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1. A Cold Day in JulyMeaning: Something that is highly unlikely to happen.

2. Yada YadaMeaning: A way to notify a person that what they're saying is predictable or

3. Beating Around the BushMeaning: Someone who is beating

around the bush is someone who avoids the main point.

4. Quality TimeMeaning: Spending time with another to strengthen the relationship.

5. Foaming At The MouthMeaning: To be enraged and show it.

6. Down And OutMeaning: (1) A term used in a boxing. (2) Someone who has
become incapacitated.

Jig Is UpMeaning: For a ruse or trick to be discovered; to be caught.


8. Talk the TalkMeaning: Supporting what you say, not just with words, but also
through action or evidence.

A Hair’s BreadthMeaning: An tiny margin or amount.


10. Throw In the TowelMeaning: Giving up; to surrender.

11. When the Rubber Hits the Road Meaning: When something
is about to begin, get serious, or put to the test.

Break The IceMeaning: Breaking down a social stiffness.


13. A LemonMeaning: Usually a vehicle (but any device) that you buy that's defective.

14. A Fool and His Money Are Soon

PartedMeaning: Someone who spends their money foolishly.

15. A Hundred and Ten PercentMeaning: Someone who gives more
than what seems to be possible.

16. Drawing a BlankMeaning: Failing to recall a memory. Unable to remember


Poke Fun AtMeaning: Making fun of something or someone; ridicule.


18. What Goes Up Must Come DownMeaning: Things that go

up must eventually return to the earth due to gravity.

19. Hard Pill to SwallowMeaning: Something that's difficult to accept.

20. Short End of the StickMeaning: Getting the bad end of a deal, or
receiving the least desirable outcome from something.

A Busy BeeMeaning: An industrious person.


22. Happy as a ClamMeaning: The state of being happy; feeling delighted.

23. On the RopesMeaning: Being in a situation that looks to be hopeless!

24. Don't Look a Gift Horse In The

MouthMeaning: When you receive a gift from someone, do not be ungrateful.

25. Off One's BaseMeaning: A person that is crazy or behaving in idiotic ways

26. Give a Man a FishMeaning: It's better to teach a person how to do something
than to do that something for them.

A Few Sandwiches Short of a


PicnicMeaning: Someone who's not intelligent or has questionable mental capacity.

28. Back To the Drawing BoardMeaning: Starting over again on a
new design from a previously failed attempt.

29. Ring Any Bells?Meaning: Recalling a memory; causing a person to remember

something or someone.

30. Needle In a HaystackMeaning: Something that is impossible or extremely

difficult to find, especially because the area you have to search is too large.

31. Fight Fire With FireMeaning: To retaliate with an attack that is similar to the
attack used against you.

Knock Your Socks OffMeaning: To be taken by surprise.


33. High And DryMeaning: To be left behind; abandoned. Being in a helpless situation
without a way to recover.

34. Cry Over Spilt MilkMeaning: It's useless to worry about things that already
happened and cannot be changed.

35. Elvis Has Left The BuildingMeaning: Something that is all over.
36. Go Out On a LimbMeaning: Putting yourself in a risky situation in order to
help someone; or to hazard a guess.

37. Mouth-wateringMeaning: Delicious; something that looks or tastes appetizing.

38. Eat My HatMeaning: Having confidence in a specific outcome; being almost sure
about something.

39. Cut The MustardMeaning: To cut the mustard is to meet a required standard,
or to meet expectations.

40. Under Your NoseMeaning: Missing something that should be really obvious.
41. My Cup of TeaMeaning: Someone or something that one finds to be agreeable or

42. Keep On Truckin'Meaning: To keep going, pressing forward; never stopping.

43. On Cloud NineMeaning: Having strong feelings of happiness or satisfaction.

44. In a PickleMeaning: Being in a difficult predicament; a mess; an undesirable situation.

45. Down For The CountMeaning: Someone or something that looks to be

defeated, or nearly so.

46. Wouldn't Harm a FlyMeaning: Nonviolent; someone who is mild or gentle.

47. Barking Up The Wrong TreeMeaning: To make a wrong
assumption about something.

48. It's Not All It's Cracked Up To BeMeaning: Failing to meet

expectations; not being as good as people say.

49. Birds of a Feather Flock TogetherMeaning: People tend

to associate with others who share similar interests or values.

50. A Cold FishMeaning: Someone who lacks empathy and emotion.

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