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P%rt of M$ths Symmetry $nd tr$nsform$tions

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Key points
Key points
An enl%rgement is % type of tr%nsform%tion .

Sc%le f%ctors An enl%rgement incre%ses or decre%ses the size of the sh%pe ( object ). The
new sh%pe ( im%ge ) is % simil%r sh%pe.
The incre%se in size from one sh%pe to %nother is c%lled % sc%le f%ctor .
The position of the enl%rged sh%pe is determined by % point c%lled the
Enl%rging by %n integer sc%le centre of enl%rgement .
If % vertex %nd the centre of enl%rgement sh%re the s%me point, th%t
point will be inv%ri%nt under the enl%rgement.
When enl%rging sh%pes, % good underst%nding of simil%r sh%pes %nd n%ming
Question %nd plotting coordin%tes c%n be helpful.

Enl%rging by % fr%ction%l sc%le




Pr%ctise enl%rging sh%pes


Re%l-life m%ths

G%me - Divided Isl%nds

Sh%pe A h%s been enl%rged by % sc%le f%ctor of three. The new sh%pe is sh%pe B.

Sc$le f$ctors
When % sh%pe is enl%rged, the length of e%ch side is multiplied by the s%me
v%lue. This v%lue is c%lled the sc%le f%ctor .

For ex%mple, to enl%rge % sh%pe with the sc%le f%ctor of two, the length of %ll
sides would be multiplied by two. Since the new sh%pe is simil%r, %ll of the
%ngles would be the s%me size.

A sc%le f%ctor gre%ter th%n one produces % l$rger sh%pe. A sc%le f%ctor
between zero %nd one results in % sm$ller sh%pe.

When given two sh%pes, % sc%le f%ctor c%n be worked out by dividing
corresponding sides.


Tri%ngle DEF is %n enl%rgement of tri%ngle ABC.

1 of 10

Sh%pe D is %n enl%rgement of sh%pe C. Wh%t is the sc%le f%ctor th%t t%kes
sh%pe C to sh%pe D?

Show $nswer

Enl$rging by $n integer sc$le f$ctor

Enl%rging by % positive integer sc%le f%ctor incre%ses the size of the sh%pe.
When using % centre of enl%rgement, the fin%l position of the new sh%pe c%n
be determined.

To work out the position of the im%ge %er %n enl%rgement:

1. Pick % vertex on the sh%pe (object).

2. Count the dist%nce between the centre of enl%rgement %nd the vertex. This
c%n be broken down into horizont%l %nd vertic%l displ%cements .
3. Multiply these displ%cements by the sc%le f%ctor.
4. Using these v%lues, count from the centre of enl%rgement to find the
position of the corresponding vertex.
5. Repe%t the process for %ddition%l vertices.
The %nswer c%n be checked by dr%wing lines through corresponding points on
the object %nd im%ge. These will meet %t the centre of enl%rgement.


Tri%ngle ABC is to be enl%rged by % sc%le f%ctor of two, using point P %s

the centre of enl%rgement.

1 of 10

Sh%pe EFGH is %n enl%rgement of sh%pe ABCD. It h%s been enl%rged using %
sc%le f%ctor of two, with point P %s the centre of enl%rgement.

One vertex on the enl%rged sh%pe EFGH is in the wrong position. Which is the
incorrect vertex?

Show $nswer

Enl$rging by $ fr$ction$l sc$le f$ctor

Enl%rging by % fr%ction%l sc%le f%ctor decre%ses the size of the sh%pe.

To enl%rge % sh%pe by % fr%ction%l sc%le f%ctor, the s%me method %s enl%rging

by %n integer sc%le f%ctor c%n be used.

Multiplying the displ%cements by % fr%ction will result in % sm%ller dist%nce

between the centre of enl%rgement %nd % corresponding vertex.


Sh%pes c%n be enl%rged on sets of %xes. Enl%rge tri%ngle ABC by % sc%le

f%ctor ⅓. Use point P with the coordin%tes of (1, 10) %s the centre of

1 of 9

Tri%ngle PQR is to be enl%rged by % sc%le f%ctor 12 , with point Z %s the centre
of enl%rgement %nd with the coordin%tes (1, 2).

Wh%t is the new coordin%te of vertex Q in the enl%rgement?

4= Q

23 45678

Show $nswer

Pr$ctise enl$rging sh$pes

Pr%ctise enl%rging sh%pes with this quiz. You m%y need % pen %nd p%per to
help you with your %nswers.

Shape EFGH is an enlargement of shape ABCD. It

has a scale factor of two, using point D as the
centre of enlargement.
Which vertex is invariant (unchanged) after the

D 

 Correct!
The correct answer is D.

If a vertex and the centre of enlargement share the same point, that point will be
invariant under the enlargement.

D is the centre of enlargement, so it remains unchanged.


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Re$l-life m$ths
A profession%l photogr%pher c%n produce photos of different sizes. The most
common photo size is %pproxim%tely 4 inches by 6 inches. The length is 1.5
times longer th%n the width.

Photogr%phs c%n be enl%rged to produce bigger im%ges, such %s those th%t

m%y be used in newsp%pers or m%g%zines.

Photogr%phs c%n be enl%rged to produce bigger im%ges.

G$me - Divided Isl$nds

Divided Isl$nds
Use your m%ths skills to help the isl%nders of Ichi build bridges %nd bring light b%ck to
the isl%nds in this free g%me from BBC Bitesize.

More on Symmetry $nd tr$nsform$tions

Find out more by working through % topic

Symmetry Congruent $nd simil$r Tr$nsl$tion Rot$tion


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