Chapter 3 Reading Questions

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Chapter 3 Reading Questions

1. Chapter 3.1: In one to three paragraphs, explain how certain land-based empires developed and
expanded from 1450 to 1750.
The Qing Dynasty, Mughal Empire, and Ottoman Empire developed and expanded from 1450 to 1750. To start,
the Qing Dynasty developed when Manchu seized power of the Ming Dynasty in 1644, establishing the Qing
Dynasty. It then further grew when Taiwan, Mongolia, and Central Asia were incorporated into the empire and a
protectorate was imposed over Tibet by China. Next, the Mughal Empire developed through trade as overseas
trade was flourishing. It then grew due to merchants trading more withing the borders of the empire. Lastly, the
Ottoman Empire developed through many raids of Turkey. It then further grew through the overpowering of
many other smaller countries, largely expanding the boarders into southeast Europe.

2. Chapter 3.2: In one to three paragraphs, explain how rulers in land-based empires legitimized and
consolidated their power from 1450 to 1750.
Rulers in land-based empires legitimized and consolidated their power from 1450 to 1750 by using
bureaucratic elites and religion in order to create centralized governments. Often, rulers would grant smaller
elites land in order to establish their own governments and produce their own revenue in order for the
empire to expand and increase power. This power was then legitimized through the belief of the divine
rights, where the king is both the political and religious leader.

3. Chapter 3.3: In one to three paragraphs, explain how different belief systems endured or changed from
1450 to 1750.
Different belief systems endured and changed from 1450 to 1750. The Protestant Reformation was a major
change of the Christian belief system, as Lutheranism , a new branch of Christianity, sparked a major
controversy, which led to a major split between the Roman Catholic Church and the Holy Roman Empire.
Similarly, Shi’a Islamic followers and Sunni Islamic followers had a split due to the conflicts between the
Ottoman Empire and the Safavid Empire. The Ottoman’s replaced their legal system with shariah, a strict
Sunni Islamic legal system, while the Safavids used Shi’a Islam as a unifying force and denied legitimacy to
any Sunni, causing hostilities within the Ottoman Empire.
Chapter 3 Reading Questions

4. Chapter 3.4: In one to three paragraphs, explain the methods empires used to increase their social and
cultural influence from 1450 to 1750.
Empires increased their social and cultural influence from 1450 to 1750 by transoceanic trade, the use of
gunpowder weapons, and through different religious ideologies. Firstly, transoceanic trade helped spread
ideas and cultures of many empires throughout South America as new trade routes were developed and more
maritime navigation technologies developed. This helped the larger empires expand through larger areas and
increase their social and cultural influence. Next, gunpowder and gunpowder weapons solidified empires’
control over their land and acquire more land from smaller states. Lastly, since larger empires had a large
control over the smaller states in the area, it was easy to spread religious ideologies and integrate these
states into them.

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