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Have you ever heard a story about alien? Yup, it’s true. That greenish creature with its
long weird antenna. Here, let me tell a story with its morality to you, and I promised you’ve
never heard about it before. First, what thing that popped up on your brain when I said outer
space creature? Umm.. a fallen star that all of us believes it’s a dog wearing an astronaut suit
with a rocket behind it and goes super fast acrossing galaxy? A sun that trusted as a bunch of
sunflowers lighting up the whole outer space? The ring of saturn with its beautiful glitter that
some of us trust it’s Adam’s ring who got lost when he is about to proposed Eve? Nah, I know
for sure what thing that comes up on your mind when I said outer space creature. It’s obviously
an alien. Yeah, I don’t know if our kind of people are insanely gets the fame out there.

Quick greetings with the solar systems we’re embrace. There is sun, well our people
called it as Aditya, according to Gijl—our website for research— it is sun but in sanskrit, how
unmodern that is. Our people had never gone there because of difficulties of bodies resistance
with the heat. And all of us—except me— really put believes that Aditya are a bunch of
sunflowers who lighting up the entire space.
Move on, we got Morton’s Toe. The first nearest planet with the Aditya on solar system,
it’s a slang means when your other toe is more burning than your hot toe, basically it’s caused of
the distance with the sun, the part that is exposed to the sun will be hotter than the side that is
Oh oh, Vagitus. Well I don’t recommend you to go there because there’s a lot of messy
crater that will annoyed you, it’s limiting the range of your motion there. Vagitus itself means the
first cry of newborn baby, so.. there’s a lot of crater for a reason. It is Vagitus’s former cry.. nice
Ukhm next, we got Evahr, the third nearest planet with the Aditya. We all know that
planet are the only planet that is disgusting and a very broken planet, at least our people’s
thought like that. Evahr holding the most annoying planet in solar system because of the
creatures that lives there. Those brownish creature with the changeable fur on its head, ~bleukh
Next we have Marta. Significantly known as the red planet. Marta is affected by the
people of Evahr because it looks like Marta will be their next place of migration due to the
damage of their planet. Yup, Evahr’s creatures are definitely the worst.
Then, we have Jijantice. The biggest planet on the solar system, I have some
acquaintances there. Funfact about Jijantice, they are included to ‘the most rich resources on the
Now the star of the star, Sergei. Nope, it’s not my dwelling place. It is everybody’s dream
of place. Surrounded by a ring that is believed to be the ring of Adam. Very glittery and sparkly,
makes everyone wanted to go there, i’ve ever gone there and it was a very beautifull place to live
in. Fresh air and the society was very open with the differences and the new era. Wich it’s suits
me a lot.
And then there is Uvula. Known as the cold planet on the solar system wich i’m
personally had never gone there because you know, our nation has a very sensitive skin wich
cannot occupy some places.
Next, Nanette. If you think Uvula is the coldest planet on solar system, you’re totally
wrong, cause Nanette had more icy windy climate that a lot of creature that aren’t from there
wouldn’t could stay along there. Legend said that Nanette are more cooler than Uvula. And a lot
of us marked Nanette and Uvula as a cold siblings. ~brr
These two planets are kindly make sense for its frozy climate, because they’re the last far
planet with Aditya. At least for the general knowledge, because there is still us. The people of
Akrasia. An exile planet that is rarely known by other creatures and far from civilization. No, i’m
serious, when I go to the big planet like Jijantice or Sergei and I said,
“Hey, my name is Prasastra, i’m from Akrasia, nice to meet you.” Me with a very open heart
and exciting face shaking hands for greeting. And they’ll be like,
“Oh, hai, i’m … from Sergei, nice to meet you prasa- what? From Akra.. wia?” Then they
make an awkward face and leave slowly.

Actually, our planet are very underrated, it has nature, the climate are very stable and
comfy, foods are overflow, and sometimes I just don’t get it why our planet are very very
“Pra! Stop telling your same story everyday to your Grandma, bring her here.” Said the big
guy with fully tattooed on his body loudly.
“Alright Papa, I just telling some really good stories to her, just for a reminder.” Said
Prasastra while lead her grandmother's way to the dining table.
“There is nothing to be remind of, we have all here, doesn’t need others. We just have to
protect our people, Pra.” Said the middle aged woman while preparing some plates for
“Huft,” Prasastra sitting on the chair with his gloomy face.
“Hey? What’s with that face? Look at Mama.” Mother lifted Prasastra’s chin to look at her
eyes intentionally.
“You have grown, Pra. You know what our people needs. After this, is your Pandora,
please be ready to take your father’s duty. Look me in the eyes,” Mother said with her giving
sign for Prasastra to look at her, “You know Mama loves you?” Then she tapped her son’s nose
softly to spread the warmness at the end of her saying.
“Hihi” Prasastra giggling. “Yes Mama.” He continued.
Father’s smiling, he felt proud and feel relieved with Prasastra’s answer. His Grandma? Nah,
she’s too old for this conversation. Then they’re all continuing their breakfast event cheerfully
before doing the Prasastra’s Pandora.


Now Prasastra is being led by father and mother walking towards the city center in
Akrasia, Lanula. There, in front of a lot of people from Akrasia are watching glorily yet
worriedly because Pandora is about to be held. And the next chief who’ll lead their way are
Prasastra Tka, known as a very experimental teen with a lot of uncommon ideas he do. Basically,
those ideas are very positive and makes Akrasia more modern, but again not all of them are
accepting the next era, they be stuck in their ancient trust.
“Why does Pandora being held if the next chief are still teen, Mom? Isn’t the rule of
being a chief were at least in adult?” Says the little kid with his confusion in the middle of
Pandora’s crowd when he sees the next chief is a teen.
“Hm.. it’s because of Chief Pare already get his old, so his son must be the one who will
continue his path of leads.” Answer his mother.

“My people, I have something important to say, it’s for our planet, Akrasia’s
future.” Father while holdng his son’s shoulder proudly.
“I think you all know why are we gather here. Pandora.” He continued.
And unexpectedly there is a girl around 5 lifts her hand,
“Yes?” Chief Pare let the girl ask. “What is Pandeera, Chief Pare? Is it the combination of a
panda and a deer?” The situation suddenly becomes intense quite and everybody staring at the
girl, then they’re all burst to laughter—including them who presents the show—.
“Ahaha- Ukhm sorry-” Chief Pare with his rest of laugh. “Why is everybody laughs at me?
Am I did wrong?” The girl feel ashamed because everyone’s look at her with their laugh and
she felt intimidated. Subconsciously she lowered her head shyly.
“Aw.. no pretty, here let me explain.” Now Mother take the situation cause she can’t handle the
adorableness of the girl. “The people of Akrasia, Pandora is a sacred ceremony as a sign of
respect yet as the formal appointment of titles to the next chief, this activity has been
carried out for generations from previous ancestors.” mother explains at length to her people
while looking at their faces. “And it is Pandora, not Pandeera, my dear.” Mother ends up
staring at the girl with her warmth smile.
“Uwoah, so Prasastra will be our next chief?” The girl had jaw dropped when she knows what
are Pandora actually means. Oh by the way, she’s the only kid who wants to be friend with
Prasastra, so she is Prasastra’s friend. “Indeed, honey.” Mother said with her wide smile. If
you’re asking what Prasastra do with that situation, he’s totally just laughing at his friend’s

“Since the main purpose of our gathering here was discovered through that girl’s
question accidentally, let me straight to the point.” Chief Pare taking back the situation.
“Because my strength in leadership is getting weaker due to age, I will reasigning my duty
to my son. Please welcome, Chief Prasastra.” Final Chief Pare and followed by loud applause
from the people of Akrasia as a sign of respect to their new chief. “Chief Pra, would you?”
Mother said while instructing her hand to the crowd as a sign of Prasastra to do his promised
protection speech. Every chief has their own promised protection speech when they were raised
as a chief.
Prasastra walking slowly to the crowd and about to said his speech, but the only thing
that backing him up to do it is because he did not even prepared about it even for just a line that
could promising his people right now.
Everybody staring at him intensely because now Prasastra is standing with his awkward
gesture in front of his people and still said nothing. Instead of saying a line, he’s gulping out the
“Um.. who’s ready for Pandora’s party?” Prasastra well said and immediately closed his eyes
because of scared with his people’s responses. Oh ya, he also covering his ears, well not actually
covering it but he’s trying for the best to not hear some sound.
“YESS!!” “ME MEE” “HAHAHA” yup, those are the actual responses from his people, they
feel happy with their new chief, more chill and fun, hope the situation will last long. Actually
when Chief Pare—their old chief who just being replaced just now— leads them, the situation of
their planet are doing well and everything is very structured as it should be, but they feel a little
bit boring with it, so when Prasastra said things that boost the situation, they’re enjoying it so
Although Prasastra fighting for his life to not hear some sounds, he still could hear what
his people says, and when he noticed it isn’t a bad things, he opened his eyes and joining them
for cheering situation up. “LET’S GO PEOPLE YUHUU”.

Now in some place on Akrasia, the place that certainly used as a gathering place, the
Pandora’s party are being held. Crowd confirmed, foods everywhere, people just vibing and they
were like having a victory eventhough it’s just them having a new chief, but they’re having great
time. Indeed when you are having fun then you will forget about the surroundings, just like the
people of Akrasia, they were not worrying their defenses, all they concerned it’s having fun
tonight and go back to work tomorrow.
When their defense are low, there’s a bunch of people or we just called it as a group, they
were trying to get in Akrasia with smashing the entries. All dress are black with a things
covering their faces. When they’re successfully in, they looks like searching for something, they
were splitting task, some go to the crowds of Pandora’s party for watching and giving updates
and cues about the situation that happens there, some go to their destination, some place in
Akrasia. A holy place that rarely visited nor exposed to the world or their people neither. When
they’re already get what they want, they’re took those thing up rushly and go run faster away
from those place.
Somewhere else, in the Pandora’s party, the people whose assigned to supervise and give
cues are getting called by the others through some kind of walkie talkie, they said that their duty
is done and they were told to quickly run away from there. They ran out, and when it comes to
the last person, the unfortunate person whose on the backline is getting a trouble. They hits a
boy, and that boy was the boy who just got his title as a chief today, Prasastra.
“AKHH” Prasastra winced when their heads hit and their bodies bounced pretty hard,
“AKHHH” scream that person too. They both fall, and the others lefted them.
“Are you okay?”
“Looks?” Prasastra while holding his head.
“Hm sorry, c’mon.” that person immediately stood up and extended his hand to Prasastra.
After they both stands up, the misterious person was looking at Prasastra intensely, and when it
takes pretty long second, Prasastra feel uncomfortable then he’s clearing his throat up to break
the awkward atmosphere there. Then he’s looking at that person’s looks, ‘it’s all black for
what?’ inner Prasastra, “why’d you wore all black? What’s with that thing covered up your
face? I mean it’s actually feel free to wear anything you want to, but,” Prasastra took a short
breath, then drew closer to that misterious person, the person who was approached by reflex
lowered his head, but his body remained in place. “HAHHH!!” He scream excitedly makes that
EVENT??!! But wait, you KNOW US??” Prasastra with his sparkling eyes. And that
misterious person no cluessly nodded then they’re regretting all desition they does because for
the next time after having the answer from the interlocutors Prasastra getting insane. Prasastra
starts to talk about things that interested him, the fashion event in Sergei, how such a big fan him
for the big planets, the struggle he felt when his own planet aren’t recoginized by civilization,
and many more stuff that makes a headache for that misterious person.
“.. Hmm, oh yeah, i’m Prasastra, chief of Akrasia.” Final Prasastra and those who are spoken
to immediately answer, “i’m Mores.” “Okay Mores, what we’re going to do?!” Prasastra with
his widely smile shaking his legs excited. “Um.. I don’t know?” Said that person. “Exactlyy,
come on, let me show you something.”


When the two of them are in the walk to the place that Prasastra said, Prasastra still
cannot stop talking, until “can I see your face? I mean.. it would be nice to know you as a
person, we can be friends right? No, we SHOULD be friends.” That person aren’t answering
or even looking at Prasastra just like he did to them. “Okay, sorry, nope, no face, no friends,
okay, noted.” Said Prasastra then walk more faster and look ahead.
After take a time, they’ve arrived, the rarely known and the hidden but golden place in
Akrasia, Wala. “Here” Prasastra while holding that person’s hand and going more inside the
place, the person whose being hold are just amazed with the place. The big and bushy trees and
waterfall also lot of butterflies and direct light from the sky, it’s just giving the really calming
and overwhelming vibes.
Now, with remaining admiration, they taking a seat, under the one most big tree with the
bushy leaves, the situation was very windy but not that cold or even frozy, the wind gives cozy.
Prasastra starts to sit down, and that person are still standing while looking around, so Prasastra
pulled them to join him sitting down. “You’re so amazed?” Prasastra followed by nodded as the
answer ‘yes’ from the interlocutors. “Isn’t on Sergei is more beautifull?” Prasastra asked, “It’s
such a different thing, here, is more nature? And there, was just too modern for this kind
of thing.” Said that person, Prasastra just nodding his head and start to stares at the sky, full of
stars and it’s quite strange for Prasastra cause now he could see the other planet. but that feeling
was just being brushed aside by Prasasta. “Isn't it great to have a people with open minded
minds? People whose accepting the new era, the modern era has begun since so many times
ago but my people are closing self from it.” Prasastra while still staring at the sky that feels
strange. That person not answering Prasastra’s question whose more like an oppinion,
“Hey, would you like to join me there?” They said after the two of them were silent for
a while. “There where? Sergei?” the previously serious state, became cheerful again due to a
little shout from Prasastra, “Where else?” Said that person with smiley eyes that Prasastra could
see. “REALLYY??” Prasastra excited, but then he’s lowered his shoulders, “Why?” Said that
person after notice Prasastra’s mood changed. “I don't have anyone there, and if I ask papa's
permission, it definitely won't be allowed.” Prasastra now looks upset.
“Hey, look at me” that person starts stroking the back of Prasastra’s hand and followed
with Prasastra raising his head up. “You can trust me.” Them said. “How do I trust you if my
own self didn’t even know your face?” Prasastra.
That person unexpectedly start to let go of that thing covering his head and left Prasastra
shock. It’s a boy, more like teen but looks adult too, Prasastra didn’t know how to describe him,
but he can conclude that he has a face that can be trusted. And Prasastra didn’t even know
where’s that conclusion comes from. “I don’t know if these are convincing, but yeah this my
face, you now can trust me or not, it’s up to you.” Mores. “Okay.. LET’S G-” when Prasastra
was about to answer, suddenly there was an explosion and it came from the crowd there,
Pandora's party. “Pra, look at me, let’s go out of here immediately.” Mores now holding
Prasastra’s hand and about to ran out, out of Akrasia. “MAMAA PAPAA!!!” Now Prasastra
start to rebeling himself from Mores’s holds. “Let me go!” “Pra, it’s not safe, come with me.”
Now Prasastra have cried and still can’t get off from Mores’s holds.
Not long after that, suddenly there was a group behind Mores. Prasastra found it strange
because these people were wearing the same clothes with the same kind of head things as Mores
earlier. “Mores, let’s go, it’ll explode more” they said while pulling Mores’s back.
After with his drama part, Prasastra notice something wrong, “How did you know it will
explode more?” Then everybody looks at Prasastra. “Mores? Would you like to explain?”
Prasastra now put a defiant eye towards Mores and with his remnant of his tears that still
flowing. But you know the thing that brokes Prasastra’s heart? No answer, just the noise of the
crowd from far in disguise, “I trusted you.” Prasastra pointing Mores before he run to the
crowds wich also run to the next explosion. “PRAA!!” Mores scream and about to chase
Prasastra but his friends has pulled him away and seems to bring him out of Akrasia. After that
the next big explosion were heard and Mores run with head watching back and tears has spilled.

Back a while ago, the time when the ‘intruders’ are splitting their tasks, “You, Dva, Teli,
Mores. Go to the party and set the tracking signal there. Me and the others will take this
planet-blinding device. This planet is too modern to know how to protect it from the
public.” Then Mores lifting his hands up lowkeyly to ask a question “What is the tracking
signal for?”. “We don’t know yet, still wait the next orders from the elder.” Then they were
all agreed with the split of task they get, and they were doing it as it instructed.

Sincerely, Rayhan.

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