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Type 0 IF/UNLESS + Present Simple + Present Simple

Type 1 IF/UNLESS + Present Simple + Simple Future (will)

IF/UNLESS + Present Simple + Imperative (no subject)

Type 2 IF/UNLESS + Simple Past + Simple Conditional (would)

Type 3 IF/UNLESS + Past Perfect Simple + Conditional Perfect Simple (would have)

1.- Complete the sentences (TYPE 0):

1. Plants ______________ (+ to die) if you ______________ (- to water) them.
2. If an animal ______________ (- to eat), it _______________ (+to die).
3. You ______________ (+ to get) pink if you ______________ (+to mix) red and white.
4. If you _______________ (+to heat) ice, it ______________ (+melt).
5. Roads ________________ (+to be) wet if it _______________ (+to rain).
6. If you _______________ (+to touch) a fire, you _______________ (+to get) burnt.

2.- Complete the sentences (TYPE 1)

1. You ____________ (feel) ill if you ____________ (eat) too many sweets.
2. Unless we ____________ (hurry), we ____________ (not finish) on time.
3. If we ____________ (go) to Madrid we ____________ (see) The Lion King.
4. I ____________ (not help) him if he ____________ (not apologise).
5. Unless she____________ (be) careful, she ____________ (hurt) herself
6. ____________ (wear) a jacket if it ____________ (be) cold.

3.- Complete the sentences (TYPE 2)

1. If I ____________ (find) a wallet on the street, I ____________ (give) it to the police.
2. I ____________ (be) rich if I __________________ (invent) something popular.
3. If he ____________ (have) more time, he _________________ (learn) to play the guitar.
4. Nothing ______________ (get) discovered if they ____________ (not do) research
5. If the car ____________ (go) faster, I ____________ (be) sick.
6. People ________________(prevent) diseases if everybody ____________ (wash) their hands more

4.- Complete the sentences (TYPES 0, 1, 2)

1- If you were a famous actor/actress, where _______________ (you/live)?
2- You ___________________ (+to be) healthier if you didn’t smoke.
3- If I heat water at 100º C, it _______________ (+ to boil).
4- If you do your homework now, we________________ (+ to go) to the cinema in the evening.
5- What ___________________ (you/do) if you miss the train?
6- If I ___________ (+ to meet) my favourite actor, I would ask him for an autograph.
7- ___________ (+ to call) me if you need help.
8- If I _____________ (to be) you, I would know what to do in this situation.
9- I ___________________ (-to phone) her unless I knew she wasn’t angry with me.
10- She ___________(- to say) that if she were your friend.
11- I’ll call you if I _________________________ (get) home on time.
12- If she _________________________ (not eat) so much, she would feel better.
13- If it doesn’t stop raining, we _________________________ (not go) to the beach.
14- If I _________________________ (be) you, I would answer him.
15- I _________________________ (go) to the mountains tomorrow unless it rains.
16- If a person ___________________ (not eat), he/she _______________________ (die)
17- If you don’t know what to do, _________________ (ask) for help.

6.- Complete the sentences with if or unless.

1. I won’t talk to you _______you are calmer.
2. _______ we go the supermarket, we won’t have any food in the house.
3. We’ll have to queue when we get there _________ we take the bus.
4. _________he doesn’t finish his dinner, he won’t have any cake.
5. ________ people think about the environment, the situation will get worse.
6. Sean and Lucy will meet in the park __________ the weather is good.

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