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Romelyn Mae Torzar NSTP


Reaction Paper on Drug Awareness and Prevention

The topic discussed by the Philippine National Police of Balayan was titled
'Drug Awareness and Prevention.' As I listened to the speaker, I gained many insights and
knowledge. It was discussed what drugs are, and I learned that it is not good to take them
because they can affect our bodies physically and psychologically. In addition, excessive drug
use can lead to damage to a person's health. Therefore, we should avoid drugs because they
are illegal and prohibited by law, bad for health, and have physical and psychological effects.
The Police Officer successfully discussed the topic, ensuring that we understood it. He also
discussed the law referring to the topic, which is the Comprehensive Dangerous Drugs Act of
2002, where he discussed the unlawful acts and corresponding punishments in each section.
Additionally, the officer discussed the elements of drug addiction, such as users being
physically dependent or addicted to drugs as much as they are to food intake, and also the
withdrawal symptoms that drug users feel when they stop using drugs. Drug tolerance occurs
when users need to take more or increase their intake to keep experiencing the same effect. I
also learned about Polydrug Abuse, where abusers often mix alcohol with drugs, which is a
dangerous practice. Even young people become dependent on drugs such as cigarettes and
alcohol, which can sometimes be seen as a casual and normal thing to do. The officer also
discussed the pharmacological classification of drugs. First is stimulants, a group of drugs
that excite the central nervous system, with examples being drugs and cocaine, and he also
discussed the immediate effects of using stimulants. Second is depressants, drugs that
decrease bodily functions' activity, examples of which include sedatives, sleeping pills, and so
on. Third is Inhalants, volatile chemical substances containing psychoactive vapors that
produce a state of intoxication, with examples like rugby, super glue, and thinner. Lastly, he
discussed the number one popular drug of abuse, shabu, also known as methamphetamine
hydrochloride. When used long-term, it has many effects that can lead to manifestations of
psychosis, similar to schizophrenia, characterized by paranoid delusions, auditory and visual
hallucinations that may lead to violent and aggressive behavior. Overall, my experience at the
event was awesome. I got to learn a lot of things regarding drugs, their effects, and the
tremendous outcomes when they are used. I learned that even at my young age, I need to
stop and not consider using drugs for a better life.

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