Tugas Banyan Tree

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Proposal trainee

name : i kadek wirayasa department : house keeping

name of activity : saman dance theme of activity : trainee show explanation : Dance summons danced in the seated position.Included in this type
of art ratoh duk (sitting dance). The birth is closely related to the entry and development of Islamic religion.Where the dancers sat kneeling position, depressed body weight to both feet.Dance patterns in space is also limited at the level of warrant, namely the height position of the body. From a sitting position, his knees turned to a position above the knee (Gayo - berlembuku) which is the highest level, while the lowest level is when the dancers body bent forward until 45 o (tungkuk) or tilted backwards until 60 o (Langat). Sometimes when doing movements are accompanied oblique movement to the right or left, called novice. There are also exercise in a sitting position next pitch to right-or leftback (lingang). In addition to a sitting position and body movement, hand gestures are very dominant in the dance summons. Because he functions as well as musical motion. It's called the cerkop ie both hands close together and in the same direction. There are also cilok, namely the index finger tip motion as if to take something lighter objects such as salt. And paralyzed conducted in various positions (horizontal / back and forth / like a propeller). Head movements such as nodding in a slow tempo to fast (anguk) and head spinning like a propeller (Girek) is also a range of motion summons.all these elements that add beauty and harmony in motion dance summons.

Time & place : july 23, 2010 Preparation stage : the following stages in the dance movement summons

posision :1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17
No. 9 is called Lifters Lifting is the main character (a kind of sheikh in Seudati) central point in the Saman, which determines the motion of dance, the level of dance, poetry and poetry echoed in response to attack your opponent to play (Saman spur / game) Number 8 and 10 referred pinchers vokal Lifting tongs are a good helper figures of dance movement and singing / vocal No. 2-7 and 11-16 is called pincers Tweezers are used to support the dancers dance or dance movement that is directed lifter. Aside from being a dancer also played pinch (sandwich). So the density between the dancers awake, so the dancers together without any intermediate position banjar / bershaf (horizontal) to the unity and unison movement. No 1 and 17 referred Penupang Penupang dancers is the most left-right end of line dancers who sit berbanjar. Penupang besides supporting role as part of the dance also serves menupang / integrity of the position held meetings and dances to keep straight. So called penamat kerpe penupang jejerun (grass jejerun holders).As if to survive strengthen the position with grass memgang jejerun (jejerun kind of grass roots terhujam strong and deep, difficult to remove. Movement has done repeatedly

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