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age: 8 years

birthday: October 8, 2016

second grade student

spend time: playing soccer, swimming, reading,

studying English and playing Nintendo.
Technology in agribusiness management is increasingly present in the rural world. Today there are
many agribusiness companies that implement technological management systems to improve their
productivity, control costs and increase the success of their businesses.
end of the presentation thank you very much
es aprender a llevar tu emprendimiento rural al comercio electrónico, saber
cómo conectarte a otros mercados, entender la importancia de la
asociatividad y el cooperativismo agrario.
This program provides comprehensive training that combines technical, administrative and financial
knowledge applied to the agricultural sector. By taking this technology, students will develop skills

– Formulate and implement agricultural projects.

– Plan, execute and evaluate agricultural and livestock activities.
– Coordinate teams and processes according to the company's management strategies.
– Implement ICT (Information and Communication Technologies) to optimize operations.
– Analyze data and results of production processes.
– Design and execute agricultural marketing plans.

agribusiness management technologist

Aumentar las oportunidades de generación de ingresos y empleabilidad,

capacitarme humanística, científica y técnicamente en las áreas administrativas,

económicas, financieras y contables, para aplicar mis conocimiento con criterio
creando mi propia empresa del sector agropecuario, en el desarrollo de estrategias
de producción, mercadeo y conservación de productos agropecuarios, que favorezcan
la productividad en las unidades agropecuarias.

train myself humanistically, scientifically and technically in the administrative, economic, financial
and accounting areas, to apply my knowledge with criteria, creating my own company in the
agricultural sector, in the development of production, marketing and conservation strategies for
agricultural products, which favor productivity in agricultural units.
expectations and interests
The Agricultural Management Technology program is a contribution to the country's agricultural
and livestock sector, in the administrative management of small and medium-sized agricultural
Acquire knowledge that will allow us to effectively manage a company tomorrow, having the
necessary capacity to face decision-making within the company.
Train ourselves very well to handle and administer the material, financial and technological
resources that are assigned to us inherent to the production process.

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