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Competency Based Lesson/Unit Plan
1. Name of the Teacher: Dipak Ch Kalita Designation: PGT Economics

2. Subject: Economics Class: X- A & B

3. Lesson/Unit Name: Development

4. No. of periods required: 2 Duration From 01.07.2023 to 08.07.2023

A. Learning Outcomes(Specific to the lesson mapped with NCERT Learning

i. Revision of the entire chapter. Students will recall the main content of this chapter.
B. Details of Pedagogical Strategies/Process(Art integrated /Sports integrated/
Story telling based/Toy based /Any other pedagogy):
i. Demonstration & lecture

C. Topic of the lesson for presentation by the students (once in a week by

rearranging classroom setting suitable for group):
i. Nil

D. Name 21st Century Skills to be developed :

i. .

E. Activities/Experiments/Hands-on-learning/Projects:

F. Interdisciplinary linkage and infusion of Life Skills, Values, Gender

Sensitivity and Environmental Awareness:
i. Self awareness ,

G. Resources (including ICT)

i. PPT, Video, Paper cuttings
ii. https://www.economist.com
iii. NCERT Text Book
iv. Flow chart

H. Assessment items for measuring learning outcomes in the class and as home
assignments(Teacher should plan Assessment Items and link the same with
learning outcomes mentioned in Para A):

Items No Sl.No. Items No of Sl.No

of of LO Items .
Item of
s LO
Oral Quiz 2 i, ii, iii, iv, v, Presentation
Portfolio Puzzle
Multiple choice 3 i, ii, iii, iv, v, Group Project
Very Short Answer 2 iii, iv, Individual
Questions Project
Short Answer Questions 1 I, ii, iii Any other Item
Long Answer Questions 1 v,
Competency based 3 i, ii, iii, iv, v,

I. Remedial Teaching Plans/Plan for unfinished portion of previous unit:

i. Practice of previous year CBSE questions
ii. Practice of competency-based questions
iii. Practice of Assertion-reason type of questions
J. Inclusive Practices (Activities/ Support measures for differently able students):
i. NA
Dipak Ch Kalita
Date:30.06.2023 (Signature of the teacher)

Remarks of the Principal/Vice Principal:

(Signature of the Principal/Vice Principal)

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