Technical Terms Used in Research

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M. H. del Pilar Street, Molo, Iloilo City

Department of English

Learning Activity Sheet in English 10

Fourth Quarter

Technical Terms Used in Research

In this lesson, you will discover technical terms generally used in research. This ensures that you will develop
knowledge and skills and understand new concept about research writing.
What is a Research?
Research is a process of investigation or inquiry that requires data collection, analysis, and interpretation using
appropriate methodologies. Research will help you to evaluate if the hypothesis is valid, as it gathers a body of
knowledge and findings to be shared by students, teachers, and experts.
Common Technical Terms in Research Writing
 Qualitative Research is descriptive. The data gathered are usually expressed in words. It is used to
understand concepts based on the participant’s thoughts or experiences. This type of research enables
you to gather the participants’ experiences through interviews, focus group discussions and open-
ended questionnaires.
 Quantitative Research is usually expressed in numbers and graphs. It is used to test or confirm theories
and assumptions. This type of research gathers data through experiments and surveys with closed-
ended questions.
 Conceptual Framework shows the relationship of research variables and helps you to inform the rest of
the design. It illustrates and maps out how relevant the variables are to each other.
 Population represents the entire group of people that meets the criteria of your study.
 Title Page is the first page of your article, and therefore, must be well-formatted to represent your
paper. This page should include all the information necessary for a reader to identify the contents of
the article.
 Abstract summarizes the contents of the research. It is composed of one paragraph with 300 words or
less and discuss the important aspects of the entire paper: 1) the overall purpose of the study and the
research problem(s) you investigated; 2) the basic design of the study, and 3) major findings or trends
found as a result.
 Introduction is one of the first things you need to write in your research. It is where you mention your
specific topic from a general standpoint.
 Purpose of the Study states the aims and objectives of your research.
 Significance of the Study is the part of the research where you must briefly discuss the beneficiaries,
significance, and contribution of the study to society.
 Statement of the problem identifies the problems or questions that your research would like to answer
or prove based on the data that will be gathered.
 Hypothesis states what your research may find out. It is stated as it answers your main research
 A null hypothesis (H0) is a prediction that there is no significant change, effect, or relationship
between the variables.
 An alternative hypothesis (H1) is a prediction that there is significant change, effect, or
relationship between the variables.
 Scope will dictate the extent of how deep you will explore the research questions You have to indicate
specific restrictions such as timeframe or population so that the research is feasible to finish.
 Delimitations explain some aspects of the variables that is going to be excluded in your research. It
describes the boundaries that you have set for the study.
 Theoretical Framework is an understanding of theories and concepts that are relevant to the topic of
your research paper and that relate to the broader areas of knowledge being considered.
 Research Methodology refers to the data that is going to be collected and analyzed in the research.
 Sampling Design refers to how the participants of your study are selected.
 Participants are persons who voluntarily participate in your research after giving informed consent.
 Instruments that can be used in your research are interviews, tests, surveys, or checklist.
 Data Collection Method refers to the tools you will use in your research to collect data. Selecting the
data collection method depends on the aims and research problems you want to answer.
 Survey is a data collection method comprised of multiple-choice or rating scales.
 Questionnaire is an instrument that is made up of a series of questions to information from
respondents. Questionnaires can be facilitated online or face-to-face.
 Results are the findings from the data that you have collected from your study. The data should be
arranged in a logical manner based on the research questions being addressed using graphs, charts,
and tables to be easily understood by the readers.
 Data Analysis is the process of applying statistical procedures to describe and illustrate the data
 Conclusion is where the key findings are summarized and arranged in a manner that answers your
research problem.
 Recommendation should discuss the specific measures or directions that can be taken by other
researchers to further study.
 Reference is located at the last page of your research paper which is written in a style format
depending on the requirement of an institution. This will serve as a guide for other researchers to look
into the existing studies that you have cited in your research.
 Appendices contain all the supplementary materials used in the research such as the survey
questionnaires, rating scales, mathematical proofs, and lists of the definition to terms, a detailed
description of an apparatus used in the research, etc.
 Figures are tables, charts, and graphs used to present the summary of the raw data so that it will be
easier for your reader to understand the findings in the data collected.
 Plagiarism means that you are using someone else’s work and presenting it as your own.
 In-text Citation is used throughout in writing your research paper. It establishes or provides supports to
your claims based on the existing studies. An in-text citation is summarized, paraphrased, or quoted
information from another source.

Read and identify the following technical terms used in research writing.
1. It shows the relationship of research variables and helps you to inform the rest of the design.
2. It usually expressed in numbers and graphs.
3. It is descriptive. The data gathered are usually expressed in words.
4. It means that you are using someone else’s work and presenting it as your own.
5. It represents the entire group of people that meets the criteria of your study.
6. It summarizes the contents of the research.
7. It states the aims and objectives oy your research.
8. It refers to how the participants of your study are selected.
9. This will serve as a guide for other researchers to look into the existing studies that you have cited in
your research.
10. It is the process of applying statistical procedures to describe and illustrate the data collected.
11. This part will dictate the extent of how deep you will explore the research questions.
12. It is an instrument that is made up of a series of questions to information from respondents.
13. It is the part of the research where you must briefly discuss the beneficiaries, significance, and
contribution of the study to society.
14. These are tables, charts, and graphs used to present the summary of the raw data
15. It identifies the problems or questions that your research would like to answer or prove based on the
data that will be gathered.

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