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curs 2021-2022

competència lingüística:

llengua anglesa

. Per fer les activitats d’aquesta prova, tens un FULL DE RESPOSTES amb dues parts:

. La PART 1 és per respondre a les preguntes corresponents a:

. Comprensió oral. Has d’escoltar dos textos i respondre a unes preguntes. Abans que comenci cada
audició tens 45 segons per llegir les preguntes. Cada text el sentiràs tres vegades i, a mesura que
l’escoltis, has de respondre a les preguntes en el quadern.
. Comprensió lectora. Has de llegir atentament dos textos i respondre a unes preguntes en el quadern.

Quan acabis, no t’oblidis de marcar les respostes a la PART 1.

Per respondre a les preguntes marca amb una X la casella corresponent. Només hi ha una resposta
correcta per a cada pregunta. Si t’equivoques, omple tot el quadrat i marca de nou amb una X la resposta
correcta. Per tornar a marcar com a correcta una resposta prèviament emplenada, encercla-la.
. La PART 2 és per escriure la redacció d’entre 40-50 paraules. Si no la fas o és massa curta, es veurà
afectada la teva puntuació. Si necessites fer un esborrany, pots utilitzar l’espai indicat en el quadern (DRAFT).

. En acabar la prova, no t’oblidis de respondre a la pregunta de valoració que hi ha a la PART 1.

. Per fer la prova utilitza un bolígraf.

. No facis servir cap corrector (líquid, cinta...).

You will hear Listening 1 three times. Listen carefully and tick the correct
answer. Now look at the questions for this part. You have 45 seconds.


1. Tim phones Claire because he…

a. is organizing a party.
b. wants to go to the park.
c. is having his birthday.

2. Amy is Tim’s…
a. sister.
b. friend.
c. classmate.

3. The surprise party will be in…

a. March.
b. June.
c. May.

4. They are going to invite friends from the school and the…
a. cooking club.
b. sport club.
c. arts club.

5. Tim needs their to invite them.

a. emails
b. addresses
c. phone numbers

6. They think that the weather will be the day of the party.
a. hot
b. rainy
c. windy

7. Amy’s favourite flavours are chocolate and…

a. mint.
b. vanilla.
c. strawberry.

2 avaluació educació primària

competència lingüística:

llengua anglesa


You will hear Listening 2 three times. Listen carefully and tick the correct
answer. Now look at the questions for this part. You have 45 seconds.


8. Someone arrives home. Who is it?

a. Dad.
b. Ann.
c. Mum.

9. They are…
a. at Ann’s room.
b. in the living room.
c. in the swimming pool.

10. At East Park secondary school at 8.30.

a. lessons start
b. lessons finish
c. the break starts

11. Nelson is the secondary school.

a. nearest
b. furthest
c. biggest

12. Ann wants to go to a secondary school…

a. on foot.
b. by bike.
c. by bus.

13. Nelson secondary school offers…

a. special sports activities.
b. a foreign languages programme.
c. a drama and theatre programme.

14. Ann’s favourite hobby is…

a. swimming.
b. travelling.
c. reading.

avaluació educació primària 3


Read this text carefully and tick the correct answers.


“Sea wild life” is a fantastic documentary movie. It is a journey* through the magic of
the deep blue sea and an experience to learn a lot about some animals that live under
the water.

PLACE: Cineworld cinema.

DIRECTOR: French biologist, Isabel Baudry.
LANGUAGE: French from Monday to Friday. English on Saturdays.
TIMETABLE: 17:00 and 20:00
LENGTH: 50 minutes

Do you want to feel like a fish under the water? In our cinema, this is possible: our films
are 3D films and have many special effects to make the experience feel real. Here you
have some information about the animals you will see in this amazing movie.

The orca, also called the killer whale, is the largest member of
the dolphin family. They have long and rounded bodies with
white patches. They can be 8 metres long and weigh** about
5,000 kg. Orcas live from 30 to 50 years in the wild. They eat
fish, squid, and marine mammals such as seals and dolphins.

Sharks live in waters all over the world. There are sharks of all sizes:
they can be smaller than a person’s hand or bigger than a bus. They
have no bones. Their skeleton is made up of cartilage, a substance
softer than bone. There are about 368 different species of sharks.
Two of the best-known*** sharks are the Great White shark and
the Bull shark.

Piranhas can only be found in the tropical areas of South

America. There are about 12 different species of piranhas. The
most common is the red piranha. They eat other fish, frogs,
insects or birds but some piranhas eat seeds and fruit that fall
into the water. They are not as dangerous as people think. They
don’t usually attack a large animal unless they are very hungry.
They often attack animals smaller than themselves. In theory, it is safe to swim in rivers that
are full of piranhas in the wet season, which is from September to April, but better not to
take the risk.

* journey: viatge
** weigh: pesen
*** best-known: més coneguts

4 avaluació educació primària

competència lingüística:

llengua anglesa


15. The documentary is shown in English on…

a. Fridays.
b. Mondays.
c. Saturdays.

16. How long does the film take?

a. 60 minutes.
b. Less than an hour.
c. An hour and a half.

17. It has got a rating.

a. five out of five
b. really poor
c. very good

18. This is a 3D documentary movie with special effects.

a. not many
b. a lot of
c. a few

19. Orcas and killer whales…

a. live in different oceans.
b. are the same animal.
c. are a bit different.

avaluació educació primària 5


20. In the sentence “there are sharks of all sizes,” what does ‘size’ mean?
a. How big or small something is.
b. How dangerous an animal can be.
c. How nice or unpleasant an animal can be.

21. A shark’s skeleton is made up of…

a. muscles.
b. cartilage.
c. bones.

22. What do piranhas eat?

a. Fruit and mainly small animals.
b. Only large animals.
c. Killer whales.

23. Piranhas can attack large animals when they are extremely…
a. angry.
b. hungry.
c. nervous.

6 avaluació educació primària

competència lingüística:

llengua anglesa


24. According to the text, when is it safe to swim in a river with piranhas?
a. From September to April.
b. From April to September.
c. From September to May.

25. Put the information as it appears in the text.

A. B. C.
Information about Name of the Information about when and
three animals. documentary. where you can see the movie.

a. B A C
b. C A B
c. B C A

26. This text is about…

a. carnivorous animals.
b. a movie about sea animals.
c. wildlife tv programmes for kids.

avaluació educació primària 7


Read this text carefully and tick the correct answers.

Hello, my name is Neferet and I live in the city of Thebes, not far from the River Nile, in
Egypt. I am going to explain to you what ancient Egyptian civilization is like. It is not as
dark and mysterious as you may think. We love colours and life very much.
Health and hygiene are very important in Ancient Egypt. Thanks to the River Nile, we
have plenty of food. The ancient Egyptians love garlic and onions. We also like green
vegetables, lentils, fish, eggs, cheese and butter as well as a fruit juice made from dates*.

We love looking after ourselves. We can have more than a bath a day.
Pharaohs and the rich people use a kind of soap and some oils that
smell very good. The rest of the people bathe in the River Nile. We were
the first in history to invent toothpaste**. In Ancient Egypt,
both men and women put black make-up*** on our eyes.
Family life and education are very important. Children
have to be kind and honest. We have to respect and help our
parents, grandparents, neighbours and elderly people.
People work hard in Ancient Egypt. Many people work building
pyramids, which are tombs for our kings. Some people work in the
market selling food and others are doctors.
Our alphabet is made of Hieroglyphics. They are not letters like the
ones you have in your western alphabet. Hieroglyphics are symbols
in the form of pictures. We write on stones or papyrus, a kind of
paper made of a plant that grows in or near water.

* dates: dàtils
** toothpaste: pasta de dents
*** make-up: maquillatge

8 avaluació educació primària

competència lingüística:

llengua anglesa


27. Neferet talks about…

a. cities in Egypt.
b. ancient Egyptian civilization.
c. the most important river in the world.

28. Neferet says ancient Egyptian life…

a. is mysterious.
b. uses only dark colours.
c. is colourful and full of life.

29. The river is called…

a. The Nile.
b. Thebes.
c. Neferet.

30. Ancient Egyptians garlic and onions.

a. like
b. dislike
c. don’t like

31. According to the text, ancient Egyptians like a made from

a. cake
b. soup
c. juice

32. Rich people use when they have a bath.

a. a fruit juice and some butter
b. soap and some oils
c. milk and honey

avaluació educació primària 9


33. Ancient Egyptians…

a. never brush their teeth.
b. use toothpaste to brush their teeth.
c. brush their teeth with a plant called papyrus.

34. In ancient Egypt, use black make-up on their eyes.

a. only men
b. only women
c. men and women

35. Many ancient Egyptians…

a. work on the pyramids.
b. stay at home.
c. are teachers.

36. Pyramids are…

a. tombs.
b. houses.
c. green areas.

37. Which one is a hieroglyphic?

a. b. c.

38. This is a text about…

a. a period of history.
b. healthy food in history.
c. the flooding of the River Nile.

10 avaluació educació primària

competència lingüística:

llengua anglesa



Your school is participating in an online magazine with students from around the
world. In the first post you should introduce yourself.

For example:

My name is Jordi and I’m 12 years old. I’ve got a brother.

I live in a village not far from Barcelona. It’s small but there are shops.
I’ve got a hamster.
My hobbies are swimming and playing tennis.
My favourite subject is Maths.

Write about yourself. Here you have a guide to follow.

Write between 40 and 50 words.

About yourself: About the place where Other information:

− Name you live: − Pets
− Age − Is it big or small? − Hobbies
− Brothers or sisters? − Is it a city? Is it a village? − Subjects


Write about

Write about
the place
where you

Pets, hobbies,

Closing and

avaluació educació primària 11

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