility, the challenge lies in ensuring accuracy and maintaining
user privacy. As technology continues to advance, chatbots are poised to further integrate into our daily
lives, reshaping the landscape of digital communication. The concept of chatbots dates back several
decades, with early forms being basic computer programs that could respond to user input with
predefined answers. Modern chatbots utilize machine learning algorithms to learn from user interactions,
enabling more dynamic and context-aware responses.
Chatbots have seamlessly integrated into popular messaging platforms like Facebook, Messenger
and WhatsApp, enhancing user engagement and accessibility. Chatbots assist users in finding products,
placing orders, and resolving issues, enhancing the shopping experience. They act as a helping hand to
many users. While chatbots offer numerous benefits, they also pose challenges like maintaining user
privacy, ensuring accuracy in responses, and handling complex queries which are also very important.
Despite the advancements in AI, the importance of the human touch remains undeniable. Many
businesses are opting for hybrid models where chatbots handle routine queries, while human agents
intervene for complex issues, ensuring a balanced and efficient customer experience. Chatbots represent a
significant evolution in digital world. It offers immediate and personalized responses for users to provide
them a great user experience. It will be very crucial to not recognize their abilities. With the advancement
in technology, a striking balance between AI and human interaction will continue to increase.

Name-Rashmeek Benipal 9th A

AI Jobs: Navigating the Dynamic Intersection of Innovation and

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is redefining the job market with the emergence of roles like machine learning
engineers. Traditional jobs are in flux, highlighting the importance of skills in machine learning, data
analytics, and adaptability. The demand for continuous learning is on the rise, driving the need for robust
upskilling initiatives.
However, challenges loom, encompassing job displacement concerns and ethical considerations. Despite
these hurdles, the future lies in collaborative human-AI endeavors, emphasizing augmentation over job
replacement. This collaborative synergy unleashes innovation, where AI amplifies human capabilities.
The key to success in this transformative landscape is embracing innovation and fostering a proactive
learning approach. As AI continues to shape employment dynamics, individuals and industries alike must
navigate this dynamic intersection with a mindset geared towards adaptation and collaboration.

Lovemeet Kaur Class 9

AI- Emerging future technology
Though science is already pushing the boundaries of cognitive computing farther, Artificial Intelligence
(AI) has quickly redefined the potential of technology in the previous few years. Organoid Intelligence
(OI) is a burgeoning multidisciplinary field that uses brain organoids produced from stem cells to develop
revolutionary biocomputing models. Organoids are miniature tissue cultures created from stem cells that
mimic certain aspects of the operation of real organs. Researchers are just now starting to look at their
potential for information processing, however they have been utilised for a variety of tasks like drug
testing and illness modelling.


AI Researchers
The people who research for AI completes degree in computer science, mathematics, or a related fields.
They explore new ways to improve Machine learning algorithms. So that, Humans could interact with it
efficiently and effectively. Results of research is the improvement that can be seen AI in industries like
Education, Healthcare etc.
Some recent research focuses on improving NLP, Computer vision and AI that can make realistic images
and videos.
Examples of advancements are Self driven cars , robots that can assist cleaning, cooking and virtual
assistants like Alexa , Siri that respond to our verbal commands.
Companies have started making robots that can perform complex tasks like delivery drones, assistant
robots in industries. People involved in making it are full of determination, hard work and positive mind.
They set goals and stay focused and face the obstacles . They are surrounded by people with supportive
mindset. People in field often have a deep passion for technology and problem-solving. They have strong
analytical and programming skills They have solid understanding of mathematics and statistics. People
including in research of AI plays major role

Avneet Kaur Grade 9

Modern life has become easier and the people of the world have to thanks to the immense contribution of
the internet technology to communication and information sharing. There is no doubt that internet has
made our life become easier and more convenient. We can use internet to communicate with people
around the world, doing business by using internet, make new friend and know different cultures,
searching information, studying and etc. The internet not only allows for communication through email
but also ensures easy availability of information, images, and products amongst other things. Every day
the internet continues to provide a new facility, something new that is immensely convenient and that
makes life more easier for web users. However, the internet also contains some unwanted elements or
Today, surfing the web has become a hobby such like going to bars, shopping the malls or watching
movies. As the internet has become a major part of mainstream of life, some of the mental health
professionals have marked that there is a percentage of people using the internet in a compulsive and out-
of-control behavior. This phenomenon of obsessive of internet usage has been termed “Internet
Addiction” based on its resemblance to common addictions such as drinking, smoking, and gambling.
“Internet Addiction” has even been the best as a concrete disorder, notably by some psychologists. Since
the internet is used by all of us as a regular part of their job or education, it is difficult to separate those
excessive from normal use and which cannot use simple measures. Besides that some students will spend
too much of time through the internet. Students are likely to neglect their studies. If the movie has too
strong a hold even elderly people are likely to neglect some their important work. Students might lose
concentrate on their studies because they spent too much time on internet.

There are a host of games that are available on the internet and this has made most children to shut all
outdoor activity. In the absence of physical activity, children can easily fall prey to a lot of lifestyle
related diseases such as obesity, apart from failing to develop interpersonal skills. Apart from these
factors, sitting continuously in front of a computer screen can seriously damage our eyes, and put a strain
on our neck and shoulders. Children are in their developing years and these factors can create life-long
problems for them. Children can become more violent because affected by internet games. There are too
many internet games that contain violence content and it may affect negative influence to children.
According to a 2019 survey conducted by Media, children aged 8 to 12 now spend 5 hours a day on
digital devices, while teens clock more than 7 hours—not including schoolwork. Teen screen time is
slowly ticking upward, and most teens take their phones to bed with them. Excessive use of the internet is
known to negatively impact a person’s mental health. It has been associated with mental health issues,
such as loneliness, depression, anxiety, and attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder. Research suggests
that people are likely to use the internet more as an emotional crutch to cope with negative feelings
instead of addressing them in proactive and healthy ways.People get addicted due to the high deploamine
that internet can give. A person who receives this only from the internet and nowhere else can very
quickly be addicted.All of us need to be careful with our internet usage.Internet addiction is a disorder
that affects a persons ability to think.Even through internet addicts often know the harmful consequences
of this addiction,they do not make much effort to beat it.This often result in serve problems like
depression,anexty,and other psychological disorders.

Ashmanpreet Singh Pandher CLASS 9TH

Will Robots Replace Our Jobs?

The Rise of Automation

With the rapid advancement of technology, the question of whether robots will replace our jobs
has become a compelling topic of debate. Automation has revolutionized industries, leading to
increased efficiency and productivity. However, this progress has also raised concerns about the
potential displacement of human workers.

The Impact on Employment

The integration of artificial intelligence and robotics has transformed the labor market in various
sectors. Tasks that were once performed by humans are now being executed by machines with a
higher degree of precision and speed. This shift has led to apprehensions about the future of
employment and the ability of human workers to compete with their machine counterparts.

The Role of Humans in the Age of Automation

While the rise of robots has undoubtedly altered the employment landscape, it is essential to
recognize the distinct capabilities that humans possess. Creativity, empathy, and critical thinking
are intrinsic human traits that cannot be replicated by machines. In a world driven by automation,
these qualities become even more valuable, highlighting the potential for human workers to
adapt to new roles and opportunities.

Adapting to Change
The prospect of robots replacing jobs evokes a sense of perplexity and uncertainty. However,
history has shown that technological advancements often lead to the creation of new industries
and occupations. As certain jobs become automated, new avenues for employment emerge,
necessitating a shift in skill sets and expertise. This burstiness in the labor market underscores
the need for continuous learning and adaptation to remain relevant in an evolving economy.
The Need for Skill Development
To thrive in an era dominated by automation, individuals must proactively develop skills that
align with the changing demands of the workforce. Embracing technological proficiency, honing
interpersonal communication, and cultivating problem-solving abilities are essential components
of staying competitive in an increasingly automated world.

Embracing Collaboration
Rather than viewing robots as direct competitors, humans can leverage technology to augment
their capabilities and drive innovation. Collaborative partnerships between humans and robots
can lead to synergistic outcomes, where each entity contributes its unique strengths to achieve
collective success.

The Evolution of Work

As robots continue to permeate various industries, the nature of work undergoes a
metamorphosis. Routine tasks may become automated, allowing humans to focus on more
complex and fulfilling endeavors. This shift reflects a departure from traditional job roles and
necessitates a reimagining of the value that humans bring to the workforce.

The integration of robots into the workforce sparks contemplation about the future of
employment. While the potential for job displacement exists, humans possess intrinsic qualities
that enable them to adapt, innovate, and collaborate in ways that machines cannot replicate.
Embracing the evolution of work and proactively developing relevant skills will empower
individuals to navigate the age of automation and harness its potential for collective

Indu bala
Computer teacher

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