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P%rt of M$ths Symmetry $nd tr$nsform$tions

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Key points
Key points
An enl%rgement is % type of tr%nsform%tion .

Sc%le f%ctors An enl%rgement incre%ses or decre%ses the size of the sh%pe ( object ). The
new sh%pe ( im%ge ) is % simil%r sh%pe.
The incre%se in size from one sh%pe to %nother is c%lled % sc%le f%ctor .
The position of the enl%rged sh%pe is determined by % point c%lled the
Enl%rging by %n integer sc%le centre of enl%rgement .
If % vertex %nd the centre of enl%rgement sh%re the s%me point, th%t
point will be inv%ri%nt under the enl%rgement.
When enl%rging sh%pes, % good underst%nding of simil%r sh%pes %nd n%ming
Question %nd plotting coordin%tes c%n be helpful.

Enl%rging by % fr%ction%l sc%le




Pr%ctise enl%rging sh%pes


Re%l-life m%ths

G%me - Divided Isl%nds

Sh%pe A h%s been enl%rged by % sc%le f%ctor of three. The new sh%pe is sh%pe B.

Sc$le f$ctors
When % sh%pe is enl%rged, the length of e%ch side is multiplied by the s%me
v%lue. This v%lue is c%lled the sc%le f%ctor .

For ex%mple, to enl%rge % sh%pe with the sc%le f%ctor of two, the length of %ll
sides would be multiplied by two. Since the new sh%pe is simil%r, %ll of the
%ngles would be the s%me size.

A sc%le f%ctor gre%ter th%n one produces % l$rger sh%pe. A sc%le f%ctor
between zero %nd one results in % sm$ller sh%pe.

When given two sh%pes, % sc%le f%ctor c%n be worked out by dividing
corresponding sides.


Tri%ngle DEF is %n enl%rgement of tri%ngle ABC.

1 of 10

Sh%pe D is %n enl%rgement of sh%pe C. Wh%t is the sc%le f%ctor th%t t%kes
sh%pe C to sh%pe D?

Show $nswer

Enl$rging by $n integer sc$le f$ctor

Enl%rging by % positive integer sc%le f%ctor incre%ses the size of the sh%pe.
When using % centre of enl%rgement, the fin%l position of the new sh%pe c%n
be determined.

To work out the position of the im%ge %er %n enl%rgement:

1. Pick % vertex on the sh%pe (object).

2. Count the dist%nce between the centre of enl%rgement %nd the vertex. This
c%n be broken down into horizont%l %nd vertic%l displ%cements .
3. Multiply these displ%cements by the sc%le f%ctor.
4. Using these v%lues, count from the centre of enl%rgement to find the
position of the corresponding vertex.
5. Repe%t the process for %ddition%l vertices.
The %nswer c%n be checked by dr%wing lines through corresponding points on
the object %nd im%ge. These will meet %t the centre of enl%rgement.


Tri%ngle ABC is to be enl%rged by % sc%le f%ctor of two, using point P %s

the centre of enl%rgement.

1 of 10

Sh%pe EFGH is %n enl%rgement of sh%pe ABCD. It h%s been enl%rged using %
sc%le f%ctor of two, with point P %s the centre of enl%rgement.

One vertex on the enl%rged sh%pe EFGH is in the wrong position. Which is the
incorrect vertex?

Show $nswer

Enl$rging by $ fr$ction$l sc$le f$ctor

Enl%rging by % fr%ction%l sc%le f%ctor decre%ses the size of the sh%pe.

To enl%rge % sh%pe by % fr%ction%l sc%le f%ctor, the s%me method %s enl%rging

by %n integer sc%le f%ctor c%n be used.

Multiplying the displ%cements by % fr%ction will result in % sm%ller dist%nce

between the centre of enl%rgement %nd % corresponding vertex.


Sh%pes c%n be enl%rged on sets of %xes. Enl%rge tri%ngle ABC by % sc%le

f%ctor ⅓. Use point P with the coordin%tes of (1, 10) %s the centre of

1 of 9

Tri%ngle PQR is to be enl%rged by % sc%le f%ctor 12 , with point Z %s the centre
of enl%rgement %nd with the coordin%tes (1, 2).

Wh%t is the new coordin%te of vertex Q in the enl%rgement?

4= Q

23 45678

Show $nswer

Pr$ctise enl$rging sh$pes

Pr%ctise enl%rging sh%pes with this quiz. You m%y need % pen %nd p%per to
help you with your %nswers.

Shape F is an enlargement of shape E by a scale

factor of two.
What are the coordinates for the centre of
(5, 6)

(6, 7)

(5, 7) 

(6, 6)

 Incorrect!
The correct answer is (5, 7).

Lines connecting corresponding points meet at the centre of enlargement.

These lines all meet at the point with coordinate (5, 7).

Therefore, the centre of enlargement is (5, 7).


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Re$l-life m$ths
A profession%l photogr%pher c%n produce photos of different sizes. The most
common photo size is %pproxim%tely 4 inches by 6 inches. The length is 1.5
times longer th%n the width.

Photogr%phs c%n be enl%rged to produce bigger im%ges, such %s those th%t

m%y be used in newsp%pers or m%g%zines.

Photogr%phs c%n be enl%rged to produce bigger im%ges.

G$me - Divided Isl$nds

Divided Isl$nds
Use your m%ths skills to help the isl%nders of Ichi build bridges %nd bring light b%ck to
the isl%nds in this free g%me from BBC Bitesize.

More on Symmetry $nd tr$nsform$tions

Find out more by working through % topic

Symmetry Congruent $nd simil$r Tr$nsl$tion Rot$tion


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