Chapter 5 Reading Guide

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Chapter 5 Reading Guide

1. Chapter 5.1: In one to three paragraphs, explain how the Enlightenment shaped the ideological and
intellectual thinking that affected reform and revolution in the period after 1750.

The Enlightenment changed religious thinking, influencing reform and revolution in many ways. Some
of the new ideas proposed are related to social and religious contracts. The social contract was proposed
by Hobbes and Locke, although both disagreed on some points. For example, Hobbes believed in the
necessity of having a strong government, to the extent that it may be necessary to sacrifice the rights of
the people to make this happen. However, Locke supported the idea that a dangerous system of
government must be prevented by overthrowing it. Religion represents the belief that gods control our
paths in life and that there are natural "laws" at play. Another new idea during this period was
empiricism, the idea that the fewer the gestures, the smaller, the less important the knowledge.
Essentially, a thesis must be supported by data. This idea was introduced by Francis Bacon around 1620.
Feminism became increasingly prominent. The abolitionist movement became more progressive in
certain areas.

2. Chapter 5.2: In one to three paragraphs, explain the causes and effects of the various revolutions in the
period from 1750 to 1900, including influences of the Enlightenment and emerging nationalism.

The Age of Enlightenment was a major factor in many revolutions. For example, Americans changed
the structure of society in part by expanding the middle class and promoting free trade. Many regions
were also trying to resist British colonization. For example, the Maori people of New Zealand tried to
overthrow British rule. However, although the tribes banded together, it was not enough and the British
finally defeated them in 1872. Another example is Hindus and Muslims, who historically did not get
along, but both groups wanted the British to leave their country. After gaining independence in 1947,
India and Pakistan separated. There were also many social uprisings, like the uprising in France where
people fought for the middle class to have power. This leads to the reign of terror. That was the period:
many countries gained independence; However, the rights of women and indigenous people are still
very limited. Overall, the Enlightenment paved the way for liberalism. Nationalism also leads to the
disintegration of cultural groups. For example, Ottoman nationalism led to more revolutions due to
differences in cultural groups in the Ottoman Empire.

3. Chapter 5.3: In one to three paragraphs, explain what factors contributed to and characterized
industrialization in the period from 1750 to 1900.

The Second Agricultural Revolution and the Industrial Revolution were quite important. The Second
Agricultural Revolution paved the way for the Industrial Revolution to flourish. The Second
Agricultural Revolution led to more crops being produced through more innovative farming techniques.
This meant that people had more food to eat, which was a factor in the population boom. This was not
only limited to edible crops. For example, cotton, an important crop, especially in the southern United
States, was grown more quickly thanks to inventions such as the cotton gin. This made it easier to
Chapter 5 Reading Guide
produce clothes, leading to a boom in production. This meant that more factories were established,
which was a key factor in the industrial revolution. Families have more income because many women
and children also start working. Women's rights have progressed, but along with children, they are
treated quite poorly and unfairly.

4. Chapter 5.4: In one to three paragraphs, explain how different production methods and locations
developed and changed over time.

The industrial revolution and its ideas and innovations spread quickly and far and wide. Every field has
innovations that truly change technology and machinery. However, in some areas such as France, where
uprisings and issues related to nationalism occurred, these advances were delayed. The regions used
methods that were sustainable and appropriate to their environment, economy and available resources.
For example, the United States has used human capital to boost its economy, while Russia has relied
more on the transportation aspect of its industrialization. Countries in East Asia focused on military
strength and the advancement of technology. Colonized areas such as India and Africa did not progress
as much partly due to British exploitation.

5. Chapter 5.5: In one to three paragraphs, explain how technology shaped economic production during the
period from 1750 to 1900.

Technology significantly boosted economic growth during this period. As technology accelerated
manufacturing, more factories were built, making hiring more workers a necessity. This has contributed
to the growth of the economy. One of the inventions/innovations that made this possible was the cotton
gin created by Eli Whitney. Coal mining flourished, which really boosted the overall economy, but
many people fell ill and suffered from black lung disease. Another important technological invention is
the telephone, invented by Alexander Graham Bell. This increased communication has made the
telephone an indispensable part of daily life in more developed countries such as the United States. This
affected economic production, as phones were updated and used very flexibly, leading to mass

6. Chapter 5.6: In one to three paragraphs, describe the economic strategies that different states and
empires adopted, and explain the causes and effects of those strategies.
Chapter 5 Reading Guide

Some empires like the Ottoman Empire did not use European principles like the Enlightenment. The
Ottoman Empire was partly fractured by the abuse of nationalism. This led to the creation of unique
economic policies. For example, the Ottomans imposed higher taxes on the lower classes and used their
military power to spread. Yet textile mills thrived in part because of these ideals. Some empires, such as
Japan, industrialized quite rapidly and remain one of the most technologically advanced countries today.
Japan domesticated its trade until the United States forced it to open its borders to trade with Western
countries. This forced Japan to integrate Western methods into its industrialization process as well as its
social structure. For example, feudalism was abolished.

7. Chapter 5.7: In one to three paragraphs, explain how the development of economic systems, ideologies,
and institutions contributed to change in the period from 1750 to 1900.

The Industrial Revolution affected many systems. For example, stock exchanges were established,
which put pressure on businesses. Many large companies were born during this period. The great
advantages of using factories for mass production led some companies to expand internationally. The
number of women working in positions such as secretaries at large companies is increasing. Because
people were making more money, children were finally able to receive a better education.

8. Chapter 5.8: In one to three paragraphs, explain the conditions that led to calls for change in industrial
societies and the results of those efforts.

Industrial society led to the formation of labor unions. These unions advocated for workers' rights. This
has allowed us to minimize child labor and take full advantage of child safety laws. Moreover, Marxism
is gaining popularity, especially in Russia. All workers were treated equally, but the government was
considered an elite. Reforms were also caused by the collapse/weakening of certain empires, such as the
Ottoman Empire.

9. Chapter 5.9: In one to three paragraphs, explain how industrialization caused changes in existing social
hierarchies and standards of living.

Industrial society led to the formation of labor unions. These unions advocated for workers' rights. This
has allowed us to minimize child labor and take full advantage of child safety laws. Moreover, Marxism
is gaining popularity, especially in Russia. All workers were treated equally, but the government was
considered an elite. Reforms were also caused by the collapse/weakening of certain empires, such as the
Ottoman Empire.

10. Chapter 5.10: In one to three paragraphs, explain how the Industrial Revolution demonstrated both
continuity and change.

The Industrial Revolution created differences in social class and the treatment of women and children.
The economy was stimulated, resulting in more factory jobs for the poor. This meant that more people
Chapter 5 Reading Guide
were middle class. This also led to some conflicts. For example, in France, people basically overthrew
the government so that the middle class could control everything. Nationalism spread at increasingly
unhealthy levels. This weakened empires such as the Ottoman Empire. The Industrial Revolution has
had a strong impact on manufacturing and technology to this day.

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